



1、Unit7A letter to a penfriend教案一、教学内容:牛津小学英 6B Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend二、教材分析:本 元围绕 “写信 ” 一主 ,从 自己的笔友入手到着手 笔友回信,把有关 “自我介 ”、 “ 他人情况 ”、 “征求意 ”等日常交 用 、 和句型有机 合起来,并运用于 和 文之中。 教 在教学中可根据学生的 趣和需要开展丰富多彩的活 。 在教学 程中, 教 因引 学生思考、 体 用英 与他人 行 信交流的 程, 将 言学 渗透到学生生活中去, 以培养学生运用英 行交 的意 和能力。三、教学目 :1、能听懂、会 、会 和会拼写

2、和句子letter, penfriend, Can I have ?What for? I want to2 、能听懂、会 和会 、 和日常交 用 read, envelope, both, address, writing paper, be going to , I hope so.3 、理解、掌握 文 ,能正确流利地朗 、背 。4 、能在相似的情景中运用所学 言,写一封信,表达真 的思想。四、教学重 点:1、 能听懂、会 、会 和会拼写 和句子letter, penfriend, Can I have ?What for?I want to2 、理解、掌握 文 ,能正确流利地朗 、背 。

3、五、教学准 :1、教 准 : 件、信封、信 、 票、信(准 写 外国小朋友的)2 、学生准 : 前 ,跟 A 部分 。六、教学 程:Step1 Free talk and lead in1. talk show: my best friend2. lead inT: I think all of you have your own friends, because a good friend is a good book,but how do you contact with your friends?Ss: We canT: Do you have a QQ number? We can b

4、e QQ friends,I like making friends very much. Liutao wants to make friends,too.Step2 Listen, read and say1. pre-readingWatch and answer: Who does Liu Tao want to make friend with?T: Who s this boy? Who does Liu Tao want to make friend with? What第 1页kind of friend?Ss: He sPeter.A penfriend.2.while-re

5、ading(1) Learn the foreword 听序言 音, 找找Liu Tao 什么想写信 Peter.T: Liu Tao wants to write to peter. Why? Listen to the tape. How does he know Peter?He finds Petersinformation in the newspaper.(Ss齐读 )(2) 体感知 文: watch and numberT: Liutao wants to make friends with Peter. Now Liutao is talking tohis mother .C

6、an you guess? What are they talking about?Ss: 学生 三个 : Who sPeter? What does Liutao need? What is Liutao going to tell Peter?T: Watch and number.(3) Learn the first dialogue.a. Think: What does Liu Tao need to write a letter?T: Today Liutao wants to write a letter to Peter. What does he need?Read the

7、 first dialogue and find the answer.(4) Learn the second dialogue.a. 学生 , 会提出 ,来了解 Peter.T: Liu Tao is telling Mum about his penfriend, Peter. But does his mother know Peter? So she will have a lot of questions. What questions will she ask? Can you guess and predict.Ss: (T: Write Peater spenfriend w

8、anted on the blackboard.)b. 填写 Peter 的信息卡片 ,并小 。T: Please open your books, and turn to page 55. Read and complete Liu Tao sdetails.T: Who sPeter? Can you say something about Peter. Now weKnow Peter shobbies. What are Tiutaoshobbies? How do you know?Ss: They both have the same hobbies.(5) Learn the t

9、hird dialogue.分小 自由朗 ,圈出 Liu Tao 将会告 Peter 的信息。T: Look here, I have a question for you. What is Liu Tao going to tell第 2页Peter? Please open your books again, read it in pairs, and circle the answers.T: Listen.Answer.(6) Read after the tape, Read by yourselves.3. post-reading(1) Try to retell the tex

10、t.(2) Choose one to be your penfriend.T: There are some students from London, read the informations then choose one to be your penfriend.T: Who do you want to be your penfriend? Why do you choose? What are you going to tell him/her?(3) A letter to your penfriend Step3 HomeworkT: This is today shomew

11、ork, read this letter by yourself, talk aboutwith your partner. Then try to write a letter to your new penfriend.Step4 The endT: I have a sentence for you.A friend is a gift you give yourself.朋友是你给自己最好的礼物。【教学反思】这节课我由 talk show “my best friends ”引入新课,通过 How does Liutao know Peter? 学习了前言部分。整篇文章采用了总分来教

12、学, 通过学生看图猜想刘涛和妈妈会说什么, 总结出关于课文的三个问题, 再由学生观看录像总体感知课文, 给三个问题排序。 接下来, 通过听说读写结合课文分段来解析这三个板块。最后通过跟读录音,自由读,复述课文来巩固课文的学习。拓展部分我设计了挑选一个笔友, 写信给笔友的环节, 由我的笔友引出他班级里的学生来介绍给学生作为笔友, 学生选择一个来写一封信给他的笔友。六年级的英语教学是关注学生学习的一个过程,教学中教师要有大量的语言输入给学生, 学生才能有大量的语言输出。 在教学中要留给学生思考的空间,不能一味的跟着老师一步一步走。上完这节课,在同事和听课老师的帮助下发现了自己很多不第 3页足的地方。第一、自身语言素质有待提高。平时口语


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