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1、Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Structures: Relative clause withthatandwhoTarget language:I like music that I can sing along with.Vocabulary:lyric, gentle, remind of, exhibition, prefer, photographer, energyLearning strategies:Listening for specific informa

2、tionTransforming informationSECTION AGoalsTo learn to use Relative clause withthatandwho To listen to and talk about music ProceduresWarming up by studying“Grammar Focus”Hi, morning. Today we shall take up unit 6“I like music that I can dance to.”But first we shall studying“Grammar Focus”. Turn to p

3、age 45.Relative clause withthatandwhoWhat kind of music do you likeRosa likes music thats quiet and gentleI love singers who write their own music.We prefer music that has great lyrics.Pay attention to the circle words. What do they serve asPay attention to the underline clauses. What do they serve

4、as1a Looking and circlingTurn to page 44, look at the picture and circle the sentences you agree with. Makeyour own sentences like this: I like music thatI like music that is written in China.I like music that sounds sweet.I like music that we can dance to.I like music that isnt too low.I like music

5、 that has good lyrics.I like music that we can easily sing along with.I like music that is made by our music teacher.1b Listening and checkingListen to the tape and check the music that Tony and Betty like.Musicthat I canMusicthathasMusic thatIcandance togreat lyricssing along withTonyBettyTapescrip

6、tBetty:Oh, look. There s the new Cool Kids CD.Tony: The Cool Kids Do you like themBetty:Oh, yeah. Theyre my favorite band. I like musicthat I can dance to.Tony:Youre kidding. I thinkthey re awful. Iprefermusic thathas greatlyricsmusic that I can sing along with.Betty:I like songs I can sing along wi

7、th too. So what s your favorite bandTony:The Lions. Their words are interesting andUnderline the Relative clause with that and whoin the listeningtapescript for1bon the blackboard.1c Doing pairworkNow in pairs talk about the music you like.A: What kind of music do you likeB: I like music that I can

8、sing along with.A: I prefer music that has great lyrics.A: What kind of music do you likeB: I like music that I can that I can dance to.A: I prefer music that I can sing along with.2a Listening and circlingGo to page 45 and listento circle“T” for true or“F” for false.Underline on the blackboard all

9、the Relative clause with that and who and circle“that ” or “who” in the relative sentences. TapescriptBoy: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.Girl:What a greatT-shirt,Xu Fei.Ireallylove Dan Dervish.I likemusicians whoplay different kinds of music.Boy: Hmmm he s okay Girl:Hes on

10、ly okay! You must be joking.Boy:Well I like musicianswho write their own songs. DanDervish doesn t write his own music.Girl:Hmm. Well, I think hes great.Boy:The Moderns T-shirt is interesting.Girl:The Modern arereallygreat.Ilovemusic that s reallyloudand energetic .Boy:I know you do but I prefer gro

11、upsthat play quiet and gentle songs.2b Listening and completingListen to the Tapescript in 2a again and complete the sentences in the box on page45 in 2b.About The modernAbout Dan DervishXu Fei says1.Iprefergroupsthat3.Ilikemusicianswhoplayquietandgentlewrite their own songs.songs.Carman says2.Ilove

12、musicthats4.Ilikemusicianswhoreallyloudand energetic.playdifferentkindsofmusic.2c Doing pairworkIn pairs make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.A: Does Xu Fei like The ModernB: No, he doesn t. H e prefers groups that play quiet and gentle songs.A: Does Carman like groupsthatplay qui

13、et and gentlesongs.B: No, she prefers music thats really loud and energetic.3a Reading and matchingNext you are going to read Jennifers CD review. Then matchthe sentences partson page 46.1.It s the kind of musicthat you can dance to.(d)2.She likes musician who write their own lyrics.(a)3.She doesn t

14、 like songsthat are too long.(e)4.She likes singers who sings the words clearly.(c)5.The music is like Brazilian dance music.(b)3b Doing pairworkYou are going to talk with your partner about a CD you listened to recently. Askand answer the questions as is on page 46 in activity 3a.A: What CD did you

15、 listen to recentlyA: What CD did you listen to recentlyB: I listened toone called Heart Strings.B: I listened to one called China China.A: What do you think of itA: What do you think of itB: I enjoy it a lot.B: I enjoy it a lot.A: WhyA: WhyB: The singer writes her own songs. IB: It s the kind of mu

16、sic that you canprefersingerswho write theirowndance to. I prefer music that we can dancelyrics.to.4 Doing pairworkComplete the survey on page 46 and then go to find classmates who agree with you.My opinionClassmates who agreesI like groups thatdance to their songs.Ju HongxiaI love singerswhoaretall

