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1、盐池第一学期期中考试八年级英语试卷.听力(共20小题,计分20 分)9I.听对话,选择正确的图画。(每小题1分,计分5分)()1.()4.II.听句子,选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分,计分5分)()6. A. To Beiji ng.B. For a week. C. Yes, I bought a hat.()7. A. At 8:30. B. I dont mind them. C. Twice a week.()8. A. It was won derful.B. My friend Lisa. C. Lisa sang and danced.C. On the In ternet.()9

2、. A. Once a week. B. By bus.()10. A. We went to Lon do n. B. In the box. C. Un der the table.III. 听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分)()11. How many stude nts like swing dan ce?A. 15.B. 35.C. 50.()12. What does the boy think of Jack?A. He is lazier. B. He issmarter. C. He is frie ndlier.()13. How ofte n

3、 does the girl eat rice?A. Once a week. B. Three times a week. C. Five times a week.()14. What does the girl want to be?A. An actor. B. A writer. C. A policema n.()15. What does Bill think of 107AM ?A. Terrible.B. Fan tastic.C. Comfortable.IV. 听对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第 16-17小题。()16. What do

4、es the boy s brother think ofKeep Running?A. He thinks it is in teresti ng.B. He thi nks it is excit ing.C. He thinks it is boring.()12. What does the girl thi nk of Deng Chao?A. She thinks he is careful.B. She thi nks he is funny.C. She thinks he is kind.听下面一段对话,回答第 18-20小题。()18. Where will they do

5、 this Saturday?A. Go shopp ing.B. Go to the movies. C. Go swimmi ng.()19. How will they get there?A. By bus. B. By bike.C. On foot.()20. When will they meet?C. At 11:00 am.A. At 10:00 am. B. At 10:30 am.单项选择(共10小题,计分10分)()21.What did Mark do last week?Hesome books andsometh ingimporta nt.A. read; le

6、ar ned B. readed; lear nedC. read; lear nD. reads; lear ned()22. What s in todayThere is.A. in teresti ng no thi ngC. nothing in terest ing()23. The players could nA. because of B. becauses n ewspaper ?B. any thi ng in teresti ngD. in teresti ng everyth ingt p lay soccerthe heavy rain.C. whe n D. be

7、cause()24. How ofte n does she go online?-Shegoes online.A. h ardly B. everC .n everD. many times()25. it was very cold, my friend still went swimmi ng inJiali ng River this morning.A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. /; although()26. Pedro isthan I.A. funny and outgo ingB. funnier a

8、nd outgo ingC. funnier and more outgo ing D. more funny and outgo ing()27. Is her lifestyleyours?A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to()28. Which subject isof all?A. the most in terested B. the most in teresti ngC. the more in terested D. the more in teresti ng()29. Tale nt Shows are

9、beco ming.A. more and most popular B. more popular and more popularC. more and more popular D. popular and popular()30. There are school things in the store.A. a kind of B. kind of C. different kind of D. all kinds of三完形填空(共10小题,计分10分)Last Sun day we had a great trip. My father, my mother and I 36 t

10、o summer camp. We wentto the mountains. First we 37 to the foot of the mountain 38 bus. In the middle of t he mountain there was a river. The water was clean and clear. I washed my face 39 thewater.It was warm. There 40 somefishes in the river. In the mountain there were flowers.Theywere 41 . At noo

11、n, many peopl e got together, and they were very 42. We made our meal in the mountain. The food was very 43 , and we liked it very much. After meal, we went onour trip. We felt 44 . It was really 45 .()31. A. goB.goesC. we ntD. to go()32. A. getB. gotC. go t toD. arrived()33. A. byB. onC. inD. took(

12、)34. A. onB. withC. inD. into()35. A. isB. wasC. wereD. are()36. A. uglyB. beautifulC. awfulD. delicious()37. A. frien dlyB. friendsC. busyD. tired()38. A. niceB. terribleC. badD. great()39. A. happyB. unhappyC. frien dly D. in terest ing()40. A. coldB. hotC. funD. funny四.阅读理解(共12小题,计分24分)F表是关于四个人度假

13、的详细情况。根据图表内容,选择正确选项。NameJobTimePlaceFeeli ngStevePolicema nJuly 15thMou nt Tai (泰山)Pretty goodHenryActorJuly 25thCe ntral ParkNot very goodNancyStude ntAugust 1s tThe Summer PalaceFan tasticJulieDoctorAugust 1stCity MuseumTerrible()41. What does Na ncy do?A. A doctor.B. A policewoma n.C. An actorD.A

14、 stude nt()42. Where did Steve go?A. To the Summer Palace.B. To Central Park.C. To Mou nt Tai.D. To City Museum.()43. How was Julie s vacation?C. Pretty good.D. Terrible.A. Fan tastic.B. Not very good.()44. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Julie is a doctor.B. Henry is an actor and his vacati o

