



1、六年级上册作文复习1. Peter感冒了。请你给他提一些有利于他恢复健康的建议,用英语写下来。范文:Peter has a cold. He should stay in bed. He should have a good rest. He should see the doctor. He should drink lots of water. He should get plenty of exercise. He will get better soon.范文二:看图,描述图片中人物的病症并且给出建议。Look at the picture. Tom has a headache. H

2、e should see the doctor. Mary has a stomachache. She should take some medicine. Jeeny has a fever. She should stay in bed. Gogo has a toothache. He should see the dentist. 2.Lisa想知道去医院的路怎么走。请你看图,然后用英语写一段话,告诉Lisa如何去医院。路径:直走走过两个街区右转左转位置:在银行的对面范文:I can tell you how to go to the hospital. Go straight. W

3、alk for two blocks. Then turn right. And turn left. You can see it. Its across from the bank.3.健康对我们很重要。你有健康的生活习惯吗?请把你在生活中的好习惯用英语写下来。范文:I have some good habits. I drink milk every day. I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. I get plenty of exercise. I dont like junk food. I never eat junk food. I am

4、 healthy.4.Tom是一个健康的男孩。用英语写一段话,描述一下Tom的健康的生活习惯。范文:Tom has some good habits. He eats plenty of fruits and vegetables. He drinks lots of water. He gets plenty of exercise. He never drinks cola. He doesnt eat junk food. He is healthy.注意:如果是第三人称单数,动词后面要加s,如:He never drinks cola.5.Paul的卧室昨天还乱糟糟,今天却焕然一新。请

5、你根据图片,用英语写一段话,描述Paul的卧室变化。范文:Pauls bedroom was messy yesterday.The books were on the floor. The clothes were on the bed. The toys were on the floor. But today, Pauls bedroom was tidy. The toys were in the box. The books were on the desk. 6.儿童节、春节、圣诞节等哪一个节日给你留下了深刻的印象?你是如何度过那个节日的?请你用英语写一写,和大家一起分享吧。范文:

6、I like the Mid-Autumn festival. Last Mid-Autumn festival, I was at home. It was August. I watched the moon. I ate moon cake. I was happy. What about you?7.上个周末,John和他的朋友们都很忙。请你看图,然后用英语写一写他们都在做了哪些事情。范文:Last weekend, John and his friends were very busy. John washed the dishes. Cindy danced. Tim played

7、 soccer. Lucy cleaned the window. Ben cooked some food. They were happy.8.Peter喜欢吃薯条等垃圾食品,他还喜欢玩电脑,不喜欢运动。为了Peter的健康,请你用英语给他写一封信,给他一些建议。范文:Dear Peter,I know you like eating chips. You like playing computer games. You dont like sports. They are bad for you. You should eat healthy food. You should not p

8、lay too much computer game. You should get plenty of exercise. They are good for you.See you soon, Wing注意:写信的格式Dear XXX, How are you?正文Bye.写信人的名字9.去年暑假,Sally去了泰国。请你参照下表,用英语写一段话描述她在泰国旅游的情况。When: last summer holiday Where: Thailand Weather: sunny and hot What: visited the templesplayed with the elepha

9、nts Food: tasty and spicy 范文:Last summer holiday, Sally was in Thailand. The weather was sunny and hot. Sally visited the temples. Sally played with the elephants. The food was spicy and tsaty. Sally was happy.10.去年暑假,你去了哪里,做了什么事情?请你用英语写一写。范文:Last summer holiday, I was in Sichun. The weather was hot

10、. The food was spicy. I took lots of photos. I played with friends. I was happy.11.去年寒假,你去了哪里,做了什么?用英语写一段话。范文:Last winter holiday, I was in Sichun. The weather was cold. The food was spicy. I took lots of photos. I played with friends. I was happy.12.请以“How to stay healthy”为题,写一篇关于如何保持健康的短文。范文:How to stay health


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