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2、分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共;每小题1分,满分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The girl is on special diet to lose weight and I hope she can succeed A: Ba; C;a D;the2 What happened?Well,the wind the door openIve already closed itAis blowing Bhas blown Cblew Dhad blown3I dont know how to this dishwasher do

3、 I Arun,Neither Bturn,Neither Crun,So Dturn,So4Over time,the famous singer,Jay Zhou has developed and his own singing style Agot up Bturned up Cput up Dbuild up5China mainland has confirmed about 60 cases of H1Nlflu,most of returned from abroadAwhom Bit Cthem Dthat6The patient, how serious his illne

4、ss was,still refused an operation Anot realize Bnot to realise Cnot realising Dnot being realized7 all the inventors have in common is they axe creative AWhat;what BWhat;that CThat;that DThat;what8Mommy,would you buy me all,MP3 if I behave well in the following week? I ,I promise Acould Bshould C wi

5、ll Ddo9While we are developing agriculture and industry,we must prevent the earth Afrom polluting Bpolluted Cpolluting Dbeing polluted10Although made in Ming Dynasty,this vase is well Adiscovered Bobserved Cdelivered Dpreserved11How about putting some sugar in the soup? It may taste better ANo way B

6、Why not? CWhy so? DNo wonder12Havent I made clear that you mustnt take the magazines out of the library? SorryI forgot Athis Bone Cthat Dit13 life is not easy for any of us,we should face it confidently ANot that BNow that CWhat if DAs if14Do you have any on the cause of the crashed Air France Fligh

7、t? Aaccount Bcomment Csummary Dbelief15Jack,I am sorry to trouble you, could you explain it again? Aso Band Cor Dbut16More and more migrant workers are the new policy of the central government Abenefited Bbenefiting Cbenefited from Dbenefiting from17Each of the students,working hard now at his or he

8、r lessons, to go to university Ahope Bhopes Choping Dhoped18Im not feeling well in the stomachYou se much fried chicken just nowAshouldnt eat Bcouldnt eat Cshouldnt have eaten Dmustnt have eaten19It was on April Fools Day in 1957 a British program reported a noodle harvest in Sweden Awhich Bwhen Cth

9、at Don whichShall I give you a ride as you live so far away? Thank you AIt couldnt be better BOf course you can CIf you like DIts up to you第二节:完形填空(共;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最制选项。 One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business me

10、eting1 was 21 a quiet time viewing the masterpieces A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me 22 nonstop between themselves watched them a moment and decided the woman was doing all the 23 I admired the man 24 for standing her constant flow of wordsAware of their 25 , I walked away I met them

11、 several times as I moved through the museums 26 rooms 27 I heard the womans constant flow of words,I moved away 28 I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple 29 the exitBefore they left,the man 30 his pocket and pulled out a white objectHe turned it into

12、 a long stick and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket “Hes a 31 man,”the clerk at the counter said“Most of us 32 give up if we were blinded at such a young ageDuring his recovery,he made a promise 33 his life wouldnt changeSo, 34 ,he and his wife come in whenever theres a n

13、ew art show” “But what does he 35 the art?I asked“He cant see” “Cant see! Youre wrongHe sees a lot 36 you or I do,”the clerk said“His wife describes each 37 so he can see it in his head” I learned something about patience,courage and love that dayI saw the patience of a person without 38 and the cou

14、rage of a husband who would not 39 blindness to change his life。And I saw the love shared by two people as 1 watched this couple walk away 40 each others hands21Alooking forward to Blooking up to Cgetting close to Dgetting down to22Aquarrelled Bchatted Cargued Dconsulted23Ashopping Bcleaning Ctalkin

15、gDreading24Apatience Bcourage Cshyness Dconfidence25A1aughter Bdiscussion Cvoice Dnoise26Acurious Bvarious Cgenerous Ddangerous27AWhen BWhile CLast time DEach time28Aslowly Bslightly Cquickly Dpatiently29Aapproached Bentered Cwandered Darrived30Agot into Bput into Creached into Dsearched for31Abrave

16、 Bmean Ckind Drude32ACan Bmust Cshould Dwould33Awhich Bwhat Cthat Das34Aas for Bas of Cas if Das before35Aget rid of Bget out of Cget used to Dget away with36A1ess than Bmore than Cfewer than Dbetter than37Aphoto Bpainting Cview Dscene38Ahope Bsense Csight Dability39Aforbid Bpremise Callow Dadmit40A

17、-holding Bgiving Cshaking Dwaving第二部分:阅读理解(本题有两小节,第一节共,每小题2分;第二节共5小题,每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。A One hot night last July,when our new baby wouldnt or couldnt sleep,I tried everything I could think of a warm bottle,songs and gentle rockingNothing would settle him downGuessing

