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1、1,40,10,angle of internal friction phi 内摩擦力角度,60,0,cohesion kPa 粘聚力,Clay 黏土,Silt 淤泥,Gravel 砾石,working Chamber 土仓,soil conditioning and soil mechanics渣土改良和土体机理,2,EPB projectsin soft ground软土地层中地质条件决定方案,Lyon (F) 96 NFM EPB,=10.98m1.5-3 bar waterFoam + Polymer + Filler,Botlek (NL) 99HK EPB, =9,76m3.6 b

2、ar waterFoam + Polymer,Aviles (ESP)99Lovat EPB, =3.4m2.5 bar seawaterFoam + Polymer,Toulouse (F) 2003 HK EPB, =7.72mmainly under water tableFoam + Anti-Clay,Torino (I) 2004 Lovat EPB, =7.7m mainly above water tableFoam + Polymer,BARCELONA 2003 Herrenknecht EPB =12.06m2.0 bar water pressurefoam + pol

3、ymer + filler suspension,Chengdu (PRC) 07HK EPB,3,actual range of EPB use 使用EPB的土质范围 weak ground under groundwater pressure 地下水压下的软弱地层,0.001 0.010 0.100 1 10 100,Ton,Schluff,Sand,Kies,100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0,Particle size粒径 mm,very coarse, frictioned soil 砾石,高摩擦力土体 use Foam & special Polyme

4、rs + fine filler 泡沫+特殊聚合物+细填料,silty sands粉沙层 use Foams用泡沫,coarse, frictioned soil 粗砂,高摩擦力土体 use Foam & Polymers 用泡沫加聚合物,clay adhesion & clogging 粘性土,糊刀盘 use foam and anti-clay-additives 采用泡沫加分散剂,4,Soil conditioning agents用来做土壤改良的外加剂,Decrease clogging, adhesion, transport problems 降低堵塞、粘性、输送问题等风险 Inc

5、rease the TBM speed增加TBM掘进速度,Allow filling of the working chamber提高土仓充填 Increase the TBM speed增加TBM掘进速度 Decrease abrasion, torque降低磨损、扭距,Increase soil adhesion, impermeability 增加土壤粘性,抗渗透性 Decrease liquid soil consistency降低湿渣土的稠度 Decrease settlements减少沉降,3. Polymers 聚合物,2. anti-clay-additives 粘土分散剂,F

6、oams 泡沫剂,5,Soil Conditioning I渣土改良Foam泡沫剂,MEYCO SLF 30universal, bad water, clay适用各种土质,粘土 MEYCO SLF 33universal适用各种土质 MEYCO SLF 41soil with water, clay含水土壤,粘土,6,what is foam?什么是泡沫,technical detail 技术点,in use 应用,7,Surfactant Types表面活化剂类型,Ionic Classes离子,Structures结构,Cationic阳离子,Linear Alkyl线状烷基,Branc

7、hed Alkyl支烷基,Dual hydrophilic Groups 双性亲水团,8,Tunnel Foam Appearance泡沫状态MEYCO Fix SLF Group系列,9,9,Highest Foam Quality不同FER下的发泡质量,FER = 8,FER = 10,FER = 20,FER=V压缩空气/V泡沫剂水溶液,10,Why use different foams? 选用不同泡沫剂的原因,air incorporation properties 与空气的混合性能 half life time稳定时间 anti-clay behaviour 抗粘性能力 ion-s

8、ensibility (Ca, Na, .) 与离子敏感度,rheological behaviour 流变能力 soil draining behaviour 渣土排干能力,foams have different properties: 不同的泡沫具有不同的特性,labtests have to be carried out prior to site use. 现场使用前须做室内试验以选用合适的型号,11,Soil Conditioning II渣土改良anti-clay additives粘土分散剂,Rheosoil 211standard anti-clay-polymer标准型聚合

9、物 Rheosoil 212improved version of 211211的改进型 Rheosoil 143foaming anti-clay-polymer发泡型聚合物,12,clogging & adhesion on the cutterhead刀盘的堵塞与粘附,13,Anti-clay additives 粘土分散剂,use in clay and clayey soils 用于粘土或粘性土体,adhesion on metal surfaces 粘附于金属表面,agglomeration (cohesion) of soil chips to big blocks 土块结团,P

10、roblem 问题,clogging of the cutterhead 刀头堵塞,clogging in the working chamber 土仓堵塞,Consequence 结果,Result 导致,low TBM speed 掘进速率低,high maintenance & revision costs 保养、维护成本高,14,Change of soil behaviour 使用粘土分散剂的 with Rheosoil anti-clay additives 效果,15,Madrid MetroLam project belt view马德里地铁输送带效果,Foam泡沫,16,So

11、il Conditioning III渣土改良Polymers聚合物,MEYCO Fix SLF P1medium liquid soils中度含水土壤 MEYCO Fix SLF P2water binding, increasing soil adhesion, stabiliser 富含水,增加土壤粘性,增加土壤稳定性,17,Hardrock chips, Bodio TBM, CH reduced fine content excess of water,How do polymers work ?聚合物的作用,Polymer SLF P2,18,Characteristics of

12、MEYCO SLF P1&P2MEYCO SLF P1和P2机理,触变性提高,土体颗粒,聚合物链,聚合物的长链结构: 提高泡沫稳定性 提高土体流变性 增强土体触变性 防止土体离析 提高土体抗渗性 出土顺畅,19,Using polymers here?聚合物会起作用吗,20,Singapore Metro - Polymer P1新加坡地铁使用P1聚合物,21,Guangzhou Metro Line 3Use of MEYCO SLF P1中交隧道广州地铁三号线使用MEYCO SLF P1,地质情况:在以7 12为主的连续地层中掘进,以细砂、中砂、粗砂和砾砂为主,且含水量高 问题:扭矩升高 土仓压力建立困难 出土不能成形,呈流砂状 解决方法:MEYCO SLF 30 +10% SLF P


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