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1、housework 家务劳动; 家务事,hardly adv. 几乎不,it is so dark in the room that i can hardly see anything.(hardly表示否定意义) =i can not see anything=i can see nothing there is hardly any milk in the cup,ever adv. 在任何时候;从来; 曾经,no one ever did this kind of things before. 没人曾做过这种事。 -what kind of dance are you learning?

2、 i learn swing dance once a week. -what kind of language are you speaking? -english,hardly ever几乎从不,a: what does he do on weekends? b: he usually watches tv. a: does he go shopping? b: no, he hardly ever goes shopping,always usually often sometimes hardly ever never,表示频率的词,频率副词的位置,系动词之后 there is har

3、dly any milk in the cup.杯子里没什么牛奶了。 情态动词之后 he can hardly see the shop across the street. 他几乎看不见马路对面的商店。 实意动词之前 he hardly ever exercises.他几乎从不运动,weekend activities,go to the movies help with housework help (sb) with sth help (sb) in doing sth help sb (to) do sth,on weekends=at weekends(常用于一般现在时,go sho

4、pping go+doing go fishing go swimming go skating do some shopping/cleaning/reading,once adv. 一次; 曾经twice adv. 两次; 两倍internet n.(国际)互联网; 因特网,how often do you use the internet? -everyday. -once a week. -twice a week. -three times a week. i once went to shanghai. i went to shanghai twice,program n. (=

5、programme) 节目,tv program 电视节目 a: how often do you watch tv? b: i watch tv every day. a: whats your favorite program? b: animal world. a: how often do you watch/see the program? b: twice a week,询问次数how many times.?询问频率how often.,how many times did you go to beijing?. -twice,full adj. 满的,the cup is fu

6、ll. the cup is full of milk,can you go to the party with me next week? -no, im quite full next week.不行,下周我很忙,swing n. 摆动; 秋千 v. (使) 摆动; 摇摆,the swing is swinging,maybe adv. 大概; 或许; 可能,it seems that george is ill. -maybe. he didnt go to school yesterday. -the answer to the question is a. -maybe you ar

7、e right,least adv. 最小;最少 adj.& pron. 最小的; 最少的,he sleeps the least but studies the most. at least there are at least(至少) 1500 students in our school at most there are at most(至多) 1500 students in our school,junk n. 无用的东西; 无价值的东西,a junk movie 垃圾电影,junk food 垃圾食物,coffee n. 咖啡,health n. 健康; 人的身体(或精神)状态,

8、eating junk food is bad for you health. eating vegetables and fruits is good for your health. vegetables and fruits are healthy foods. eat a healthy breakfast,percent n. (=per cent) 百分之,数词+percent+of sth : sth 的百分之。 only fifty percent of students exercise every day. =only 55% students exercise every

9、 day. twenty percent of the money is lost. 20%的钱被弄丢了,online adj. 在线的; 联网的,online games网络游戏 go online上网 online shopping,21. television n.电视节目; 电视机 缩写:tv,a: how often do you watch tv? b: twice a week,television n电视机 telephone n.电话 tele-前缀 与电信有关的,前缀与后缀举例,前缀:dis- 表示否定 like喜欢 dislike不喜欢agree同意 disagree不同

10、意 后缀:-ful 变成形容词 wonder n.奇迹,奇观 wonderful adj.精彩的; 绝妙的,22.although conj. 虽然;尽管; 即使,although computer games are quite interesting, but we can not play them all the time. 虽然电脑游戏很有趣,但是我们不能一直玩它们。 although不与but连用,23.through prep. 以; 凭借; 穿过,the birds are flying(飞) out through the window. 鸟正穿过窗户向外飞,24.mind

11、n. 头脑; 心智 v.介意,反对 常用于否定句,疑问句,条件句。后接名词或动名词,否定句 i dont mind closing the window.我不介 意关窗户。 疑问句 would you mind my closing the window?你介意我关窗户吗? (mind接动名词时可以在动名词之前加一个物主代词表示动作的发出者是谁) i dont mind your closing the window.我不介意你关窗户,would you mind.? 你介意。吗,不介意:no, not at all. of course not 介意 i am sorry, but. wou

12、ld mind my smoking here? of course not.当然不介意(不介意) would you mind my opening the window? i am sorry, but it is too cold now.抱歉,现在有点冷。(介意,26.such adj.& pron. 这样的; 那样的; 类似的,in the future, few people will do such jobs, because robots(机器人) will do them for us. 在未来,很少有人会做这样的工作,因为机器人会为我们做这些工作,1.such加复数名词 s

13、uch + (adj)+nsuch people这样的人 such nice people这么好的人2.such加可数名词单数 such+a/an+(adj)+n such a nice day这么好的一天 so nice a day(so+(adj)+a/an+n) 3.such加不可数名词 such bad food如此难吃的食物,27. such as 例如 后接动名词、名词,i like many classes, such as pe and art. we have many kinds of fruits, such as apples, bananas and watermel

14、on(西瓜). many exercises such as playing basketball is very interesting.有些运动,比如打篮球,很有趣,28.together adv. 在一起; 共同,snow white and the prince live together happily.白雪公主和王子幸福地生活在一起。 we study together once a week.我们一周一期学习一次,29.die v. 消失; 灭亡; 死亡,all men will die. her husband died last week,30.writer n. 作者; 作

15、家,英国最伟大的作家莎士比亚 william shakespeare,海明威 hemingway,33.dentist n. 牙科医生,i go to the dentist once a year to keep my teeth healthy,34.magazine n.杂志; 期刊,33.however adv. 然而; 不过,however作副词,常用于句首。 id like to go with you. however, i am full today. 我想跟你一起去。然而我今天很忙,38.point n. 点; 得分,if you are right, you get 3 p

16、oints. if you are wrong, you get 0 points,less adv. 较少; 较小 adj.& pron. 较少的; 更少的,用法1:little的比较级,表示更少 there are little milk in the cup there are less milk in the cup. who drank it? 用法2:作为副词修饰形容词,表示更不怎么样 this bag is less expensive.这个包更便宜。 jack is less happy.杰克更不高兴。 jack is less happy than me.杰克比我更不高兴,34.than


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