



1、module 2 fantasy literature 第二课时 vocabulary and reading【课程达标检测】1 句型转换1. the first time they met, he got to love her.the first time they met, hewith her.2. johnson and jack ran at the same speed. johnson ranjack.3. marry married mack last year.mary and mackfor two years.4. some scientists went into t

2、he forest to look for the ufo.some scientists went into the forestthe ufo.5. many people claimed that the lord of rings is the best twentieth century novel in english. that the lord of rings is the best twentieth century novel in english.答案1. fell in love2. as fast as3. have been married4. in search

3、 of5. it was claimed2 完成句子完成句子1. but(关于哈利.波特的想法闯入她的脑海)while she was on a delayed train between manchester and london.2. (直到 1997 年) that she completed the first harry potter story.3. the film book, the order of the phoenix, sold about seven million copies . (仅在发行的当天)。4. harrypotterhasevenbecomeparto

4、ftheschoolcurriculum, (使得学生们特别开心)。5. and the harry potter effect is(不仅仅局限于) the english- speaking world.答案:1. the idea of harry potter came to her2. it was only in 19973. the day it was published4. much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren5. not just restricted toi. 单项填空【思维拓展训练】1. ive lostusb disk

5、my father bought me. have you ever seen it?is itblack one? i think i saw it somewhere.a. a; theb. the; thec. the; ad. a; a答案c解析第一个空表示特指,后一个空表示泛指。2. more difficult for grow-ups to learn a foreign language.a. it seems that it isb. that seems to bec. they seem to bed. it seems to be答案d解析 在 it seems +th

6、at 从句中,it 是形式主语,后面的从句才是真正的主语,所以 a 项不符合句型要求。我们可以把 d 项放在句中连起来,这个句子就是 it seems (to be) more difficult for grown-ups to learn a foreign language.在这个句子中 to learn a foreign language 是真正的主语,而 seems (to be)more difficult for grow-ups 是系表结构,作谓语。3. after he became conscious, he rememberedandon the head with a

7、 rod.a. to attack; hitb. to be attacked; to be hitc. attacking; be hitd. having been attacked; hit答案d解析根据句意,他苏醒过来后记得去袭击过,所以用 remember doing something,排除 a, b 两项;and 并列 attacked 和 hit 两个过去分词形式,所以选 d 项。4. the other day, my brother drove his car down the street ati thought was a dangerous speed.a. asb.

8、 whichc. whatd. that答案c解析句中 i thought 是插入语,what 在宾语从句中作主语,speed 应与介词 at 搭配。5. the news spread far and.a. broadb. widec. extensived. stretch答案b解析 句意为:消息传开了。far and wide 是习惯搭配。broad 和 wide 都有“宽,广”的意思,区别这两个词时,要特别注意固定搭配。一般情况下两者可互换,但 board 要强调“宽广”,而 wide 指“宽阔”,如“a broad road 款路/wide road 大路 /the room is

9、as broad as long.这房间长宽一样。extensive 广泛的;stretch 拉长;延伸。6. as i will be away for at least a year, id appreciatefrom you now and thenme how everyone is getting along.a. hearing; tellb. to hear; tellc. hearing; tellingd. to hear; to tell答案c解析 appreciate doing.句意为:我出去至少有一年时间,所以,如果你时不时给我写信, 告诉我大家的情况,我会非常感激

10、你的。7. your daughter has two children, doesnt she? thats right. shein 1989.a. did marriageb. had marriedc. was marriedd. got married答案d解析指的是 1989 年结婚这一动作,用 get married。8. the pacificasia from america.a. dividesb. separatesc. splitsd. parts答案b解析 太平洋把美洲与亚洲分开。separate from 把分开。separate 意为将统一的,整体的或混杂在一起的

11、人或物分开、分离或隔开。divide 是用人为的手段将人或物按等量或比例区分或划分为若干部分。由题意知本题正确答案为 b。9. the studentsto clean the classroom.a. in turnsb. take turnsc. by turnsd. take a turn答案b解析句中缺谓语,而 d 项无此用法。10. the girlthe young man as soon as she saw him.a. was in love withb. fell in lovec. was in loved. fell in love with答案d解析fall in l

12、ove with sb.爱上某人,强调动作;be in love with sb.与某人相爱,强调状态。ii. 单词拼写1. dust(积存) on the desk.2. my(目标) is to save 120 a mouth.3. harry potter has even become part of the school(课程)4. they are going to get(结婚) next month.5. you are lucky to escape being(惩罚)6. he is a(顽强的)child who wont obey his mother.7. this

13、 research is based on(传闻) not fact.8. clothes and blankets have been(分配)among the refugees(难民)。9.he struggled to(克服) his shyness.10. more and more women are(得到) positions of power in public life.答案1. accumulated2. target3. curriculum4. married5. punished6.stubborn7. anecdote8. distributed9. overcome

14、10. attainingiii. 任务型阅读:请认真阅读下面短文,在表格中的空格里填上最恰当的单词(每空 1个单词)since the beginning of human evolution, men have migrated( 迁移) across continents in search of food, shelter, safety, and comfortable weather. people still move for these reasons, but new reasons for human migration are arising, such as job r

15、elocation( 重 新 安 置 ) and overpopulation.three million migrants are moving from poor countries to wealthier ones each year, and increasingly, their destination is a neighboring country in developing parts of the world. people are moving within the developing world for the same reasons as they migrate

16、 to wealthier nations. people from poor countries are going to less poor countries, fleeing wars and conflicts. they are also responding to population pressures because some countries are densely populated, and they often have high population growth. those people need to go somewhere else.there are

17、three main reasons why people move. the basic categories and percentages are as follows, according to the current population surveys (cps):family-related reasons account for 26.3%, including changes in marital(婚姻的) status,establishing a household and other family reasons; work-related reasons 16.2%,

18、 including job transfer, retirement, and other job-related reasons; housing-related reasons 51.6%, including new and better houses, better neighborhood, cheaper housing and other housing reasons; the remaining 5.9% of other reasons are attending college, the change of climate and health reasons.amer

19、icans have been migrating south and west for decades in search of better job opportunities and warmer climates. they have also been moving to places a little far from cities, in search of bigger yards and houses, lower crime rates and better schools. in 1950, nearly a fifth of the population lived i

20、n the nations 20 largest cities. in 2006, it was about one in ten. thats why many american people say, “big cities shrink as people move south, west.”between march 2005 and march 2007, 73.4 million americans moved. fifty-six percent of these moves were within the same country. twenty percent were be

21、tween counties but in the samestate. nineteen percent were moves to a different state. some families even went abroad.title: people on the1lead-inthroughout human2, people have migratedacross continents.an3number of people from poor countries are moving to4countries, especially neighboringones.5_for

22、peoples migrationaccording to the cps, the6of people move toother places for reasons7to housing.americans have long been moving south and west,looking 8a better job chance, a warmer9 and a bigger yard, etc.conclusionnow every year more and more people move to other places,which seems to have become a global10.任务型阅读:1. move,2. history,3. increasing,4. richer/wealthier,5. reasons,6. majority,7. related/linked,8. for,9


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