17、and Li Dongmingbeautiful.I can t stand musicthat is toolong.Zhao HexingI d ont like musicianswho look likeWang Baofengaliens.Closing down by singing a clean-up songClean-up,Clean-up,Everybody, Everywhere!Clean-up,Clean-up,Everybody do your share!SECTION BGoalsTo practise Relative clause withthatandw

18、ho To read movie reviews ProceduresWarming up by making sentences containing Relative clause withthat andwhoGood morning, class! To begin with lets compete with each other to make as manysentences containing Relative clause with that and whoAs possible.I like music that I can sing along with.Rosa li

19、kes music thats quiet and gentle.I love singers who write their own music.We prefer music that has great lyrics.I like groups that dance to their songs.I love singers who are tall and beautiful.I c ant stand musicthat is too long.I don t like musicianswho look like aliens.1 Filling the chartWhat are

20、 your favoriteband, book and movie Fillinthe charton page 47 withtheirnames.Band六甲乐队SixPlus,阿妹妹AiMiN,阿修罗乐队Ashura,动力火车PowerStation,达达乐队 The DaDa,功夫 GongFu 花儿乐队 The Flowers黑鸭子演唱组 Hei Ya Zi,哈狗帮 Mc HotdogBook1.DR. ERNEST DRAKES DRAGONOLOGY2. EGYPTOLOGY3. THE DRAGONOLOGY HANDBOOK4. OH, THE PLACES YOULL G

21、O!5. 10 LITTLE RUBBER DUCKSMovieMy 10 Best Childrens Movies10. RUGRATS (TV series)9. MIGHTY DUCKS8. LITTLE RASCALS7. MATILDA6. HOOK5. CINDERELLA4. WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY3. SOUND OF MUSIC2. ANNIE1. ETItsso amazingto have a favoriteband. Truly.a one and only favorite.A favoriteband neve

22、r gets old, and stays with you throughout years. No matter what age yougrowto, themusic isyour soundtrack;itbrings familiarityandcheer andoverwhelming comfort. That one band and its collection of music is ALWAYS yourFAVORITE!2a Listening and writingNext you are going to listen to a dialogue between

23、Michael and Ali and write downthe three things they talked about.TapescriptBoy1: Wow, you sure have lots of cool stuff. What a great jacket!Boy2:Yeah, it s new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.Boy1:Yeah, me too. Say is thata new book over thereBoy2:Yes, it is. Its a book about voll

24、eyball. It tells abouthow to become a good player.Boy1: Is it goodBoy2:Yeah, its great. I like writers who explain things well.Boy1: Me too. Ummmm, MichaelBoy2: YesBoy1:Uhhh Where did you get that movie posterBoy2: Oh, the Monster Lizard poster My brother got it for me. He works at a movietheater.Bo

25、y1:It s a great poster.Boy2: Yeah, it is. I love movies that are about monsters, dont youBoy1: I suredo. Say Michael Do you thinkyour brothercouldgeta MonsterLizardposter for meBoy2:Probably. Ill ask him.Boy1: That would be great.Find out alltheexpressionsin theirtalkand copy them afterclassinto you

26、rphrasebook.have lots of cool stuff, a great jacket, really like it, like clothes that areunusual, a book about volleyball, tell about how to become a good player, explainthingswell,getthat movieposter,getitfor me, workat a movietheater,a greatposter, love movies that are about monsters, get arLizar

27、dposter for meMonste2b Listening and writingYou are going to listen to the dialogue again and write what Michael likes and whyhe likes each thing.What Michael likesWhy he likes itjacketHe likes clothes that are unusual.bookHe likeswriterswho explain things well.movieHe lovesmoviesthat are about mons

28、ters.2c Doing groupworkIn groups you are todiscussyour favoritethingsfrom activity1.Say why you likeeach thing.I like movies that that are sad. I loveOh, I don t. I like movies that have“Sinking Ship ”.scary monster.I really like“A HeadlessMan”.I like writers who explain things well.Oh, I dont. Ilik

29、e writersthat describefeelings well.3a Reading and circlingOn page 48 arethreereviews. Circlethe thingsthereviewerslike,andunderlinewhat they dont like.While you are reading them the second time, darken all therelative clauses and useful expressions.Yellow River FishermenThis is Hong Taos latest mov

30、ie. Ilike Hong Tao. He s madesome great movies over theyears . Unfortunately,thisis theworstmovie.If yourelookingforentertainment,stay athome and watchTV. YellowRiverFisherman is toolong, and its really boring. It does have a few good features, though. I thoughtthe fishermans wife wasreally funny.Am

31、y Kim, PhotographyBe sureto see thisexhibitionat the Lido Gallery. AmyKim isone ofthebest knownChinese photographers in the world today, and some of her best loved photos are ondisplay in this exhibition. She really has something for everyone. There are manygreat photos of people and of the countrys