18、 that I had a long night。ahead of me,I bought a portable TV into his room,figuring that watching the late movie was as good as any to kill off the hours before dawnTo my surprise,his little eyes,focused brightly on itNot to waste an opportunity for sleep,I then slid out of the room quietly,leaving h

19、im to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushis forty-fifth birthdayMy wife and I heard no more of the baby that night,and the next morning when I went into his room. I found him still watching TV himself I found in my babys behavior a metaphor(隐喻)for the new generationMy wife and I hadgiven him som

20、e books to examine,but he simply spat upon themWhen we read to him,he did not feel comfortableAnd so it is in the schoolsWe find that our students dont readand that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach itAll they want to do is watching TVAfter this experience with the baby,how

21、ever,I have reached a conclusionLet them watch it! If television is that much more attractive to children than books,why should we fight it? Let them watch it all they want!41The author bought a TV set into his sons room to Amake him son stop crying Bmake his son fall asleep quickly C1eave it to his

22、 son D1et his son spend a good night42From what the author describes we learn that now school children Ashow little interest in their school subjects Bwould rather stay at home than go to school Cspend most of their school time watching TV Dare looked down upon by the teachers43From the last paragra

23、ph,we know that the writer thinks it is Aterrible for children to watch so many TV programmes Buseless for parents to blame their children COK for children to watch the programmes they like Dnecessary for TV stations to improve their TV programmes B It was two years ago in winter when 1 went with my

24、 family to EnglandThe journey by car was pleasant until we reached the bottom of the Julie Pass when it began to snow Suddenly,the weather became very bad and soon we found ourselves in a stormIt was terribleThe snow turned into ice and stuck to the、windows despite the heating being set at full blas

25、tSeveral times I had to get out of the car in order to clear the ice from the front window and release the wipersHowever,the way down towards Sylvaplana was less stressful and we knew that we would arrive in paradiseIt snowed without stopping the first day of our holidaysWe found it simply magical t

26、o watch so much snow falling down on the mountains The following day,skiing in this large,amazing area made up of frozen lakes and rivers between white mountains,we discovered a little hut next to the cross-country ski tracks,close to a farmThere was a fridge in this heated wooden cabin that contain

27、ed milk,cheese and yoghurt for sell -serviceThere was a list of prices for each itemYou took what you wanted,then wrote down the total for what you had taken on a note pad and put the money into an open box,and if necessary,took the charge Where else could you find such trust? As Ive already told yo

28、u,Engadine is still a paradise(天堂)but for how much longer?44Traveling in Engadine,the writer Awas curious about everything he saw Bdidnt expect to run into a snow storm Cwas looking forward to skatingDthought everything would go smoothly45The writer got out to clear the ice off the front window for

29、the purpose of Ahelping the wipers work more effectively Bpreventing them from being buried under snow Cplaying with snow and ice Dprotecting the front window of the car46Which of the following statements is NOT true? AThe writer must be from a place where it seldom snows BThe writer is a little afr

30、aid that such a paradise will disappear in the future CThe visitors can enjoy the food in the hut for free DIt was warm in the hut,which made the visitors comfortable47What makes the food and other things fresh in the hut? ACold weather BHeavy snow outside CThey are newly-madeDThe fridge in itC It w

31、ill be the key battle of the tennis world Youth against experience,champion against champion Federer and Nadal a11e two different people who both shared the same qualitiesThey both play an amazing game of tennisThey have been beaten before,but it doesnt happen very often Theyve also got styleNadal h

32、as never been rude to another player and Federer always congratulates the person he plays againstThey both believe that they can win any gameWhenFederer was holding on to his top spot in the rankings,nobody was more focusedNow one man isNadal It washt easy for Nadal to to challenge the world No 1 wh

33、en he was 17 years oldHe spent hours on the courtHe always checked and rechecked his game and saw where he could improve Federer was flying through games at an unbelievable rate,and winningEveryone was so used to this,that if he lost,the newspapers thought it big news During this time Nadal was cont

34、inuing to train,and getting ready for big matchesIn Nadal claimed his fourth French Open title in a row before winning his first Wimbledon tideOn top of this he won the gold at the Olympics and took over from Federer May 24, saw the start of French openwill Fedeller defeat defending champion for his

35、14thGrand Slam(大满贯)?The world will be on the edge of its seat to know48. Which is the best title for the news? AThe Upcoming French Open BThe Tennis World CClash(对决)of the Superstars DThe Way to Success49Which of the following is NOT true about Federer? AHe plays an amazing game of tennis BHe has be

