



1、MUET写作部分例题以及学生优秀范文如果你要参加MUET考试,那么对于不同考试部分的练习就显得很重要了。下面给出的是MUET考试的一个作文问题,按照提示并阅读写作文章范例。希望能对你的考试准备起到帮助。题目: Financial management should be taught in school.Discuss. Write at least 350 words.(学校应该教授财务管理吗。讨论。至少写350 字)第一步:辨析题目意思掌握题目中心学校应该教一门关于如何理财的课程。因此,你需要写一下为什么教育部必须在学校里引入这一主题。你不能写有关财务管理的优点和缺点而跑题。相反,你必须把

2、你所有的观点直接与你在学校开始这门新学科的原因联系起来。第二步:头脑风暴得出你的立场,论点和三个要点(至少三个)立场完全同意在学校开设这门课程,因为学生需要学习如何正确管理他们的财务,以增加他们的投资,避免破产。论点分析这一问题的角度是:1. 从小灌输良好的财务管理2. 减少个人金融危机3. 创造一个精明的经济社会学生优秀范文:There s a saying that says, money makes the world goaround. Hate to point out the obvious, but it is true. Inthisnew era , money iswhat

3、 ittakesfor the societytokeeponsurviving,well , exceptforhavinghappinessandreligionetc , butthatisbesidethe point.The pointhereis that , the world is a competition and we need to educateourselves, fromyoung, on how to keep our financialbalanceon stableplatform.Thus,theEducation Ministryshouldtakenot

4、e on some of the reasons why they financial educationshould be taught at school, namely, instilling a goodfinancialmanagementfrom a young age, reducingindividualfinancialcrisesinthefutureand creatingan economic savvysociety.I do agree that parents should carry a bigger role inteaching their children

5、 on things such as saving money andnotspendon unnecessarythings,butitisalsothegovernment s role in further educating on the theories ofhaving good financialmanagement. Itis vitalas itactuallypreparesthe futuregenerationtobe more aware of the harshreality.Moreover , whenwe givethemaneducationonmanagi

6、ng their finances, it will help them in the futurein terms of having the cash for further to secondary ortertiary education. Therefore, for the betterment of thefuture generation, is it ideal to educate them at schoolabout having a good financial management.Day in , dayout , we see news on young adu

7、lts has goneintobankruptcy.At thestartoftheiryoung life, theyhavenegative balance in their bank account and still owing.Having rentstopay, billsto settle, mouth tofeed , etc,bankruptcy would be the last thing anyone could ever want.This is an issue we would not want our generations to have.A way toa

8、void this is bytraining them from smallthebenefits of saving and managing their money because at theend of the day , they will be the one who is going to enjoythat. By doing this, it will therefore reduce individualfinancialcrisesand simultaneouslycreatinga happy livingcondition.Creatingan economic

9、savvy societydoes notmeansocietythatgetsinvolvedinstock market , investmentor the index.Butitisa societythatiscapable tosupporttheirrespective families and still have enough money for thefuture and alsois ableto givebacktosocietyand do well.It also means that the society is able to comprehend andund

10、erstand on thenations currenteconomic background.Bygraspingthefinancialknowledge , itleads toa societythatdoes not spend unnecessarilyandthereforedevelopingabetter country. Thus, the significance of educating youngchildren on financial is obvious as it would benefit theadvancement of the country.To

11、conclude , beforeunderstandingthe whole concept offinancialmanagement, itisa good idea forus to come handin hand and educate the younger generationson having savingsand such. The need to introduce these types of knowledge tothem not only will widen their mind but also teach them tobe prepared for the u


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