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1、1,2021/2/7,大学英语新理念,综合教程第二册,来永春,B级模拟试题,2,Part II Structure,16. He is the man_ car was stolen last night. A. which B.whose C.who D. whom B,3,17.So far,she _ her holiday very much. A. has not enjoyed B. did not enjoy C. doesnt enjoy D.was not enjoying A,4,18.They were all very tired, but_ of them would

2、 stop to take a rest. A. some B. any C. neither D. none D,5,19.He never said that he was good at mathematics, _? A. was he B. wasnt he C. did he D. didnt he C,6,20. I dont know _ I can come or not. A. if B. whether C. that D. what B,7,21.I will fly to Beijing to visit my uncle_. A. on afternoon June

3、 5 B. in June 5s afternoon C. on the afternoon of June 5 D. in the afternoon of June 5 C,8,22.If you wont go, _. A. so do I B. neither do I C. so shall I D. neither shall I D,9,23. They have _ stories about animals behavior. A. talked B. told C. said D. spoken,10,24.Itd be helpful _me _ know what yo

4、ur plans are for the week. A. forto B. to for C. for by D. to through A,11,25. In order to _ these goals, we have to work even harder than before. A. accept B. include C. achieve D. contact C,12,26.Dr.Smith is a _ (special) daling with such international disputes. specialist 27.It is strongly advise

5、d that students_(read) English aloud for thirty minutes every day. (should) read,13,28. The teacher asked the student, “What _(exact) do you want to do” ecactly 29. He has been to the United States for five years and is used to _ (live) there. living,14,30.Every one knows the _(important) of learnin

6、g a foreign language. Importance 31._(give) another chance, I am sure I can do it better. Given,15,32.I would like to thank you for your short but clear _ (explain). explaination 33.It is said that the weather in Britain is very _ (change). changable,16,34. Weather _(permit), the sorts meet will be

7、held next week. permitting 35. Jack found it difficult _ (complete) the task within an hour. to complete,17,Part IIIReading Comprehension Task 1,Last summer, my wife and I went to vist the town where we both grew up. We hadnt been there since we were aarried ten years ago. First, we went to the neig

8、hborhood where my wife spend her childhood. It hadnt changed very much. The house where she was born was still there, but it was now a different color. The same neighbors still vived next door, they were very glad to see Jane,and asked us to come in and have a cup of coffee. We learned about all the

9、 neighbors, old and new. Jane had a very good time. As soon as one question was asked, she would ask the next . “What happened to the Blacks who used to have the little yellow house on the corner?” “Who bought the old Johnsons place on the next block?” “Do Fred and White still live down the street?”

10、 “What about Miss Burton who lived alone in the extremely big house around the corner”. Then we went to see the neighborhood where I grew up. What a disappointment! It was all changed. All the old houses I remembered were gone and in their place were some very modern ones. I didnt any of the people

11、who lived there.Someone has said that you cant go home again . Jane might not think so, but I believe this is true,18,36. What place did they go to visit last summer? A. Abeautiful B. The biggest city in the country C. The countryside D. Their hometown D,19,37. The got married_. A. eight years ago B

12、. ten years ago C. ten years befor D. eight years before B,20,38.First, they went to the place wehre _ spent_ childhood. A. his wife her B.he his C.his mother her D. his wifes motherher A,21,39. Which statement is TRUE about the old eeighbors according to the passage? A. They hated to see Jane B. Th

13、ey were unfriendly to Jane C. They refused to see Jane D. They were delighted to see Jane D,22,40. All the old housed I remembered were gone. The word “gone” here means_. A. built B. disappeared C. sold D.left B,23,Part IIITask 2,This is a time of science technology change, the disappearance of clas

14、s difference and eaual educatioanl opportunities for everyone. Many old fashioned ideas about what children should do in life are no longer highly regarded. Apart from the traditional academic careers in science, medicine, law , and the arts, we also need skilled technians, technologists, and busine

15、ssmen. We need to modernize our industries and give an encouragement to trade.Young people should be encoraged to see the value of all trade, crafts, and professions and to look on the career they have chosen with interest and pride. In the old days, sons followed their fathers trade or profession a

16、nd took up the occupation that suited the best interests of the family and possibly of society, too. Total freedom in the cjpoce pf a career is often a burden to the individual, a danger to society as well. At present more and more young people are encouraged to choose their career according to thei

17、r individual abilities and interests. This concern for the vocational aspect of a career is all very well, but young people cannot judge their own abilities and need guidance in the choice of a career form others,24,41. What is new in this age that isnt mentioned in this passage? A. Technological de

