1、九年级英语如何做好完形填空北师大版【本讲教育信息 】一、教学内容:如何做好完形填空二、具体内容:完形填空主要是阅读理解的类型,主要是考查学生对各种语言的综合运用能力。完形填空又不同于阅读理解,主要是根据文章进行判断。完形填空在形式上又近似于单项选择,但是答案上的要求又与单项选择有很大的差别,有逻辑, 还有上下文的连接,单项选择主要是考查语法为主, 根据一个情景判断语法的正确。可是完形填空题型很复杂,涉及词法、 句法、惯用法,还涉及到一些常识。下面讲讲解题的方法和技巧。第一,要通读全文, 掌握大意, 这是非常必要的。有些同学因为很着急,想很快地做完,时间也有限,所以有时候不仔细地读题,只是上来看
2、一下词语搭配,就随便选择一个选项,但是殊不知,上下文是有连贯的,因此通读全文掌握大意是做好完形填空很关键的第一步。完形填空常常以文章和段落的形式出现,着眼于对语篇的整体理解,要花一段时间, 通读全文,整体上把握文章的脉络,把握作者的思维轨迹,猎取最重要的信息。因为阅读的时间有限, 应该以略读的方式快速浏览全文,要特别注意文章的第一句,因为第一句话通常是全文表达的精髓所在,一般都是上来就点题,作者会在文章一开始开宗明义,向读者显示出这段文字的体裁、形式、涉及的内容和意图。完形填空第一句话通常都是不留空格的完整的句子。第二,上下要连续, 前后要贯通, 连词的使用为各行各句之间提供了紧密的因果、转折
3、、并列或者条件的内在逻辑关系,通过发现和识别连词,可以从宏观的角度把握文章的大意,构建全文的内在逻辑结构,领会作者的思路,完形填空通过保留一定数量的词语,使答题的人获得必要的信息和知识。所以,某些提供答题信息的关键词会多次反复地出现,我们把这样的关键词称为信息词, 所以要好好把握, 挑出信息词。 同时凭借自己掌握的语法知识和一般的常识,兼顾人称、性别、单复数、语法和时态等语法的因素,从语法的结构方面考虑答案。第三,要仔细推敲, 复校全文。 填完所有的空格以后,把所有的答案放回短文的空格处,将填补完整的全文从头至尾读一遍,以确保上下文的顺畅合理。第三遍的检查, 有些答案局部看来很合理, 有些句子
5、计时,因为考试有一定的时间限制,所以现在要计时进行训练, 通过一定的强化训练, 速度和正确率会有一定的提高, 因为还是实践出真知嘛, 通过大量的实践才能悟出答题的方法, 把学习过的东西温故而知新, 毕竟我们生活在非英语国家,英语不是我们的母语,临近考试,一定要做好这方面的强化训练,多用心爱心专心做肯定会有收效的。下面让我们来一次“实战演习”,一定会有所提高,有所感悟的。Kate and Sandy are American students, they1sisters. They live2now. Kateis3than Sandy. She likes livingin town very
6、 much. Kate thinks livingin town is4than5in the country. There are more parks shops and cinemas in town than in the country.She especially likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights6are more beautiful than thestars. She likes to read and reads7than Sandy. Often Kate reads until very late at nig
7、ht.Sandy likes the country8. She thinks the country life is quiet. There is less noise and fewercars. She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy. She often helps her aunt9her work. Sandy likes torun. She runs faster than Kate.In the country Sandy can longer than in town. She also thinksrunning in the country
8、10the most exciting thing to do.1.A. amB. isC. areD. 2.A. in the townB. in townC. in the countryD. in country3.A. oldB. olderC. more oldD. more older4.A. interestingB. more interesting C. beautifulD. more beautiful5.A. liveB. livingC. to liveD. is living6.A. at nightB. at the nightC. in nightD. in t
9、he night7.A. quicklyB. more quicklyC. quicklierD. most quickly8.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best9.A. forB. atC. toD. with10. A. amB. isC. areD. 课堂练习:1、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Mike was a young college student, but he thought he went to a wrong college, and every dayhe stayed a
10、way fromschool and drank a lotinstead of1 . So he was becoming more andmoredemoralized( 消沉 ;泄气 ). Buthe wasnever2from Professor(教授 ) Yang classesabout medical plants. He liked the3 . Besides, Yang esclasswere so interesting that he alwayslistened4regardless of (不管 ) other students paying attention o
11、r not in class.Once he put a note in the homework he handed in, saying“ Professor, it is said that today5are cheaper than potatoes. Doyou agree? ”Mikedidn knowt 6he took the action. Itmight be considered to his trust to the professor or to his effort to free from his depression(抑郁 )and try to find7o
