



1、no longer与no more的意义区别: 1. no longer中的longer是副词long的比较级,long有after a certain point of time(在某一时刻以后)之意,着重表示时间的不再延续,意为“如今不再”。no longer等于not. any longer。 2. no more中的more是many / much的比较级,more有again之意,着重表示数量或程度的减少,意为“再也没有更多(大)的数量(程度)”。no more等于not. any more。 3no longer修饰延续性动词,如teach, live, work等,表示动作不再延

2、续;no more修饰非延续性动词,如come, go , make (the same mistake)等,表示动作不再次发生。nolonger的用法 nolonger意为“不再”,通常放在行为动词前,be动词的后面。nolonger可用notanylonger代替。如: Annienolongerliveshere.安妮不住这儿了。 Sheisnolongeramusiclover.她不再是一个音乐爱好者了。 Herfatherdied,andafterthatshenolongerwenttoschool.(shedidntgotoschoolanylonger)她的父亲去世了,此后她就

3、不再上学了。 nomore/notanymore与nolonger/notanylonger同义,但用法有所区别:当涉及数量和程度时,要用nomore。如: Thereisnomorebread.没有面包了。 Wesawhimnomore=Wedidntseehimagain.我们再也没有看到他了。 而谈到时间、强调今昔对比时,不能用nomore,而要用notanymore,nolonger/notany/longer。这两个词都与人们穿的“衣”有关,但含义却不同。clothes永远的以复数的形式出现,指人们穿的各种衣服包括裤子,内衣,衬衫等;其前不能够用数词修饰。如:These clothe

4、s are new. 这些衣服是新的。Do I have change my clothes for the meeting ? 我去参加会议要换衣服吗? Cloth一般用作不可数名词,指“棉布,毛织品”;它亦可作可数名词,指“某一特定用途的一块布”,复数形式是cloths . 如:He will take three yards of cloth to make suit .做他一件衣服要三码布。She cleaned the window with an old cloth .她用一块旧布擦窗户。clothing (集合名词) 衣服,服装,衣物。She works at a clothin

5、g factory . 她在一家服装厂工作。They were all in their summer clothing . 他们都穿着夏天的服装。I changed my clothing and drank some brandy .cloth 是做衣服等用的布料,不可数,但是作特殊用途的布时可数。a piece of cloth 一块布,five pieces of cloth 五块布,a table cloth 一块桌布。cut ones coat according to ones cloth 量入为出How much cloth does it take to make a blo

6、use for the girl ? It will take three yards of cloth to make a suit for you Have you any cloths for polishing the furniture ? 你有擦家具的布吗 This woman cleaned the floor with an old cloth .clothing 是不可数名词,后接单数动词,指除衣裤外还包括帽子、鞋袜等。不能说 a suit of clothing , 但可以说 an article of clothing , two articles of clothing

7、 一件(二件)衣服。Our clothing protects us from the cold . 我们的衣服为我们御寒。The shop sells womens clothing . 这家商店出售妇女服装。food , clothing , and shelter 衣、食、住clothes 指裤子、内衣等,不指一件衣服。clothes 的前面不能加 a ,this , that 和数词,但是可以加 many , these , those 等。(错)this clothes , three clothes(对)these clothes , many clothes要表达“一件衣服”用

8、a suit of clothesput on ones clothes 穿衣服,take off ones clothes 脱衣服She bought a good many clothes .She often wears beautiful clothes .dress 作为可数名词是女人或者孩子穿的衣服,a dress 通常指 an article of womens clothing .The person opposite the street , who wears a dress , is a woman , not a man .dress 可以构成特殊的服装,如 natio

9、nal dress 民族服装,evening dress 夜礼服。clothe 是及物动词“给穿衣,供养,笼罩”He has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family .Now they are able to feed and clothe their children properly .The trees are clothed in green leaves . 树上披上了绿装。suit(一套)衣服I picked out a black suit. 我挑了一套黑色西装 解答:cloth是布、布料,没有复数形式。一块布料是apieceofcloth, clothes统指衣服,是复数名词,一套衣服要讲asuitofclothes,如果是一件件衣服应讲shirt,dress,sweater等。 clothing是衣物的总称,是不可数名词。例如:Thisclothingisneeded


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