1、Unit11 In the zooLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify animalsUsing adjectives to describe animalsAsking yes/no questions to elicit simple responsesUsing formulaic expressions to confirm or denyListeningIdentifying the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation Understanding the key pat
2、ternSpeakingPronouncing the words, phrases and sentences correctly Using It s to describe the features of animalsUsing yes/no questions to identify thingsUsing formulaic expressions to confirm or denyPeriod 1Activity 1:Have the students look at the wall picture and listen to the song “In the zoo”. T
3、hen introduce the names of the animals to them.Activity 2Have the students watch a video of a zoo and introduce the names of some animals to them.While-task proceduresActivity 1Have the students listen to and repeat after the tape.“Ask and answer ”on Student Then ask them to practice thes Book page
4、49, dialogue with youas follows.Activity 2Have the students say the rhyme with you.Activity 3Show the students some pictures of animals. Have them ask and answer inturn.Activity 4Have the students do “Listen and tick ”on Workbook page 54. Then have them ask and answer as follows.Post-task activities
5、Activity 1Have the students make a short dialogue in pairs.Activity 2Have the students introduce the animals they like in groups.Activity 3Model a short dialoguefor the students.Then have thestudents make newdialogues andpractice them in pairs.Period 2第 1页Language focus:Asking yes/no questions to ob
6、tain simple responses Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny Activity 1Flash the pictures of the animals and ask the students to respond quickly. Activity 2Show the students parts of toy animals. Ask them to guess what animal it is.While-task proceduresActivity 1Use two puppets to act out th
7、e dialogue on Students Book page 48. Askthe students to repeat after you in various voices.Activity 2Have the students listen and repeat after the recording from StudentsBook page 50.Activity 3Have the students play a guessing game. Prepare some cards with animalson them. Shuffle the cards and have
8、a student take one. He/She shouldimitate this animal. The class should guess what animal it is. When theclass gets it right, have another student pick a card.Activity 4Have the students play a passing game. Have them pass one toy animal andlistento the song fromStudent s Book page 51.Whenthe music s
9、tops,thestudentwho getsthetoyanimal stands up and asks a question. The othersanswer the question.Period 3Activity 1Have the students do“Look, listen and answer”on Workbook page 55.Activity 2Ask the students to do“Listen and play ”on Workbook page 56. Have themcut out the picturesof the animals on thatpage. Then have them play car
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