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1、T,ABLE,MANNERS,IN,THE,C,HINA,W,EST,AND,IN,I,NTRODUCTION,Table manners play an important part in making a good,impression,Here are some basic tips to help you,Table manners,餐桌禮儀,Impression,印象,Tips,訣竅,C,OSTUME,You can wear what you like, just make,sure it is fit for your age, job and,character. and re

2、member the key is to be,tidy,T,IME,If you are the host, inform your guests early,and people can arrange their time,The host can never be late, and youd better,be half an hour earlier,The guest can be in time or 5-10 min later,S,ITTING,DOWN,Although Chinese like to eat at the round-table,the differen

3、t seats have different suggestions,The main seat that should be seated by the most,important person is the one facing the door,with the best view,The second best one is the seat on the left hand of,the main one ,usually for the host,Then the right part followed by the left part,Because in our point,

4、 the right is inferior to the,left,The last is the person who is sitting in the,opposite of the main seat,U,SING,UTENSILS,Dont stick your chopsticks upright in the rice,bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish,Dont point at anyone with your chopsticks,Dont tap on your bowl with your chopsticks,E,ATING,c

5、old dishes,main courses,Soup,staple food,E,ATING,Sit up straight with your arms near your body,Do invite the host and everyone else to begin eating,by going “chi” (eat) before yourself,Do try a bit of everything if you are an invited guest,E,ATING,Do not use your own utensils to get food but the,com

6、munal ones that come along with the dish,Never take the last bit from a serving dish,Do not smoke or talk about sad experiences,Do not talk with your mouth full,E,ATING,Dont eat too fast or too slowly, be in accordance,with the host,be served with two pieces of lemon in it. Dont,mistake that for dri

7、nk. Its for washing your hands,After you eat the seafood, a cup of water will also,D,RINKING,Gan Bei! Besides beer, the official Chinese,alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu, high-proof Chinese,liquor made from assorted grains,There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. The,Beijing favorite is called Er Guo Tou,

8、 which is a,whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are,Maotai and Wuliangye,D,RINKING,If you dont want to be drunk, you can say Im,allergic before dinner,Do fill your neighbors cups before you do yours,If you are the proposer, keep your hand and cup,lower unless you are the leader or the senior,L,EAVI

9、NG,say thank you and invite in return,W,ESTERN,TABLE,MANNERS,Of course, the main difference on the,Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of,knife and fork, but thats only superficial,The real difference is that in the West, you,have your own plate of food, while in China,the dishes are placed o

10、n the table and,everyone shares,S,ITTING,DOWN,At a very formal dinner name cards will show you,where you should sit,If there are no name cards on the tables, the,host will take you to the correct place,If you are at a romantic dinner, the man should,push the womans chair,out,for her,Sometimes the wa

11、iter will do this,U,SING,THE,NAPKIN,The meal actually begins when the host or,hostess unfolds his or her,napkin,You should,never attempt to call the waiters or other staff,to assist you before the meal begins,Place the napkin on your lap,If it is small,unfold it completely,If it is big,fold it in ha

12、lf, lengthwise,U,SING,THE,NAPKIN,Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so,take it out and put it on your side plate,The napkin stays on your lap the whole time,If you need to leave the table during the meal,place your napkin on your chair as a signal to,your server that you will come back,Y

13、ou should only dab your lips and should not,make the napkin dirty,U,SING,THE,NAPKIN,Never wipe your silverware with your napkin,Once the meal is over, you should place your,napkin loosely on the table to the right of,your dinner plate,It should not be crumpled or twisted, which,reveal untidiness or

14、nervousness,Nor should it be folded, which might show,that you think your host might reuse it,without washing,O,RDERING,If there is something you don,t understand on the menu,ask your server any questions you may have. Answering,your questions is part of the server,s job,O,RDERING,An employer will g

15、enerally let you order first; his or her,order will be taken last. Sometimes, however, the server,will decide who orders first. Often, women,s orders are,taken before men,s,Order,Decide,點菜,決定,O,RDERING,As a guest you should not order one of the most,expensive items on the menu or more than two cours

16、es,unless your host shows that it is all right,Guest,Course,客人,一道菜,T,HE,M,ENU,Read the menu to decide what you want to eat,Decide,決定,T,HE,M,ENU,T,HE,T,ABLE,S,ETTING,The knives and soupspoon are always on the right,The forks are always on the left,Where do all the plates and glasses go? A simple,way

17、to remember is solids to the left, liquids to,the right. Your salad and bread plates are to,the left of the dinner plate; your water and wine,glasses are to the right,T,HE,T,ABLE,S,ETTING,Butter,Knife,Dessert,Cake Fork,spoon,White Wine,Red,Wine,Glass,Glass,Champagne,Glass,Bread & Butter,Plate,Napkin

18、,Fish,Knife,Soup spoon,Dinner Knife,Salad Fork,Soup,Dinner fork,Dinner plate,plate/bowl,T,HE,T,ABLE,S,ETTING,Dinner Fork,Salad Fork,Soup Spoon,Dessert Spoon,Butter Knife,Butter,奶油,Dinner Knife,Dessert,餐後甜點,T,HE,T,ABLE,S,ETTING,White Wine Glass,Red Wine Glass,Champagne,Glass,Champagne,香檳酒,U,SING,THE,

19、KNIVES,FORKS,AND,SPOONS,The rule of thumb is to work your way in from,the outside of the place setting,When you need to cut something, you should hold,the fork in your left hand and the knife in your,right hand,U,SING,THE,KNIVES,FORKS,AND,SPOONS,After cutting off a small piece,you,put your,knife and

20、 fork down, pick the fork up with,your right hand and eat it,the American,Style,you put the food directly into your,mouth with your left hand,the European,Style,relax your fingers,When you hold the knife or fork, you should,U,SING,THE,KNIVES,FORKS,AND,SPOONS,Never let the knife, fork or spoon touch

21、the,table after you start eating,When you take a break from eating, you,simply put your knife and fork on the plate,with the tines and blade facing up and,inward,When you have finished eating, you should,put your knife and fork together pointing to,the left . The fork is closest to you, and the,knif

22、e is right behind it, with the blade facing,inward,P,OSTURE,Sit up straight with your arms near your body,Don,t put your elbows on the table,posture,elbow,姿勢,姿態,肘部,E,ATING,Appetizers (The Salad Course,The Soup Course,The Fish Course,The Meat Course,Desserts,Drinks,T,AKING,SOMETHING,OUT,OF,YOUR,MOUTH

23、,Your may take fish bones out with your hand,E,ATING,S,OUP,Dip the spoon in the soup away from your body,Sip the liquid from the side of the spoon,Dont put the whole spoon in your mouth,Do not blow on the soup to cool it off. Let,it cool before eating,E,ATING,B,READ,Take some butter and put it on th

24、e plate,Break a piece of bread off with your hand,Put some butter on the small piece,Dont spread the butter over the whole piece of,bread,M,ORE,N,OTICE,Salads are eaten using a salad fork or with salad,knife,The meat is eaten with a knife and fork,M,ORE,N,OTICE,All puddings and sweet dishes should b

25、e,eaten with a small fork or dessert fork,Fruit tarts, ices or fruit salads, dessert,spoon is used,When eating cheese, small pieces of cheese,should be pushed with the knife to a small,bread or biscuit and conveyed to the mouth,with thumb and finger,M,ORE,N,OTICE,If somebody asks you to pass the salt, you,should pick up both the salt and the pepper,Put,them on the table near the pers


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