15、n was not very good.C. Nancy went to Cen tral Park on vacati on.D. Nancy and Julie went on vacatio n on the same day.BThere are four people in my family. They re my grandfather, my parents and me. Mygrandfather exercises every day. He never uses the Internet. He eats vegetables three times a day , b

16、ut he hardly ever drinks milk. And he watches TV every night. My father is a taxidriver. He s very busy. He never exercises, but he sometimes surf the Internet. He watchesTV on Saturday and Sun day evening. He ofte n eats vegetables and drinks milk. My mother is a housewife. She watches TV twice a d

17、ay. She n ever surfs the Intern et. She sometimes eats vegetables, but she drinks milk three times a week. Exercise? Of course she does. Sheexercises every day by doing housework. I m a middle school student. I go to school fromMon day to Friday. I ofte n exercise. But on Saturday and Sun day, I don

18、 t exercise becauseI have too much homework to do. I watch TV on ly on Sun day evening. But I surf the Internettwice a week. I drink milk every day, but I donto me,“ Why do you eat so much meat, Mike? Iti t very much.()45. sometimes surf the Internet in hisA. Mike and his fatherC. Mike s parents()46

19、.watch TV every day in his family.A. Mike and his gra ndfatherC. Mike s parents()47. Why don t Mike exercise on Satut like vegetables. My mo ther often sayss not good for your health. ” But I like family.B. Mike and his motherD. Mike s father and grandfatherB. Mike s mother and grandfatherD. Mike s

20、father and grandfatherrday and Sun day?A. Because he wants to surf the Intern et.B. Because he wants to watch TV.C. Because he has too much homework to do. D. Because he has to go to school.()48. Mike likes eati ngvery much.C. fruitCD. milkA. meatB. vegetablesMy name s Mary. I am a heavy and tall gi

21、rl with long hair. I like to have friends whoare differe nt from me. My best friend is Wang Fang. She comes from China. She is shortertha n me. And she has Ion ger hair tha n me. She is much more outgo ing tha n me. She ofte n tells jokes. Her favorite thing is reading books. My favorite thing is pl

22、aying chess. But we have one thi ng in com mon. We both like play ing pin g-pa ng. She plays better tha n me. We oftenhelp and lear n from each other.()49.Mary likes to have friends who areA. taller thanB. the same as C. calmer than D. different from()50.Wa ng Fangs hair istha n Marys.A. shorter B.

23、l on gerC. curlierD. darker()51.Wa ng Fangs favorite thingisA. readi ng booksB. draw ingC. play ing basketball D. singing()52.Mary and Wang Fa ng both like to.A. play soccerB. dance C. play pin g-pa ngD. tall jokes五单词拼写(共 8小题,计分8分)根据下列短文,写出与各小题所给汉语相对应的英语单词的正确形式(每空一词)rm 11 years old, but rm over 60 k

24、g. Being a fat kid is not easy. For 53 (例子),I n ever take part in the sports meeti ng at school.Some of my classmates are also 54 (烦闷的) with the same problem. A week ago, ourschool started a 55 (节目)called Healthy Kids .A56 ( 有名的)doctor came to ourschool and gave us a talk.The doctor said, The main 5

25、7 (原因) of obesity (肥胖)is that some people eattoo much, but they dont take eno ugh exercise. It is really bad for their body and 58(心智).A little change (改变)now can make a big 59 ( 差别)in your health. ”Now I eat 60 ( 更少的)junk food than before and take a walk 30 minutes every morning.And I feel much bet

26、ter.六综合填空(共 8小题,计分8分)从下面方框中选择适当的词填入短文中,使短文通顺正确。每词只用一次,有些词要用适当的 形式。up give tale nt win funny however day joinVi nee is good at telli ng jokes and stories. He can always make people laugh. All hisfriends and teachers thi nk he is the61stude nt in the class. When Vince heard aboutthe schools tale nt sh

27、ow, he decided to62_ it. He wan ted to share his stories withother stude nts. But some stude nts laughed at him, You are not63at all. You cantmake _64a funny story.Vi nee felt very sad. For a few65_, he even did nt want to joi n the show. 66,Vince remembered how much his friends and teachers liked h

28、is stories. He tried his best to prepare for (为. 准备)the tale nt show.Vi nee practiced for more tha n two hours every day. His pare nts and friends 67 him lots of help. Luckily, everybody loved his story in the show, and he became the 68 of the tale nt show. Vi nce was really happy.七.任务型阅读(共5小题,计分10分

29、)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,再在每小题句子空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文内容一致(没每空词数不限)。My name is Tyler and I am from the US. Last summer, I took a one-week-long bus tripin En gla nd. There were twenty people and most were young stude nts.At first, no one talked and every one was busy tak ing photos. Soon, we got to know each other and started to eat together. But an old man still didn t talk much. He just


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