



1、Unit2 How often do you exercise?一、短语归纳help with housework帮助做家务 on weekends在周末 how often多久一次 hardly ever几乎从不 once a week每周一次 twice a month每月两次 every day每天 be free有空 go to the movies去看电影 use the Internet用互联网 swing dance摇摆舞 play tennis打网球 stay up late熬夜;睡得很晚 at least至少 have dance and piano lessons上舞蹈课和

2、钢琴课 go to bed early早点睡觉 play sports进行体育活动 be good for对有好处 go camping去野营 notat all一点儿也不 in ones free time在某人的业余时间 fifteen percent of the students 百分之十五的学生 the most popular最受欢迎的 such as比如;诸如 old habits die hard积习难改 go to the dentist去看牙医morn than多于;超过 less than少于 help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 How about? .怎

3、么样?/ 好不好? want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事 How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句? 有多少?主语+find+that从句. 发现 spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光Its+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事的的。 ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事by doing sth. 通过做某事 Whats your favorite?你最喜爱的是什么?the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式二、语法讲解1. exercise (v/n)的用法1)(动):锻炼. 如: He exercises eve

4、ry day.2) (可数名词):“.操;练习”. 如:do morning/ eye exercises; do math exercises(不可数名词):“锻炼;运动”讲:如: We often do / take exercise on weekends.练习:1、Theoldmanisverywellbecauseheoften_. A.drinksB.exercisesC.sleepsD.plays2. -How often do you usually go shopping? Sometimes/Twice a week. 有时候/一周两次.1) go shopping 意为“

5、去购物”。 Go+ v- ing : 表示进行某项活动。如:Go swimming/ shopping/skating/skiing/fishing/climbing/hiking2)频率副词:always=all the time,usually, often, sometimes=at times,hardly ever, never它们用来表示动作发生的频率,频度副词放在be动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前,在程度上有所区别,频率由高到低依次是:always usually sometimes seldom hadly ever never 100% 80% 60% 30% 10

6、% 0% (1).sometimes: 有时候;sometime:某时;some times:许多次/倍; some time: 一段时间(2). hardly(adv): 几乎不 hard 硬的;eg: The stone is hard.困难的;严厉的;勤奋的 a hard writer 努力地; 猛烈地 study/rain hard练习 1、 The ground is too to dig 2、I can understand them. 3、Its raining ,the people can go outside. 4、Howwastheweatheryesterday?Itr

7、ained_.Peoplecould_goout. A.hardly;hardB.hardhardC.hardly;hardlyD.hardhardly3)how often表示“多久一次”,是对动作的频率进行提问。频率副词: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, neverhow often 次数时间段: 如:once or twice a weekevery 时间段: every day (每天) 区别:everyday(每天的;日常的)注意:表示“一次或两次”时,一般用once和twice表示。如:once a month(一个月

8、一次)而表示“三次或以上”时,则用“数词times”结构。如:five times a year (一年五次)4)由how构成的疑问词组的用法 “多少” howmany+ 可数名词复数 如:how many programshowmuch+不可数名词 如:how much coffee但how much=whats the price of.? 还有“多少钱”的意思 如:Howmucharethosepants? how many times: “多少次”. 其答语表示次数。如:once ,twice,three times等 How old.? 询问年龄 如:How old are you?

9、 I am five. how long 多久(时间) 常用 for two days,for three hours等回答。 多长(某物的长度) 如:-How long is the river? - 10 kms. how soon 用来询问过多久,多久以后,其答语是in two hours,in three days等。 如:How soon wil he come back? In an hour。练习:1、 -_ is it from your home to school? -Three miles. A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. Ho

10、w long2、_do they play basketball?Every day.AHow soon BHow much CHow many DHow often3、_ do you do your homework? - Every day.A.When B. How often C. How many times D. What time4、I visit my grandparents _a month.A. two times B. second time C. the second time D. twice5、_ milk do you drink?A. How many B.

11、 How much C. How often D. How soon6、He_goestothemovies. A.sometimeB.sometimeC.sometimesD.sometimes7、Howoftendoyoudance?Idance_aweek. A.onceandtwicetimes B.twoandthreetimes C.oneortwoD.onceortwice3. free 1) “空闲的”:Are you free tonight? 2)be free “自由的”: a free country freedom(n) 3)“免费的”: work for free.

12、 4.full 1) “满的;饱的” be full of : The bottle is full of water. 瓶子里装满了水。2) “忙的”=busy He had a full life5.She says its good for my health. 她说那对我的健康有益。(1)be good for:“对有好处”。 如:Doing exercise is good for our health.(2)be good at:“擅长于” 如:He is good at playing football.(3) be good to sb./sth: “对好” 如:The old

13、 woman is good to us.(4) be good to do sth.: “适合;宜于” 如:The water is good to drink. (5) be good with: “与相处好” 如: The teacher is good with his students.练习:1、Eating fruit and vegetables _ our health. A. is good to B. is good C. is good for D. is well for6go online = use the Internet :上网 练习 1、WhatdoesMar

14、ydoonweekends?Sheusually_theInternetathome. A,useB.goonC.usesD.goeson 7. more than two hours=over two hours:超过 8. keep healthy = stay healthy = keep in good health: 保持健康练习1、Miss Liu is very _, because she exercises every day.A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. unhealth9. ask的用法 1) ask sb. to do : 叫

15、做某事 Teacher asked me to clean the classroom.2)Ask sb. not to do sth.: 叫不要做某事Teacher asked me not to clean the classroom. 3)ask sb. about sth. : 问某人某事 We asked our students about their free time activities.4)ask sb. for sth. : 向某人要求 如:ask teacher for help练习: Teacher asked me _ (clean) the classroom.T