12、ut.That day Professor Yang sent for him after class. When he came he found the professor at thetable on which were four dishes and one soup. They drank heartily over the dishes. When theybecame half drunk, the professor8a small potato that was sprouting (发芽 ) and said to theyoung man, “ Do you know
13、how much it costs? It s small andBesides,notfreshitis.poisonous( 有毒的 ).9will take it even if its given without any money.10”it intoHe the rubbish bin.The professor then showed him another potato that must weigh more than 500g.“ This potato isnot only large and fresh but also free of pollution. It co
14、sts 12 yuan each kilogram.” Thewas11 by what he had heard. The professor put the bigpotato into his hand and said,12“such a potato. Don t forget there are potatoes and potatoes!”用心爱心专心1.A. studyingB. eatingC. speakingD. sleeping2.A. farB. differentC. absentD. free3.A. classB. subjectC. lessonD. cour
15、se4.A. carefullyB. quietlyC. slowlyD. clearly5.A. professorsB. collegesC. studentsD. schools6.A. whyB. howC. whereD. when7.A. an ideaB. a wayC. an answerD. a chance8.A. foundB. madeC. passedD. produced9.A. SomebodyB. NobodyC. AnybodyD. Everybody10. A. droppedB. placedC. threwD. put11. A. worriedB. m
16、ovedC. excitedD. amazed12. A. GetB. HaveC. RememberD. Be2、阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A 、B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。On Thursday night, I sat at my desk, preparing a speech I had to give on Friday, in SpeechClass. I looked at the clock: almost midnight. Well, I d nlessbetter Igetwantedtobedto ufallasleep doin
17、g my speech.Putting it mildly, I dislike1 speaking. Whenever I have to give a presentation in a class,I get very nervous the night before. So the last thing I2to do is to take a Speech Class,which3giving lots and lots of speeches.The speech I was preparing was a demonstration (演示 ) speech. I was to
18、be the last one togive my speech, because my last name 4with a“ Z”.When I walked into the speech classroom on Friday, it felt like I was entering a lion( 穴). I reminded myself that by the endof the hourclass, Iwillbe looking forwardto theweekend.But it didn t quite work out like that.We ran out of t
19、ime before it was my5. The teacher asked two others and me if wecould give our speeches next week. Why, certainly not! I wanted to get this speech6with,not spend the weekend7about it.8 I said yes politely, instead of getting9. Atthat moment, I was madly jealous (嫉妒) of my classmates who could have a
20、 carefree and happyweekend.Some of the speech topics seemed ridiculous (可笑的 ) to me, such as how to walk on heels(高跟鞋) . Who doesn t know that? You just put the shoes on and walk. Two“popular ” girls,whosespeeches came one afterthe other10 talked about wrapping a present. The secondspeech was almost
21、 an exact repetition of the first.I11to talk about the abacus ( 算盘 ), to introduce something about Chinese history andculture. But my wonderful topic will have to12 until next week because of my teacher s badtime management.1.A. publicB. politeC. popularD. possible2.A. haveB. hateC. wantD. begin3.A.