18、velopment B. No class difference. C. Equality of all people D. Freedom of women D,25,42. Traditionally, _ are not respected. A. scientists B. businessmen C. lawyers D. doctors B,26,43. In the old day, young people may have to do the following except that_. A. sons take the same job as their father d

19、id B. sons take the job that other family member likes C. they have total freedom in the choice of a career D. they take a career that is accepted by the societies C,27,44. Which of the following may be the problem when young people chose their career? A. They have not the freedom to make their own

20、choice B. They are not good at judging their own abilites. C. They have to follow some peoples advice D. They dont know their real interests B,28,45. Nowadays young people should be encouraged to see the values of the following except _. A. trades B. crafts C. professions D. medicine D,29,Part IIITa

21、sk 3,At present, there are more and more ways of going on holiday. In my opinion, there are two types of holiday-mkers. Holiday makers of the first type always go to seaside towns or mountain resorts when they go on holiday. Their only aim is to relax. They just enjoy the local scenery and play the

22、sports they like. Holiday-makers of other type to to very country to increase knowledge of foreign countgries. They would go to these places of cultrual inerests. For them, going on holiday is educational. If they come to a place, they will stay until they get a proper feeling of it or fully enjoy t

23、he local food. Wine and their special cultrue,30,Two types of Holiday-makers The first type: Aim:to(46)_ Places they go to: seaside wowns and (47)_ Things they do: enjoy the(48)_ and play their favorite sports. The second type: Aim: to (49)_ Place they go to: go to every country Things they do:fully

24、 enjoy the local food, wine and (50)_ 46. relax 47.mountain resorts 48.local scenery 49. increase their knowledge 50.their special culture,31,Part IIITask 4,ATaekwondo IShooting BCycling JTrack and field CWrestling K Equestrian D Weightlifting LBoxing E Fencing MBall Games FCymnastics NSwimming GRow

25、ing OHigh jumping HDiving 51. ( ) 球类项目 ( )体操 52. ( )划船 ( )跆拳道 53. ( )田径 ( )马术 54. ( )跳水 ( )拳击 55. ( )自行车 ( )射击 51MF 52 GA 53 JK 54 HL 55 BI,32,Part IIITask 5,Venue: hong Kong Convention&Exhibition Center Hall I Exhibition Date: 15-19, July,2008, Wednesday to Sunday Exhibition Hour: 9:00 a.m8:30 p.m

26、As its name suggests, the Hong Kong Comics Festival was first started with COMICS as its main attraction. It has become the summer carnival for children. Meeting the Media! The Hong Kong comics Festival has always drawn a great amount of media attention at home and abroad. Reports, interviews and ma

27、gazines carry on for months, both before and after the event. Hundreds of reporters from different medium attend the event in person to experience it first hand. Targeted media:best selling magazines and comic books, TV, radio, newspapers. A wonderful opportunity is waiting for you. Join us and be o

28、ne of the happy winners,33,56.Where will the Hong kong Comics Festival be held? It will be held at Hong kong Convention & Exhibition_. 57.How long will the exhibition be held? It will be held for _days. 58.Whom will the festival attract? It will attract _. 59. Why do hundreds of reporters attend the

29、 event in person? They attend the event in person to experience it _. 60. Who are the targeted media of festival? _ and comic books, TV, radio, newspaper. 56. Center Hall I 57.five 58.children 59.first hand 60.best selling magazines,34,Part IV TranslationEnglish to Chinese,61. He has just arrived, b

30、ut he talks as if he knew all about what has happened. A.他仅仅到了这里就知道所发生的一切。 B.他刚到,但说起话来好像对这里所发生的一切了如指掌。 C.他是刚到的,不过他什么都知道 D.虽然他到了现场,但他仿佛什么都不知道。 BCAD,35,62.Mary suddenly left New York the day before yesterday, which was more than we had expected. A.玛丽前天突然离开纽约,这着实让我们意想不到。 B.玛丽前天去了纽约,这比我们预料的要早。 C.玛丽前天去了纽

31、约,这大大出乎了我们的意料。 D.玛丽前天突然离开纽约,这不是我们愿意看到的。 CBAD,36,63.When compared with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all. A.与整个地球相比,这座最高的山似乎一点也不高。 B.当你与整个地球相比的时候,最高的上在所有方面也不显得很高。 C.最高的山与地球比一点也不高。 D.比较整个地球的尺寸,最高的山脉也很渺小。 ACDB,37,64.He has been invited to a farewell party to be given at our meeting room at 8 a.m next Sunday. A.他被邀请参加下个星期天晚上8点钟在我们会议室举行的告别晚会。 B.他应邀参加了这个星期天晚上8点钟在我们会议室举行的告别晚会。


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