



1、Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Language goals A:SectionB Listening. How are you? Im fine,thanks.B: The letters and the pronunciation.L M N O P Q R L m n o p q rel em en u pi: kju:a:(r)C:Good morning ! Good afternoon , Helen. Hi, Cindy . Bob Frank Dale thanksD: Pronunciation .Read and write. 会写音标,会归类A H

2、 J K Dale Frank thanks E B C D E G evening F Helen E 了解:英语音标(48个)元音(20个)长元音 /:/ / :/ /i:/ 短元音 / / /u/ /e/ / 双元音 /u/ /au/ 辅音(28个)清辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ / /s/浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/清辅音 / / h/ /ts/ /t/ /tr/ 浊辅音 / / r/ /dz/ /d/ /dr/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ / 半元音 / j/ / w/ 边音 / l/Teaching tools: recorder ,tape and c

3、ards .Teaching Procedure:Step 1:IntroductionStep 2:LeadinMr (Ss repeat) Morning,MissM r (Ss repeat) Good morning,Miss,Mr (Ss repeat)Step 3:Listening and writingHomework Copy the conversation and letters. (Do entering famous school) Blackboard Design : A/ei/, B /bi:/, C/si:/, D/di:/, E/i:/, F/ef/, G/

4、 di:/ Good morning ,Good afternoon ,Good evening ,Hello Period 2Teaching aims :1. Read ,use and grasp the letters :A,B,C,D,E,F,G2. Read and speak :How are you ? Im fine, thanks. Im Ok .Teaching tools: recorder ,tape and cards .测评一、写出下列字母左邻右舍1. _B_ 2. _c _ 3. _f_ 4. _E_ 5. _g _二、写出下列大字字母的小写字母。1. BEE

5、_ 2. BAG _ 3. BED _ 4. HB _ 5. CD _6. ABC _ 7. AD _ 8. CAAC _ 9. BEC _ 10. FACE _三、比较下列每组字母或单词的读音,相同的用(S), 不同的用(D)表示。1. b, a ( ) 2. c, e ( ) 3. a, e ( ) 4. b, d ( ) 5. a, c ( ) 6. Dale, Alice ( )7. Frank, thanks ( ) 8. evening, Helen ( ) 9. A, H ( ) 10. E, F ( )四、看图写出下列图所表示内容的缩写字母或单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6、_ _ _ _ _五、单项选择( )1. -Good evening, Eric. -_, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening( )2一Good morning! -_ AThank you BGood morning! CHello!( )3一Hello! 一_ AHello! BThank you CIm fine( )4一Sit down,P1ease -_. AIm fine BMy name is Li Lei CThank you( )5一Whats your name? -_. AClark B. Im

7、 OK CThank you六、从所给选项中选出能回答以下问题的交际用语1A:Good morning,class B: _.2A:Hello,JimHow are you? B:_3A:Whats your name? B:_ 4A:Sit down,please B:_5A:Whats this? B:_ aIts “B” bGood morning,teacher cFine,thank you dMy name is Jim eThank you七、连词成句1good,you,to,morning2you, hi, how, Grace, are3name,my,Jim,is4sit,

8、Please,down5fine,you,thank八、选择正确的答案填空( )1早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“_ ”AHello! B. How are you? CGood morning,MrMiss! DGood afternoon( )2假设你叫Lin Lin,当人家问你“Are you Lin Lin?”时,你应该说: “_” AMy name is Lin Lin BYes,I am CI am not DYesit is.( )3当你要向别人打听某事时,你应说:“_”AHello BSorry CExcuse me DHi( )4当你向别人介绍你的朋友Jim时,你应说:

9、“_” AThis is Jim BHe is Jim CYou are Jim DI am Jim( )5当你认错人时,你应说:“_”A. Excuse me B. Im OK CIm sorry DThank you( )6. _? -Fine,thank you A. How do you do BHow old are you C. Can you spell it D. How are you九、补全对话1A:Hello! B: _!A:Whats your name? B: _name is Kate Green.A:_ are you? B: Fine, _you. How ar

10、e you?A:Im fineWhats this? B: _ “Gg”.A:Thank_ 2T:Good morning,classS:_, teacher T: How are you?S:_, thank you, _you? T: Im fine, _. Whats this?S:Its “Nn(嗯) T: No, its “Nn” /en/.S: “Nn” /en/ T: Yes, sit _, please.参考答案一、1ABC 2b c d 3e f g 4D E F 5f g h二、1bee 2bag 3bed 4hb 5cd 6. abc 7. ad 8. caac 9. bec 10. face三、1. D 2S 3. D 4. S 5. D 6. D 7. S 8. D 9. S 10. D四、1. HB 2. bed 3. BBC 4. CD 5. hand 五、1C 2B 3A 4C 5A六、1b 2c 3d 4e 5A七、1


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