1、Saving our Air with Hybrid Electric School BusesA proposal by:Adva need Energy, In stitute for Tran sportatio n Research and Educatio n,Duke Power, Progress En ergyProposal No. 13-32720NC Departme nt of Admi nistrati onOffice of Fiscal Man ageme nt (Purchas ing)1306 Mail Service Ce nterRaleigh, NC 2
2、7699-1306Program Con tact:Ewa n Pritchard, Engin eerAdva need En ergy909 Capability Drive, Suite 2100Raleigh, NC 27606919/857-9000www.adva ncede Tech ni cal ProposalENERGYENERGYSaving our Air with Hybrid Electric School BusesA proposal by:Adva need Energy, In stitute for Tran sportatio n Re
3、search and Educatio n,Duke Power, Progress En ergyOverviewThe State En ergy Office is well aware of the problems posed by the air quality issues facing the state. This proposal seeks to begi n sol ving some of those problems through a part nership among the State En ergy Office, Adva need En ergy, a
4、nd others who share these concerns. The ben efits of this project in clude:* Study ing reducti on of emissi ons by using hybrid electric buses, thus promoti ng subseque nt ben efits to air quality and health,* Tak ing importa nt steps towards sol ving non-atta inment issues, thus en suri ng that eco
5、no mic developme nt in North Caroli na is not jeopardized, and* Potentially reducing the state s dependence on foreign energy sources.Carbon mono xide, n itroge n oxides, particulates and other polluta nts pose sig nifica nt or other lung con diti ons. Studies have show n that the amount of particul
6、ates in haled by childre n on school buses creates a major threat to their lung developme nt and pul monary health.health risks to North Caroli nas reside nts and their childhetliwith asthmaBeyond the health risk, excessive polluta nts also pose a serious risk to our economy. As many as 25 counties
7、of North Carolina are soon to be declared in non-attainment due to ozone exceedances. This means that many counties will have reduced abilities to bring in new in dustries and developme nts. Federal road funds will be froze n, reduc ing funds to the state potentially in the hundreds of millions of d
8、ollars each year. The health and econo mics risks are compelli ng. We must move quickly to address them.With more tha n 50% of ozon e-produci ng emissi ons coming from the tran sportati on sector, the proposal team listed above offers a proposal that has the potential to reduce NC nitrogen oxide (th
9、e major precursor of ozone) emissions by as many as 4,000 tons per year. This will not solve all of North Carolina s air quality issues but could be one of several comp onents with sig nifica nt air quality ben efits.The proposal team offers to the North Carolina State Energy Office the opportunity
10、to participate in the development of hybrid electric school buses. Each year 13,000 school buses roll through North Carolina roads, logging millions of miles and producing thousands of tons of emissions that affect the atmosphere and the health of the children who ride them. We propose to put in pla
11、ce a process that capitalizes on North Carolina strengths to design and build hybrid electric school buses.The project will run in two phases, with a stop point between the two to assess results before continuing.Advanced Energy has already formed a Hybrid Bus Advisory Group that has been engaged in
12、 work for the past six months. The Advisory Group includes members from the North Carolina Departments of Public Instruction, of Environment and Natural Resources, and of Transportation, along with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina State University, and the Institute for Trans
13、portation Research and Education. This advisory group will help develop a targeted education campaign for pertinent stakeholders directed to school bus manufacturers, electric utilities, and the NC Department of Public Instruction.The proposed deliverable of this project is the design, conversion, a
14、nd use of a hybrid electric school bus in a real world setting. This will potentially be the first of as many as 13,000 hybrid electric buses in the state.This proposal has the potential to produce significant impacts on the air quality, petroleum usage, and economic strength of the state while prov
15、iding substantial health benefits to North Carolinians and their children.Corporate Background and ExperienceAdvanced Energy s experience with vehicles powered by alternative fuels dates back to April 1989, when we began testing a full-size General Motors electric van at the Raleigh Housing Authorit
16、y. The electric van was demonstrated and shown throughout the Carolinas and Virginia. The van project was followed in 1991 by the purchase of a Pontiac Fiero converted to electric operation for demonstration as a short-range highwayspeed commuter vehicle. This EV is still often used by Advanced Ener
17、gy as a demonstration vehicle.Advanced Energy has participated with the EV Challenge program for more than a decade. EV Challenge is an educational program directed to high school students that culminates with a competition of electric vehicles designed and operated by the students. For many years,
18、Advanced Energy was the lead organization. Since the formation of EV Challenge as its own stand-alone organization, Advanced Energy has moved into a support role. This continues through today, the most recent competition having taken place in April 2003.Advanced Energy has also been involved for mor
19、e than 5 years with the Clean Cities program, which explores methods to reduce the impacts of transportation technologies.Other related projects in the past few years include numerous demonstration projects and feasibility studies of a wide range of innovative technology in industrial settings. Thes
20、e feasibility studies include data gathering in real world settings to estimate operating and maintenance costs and capital investment needs. We work with a wide range of industries and interface with personnel from CEOs to machine operators to maintenance mechanics. Advanced Energy technology asses
