高级英语第六版unit 1 two words to avoid, two to remember_第1页
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高级英语第六版unit 1 two words to avoid, two to remember_第5页
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1、unit one text i,two words to avoid, two to remember arthur gordon,pair work,顿悟 改变某人 变得更好 在.一方 失败 反复咀嚼 毡帽 拎着装得满满的公文包 详实地 错误行为 公分母 我自有道理 未雨绸缪,错过 反复提到 划掉 创造奇迹 到位 下课 听懂暗示 从容地,translate,顿悟 改变某人 变得更好 在.一方 失败 反复咀嚼 毡帽 拎着装得满满的公文包 详实地 错误行为 公分母 我自有道理 未雨绸缪,a sudden flash of insight leave sb. a changed person ch

2、ange for better on ones part fall through chew the cud felt hat carry a full case load at some length false moves common denomination i have my reasons. look ahead,translate,错过 反复提到 划掉 创造奇迹 到位 下课 听懂暗示 从容地,let sth. go by hash over strike out work miracles lock into place class dismissed. pick up the

3、cue in full stride,5,pair workmake sentence with,if only berate (l38) lament (l62,6,explain,muffle (l11) streak (l67) relate (l68) lift (l72) drag (l72,7,vocabulary,have a flash of: suddenly have a feeling, a clever idea (l1) have a flash of brilliance / inspiration / anger fall through: not succeed

4、, fail (l7) to his disappointment, his plan to further studies in the university fell through,8,vocabulary,invariable: never changing (l16) the invariable question the mother asked her child after school everyday was: “how did everything go today? long since: long ago (l. 19) what our quarrel was ab

5、out has been long since forgotten. ive long since forgiven her for what she said,9,vocabulary,common denominator: a quality or belief shared by all the members of a group 共同点 (l. 34) there is one common denominator in these very different schemes namely, that they are all aimed at reducing pollution

6、,10,vocabulary,berate: rebuke, scold angrily and at length 严厉指责,申斥 (l. 38) dont berate anyone just because he has made a mistake. dont we all make mistakes? let go by: give up, miss (l. 40) she let the opportunity go by. this will be you second chance to get her. dont let it go by,11,vocabulary,get

7、somewhere: make progress (l. 55) get nowhere were getting nowhere with this plan; well have to try something else. roadblock: obstruction (l. 59) lack of confidence can be a real roadblock to your future career,12,vocabulary,lament: express regret or disappointment over sth. considered unsatisfactor

8、y, unreasonable, or unfair (l.62) one should not lament the past mistakes, but should try to do better later. streak: trait, an element in ones character (l. 67) he has a ruthless streak. there is a streak of insanity in that family. a strong/adventurous/competitive/ independent/selfish streak,13,vo

9、cabulary,relate: (fml) narrate, give an account of (l. 68) various versions of the chilling story have been related by the locals. witnesses of the same crime related the event completely differently,14,vocabulary,lift: a feeling of encouragement or increased cheerfulness 鼓舞,振奋 (l. 72) drag: sth. th

10、at impede progress and develop 阻碍,累赘 (l. 72) winning the match has given everyone in our class a lift. she thinks that marriage would be a drag on her career,15,vocabulary,in stride: calmly 从容对付,容易解决 (l. 97) i told her what had happened and she took it in (all) stride. so to speak: 可以这么说 (l. 98) he

11、knows which side his bread is buttered, so to speak,16,rhetoric device,melancholy pride (ll.20) oxymoron: a combination of two normally contradictory words oxymoron produces a seemingly self-contradictory effect. however, when using a different perspective and having a deeper comprehension, we will

12、come to the point that it is not contradictory in fact. instead, oxymoron is a vivid and meaningful way of speech,cruel kindness living dead open secret falsely true true lies bitter-sweet memories a love-hate relationship,deafening silence sweet sorrow forward retreat accidentally on purpose,17,par

13、aphrase,1. 文字变换 (词汇、句型变换: 难易,长短,复杂简单) the historians have broadened the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism. the historians have _ the _ view of nineteenth-century feminism. the minority groups lack access to the sizable orders that are generated by large companies. the minority groups

14、do not have sufficient opportunity to _ business _ by large corporations,widened,traditional,acquire,created,18,paraphrase,the suffragists were demanding power that was not based on the institution of the family, womens traditional sphere. those who participated in the women suffrage movement were c

15、alling for power that was not based on the institution of the family, womens traditional _,area / scope,19,paraphrase,1. nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person not only changed, but changed for better. 2. he came across the st

16、reet, finally, muffled in his ancient overcoat; shapeless felt hat pulled down over his bald head; looking more like an energetic gnome than an eminent psychiatrist,20,language work,iii. 1. predominately prevailing2. preferential 3. tremulous4. inadvisable shrinkage 5. sensitive terror/terrorism6. m

17、agnifying 7. unapproachable fictitious 8. unbecoming/becoming 9. unaccountable 10. disorientation 11. persuasion entreaties 12. irremediable,21,language work,iv. scold: children, or other family members reprimand: fml. tell sb. officially that they have done sth wrong rebuke: fml. tell sb. severely that they have done sth wrong reproach: fml. disappointed but not angry blame: say or think that sb. is responsible for sth. bad,22,discussion (in group,failure


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