36、en beaten before CHe always congratulates the person he plays against DHe has been rude to another player50The underlined word“court”in Para 5 probably means A法庭 B球场 C宫廷 D宅邸51The author seems to believe that AFederer will quit the French Open BFederer and Nadal may be beaten by other players CFedere

37、r Call beat Nadal in the coming French Open DFederer and Nadal are sure to meet in the French Open finalD There have been few occasions on which I have actually walked out of the cinema halfway through a filmThe first time this happened,I was watching a story for children about animals living in a s

38、mall village,riding in trains,shopping,and so on;the animals were all realIt was a sweet little film till you started wondering how these animals could act in such a human-like way and began to look for the wires and things that forced them to do soThe moment which had me walking out was a scene of

39、a fox giving a hen a shampoo(洗发水)The look on the animalsfaces and some signs of blood that appeared in the water were too much for me:how many hens died to make the particular scene? The other two occasions which I remember walking out were both when I had gone to see films that had appeared on some

40、 critics(评论家)list of the ten best filmsHowever, neither of them was interesting at all. In one film,the characters sat in a French country house,drinking,smoking and doing nothing except a little shootingThe other was about the life of a soldier in the First World WarIt told me more about life in th

41、is period than I had any wish to knowFor two out of ten films being so uninteresting must show that critics love things of little interestI have never been to see the other eight52According to the passage,the write Aseldom goes to the cinema Bseldom leaves the cinema halfway through a film Coften go

42、es to the cinema Doften leaves the cinema halfway through a film53The writer walked out of the cinema halfway through the film about animals because Athe film was for children Bthe film was a sweet little on6 Cthere was something cruel Dthere were real animals in the film54On the other two occasions

43、 the writer Aagreed wit1 what film critics thought Bthought that film critics were always wrong Cthought that film critics were usually fight Dthought in a way different from film critics55The passage mainly tells us Awhat films the writer liked and what he disliked Bwhy the writer walked out oft th

44、e film Cthe writers attitude towards the film critics Dwhy the writer didnt go to see the other eight filmsE Prison Break越狱is a huge hit thanks to its handsome star,Wentworth MillerHis character,Michael Scofield,is the engine that drives the show Miller,35,is a hard guy to figure outHe does not come

45、 from a normal background and hasnever lived his life in a typical way Miller didnt take usual path to fame and fortuneHe graduated from Princeton University in1995,not with a degree in theatre of film,but in EnglishHe didnt even act when he was in collegeHis only performance experience was in his u

46、niversitys singing groupYet,at graduation Miller still decided to make the move to Hollywood Miller has always been differentAlthough he is American,he was in Britain when his fatherwas studying thereHis family background is also a special mix of cultures“My father is black and my mother is whiteTha

47、t means I have always been caught in the middleI could be either onewhich can make you feel out of place,”Miller says Following his unusual path,Miller did not start trying out for films and TV shows when he first went to HollywoodInstead,he worked as a lowly production assistantNot what you would e

48、xpect from a Princeton graduateHowever,it all paid off for Miller in the end. In ,Miller played a role in the drama Dinotopia恐龙帝国He starred as a thoughtfuland shy manProducers remembered his performance when they were casting Prison Break two years laterWith a golden globe nomination(提名)and another

49、season of Prison Break on his resume。Miller seems ready to take over all of Hollywood56What does the passage mainly talk about? AMichael Scofield in Prison Break BHollywoods recent big hitPrison Break CMillers unusual path to fame and fortune DThe man who will take over all of the world57The writer

50、thinks“Miller is a hard guy to figure out”because Aits difficult to tell him from others Bhe is a shy man and hard to cooperate with Che always has ideas hard for people to understand Dhis family background and life experience aye very special58Put the following statements in the right order aMiller

51、 did not act in any of the films or TV shows in Hollywood bMiner worked as a lowly production assistant cMiller played a role in the drama Dinotopia dMiller joined in his universitys singing group Ad-a-b-c Ba-b-c-d Cb-a-c-d Dd-c-b-a59Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined sentence“it all

52、paid off for Miller in the end”? AMiller put a lot of extra work for his final success BMiller gained fame and fortune at last with his first film CMiller finally succeeded even if he has been in low position DMiller managed to pay off his debts with his small income in the end60Which of the followi

53、ng statements is TRUE about Miller? AHe is chosen to play the Michael Scofield due to his interesting personality BHis performance in Dinotopia makes some contributions to his success CHe has the same experience with the character Michael Scofield DHe is angry about his being born into a mixedcultural family第二节:美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Roger先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的


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