1、中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”英语专业本科(教育方向)集中实践环节英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计鉴定表姓 名:_XXX_学 号: XXXXXX级 别: 08级春 _分 校:_武威分校_指导教师:_XXX_完成时间:_ _2010.05.28_甘肃电大开放教育 08 级(春)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计报告分校: 武威分校 班级代号:XXXXXX 姓名XXX性别女年龄30学号教学班 英语本科年级08工作单位凉州区双城镇南安中学工作性质教育教学工龄3职务教师项目计划设计时间14周指导教师XXX一、 选题How to Improve Students Reading
2、 Ability More Effectively二、 选题的目的、意义和必要性Its well-known that most of students dont like reading. They think it is very difficult and boring to do reading activities. Therefore, we have to improve the students reading abilities. Its a difficulty for every English teacher how to improve the students re
3、ading abilities.三、 主要研究方法1.The analytic method2.Cause analysis 3.Questionnaire4.Brainstorming四、 设计过程1.Find out the problem2. Problem analysis3.Project design4. Project implementation5. Project evaluation6.Project report五、 研究结果The project implementation has proved my hypothesis to be right. The stude
4、nts interests are improved. All of them start to love learning English step by step. They also make more progress in the ability of reading.甘肃电大开放教育 08 级(春)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计教师指导记录与成绩评定表分校: 武威分校 班级代号: 姓名 XXX 学号 XXXXXX 指导教师指导意见第一次 时间、内容、评分2010年3月2日,项目启动阶段。指导学生确定项目设计的选题。学生能够结合教学实际提出问题,问题比较典型,适合开展项
5、目研究。中学生签字 XXX 教师签字 XXX 第二次 时间、内容、评分2010年3月18日,问题分析阶段。学生能够针对问题,运多种科学的方法分析问题,问题分析较透彻。良学生签字 XXX 教师签字 XXX 第三次 时间、内容、评分2010年4月30日,方案设计、项目实施阶段。在教师的指导下,能够提出问题的假说,根据假说设计验证方案,并进行实施,实施过程完整,支撑材料比较丰富。中学生签字 XXX 教师签字 XXX 第四次 时间、内容、评分2010年5月25日项目评估、项目报告阶段。能根据所收集的材料、数据对项目的实施过程及结果进行评估。能按照要求撰写项目报告,环节完整,语言表达较准确,格式符合要求
6、。中学生签字 XXX 教师签字 XXX 指导教师总评语该生能够紧密联系教学实际提出问题,能够运用多种科学的方法分析问题,分析比较透彻,目标假设合理正确,方案设计较详细,有一定的针对性、可操作性。项目实施过程完整,项目评估较客观,报告符合要求,语言表达比较准确,格式正确。初评成绩71设计过程成绩47报告成绩24指导教师签字XXX时间2010.06.01答辩成绩73综合成绩72答辩组成员签名XXX 2010 年 06 月 02 日 分校集中实践环节教学指导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见同意负责人签字_XXX_(系公章)2010年 06 月 02 日省校集中实践环节教学领导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见
7、:负责人签字_(系公章)年 月 日说明:1.答辩小组应填写评价意见,小组成员均应签名(盖章)。答辩小组不应少于3人。 2.由分校自行复制。甘肃电大开放教育 08 级(春)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计答辩记录表分校: 武威分校 班级代号: 姓名 XXX 学号 XXXXXX 答辩主持人XXX答辩小组成员XXX、贺正全、XXX秘 书Xxx答辩日期2010.05.30学生自述情况:My project title is “How to Improve Students Reading Ability More Effectively ”. As everyone knows, the
8、classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that the students learn English. As far as the English teaching in the middle schools is concerned, teachers have to arouse the students interests so that they may learn better. There are many ways to arouse the students interests and help them to
9、 learn better, reading teaching is one of them.In my research, I used the analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire, and brainstorming activation. I also formulated a specific research objective and a research hypothesis. After implementing my four-week project, they were very happy when I aske
10、d my students to do the reading tasks. All of them started to love learning English step by step. They also make more progress in the ability of reading .答辩教师提问学生回答情况1.What scientific methods are used to analyse your problem?1.The analytic method2.Cause analysis 3.Questionnaire4.Brainstorming2.How d
11、o you organize students in Lesson 26?I can use group work, pair work, personal work to organize the students.3.What are the possible solutions to arouse students interest in the reading teaching?1.To change the teachers role2. To make the relation between teachers and students cooperative3.To create
12、 the comfortable and pleasant atmosphere4.To supply some interesting practices5.To allow the students to ask some questions about the text freely.4.What problems still exist when your project has been finished?1. Students dont still think that reading is much more important. 2. Students dont still d
13、evote themselves to reading completely.3.Students dont still spend too much time on reading.4. Students dont still pay attention to using reading in their true lives.5.6.答辩小组意见及成绩评定成绩 签字:XXX、贺正全、XXX 2010年 06月 02日说明:此表由分校自行复制Project Title:How to Improve Students Reading Ability More Effectively Inves
14、tigatorGansu Radio & Television UniversityWuwei BranchSubmitted on 28th May 2010In Fulfillment of the CoursePractical Project Design AcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to my supervisor Ms.Tian without whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground.I am also grateful t
15、o my colleagues Dong Chonglin , Zeng Xianwei ,Yang Yuxiu for their time spent on brainstorming and visiting my class and panel discussions with me.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation would have remained on paper.Last
16、but not least, big thanks go my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.AbstractAs everyone knows, the classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that the students learn English. As far as the English teaching
17、in the middle schools is concerned, teachers have to arouse the students interests so that they can learn better. There are many ways to arouse the students interests and help them to learn better, reading teaching is one of them. The article presents a detailed report of a project implemented to so
18、lve the problem that most of my students are interested in reading. I have adopted various teachings, such as group work、pair work、personal work、role play、retell the text and discussion in class.This hypothesis is verified by a four-week practice of well-organized English class. Among the methods of
19、 scientific investigation used are the analytic method, cause analysis and brainstorming activation.Key words:Reading, Design, Interest, Ability.Main Headings of the Project Report1. Introduction2. Summary of the Preliminary Research2.1 Problem2.2 Project objective 2.3 Problem analysis2.4 Project hy
20、pothesis2.5 Project rationale3. Reading Teaching Design4. Control and Target Groups5.Project Implementation6.Data Analysis7.Project Evaluation8.ConclusionReferencesAppendixesA. Questionnaire on Reading PracticeB. The Timetable of the ProjectC. Teaching NotesD. Teaching DiariesE. Students HandoutsF.