22、 beginsB. meansC. keepsD. tries4.A. usesB. movesC. closesD. starts5.A. turnB. talkC. timeD. show用心爱心专心6.A. downB. offC. overD. out7.A. forgettingB. learningC. talkingD. worrying8.A. ButB. AndC. OrD. So9.A. sorryB. angryC. worriedD. afraid10.A. neitherB. bothC. eitherD. all11.A. beganB. hopedC. chose
23、D. changed12.A. findB. talkC. giveD. wait【模拟试题】完型填空AIn America, parents want their children1something they can. 2, they want them to usemoney wisely (精明地) .When the children 3very young, parents 4telling them the kinds of money. Parents alsotell them 5money can be used.When the children6a little old
24、er, parents teach them to save up money. If the childrenwant to buy something, they can use7money. Parents will tell them what they should buyand what they 8.When children use their money, parents often tell them to share (分享)with others. Parentsare glad9their children share their money and help oth
25、ers. 10this way, thechildren canlearn to be helpful. Parents also teach their children to make a plan for11money. It is goodfor them.In America, people often sell some of their 12things. So the children often put the old toys13their 14. If people buy them, they can get some money. Some children help
26、 others washcars or sell newspapers to get 15 .()1. A. do somethingB. do anythingC. to do somethingD. to do anything()2. A. for exampleB. for examplesC. for exampleD. for examples()3. A. are stillB. still areC. are yetD. yet are()4. A. beganB. has begunC. have begunD. will begin()5. A. whatB. whenC.
27、 howD. where()6. A. becomeB. will becomeC. turnD. will turn()7. A. his ownB. their ownC. own hisD. own their()8. A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. shouldnt()9. A. seeingB. to seeC. lookingD. to look()10. A. ForB. ByC. InD. On()11. A. usingB. useC. to useD. used()12. A. oldB. newC. usefulD. good()13. A. in
28、 the front ofB. behindC. at frontD. in front of()14. A. homesB. homeC. housD. house()15. A. moneyB. jobC. workD. foodBJohn lives1because his wife2. He works hard all his life,Now he is4old that he cant work. He has three5, but they 63 he is very poor., and they are very busy.用心爱心专心They only have tim
29、e to eat dinner with their 7once a week.The old man grows8, and his sons come to see him 9 . They dont need me at all now, hetells10. They 11Ill become a burden ( 担) . Then he makes a plan.The next morning, he finds a large box, fills12lots of broken pieces of glass, and thenlocks it with an old loc
30、k.In the afternoon, his sons come for dinner. They find the box. Whats in this box? they ask.Oh, nothing,the old man says.It must13gold, they think.So they want to guard (守 ) the treasure. They decide14with the old man. They canlook after him, too. This goes on for15 .At last, the old father dies. T
31、he sons give him a very nice funeral(葬礼) . After the funeral,they open the box. They find it full of broken glass. There is a note on the glass: honor( 表示敬意) your father and mother.()1.A. lonelyB. loneC. alonelyD. alone()2.A. diedB. diesC. deadD. was dead()3.A. soB. andC. butD. because()4.A. veryB.
32、soC. ratherD. too()5.A. sonsB. daughtersC. brothersD. sisters()6.A. marryB. are marryC. marriedD. are married()7.A. wivesB. motherC. fatherD. children()8.A. older and older B. old and oldC. younger and youngerD. young and young()9.A. more and more B. little and littleC. less and lessD. fewer and few
33、er()10.A. himB. his sonsC. himselfD. myself()11.A. are afraidB. are happyC. afraidD. happy()12.A. ofB. inC. useD. with()13.A. be full ofB. is full ofC. be fill ofD. is fill of()14.A. liveB. livedC. livingD. to live()15.A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some timesCHave you ever heard _1_ Maria Mitchell ? She was_2_ astronomer (天文学家 ). Sheliked _3_the stars . When she was a little girl , her father gave her a telescope (望 ). Shelikedit _4_ she could see the stars _5_ . Afew years_6_ , she became more _7_the stars . She heard people _8_
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