16、eacher asked me _ (not clean) the classroom.We asked our students _ their free time activities.10. 1)help sb. with sth. 如:They help me with this problem. 他们帮助你解决这个问题。 2) help sb.(to)do. 如:They help you (to) solve this problem. 他们帮助你解决这个问题。11. surprise 1) (n) 惊讶: to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 in surprise

17、惊讶地 be surprised at sth. 对 感到意外2) (v)使惊奇、意外: be surprised to do sth. 惊讶做某事be surprised that + 从句如:I was surprised at the news = I was surprised to hear the news.12. although(conj):“尽管;虽然”,表示转折关系,同义词有though, 不能与but同时使用。如: Although theyre neighbors, they dont play together.= Theyre neighbors, but they

18、 dont play together. 尽管他们是邻居,但是他们不在一起玩。 练习:1、_they are brothers, they dont look like each other at all. A. Because B. Though C. When D. As13. maybe (adv): 也许,大概 (Maybe) he (maybe) knows it.May + v(原):也许,大概 He may know it.如:Maybe he is at home.= He maybe is at home.= He may be at home.14. Its good to

19、 relax by using the Internet or watching game shows.by: He learns English by singing English songs.通过 方式 He went home by bus.= He went home on the bus= He took the bus home. through 通过 方式+ 名词:The best way to relax is through exercise (从里面)穿过: Climb through the window. 注意: 横过(从一边到另一边) walk across the

20、 street.15. 例如 such as =like + 名短: 如: such as winning the game.for example + 句子: 如:Its healthy for the mind and the body.16.Old habits die hard. 恶习难改. die(v):死亡;消失 death(n): 死亡;dead(adj): 死的; dying(adj): 垂死的;临终的;(植)枯萎的 17.You can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.spend 度过(

21、时间) 如:spend the weekend with family 花费(时间、钱) 如:He spent 20 yuan (in) buying the magazine.同义句:He spent 20 yuan on the magazine.He paid 20 yuan for the magazine.It took him 20 yuan to buy the magazine.The magazine cost him 20 yuan.Spend, cost,pay for,take 的区别1) spend:指花费时间和金钱,只能用人做主语,有被动语态 sb. spend +

22、 time或money + on sth(n.名词). (某人花费多少钱/多少时间在某物上) sb. spend + time/money + in(可有可无)+ doing(v.动词) sth. (某人花费多少时间来做某事)2)cost:指花费时间、金钱、精力等,只能用事物做主语且无被动语态; Sth. cost sb. + money. (某物花费某人多少钱)3)take:主指花费时间和力气,一般只用事物做主语; It takes sb. + time + to do sth. (做某事花费某人多少时间)4)pay:主指支付金钱和感情的回报; sb. pay for sth. (某人为某物

23、付款) sb. pay + money + for sth. (某人为某物付多少钱)练习:一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Mike goes to see his grandparents _(one) a week. 2. He spends more than an hour _(exercise) every day. 3. He didnt go to school. He could _ _(hard) read or write. 4. Its a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day. 5.To keep health

24、y,I decide _ (exercise) half an hour every day. 6.Look! Your pet dog is (die). 7.Exercise is (health) for the mind and the body.8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _(buy) one,too. 9. How about (go) shopping on Sundays?10. He usually study English by (read) it in the morning.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)1、It wi

25、ll take the men half a year _ the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes 1.What_sheusually_onSunday? A.isdoB.doesdoC.doesdoesD.diddo3. Whattimedoyougetup_weekends? A.inB.ofC.onD.to4.What do you often do on _ weekends?I often go _ online.A/;/ Bthe;the Cthe;/ D/;the5.Go along the road a

26、nd walk _ the park.The zoo is behind the park.Adown Bon Cthrough Dacross6.It is healthy to eat when you are hungry and to stop when you are _.Afull Bbusy Cyoung Dfree7.Vince is interested in sports,_ volleyball,soccer and basketball.Ahardly ever Bsuch as Cbecause of Dat least8.What do you think of t

27、he book?Its difficult for me _ there are few new words in it.Aif Bso Cbecause Dalthough9.Do you like eating junk food,Jack?No,I _ eat it.Its bad for our health.Aoften Balways Csometimes Dnever10.He was just a _ boy when he joined the basketball club.Asix year old Bsix years old Csix-year-old Dsix-ye

28、ars-old11.Do you think eating too much food _ good for us?I dont think so.We should do some exercise,I think.Aare Bis Cwas Dwere12.Mother wants me _ English every day.Ato read Breads Creading Dread13.Excuse me.Could you tell me the _ of the football game last night?Of course I can.We got the first p

29、lace.Aresult Bdifference Cprogram Drule14.Thirty percent of the boys _ to school by bicycle.Agoes Bgo Cgoing Dto go15.I eat _ meat because I dont want to be too heavy.Asome Bmuch Cmore Dless16.My uncle _ every day,but yesterday he _.Aexercises;doesnt Bexercises;didntCexercised;doesnt Dexercised;didn

30、t17._?Twice a week.AHow often do you use the Internet BHow do you like the InternetCWhat time do you use the Internet DWhat do you usually do on the Internet18.What does Cindy usually do after school?_.AShe has piano lessons on Monday BHer favorite sport is swimmingCShe usually goes swimming DShe th

31、inks its interesting19. What do you often do on weekends? I often go _ onlineA. a B. an C. the D. / 20. What do you think of milk? It is good _ peoples health.A. at B. for C. withD. through21. Would you like some _? Yes, please. I like drinking it.A. noodlesB. beef C. pearsD. coffee22. _ the work is very hard, he still tries to do it himself.A. Although


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