21、Audio-Recording1. IntroductionI am an English teacher in Nanan middle school in Wuwei. This middle school is located in a small town Shuangcheng and all my students are peasants children. When the students were in primary school, they mainly studied Chinese and Maths. So they had less chance to know
22、 more about other knowledge. It was almost the first time for them to touch English when they got into middle school. Most of them thought it is very difficult and boring for them to learn English well. So they dont like it and dont like reading better. Now my students are in their third year of stu
23、dying English. They still dont like reading and cant realize the importance of English reading. In the past years, I have also paid more attention to arousing their interests in English and spent much too long time on reading teaching. But the effect is still very poor. The most difficult thing is h
24、ow to improve their reading ability. Just I have such an opportunity to do the project. In order to make more effective I should adopt various communicative ways in different steps of reading teaching. I hope I can solve it better that how to improve students reading ability through the action resea
25、rch so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice, which I learned from Gansu TV University.2. Summary of the Preliminary ResearchThis part of my study was conducted during March1,2010-May27, 2010.2.1 ProblemThe problem is based on my teaching experience. That is: Most of my students do
26、not like reading teaching because they think it is difficult and boring.2.2 Project objective How to improve students reading ability more effectively.2.3 Problem analysisA. The analytic methodThere are more than 50 students in my class, and I cant give each student the opportunity to practice their
27、 reading ability. Therefore, its in common that the students can not get high marks in reading exercises in exams, but the others can be done well. The problem made me thinks the other side of the issue: some of my students do well in reading. But most of other students are poor in reading practice,
28、 this situation make me think of these.Why some students do well in reading practice, while others dont?Who are the some that do well in reading practice? And who are the others that dont do well in reading practice.Moreover, my students are in contrast with my colleagues students. This inspired me
29、to make a chain of refractions what about my colleagues students? Is it also the causes that are poor in reading practice? If on the other hand all of my colleagues students like reading practice, then my problem is actually caused by myself, not by students. Probably that the style of reading pract
30、ice. I asked my students to do was poorly designed and the form was inflexible.So after problem analysis, I have reached this conclusion. The problem that my students dont like to do reading practice. So I designed the objective to research how to solve the problem.B. Cause analysisI think that it w
31、ill be much better to use cause analysis to analyze my problem. In this situation, I asked myself a series of questions and tried to provide some answers to them. Why did most of my students not do reading work? In order to know more about this issue, I designed a cause exploration Procedures like t
32、his: The teachers side The students side The task design The class size The classroom management Tentative conclusion 1).The teachers side-that is my -self.I wasnt enthusiastic myself.I failed to give instructions clearly.I failed to dig out students interest in doing this or doing that.2).the stude
33、nts side. Some students are not interested in English, so they dont like reading, too. Some students are afraid of making mistakes and being laughed at by their partners. They have the idea of “losing face” if they have mistakes. Some students are troubled for remembering new words and useful expres
34、sions, because of no strong will and desire.3).The task design The task is poorly designed and the form was inflexible.4).The class size.There are more than 50 students in my class, so I cant give each student the opportunity to practice their reading ability.5).The classroom management. The classro
35、om is perhaps getting too noisy. Students may not be properly grouped.6). Tentative conclusionIf I change my teaching method of the reading activities. My students will have great interest to do reading activities. If I present clearly to my students and they know how to do it. They will like to do
36、it.C. BrainstormingWhen I was engaged in the problem analysis, I often talked to my colleagues about all the problems I met. They gave me a lot of advice and help so that I pondered the problem more deeply and carefully.After a lengthy problem analysis, I determined to launch a project to overcome t
37、his problem.2.4 Project hypothesis It is hypothesized that students will do reading activities by better-designed teaching, such as the group work、pair work、personal work、role play and discussion etc.2.5 Project rationaleAfter Ive read English Language Teaching Methodology (Part I and Part), I found
38、 its very helpful. The unit on speaking is particularly useful. After some reading and thinking, I have worked out four reasons on which my project will be based. They are-1) The role of reading in class and its purpose- First, reading serves as a tool in teaching all language skills. It can be inte
39、grated with the teaching of listening comprehension, oral presentation, and writing skills. Second, reading may be a good in itself. Since reading is often required for passing a particular examination, from reading an simple article at an elementary level to composing essays at an advanced level. T
40、hird, reading has its practical value and can be used as stimulus in motivating students to learn the language. For example, students may stories or famous books they like in English. If they have access to Internet, they may be able to communicate with the world because most of webs are in English.