32、ide. The few city photographs are lesssuccessful. I see the same things every day and they dontinterest me as much.But this is a great show from a world class photographer.Whatever you do, dontmiss the exhibition.Wild and WindyOver the years , weve seen musicalgroups withprettystrangenames come and

33、go. Few have stranger names than this band. As the name suggests,the band has lots of energy. And they play the kind of music that I love to hear.Every song is really loud and often you cantunderstand the words, but this isokay because the lyricsaren t very good. However, these are musicianswho make

34、us happy even on a Monday morning!3b Reading and completingRead the three reviews again to find information to complete the chart on page 48.ProsConsMoviesThe fisherman s wife wasIt is toolong,and reallyfunny.boring.ExhibitionAmy Kimthe few city photographsBandthe kind of musicthe lyrics3c Writing a

35、 reviewWhat is the last book you read What is the last CD you listened to What is the lastmovie you saw Write a review of either the book, the CD or the movie.LighthousekeepingByTrashcanJoe:Wrong SideDark WaterJeannette Wintersonof TownDark WaterisaJapaneseHarcourtI couldntbe more excitedghost story

36、 turned into aAnorphantakeninbyato announce Trashcan Joe onblindlighthousekeeperCD Baby.Ifirstheardfinds his stories providetheseguys atabirthdaykeys tofindtheway outofpartyin Taiyuan.Let meherown pastsdarkness.tell you, as soon as theseAmericanmotionpicture.Lighthousekeepingisaguys startplayingon t

37、heirDark Waterhas plenty ofmoving,poeticstoryofinstruments,everyonecreepymoments,but fewjourneysintolightandshutsup and dances along.scares,anditbecomesthepower ofstorytelling,Thereisanunmistakablebogged down in setup. Thepayoffisalsoa littlerecommended foroldergenius in this catchy mixdisappointing

38、inthat itteens who will relish theof 1920s style jazz, folkmines familiar territory,lyrical language.and blues that leaves allofferinglittlethatsthe others in the dust.original or surprising.4 Filling in the calendarOn page 48 is a calendar. You are going to fill in it with events to happen nextweek

39、 in your city.MondayTuesdayWednesdaThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayyAYellowAmovieApolarWind andAmi Kim isHong TaoApaperRivercalledbearWindy willarrivingwillscaryPhotographySinkingwillbecometo give alook formonsterExhibitionHeartsgivingplayingspeech.actorswillbewillbe put onwillbebirth toAmericanforhisco

40、mpleteddisplay.shown.ayoungmusic.new.polarmovie.bear.Closing down by listening to musicTo end thisday we shalllistento music by Red StrawberryBand called“Never GrowOld”.SELF CHECKblanksOn page 49 is a box with 5 incomplete sentences. Read them andfill in a given word. You may make necessary changes

41、to the form of the word.1. I prefer classical music to pop music.2. That man reminds me of my English teacher. They wear the same clothes.3.Werelooking for a quiet place to go on vacation. Do you know a good place4.I loveeating ice cream on a hot day. Theres n othing better!5. I cant stand hamburger

42、s! They make me feel sick.2. Reading and writingNext on page 49 is an e-mail. Read it, circle all the linking words, underline the expressions and write a reply to Lingling.Subject: Hong KongFrom: LinglingDear pen pal,I m having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say thatI p

43、refer Shanghai. Still, its a great place to visit andformy six-monthEnglishcourse.Some otherstudentslike to learn some too. What languages would you like to learnI m lucky to be hereare learningFrench.I mightTheres just so much to see and do here. Last night Iwent to a Chinese musicconcert.Most of m

44、y friendslike loud music thatthey can dance to.I preferquiet,traditional music so the concert suited me just fine. What kinds of music do youlikeBefore the concert we went for Italian food. Do you like it Thererelots ofdifferent kinds of foodhere. I dont know what to try next. What kinds of fooddo y

45、ou preferMy host family is taking me over to an Indian film festivalnext weekend. I mnot sure what to expect becauseI ve never seen an Indian film. Have you Somepeoplesay they reboring,otherssay they regreat. What kindsof filmsdo youpreferYours,LinglingThis a reply to Lingling.Dear Ling Ling,I m gla

46、d to get your e-mail. I have never been to in Hong Kong, although it ispart of China. To be honest I prefer Beijing. Still, its a great place to visit.I am lucky to receive your e-mail. Some other students are learning Japanese inmy school. I might like to learn some too. But right I am learning English thatis your native language.Theres just so much to see here in Beijing. Last night I went to a Western MovieExhibition. Most of my friends like American West movies that te


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