



1、外研初二(上)Module 6 A famous story同步测试I. 单项选择。(10分)1. They saw a won derful film about life the future.A. onB. inC. ofD. at2. Did you like speaking English?A. reallyB. realC. trueD. very3. Whereyou go? I went to the beach.A. areB. wereC. doD. did4. China is a country a long history.A. withB. ofC. haveD.

2、 had5. He told his sister a wish when she had a birthday party.A. makesB.makingC. to makeD.made6. The food looks ; I like it very much.A. goodB.wellC. badD.frighte ning7. Bob saw a mana little boy with his car in the street yesterday.A. write dow nB. knock dow nC. fall dow nD. climb dow n8. Do you k

3、now the boy Tom?A. callB. calli ngC. calledD. calls9. Do you think there is in this book?A. someth ing in teresti ngB. in teresti ng someth ingC. anything in teresti ngD. in terest ing anything10. I feel like a scary movie.A. seeB. sawC. to watchD. watch ingn .完形填空。(共10分)Nowadays, computers are beco

4、ming more and more 11 in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops and restaurants along busy streets change into 12 game houses. These places are always crowded with 13, especially (尤其)young boys.Inthecomputergame houses, people 14 a lot of money playing computergames. Its 15for one to win comput

5、er games, but one can try it again and again. Themore they16,the more they want to win, and at last they even can t live without 无)it.For schoolboys, theyhave no17 in their less ons. When class is over, they rush to (冲至 U) the n earby computer game houses. Some of them can get eno ugh 18 from their

6、parents. But it is not 19for some to get money. They begin to steal (偷)20stude nts money and become thieveII. A. beautifulB. i nterest ingC. carefullyD. popular12. A. bookB. toyC. computerD. sports13.A. peopleB. boyC. wome nD. girl14.A. takeB. winC. useD. spend15.A. easyB. not easyC. importa ntD. wo

7、n derful16.A. missB. takeC. playD. make17.A. i nterestB. i nteresti ngC. i nterestedD. to in terest18.A. bookB. timeC. foodD. money19.A. badB. angryC. difficultD. easy20.A. otherB. othersC. ano therD. the othersIII.阅读理解。(40分)AHi! I m Peter. I m in the seventh grade. I have one thing to say. Itchild!

8、s not easy whe n yYesterday, I had a really good time whe n I was playi ng outside with my frien ds. But my mother came out and said,yoPeteve to come back and do your homework.”Last Friday,there was a scary film on TV. It was really exciting. But my father did not let me watch.Hesaid,“ You re too yo

9、ung to see this film.” Last Saturday, I wan ted to buy abirthday gift for myfriend.But I had to wait for my mom to come back because I had no mon ey.I will be an adult( 成年人)in the future. When I grow up ( 长大)no one can tell me what todo or whe n to do it; I do not do any homework; I can do what I wa

10、nt to do. I will have a lot of mon ey; I will buy many gifts for my frien ds.21. Peter thinks it is when he is a child.A. funB. happyC. difficultD. easy22. Who wan ted Peter to do his homework? .A. His frie ndB. His teacherC. His fatherD. His mother23. What did Peter want to do last Friday? He A. wa

11、n ted to see a filmB. wan ted to buy a giftC. wan ted to do his homeworkD. wan ted to play with a frie nd24. Did Peter buy a gift for his friend?A. Yes, he didB. No, he didn tC. We don t know D. No, he did25. Which of the followi ng is NOT TRUE?A. Peter had a nice day yesterdayB. Peter doesn t like

12、scary filmsC. Peter wants to buy a lot of gifts for his friends in the futureD. Peter wants to do many things whe n he grows upBLong long ago, there was a girl called Nuwa. Her father was Emperor(皇帝)Yan and he loved her very much. They often played together, and she also loved her father very much.

13、One day, she had a wonderful time when she swam in the sea. She was too tired to swim and she was drow ned (淹死).Because she wan ted to see her father whe n she cha nged in to( 变成)a bird, she put some stones into the sea day after day and cha nged the sea into the land. She made a wish, and she would

14、 like to play with her father aga in.This story was a little sad. It tells something important. When we do anything, we have to work hard. Lear ning En glish is difficult but if you study hard, you can lear n it well.26. Did Emperor Yan love her draught very much?.A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didn t.C.

15、We don t know.D. Yes, he didn t.27. What did Nuwa do whe n she cha nged into a bird? She.A. had a won derful timeB. swam in the seaC. put some stones into the seaD. played with her father28. Why was she drowned? .A. Because she was happyB. Because she was sadC. Because she was tiredD. Because she wa

16、s a little girl29. What is the meaning ofland ”?A.大海B.岛屿C.操场D.陆地30. What do we know from this passage? .A. We should cha nge into a birdB. The girl loved her father very muchC. Don t swim in the seaD. Lear ning En glish is easyIV .根据图画填空,每空一词。(10分)31. Did you to the cinema yesterday? Yes, Ia great f

17、ilm.32. did they do after school?They football.33. kind of drink would you like?I d likedrink.34. What movie do you like seeing? . It is my favourite.35. you buy a book for your father? No, I didn t. a bike for him.V.同义句转换。(10分)36. Did you go to the cin ema last ni ght?Did you go to thelast ni ght?3

18、7. He likes seeing a film very much.He seeing a film very much.38. I would like to take a walk now.Itaking a walk now.39. He ofte n writes to his friends on Sun day.He ofte nhis friends on Sun day.恵40. The old man gave him a magic book.The old man gave a magic book him.W .书面表达。(20分)同学们在春游时看到目前有些地方水资源污染情况严重,很有感触。请你根据以下提示和要求,为本期英文黑板报写一篇专稿。提示水的重要性在所有吃喝的东西中,水是最重要的。人不吃食物 能活好多天,但水三天则可能导致死亡。某些现象有些人意识不到水的重要性,常往江河湖泊里扔垃 圾;有的工厂往江河湖泊排放废水,造成河水污染 以致无法饮用。你的感想谈一点你对保护水资源、保护人类健康的认识。注意:1短文必须包括以上所有提示内容,但不可逐字翻译;2感想部分可根据实际情况自由发挥,但至少要有一个完整的句子;3字数:60左右。Keys:1-5BADAC6-10 ABCCD11-15DCADB16-20 CADDA21-25CDACB26-30ACC


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