



1、七上仁爱版英语 Unit3 Topic2 What does your mother doSection C教学设计The main activities are 1a and 1c. 本课重点活动是 1a 禾口 1c。I . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Learn some words about family members and relatives:aunt, uncle, brother, grandparent, cousin, daughter, son (2)Lear n some other words and expressi o

2、ns:family, woman, sofa, tree, family tree2. Lear n the follow ing senten ces:(1) This is a photo of my family.(2) Who s the young woman in yellow?(3) Who are those on the sofa?(4) 1 have abig family.n . Teaching aids 教具图片/挂图/录音机/照片/小黑板川.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.

3、 (老师拿出有各种职业的人物图片,复习有关职业及工作场所的句型。)(老师出示一个医生的图片。)T: What does he do?S1: He is a doctor.T: Where does he work?S1: He works in a hospital.(老师出示一个女教师的图片。)T: What does she do?S2: She is a teacher.T: Where does she work?S2: She works in a school.(老师出示一个办公室男职员的图片。)T: What does the man do?S3: He is an office

4、 worker.T: Where does he work?S3: He works in an office.2. (出示三口之家的全家福,继续通过图片上的人物复习职业和工作场所。教师引入家庭介 绍。)T: Look at the picture, can you guess what the man/woma n does?Ss: He/She is T: Where does he/she work?Ss: He/She works T: What does the boy do?Ss: He is a stude nt.T: OK! This is a family. It a pho

5、to of Now look at ano ther picture.3. (老师拿出一张四口之家的图片:一对夫妻和一儿一女,陈述人物关系引出新词汇。)T: This is Michael family.(板书)familyT:(用手指图片上的男孩)The boy is Michael.(然后用手指图片上的女孩)The little girl is hissister, Jane. Michael is Janes brother.(板书)brother(让学生猜其意。)T: The man in black is Mr. Brow n. He is Michael and Jane fath

6、er. The woma n in red is their mother.(板书)_woma n(让学生猜其意。)T: So Jane is the woma n daughter.(板书)daughter(教学板书的词汇。)4. (猜人物关系,学生听老师的描述,在老师的帮助下学习更多新词汇。)T:Your fathers brother is your ?Ss_学生保持沉默,老师及时帮助,说出答案并板书,然后解释板书内容。)uncleT: Your mother brother is your ?Ss: Un cle.T: Si, do you have an uncle?Si: Yes,

7、 I do./No, I don T: Your father sister is your ?Ss(学生保持沉默,老师及时帮助,说出答案并板书。 )auntT: Your mother sister is your ?Ss: Aunt.T: Your parentsparents are your ?Ss:(学生保持沉默,老师及时帮助,说出答案并板书。gran dpare nts(教学新词汇,导入。)Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)1. (老师展示教学挂图,通过问答形式,巩固新单词,理清1a中的人物关系。)T: This is a photo of Kan

8、gkang family.(板书)This is a photo of (让带有全家福的学生,一边展示全家福,一边说:This is a photo of my family.)(师生问答,允许有不符合原文的回答,为后面的听力埋下伏笔。)T: Who the young woman in yellow?S4: She is Kangkang (若学生回答有误,暂不指出,老师板书S4之答案。)T: Who the young man in green?S5: He is Kangkang (若学生回答有误,暂不指出,老师板书S5之答案。)T: Who the young woman in red

9、?S6: She is Kangkang (同样允许有误,老师板书S6之答案。)T: Who the man in black?S7: He is Kangkang (同上,老师板书 S7之答案。)T:(手指沙发)Who are they on the sofa?(板书)on the sofa来S8: They are Kangkang (可以有误,老师板书S8之答案。)T: Who is the little girl?S9: She is Kangkang (可以有误老师板书 S9之答案。)2. (听1a录音,判断上面学生回答是否正确。老师和学生一起核对答案。)3. (再听1a录音并跟读,

10、模仿发音及语音语调。)4. (让学生朗读1a,完成1a。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (挑选几个学生,展示自己的全家福,并作简单介绍。)S1: This is my He/She is a(an)He/She works 2. (让学生听一段短文,然后完成问题,多次呈现新词汇,加强记忆。)给学生讲述: My name is Jack. I am a boy. Im 12 years old. Im a student. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My aunt and uncle

11、 are both office workers. They have a daughter. My little sister is four years old. She is at home with my gran dpare nts.( 听完短文,回 答下列问题。)T: Who are they in Jack family?S2: They are Jack (若一个人不能完成,可以由几个学生补充完成。)T: What does Jack do?S3: He is a stude nt.T: What does Jacks father do?S4: He is a doctor.

12、T: What does Jacks mother do?S5: She is a teacher.T: What do Jack aunt and uncle do?S6: They are office workers.T: What do Jack grandparents do?S7: They are at home.2.(老师给出关键词,让学生复述Kangkang family。板书关键词。)a photo ofwoman in yellowlittle girl in pinkwoman in redman in gree non the sofabig family(如果学生有

13、困难,老师要及时给予帮助。)Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:9分钟)1. (学生再读1a。根据1a内容,填充1b。)2. (师生一起核对答案,完成1b。)3. (老师出示画在小黑板上的一幅空白家谱。)T: This is a family tree. (板书)family tree4. (让学生参照1a内容及挂图,完成康康的家谱,师生一起核对答案,完成1c。)5. (让学生画自己的家谱,并把自己的家庭成员作简短的批注如:职业、年龄等。)6. (让学生交换家谱,根据他人的家谱写一篇小短文,完成2。)Example:This is family. His/Her father i

14、s His/Her mother is His/Her aunt is His/Her uncle is7. (老师挑选几个学生,把他/她所写的关于其他同学的家谱大声朗读出来。)Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. 播放录音,学生跟着唱Let scha nt。在歌曲声中重现所学词汇,完成3。2. 了解家人的更多情况并制作如下表格,使学生更接近家人。出示小黑板。NameRelati onAgeJobWorkplace3. 采访活动,让同学充当小记者去询问他/她的同学然后完成下表。出示小黑板。NameRelati onAgeJobWorkplacesFamilysFamily4. Homework:(收集更多的家庭照片,带到学校来,用


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