41、2) The role of the students- I would like the students to feel that learning is a collaborative endeavour and not a competitive one. They should come to realize that they can learn from each other and help each other, especially in speaking as it is not a skill they can practice on their own.3) The
42、role of the teacher-Students should realize that the teacher has many roles in the classroom, not just that of evaluator. I would like to demonstrate these different roles so that students realize when the teacher takes a major instructional role in class and when she takes only a minor helping role
43、. I would like students to get used to being responsible for their own learning and not depend on the teacher all the time.4) The type of classroom tasks used- I think all of the above can be dealt with by designing and using appropriate tasks in the lesson. If students have to do information-gap ta
44、sks, which require them to gain information from their partner by means of questioning and listening and to give information to their partner by listening and responding adequately to questions, then I feel they can be shown the value of communicating with their peers.3. Reading Teaching DesignOn th
45、e basis of the project rationale above, I need to design some reading activities that can prove my project hypothesis. (refer to Appendix C) In order to prove the hypothesis, I must fulfill one condition, that is reading activities must be better designed than the existing ones. The problem with the
46、 existing reading activities is that they have little information value, and that students have no real communicative purpose when doing them. So my new reading activities should have a real information gap, so that the students have a real purpose to communicate.I have designed four activities to b
47、e tried out in four weeks. And these activities are reported as follows.Week 1 Activity 1. For use with Learning English 5 Unit2 Lesson15TitleLesson15: Push That ProductTeaching aims and demandsKnowledge aims1.Get Ss master some important words, phrases and sentence structures.2. Understand the mean
48、ing of the text.Ability aimsImprove the students reading ability.Feeling aimsmake Ss feel easy and funny to learn English across group-work.Key pointsImprove the students reading ability.Puzzle pointsHow to understand the meaning of the text.Imagination1.Lead in 2.presentation 3. Practice 4. Sum upT
49、eaching methodsgroup-workTeaching toolsPush-pins and blackboardTeaching stepsStep1: Greeting Step2: Lead-in: The teacher brings a push-pin to the class, then ask a few questions like below: What are they in English? What can we use them to do in our life?Whats the price of a box of one hundred push-
50、pins?Step3: Presentation 1. Let Ss read the first paragraph and answer: What would Edwin Moore make for people in 1900?2. Let Ss read the whole text loudly and quickly.3. Read the questions on the blackboard and find the answers in the text, then discuss in groups to make sure the answers are correc
51、t.Questions:1. Who would make anything useful that people would want to buy? And what was it ?2.Where did he live?3.Did he made his first push-pins by himself?4.What was the price of his first push-pins?5.What was his first big success?6. When did he begin adverting his product across the US.?7.Does
52、 the Moore Push-pin company still make push-pins today?8.What else does it made?9.Does it sell thousands of push-pins all over the world?10. How mush is a push-pin today? Is it expensive than in 1900?4. Ask some Ss to answer their questions in class.5. Show some phrases on the blackboard and let the
53、m to pick up them in the text Step4: Do exercises on the blackboard. Step5: Sum upAccording to the knowledge aims to summary.Step6: Homework Finish the exercises on the Ex book.Week 2 Activity 2. For use with Learning English 5 Unit3 Lesson20TitleLesson 20: Lets Learn Geography!Teaching aims Knowled
54、ge aims1.Get Ss master the new words, phrases and sentence structures.2. Understand the meaning of the text.3. Learn something about the foreign countries.Ability aimsImprove the students reading ability.Feeling aimsArouse the students feelings that they love travelling.Teaching importanceTalk about
55、 the geography.Teaching difficultiesImprove the students reading abilityTeaching methods1. Warming up to arouse the students interest in travel2. Listening activity to improve the students listening comprehension3. Pair work, group work to make every student work in classTeaching toolsA computerTeaching stepsStep1: Greeting Step2. Lead-in:.1. Show the video o
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