21、sments have been widely used for many years to guide large capital investment projects.Located in Raleigh, North Carolina, Advanced Energy is the national resource that focuses on industrial process technologies, motors and drives testing, and applied building science, with state-of-the-art testing
22、and applied research laboratories. We are a non-profit corporation that creates economic and environmental benefits through innovative approaches to energy.Advanced Energy was originally known as Alternative Energy Corporation, or AEC. We were founded by the North Carolina Utilities Commission in 19
23、80 a time when electric rates had been rising due to increased power plant construction. The Utilities Commission saw AEC as a way to help the utilities avoid building new power plants by exploring alternative ways of producing electricity and by getting more work out of the electricity already avai
24、lable.With the cooperation of the states major electric utilities, the Utilities Commission set up funding to come from the electric ratepayers of the state an investment equivalent to about 39 cents per person per year. The money is collected by member utilities and then passed along to Advanced En
25、ergy. The members are Dominion North Carolina, Duke Power, Progress Energy, and North Carolina s electric cooperatives.The corporation is governed by a Board of Directors with eight members appointed by the governor of North Carolina and four directors named by the member utilities.In the years sinc
26、e 1980, we have carried out hundreds of projects for all sectors of the economy, including agriculture, industry, commercial, residential, governments and nonprofits, education, and utilities. On June 1, 1997, the North Carolina Alternative Energy Corporation, or AEC, became Advanced Energy. The emp
27、hasis on innovation and efficiency has not changed as Advanced Energy continues to build on a foundation of expertise and achievement in applied building science, motors and drives testing, and industrial process technologies.Financial StatementA copy of the most recent audited statement is included
28、 in the Cost Proposal packet.Hybrid Electric BusPage 11 of 12Advanced Energy8/25/2018Technical ApproachThe Request for Proposals asks for projects that improve air quality and reduce imports of foreign petroleum. This project sets in motion a plan that achieves these goals as much as any.With 13,000
29、 school buses plying the roads of North Carolina and logging millions of miles, the opportunities are great for improving efficiency and reducing air emissions. These buses use as much as 20 million gallons of gasoline and diesel every year. Reducing those figures could have a significant impact on
30、the petroleum imported into the state each year.Probably most important, and the largest opportunity for change, is that recent studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and others have shown that the air quality inside and around school buses has higher levels of pollutants. This puts our
31、 children at risk.By producing school buses that use hybrid electric vehicle technology, we move the majority of emissions from the vehicle tailpipe to the electric utility. The electric utility is far more regulated and, according to the EPA, energy produced at power plants is much cleaner that tha
32、t produced by a vehicle. By using these school buses, we can cut the consumption of petroleum in half or better.This is a project that has the potential to impact millions of gallons of petroleum imports, improve ambient air quality for North Carolina, and improve the on-bus air quality. Meanwhile,
33、since a large portion of the U.S. school buses are built in North Carolina, this has the potential for an economic and jobs benefit.Since the project will involve the development of a hybrid electric school bus, it is a natural for the school children to learn about the technologies and benefits. Th
34、e project will create the opportunity to work with those children and their families.Scope of WorkThe Scope of Work is most appropriately defi ned in the Time Line, II Task List,Deliverables II sections below. In summary, the proposal team intends to work with vehicle manu facturers to desig n and b
35、uild a hybrid electric school bus and the n study the bus for performa nee compared to computer models. A key comp onent of the project invo Ives the developme nt of the ben efits that can be accrued by North Caroli na with success of hybrid electric school buses. This in cludes jobs creati on, emis
36、si on reducti ons, foreig n petroleum reducti ons, and other. With as much as 50% of the U.S. school bus manufacturing capacity here in North Carolina, this is the ideal place for this project.Time lineItemTime from startCon tract Award0Sig n Con tract1 mon thFeasibility Study11 mon thsParticipation
37、 and Education11 mon thsModeli ng5 mon thsBus Desig n11 mon thsBus Conv ersi on16 mon thsFinal Report24 mon thsProject OversightOngoingAdvisory GroupOngoingTask ListPhase I Feasibility Studyo Evaluate Optio nso Feasibility of Opti onso Cost/timeli nes of opti ons Participa nt Buy-i n and educati ono
38、 In terview School Bus Maintenance Pers onnelo In terview Hybrid Bus Maintenance Pers onnelo Work with Bus manu facturerso Work with Hybrid System Manu facturerso Work with Chassis Manu facturers Modeli ngo Mon itor Exist ing buso Determi ne Promisi ng Tech no logy Mixtures -Allocated by Advisory Gr
39、oupo Determine Critical Parameters - Allocated by Advisory GroupEmissi onsEn ergyIn itial CostOperati ng CostMaintenanceo Build Models (Built in DOE Advisor Model)o Run Modelso An alyze Models (Emissi ons, En ergy)o Publish Results Bus Desig no Work with manu facturers to determ ine most viable plat
