已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、程序填空题1、下列程序计算 1000 以内能被 3 整除的自然数之和。#include using namespace std; void main( ) int x=1, sum; sum=0; while (true) if (x1000) break; if (x%3=0) sum+=x; x+;coutsumendl;2. 以下程序段的功能是判断 m 是否为素数,请将程序补充完整。#include #include using namespace std; void main() int m,i,k; cinm; k=sqrt(float(m);for(i=2;ik) coutd” i

2、saprimenumbern”mendl;elsecoutd” isnotaprimenumbern”mendl;三、写出程序的运行结果1.假定输入 10 个整数:32,64,53,87,54,32,98,56,98,83。下列程序的输出结果是?#include using namespace std; void main( ) int a,b,c,x; a=b=c=0;for (int k=0; kx; switch(x%3) case 0: a+=x; break; case 1: b+=x; break; case 2: c+=x; break;couta”,”b”,”cendl;结果:

3、141,64,4522. 写出程序的运行结果#include using namespace std; void main( ) int j,k;for (j=5; j0; j-) for (k=j; k0; k-) cout”*”; coutendl;结果:*编程题1、 编写程序,求解方程 ax2+bx+c=0 的根。#include #include using namespace std; void main()int a,b,c; float x1,x2,z;cinabc; z=b*b-4*a*c; if(z0)x1=(-b)+sqrt(z)/(2*a);x2=(-b)-sqrt(z)

4、/(2*a);coutthe result: x1=x1 x2=x2endl;else if(z=0)x1=-b/(2*a);coutthe result: x1=x1endl;elsecoutno result;2、 编写程序输出所有的水仙花数。所谓水仙花数是指一个三位数,其各位数的立方和等于该数。例如:153=13+53+33。#include using namespace std; void main()int a,b,c;for(int i=100;i=999;i+)a=i/100; b=i%100/10; c=i%10;if(a*a*a+b*b*b+c*c*c=i) coutien

5、dl;3、 编写程序,计算 s=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+n)的值。#include using namespace std; void main()int n,s,sum=0; cinn;for(int i=1;i=n;i+) s=0;for(int j=1;j=i;j+) s+=j;sum+=s;coutsumendl;第 4 章 数组和字符串一、写出程序的运行结果1. #include using namespace std; void main() char s180,s240;int i=0,j=0; cins1; cins2; while(s1i!=0)i+;w

6、hile(s2j!=0)s1i+=s2j+;s1i=0;cout“the new string is : ”s1;答案( 将两个字符串首尾相连)2. #includeusing namespace std;void main() int max_value(int array 4);int a34=1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8,15,17,34,12;coutmax_value(a);int max_value(int array 4) int i,j,max;max=array00; for(i=0;i3;i+)for(j=0;jmax)max=arrayij;return(max);答案

7、(求数组中的最大值)3. #include #includeusing namespace std;void main() char string81;int i,num=0,word=0; char c;gets(string); for(i=0;(c=stringi)!=0;i+)if(c= ) word=0; else if(word=0)word=1; num+;cout“there arewords in the line.”num;程序运行中输入:i am a boy.(表示回车)答案(there arewords in the line.4)4. #includeusing na

8、mespace std;void main() int a33,sum=0; int i,j; for(i=0;i3;i+)for(j=0;jaij; for(i=0;i3;i+)sum=sum+aii; cout“sum=”sumendl;程序运行中输入:123456789 (表示回车)答案(15对角线元素的和)第 6 章函数二. 读下列程序,写出运行结果1.#include using namespace std; int add(int x,int y)cout”in add(),received”x”and”yendl; cout”and return”x+yendl;return x

9、+y;void main()int a,b,c;coutab; cout”ncalling add():n”; c=add(a,b);cout”nback in main():n”; cout”c was set to “cendl; cout”nexit n”;2. #include using namespace std;void add_1(int x)x+; void add_2(int &x)x+; void add_3(int *p)(*p+;void main() int a=2; add_1(a);coutaendl; 输出的结果为: 2 add_2(a);coutaendl;

10、 输出的结果为:3 add_3(&a);coutaendl; /输出的结果为:4 3. #include using namespace std; const intn=6; int fun(int k) int result; if(k=1)result=1; elseresult=2*fun(k-1); return result;void main( ) int a=3,res=0; res=n/a;coutresendl; /输出结果为:2res=fun(a);coutresendl; /输出结果为:44. 下面程序的输出结果是(14 )#include using namespace

11、 std; int i = 0;int fun(int n)static int a = 2; a+;return a+n;void main()int k = 5;int i = 2;k += fun(i);k += fun(i); cout k;5. 以下程序的输出结果是:(3 )#include using namespace std; intfun(char *s)char *p=s;while (*p!=0)p+; return (p-s);void main() coutfun(abc)endl;6. #include using namespace std; int f(int

12、a)return +a;int g(int& a) return +a;void main()int m=0,n=0; m+=f(g(m);n+=f(f(n); coutm=mendl; coutn=nendl;运行结果:m=3 n=2“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professi

13、onal clerical and teaching position, i understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of ente


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