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1、Words if teaching children and providing them with an ability thats gonna make such a difference in life, as something that you wanna provide, then, you know, take a break from typical life, and go and experience,Text,Volunteer for peace,Volunteer for peace There are as many different volunteer expe

2、riences as there are places to go. Different jobs, locations and cultures all affect what the volunteer gains, and gives, during their program. Another important factor in volunteering is your length of stay. We decided to interview recent volunteers to get the straight story about their time volunt

3、eering, so that you can decide for yourself if its for you. Lisa Ginsburg volunteered often during her time at University of Southern California, which inspired her to spend two weeks working for Volunteers for Peace () in Bangladesh,Text,What did you do as a volunteer, and where? 1 I went

4、 to Bangladesh with Volunteers for Peace. We met in Dhaka, and then took an eight-hour bus ride to the village of Dinajpur. VFP worked side by side with another local agency in Dinajpur. We set up their annual cataract eye camp, with free cataract surgery for the local elderly or anyone that needed

5、an eye check. We helped set up the school, cleaned it out, and turned the classroom into the surgery room. It was called the “operation theater,Text,The first two days were dedicated to the eye surgery, and the rest of the week to the eye camp. On the last day of the clinic we helped remove the band

6、ages and each of the patients was given prescription glasses. Everyone got the same glasses, though. The other part of the program was the installation of toilets. We traveled to different villages by bicycle or motorcycle, and just dug holes to put in latrines and cement rings,Text,How is volunteer

7、ing different from traveling or working abroad? 2 I had to acknowledge that it was going to be kind of hard. Traveling before, I stayed in hostels that werent so bad because things were pretty clean. While volunteering there were times I had to clean toilets. At times I was saying, “What am I doing

8、here? Id rather be doing something else.” I had to acknowledge that living conditions can be pretty different sometimes. The bed was a piece of wood and I dont think there was even a mattress. We didnt have the flexibility of traveling. When you are traveling alone or with someone else you can do wh

9、atever you want; when youre tired, you rest. But this is work. We got up early and we worked, but it was fun,Text,3 I think it satisfied my expectations. When I was a little girl I thought I was going to be a doctor, so thats why I chose the health position in the volunteer program. Other programs d

10、o research, have archaeological digs, but I wanted to work alongside health providers and doctors, and thats what I did,Text,What were your images or expectations of volunteering before you left, and how have your perceptions changed,4 I never thought about having to pay, really. This is not like a

11、hobby that I do every week, but I knew there were some costs to what I was going to do. This is something I saved up for because I really wanted to go. I was passionate about it. Though its expensive traveling to that part of the world, I never thought it was a burden. I just planned ahead and saved

12、,Text,The volunteer program you went on had participant fees. How did you feel about having to pay so that you could work for free,5 I dont know if I made a difference. I knew before going that in only two weeks, I wouldnt change the world. I know they were very happy knowing that people in the Stat

13、es and around the world were willing to help them. We took the time to do things for them, and that made them glad. On the very last day when they had to leave the hospital and school grounds, some of them cried. We bonded in the short days that we were together,Text,There is a lot of debate about t

14、he effectiveness of volunteer organizations. Do you think that you made a difference, and in what way,What were the worst and best experiences while volunteering? 6 The worst part of my program was the waiting. We did a lot of unnecessary waiting because the head of the program wasnt sure about some

15、thing or other and hadnt planned ahead. They were a bit unorganized, which could have been improved with better communication between the local agencies and VFP. The best part was bonding with the volunteers, and the agencies did a good job in varying our tasks. We played hard and we worked hard. We

16、 visited a lot of homes, families, and schools. We got to know the locals. Every time I think about riding through the rice fields, being invited in for tea, it makes me smile,Text,Text,和平志愿者 世界上有多少地方就有多少种志愿者工作的经历。不同的工作、地点和文化都会使志愿者在其志愿活动中的得到和付出有所不同。另一个影响志愿活动的重要因素是你做志愿工作时间的长短。我们决定采访近期的志愿者,了解他们做志愿工作的真

17、实故事,希望能帮你判断志愿工作是否适合你。 莉萨金斯堡在南加州大学读书期间经常参加志愿活动,这使她产生了去孟加拉国当两周和平志愿者的想法,Text,作为志愿者你做了些什么工作?在哪里工作? 1 我与和平志愿者一同前往孟加拉国,我们在达卡集合,然后坐八小时的长途车到迪纳杰布尔村。和平志愿者与迪纳杰布尔村当地的一家机构并肩工作,我们帮他们搭建每年一度的白内障治疗营地,为当地老年白内障患者免费做手术,或为有需求的人检查眼疾。我们帮他们在学校里安装设备,打扫环境,将教室变成外科手术室,称为“手术教室,Text,头两天帮忙做眼科手术,后五天在白内障营地帮忙。在诊所的最后一天,我们帮着给患者解除绷带,每位

18、患者都得到一副特配眼镜,不过他们得到的眼镜都是一模一样的。其他的工作还包括修建厕所。我们骑自行车或摩托车去了不同的村庄,在地上挖个坑把蹲式马桶和水泥环放进去,Text,志愿工作与在国外旅游或工作有何不同? 2 我不得不承认这项工作比较辛苦。过去我出去旅游都住在青年旅社,条件还不错,因为环境相当整洁干净。做志愿工作时,我有时要打扫厕所。有时候我会问自己:“我到底到这儿来干什么?我宁可干别的事儿。”我不得不承认有时生活条件也有很大的不同。床只是一块木板,连床垫都没有。我们也无法享受旅游的灵活性。当你单独或和别人一起旅游时,你喜欢做什么就做什么,累了就休息。但这是工作,我们得早早起床干活,但很有乐趣

19、,Text,你出发前觉得志愿工作是什么样的?对它有什么期待?你的看法有改变吗? 3 我觉得志愿工作符合我的期望。我从小就想当医生,这也是我选择医疗作为志愿项目的原因。其他项目有做研究的,也有做考古挖掘的,但是我想和医疗工作者和医生一起工作,而这正是我所做的工作,Text,你参加的志愿活动要求志愿者付参加费,对于免费为别人工作还要自己掏钱,你是怎么想的? 4 我其实从来没有想过必须自己掏钱这件事。这不像我每周都参加的业余爱好,我当然知道我要做的事情会有一些花费,我攒钱的目的就是为了这个,因为我真的很想去,我对这个项目充满热情。虽然到世界的那个角落旅费很贵,但我从来就没觉得那是个负担,我只是提前计划并为此攒钱,Text,对于志愿者组织的有效性有很多争议,你认为你的加入给这个组织带来什么变化了吗?在哪些方面? 5 我不知道我是否带来了什么变化,可我在出发之前就知道:在两周的时间内我不可能改变世界。我知道,他们非常高兴地看到美国和其他国家的人愿意帮助他们,我们花时间来为他们做些事情,这让他们很高兴。离开医院和学校操场时,他们有的人都哭了。我们在短短的几天内建立了感情,Text,你在志愿者工作中经历的最糟糕和最好的事是什么? 6 我这个项目里最糟糕的事情是等待。因为项目主任对某些事情没把握,没有事先计划好,让我们做了很多不必要的


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