40、formso Create purchase specificati ons from most viable and best models o Order busPhase II* Bus Con versi on & Deliveryo Oversee bus con structi on through multiple manu facturers (if n ecessary)o In spect Bus upon deliveryo Provide n ecessary training on Hybrid Bus to operators and maintenance sta
41、ffo Mon itor bus duri ng operati onMaintenanceOperati ng CostsEn ergy Emissi ons* Final Reporto Assemble results and an alyzeo Submit final reportDeliverablesThis project will result in a number of important deliverables that will have an impact on the air quality and econo mic value of North Caroli
42、 na.Gen eral* Advisory Group: The project team has already formed and held several meeti ngs of an advisory group. These meet ings will continue, with a major comp onent of the meeti ngs being review of this project and pla nning for n ext steps.* Project Oversight: This is the man ageme nt fun ctio
43、 n of this project and invo Ives acco unting, billi ng, con tract ing and other duties n ecessary to en sure a smooth and successful project.Phase 1* Feasibility Study: The feasibility study will provide a cost evaluati on ofproducing hybrid electric buses. It will focus on the bus manufacturing pla
44、nts here in North Caroli na and assess the pote ntial product ion and employme nt impacts. The feasibility study will also cover the potential value of emission reductions from hybrid buses.* Participa nt Buy-In and Educati on: The only way for a project of this type to succeed is to achieve the buy
45、-i n of the pert inent customers. These are the people who will be impacted by decisi ons and developme nts. Buy-i n is n ecessary from the bus manufacturer, electric utilities, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Departme nt of En vir onment and Natural Resources and others. Modeli ng: The Advi
46、sory Group will work with pertinent orga ni zati ons to mon itor exist ing school buses and determ ine the most appropriate tech no logies and desig ns for the bus. This will be in corporated into a computer modeli ng system which can be an alyzed and published. Bus Desig n: The key deliverable of t
47、his phase is the desig n of a modified school bus that allows for the requireme nts of a hybrid electric drive train. This desig n will allow us to quantify the costs of conversion or implementation by original equipme nt manu facturers.Phase 2* Bus Con versi on: Taking the desig n from Phase 1, Adv
48、a need En ergy and part ners will convert one bus provided by the NC Department of Public Instruction. The conv erted bus will be placed in service in a local school district and mon itored for performa nee.* Final Report: The final report will in corporate updates to the feasibility study based on
49、experie nee converting a school bus and mon itori ng performa nee.CollaborationA key strength of this proposal is the access to industry experts via the already formed Advisory Group. The Advisory Group members have an in terest in develop ing hybrid bus tech no logies and are well versed in the fie
50、ld.Hybrid Electric Bus Advisory GroupThe hybrid electric bus project invo Ives the formatio n of an Advisory Group to help guide the inv estigati on of the tech no logy and possible impleme ntati on of an expa nded program. The Groups objective is to develop and define the initial phases of the hybr
51、id school bus project. The in itial meet ing of the Advisory Group was on February 4, 2003. Because the project has not bee n fully defi ned, the term of the advisory group is unknown. The expected timeframe of the hybrid electric bus project is three to five years. The expected tasks of the Advisor
52、y Group are to atte nd meeti ngs and achieve consen sus by majority on vital aspects of the project.The Advisory Group will determ ine deadli nes for the project and brai nstorm about pote ntial funding sources. In additi on to the members of the Advisory Group below, the New York State En ergy Rese
53、arch and Developme nt Authority and the California En ergy Commissi on are con sideri ng participati ng in this project.Advisory Group MembersEwa n Pritchard Project Man ager Adva need En ergyDr. Chris FreyNorth Carolina StateUn iversityDr. Ben MatthewsN.C. Department of Public In structio nDavid Hy
54、derN.C. Departme nt of Tran sportati onSharr on Rogers N.C. Departme nt of En vir onment and Natural ResourcesDr. Nagui RouphailIn stitute for Tran sportati on Research and Educati on (ITRE)Melissa McCullough U.S. En vir onmen talProtectio n Age ncyLinda RimerU.S. En vir onmen tal Protectio n Age nc
55、ySharon Gladwell Adva need En ergyLisa Manuel Adva need En ergyJoh n Morris on Adva need En ergyBob Zickefoose Adva need En ergyProject Staffing and OrganizationDr. Robert K. Koger, P.E., Preside nt and Executive DirectorNati on ally recog ni zed as a leader in the electric utility in dustry, Robert
56、 K. Koger brings an un biased and serious-min ded approach to the represe ntati on of the public in terest in issues of utility regulati on and en ergy. His elect ion by the souths electric power suppliers as a public member of the Board of Directors of the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
57、is confirmation of the ongoing recognition of his ability to discern and interpret the emerging issues of the changes in the electric utility industry and to fairly represent all parties in any situation. Prior to assuming leadership of Advaneed Energy (formerly Alter native En ergy Corporati on) as
58、 its Preside nt and Executive Director in 1988, he served on the North Carolina Utilities Commission for 11 years, including eight years as chairma n. Earlier experie nces in clude serv ing as Director of the Commissio ns Engin eeri ng and Econo mics Divisi on (10 years) and as an engin eer with the Rural Electrification Administration.In 1999, North Caroli na Gover nor Jim Hunt n eeded an experie need pers on to fill a temporary vaca ncy on the North Caroli na Utilities Commissi on. Hunt asked Koger to take a six-m onth lea
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