



1、高中英语教学中如何激发学生“能动性”广西南宁市南宁外国语学校 林万春内容摘要:探究高中学生学习英语的内在需求,针对教学中的薄弱环节进行创新改进、因材施教,在英语教学过程中调动学生的能动性,营造活跃的课堂氛围,提高课堂效率。关键词:需要;激发;自豪感;思考方式;认知心理在长期的授课过程中,我了解到学生对英语的需求可以说是迫切的。面对英语基础不一,良莠不齐的学生水平,我们要关注学生们的内在需求,只有满足他们各自的学习定位,才能在教学过程中运用科学的方法因材施教。通过近期对学生的需求所获得的数据上看,学生通过现有的学习基础是完全能突破自我的发展空间,打破固有的学习模式的。教师在分析后不难得出,利用有


3、ing the Factory near Zhonguangcun的英语对话片段。A: Ill show you around the factory near Zhonguangcun and explain the operation as we go along.B: Thatll be most helpful. A: That is our office block. We have all the administrative departments there. Down there is the research and development section. B: How

4、much do you spend on development every year? A: About 3-4% of the gross sales. B: Whats that building opposite us? A: Thats the warehouse. We keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock. B: If I placed an order now, how long would it be before I got de

5、livery? A: It would largely depend on the size of the order and the items you want. 在英语课堂中创设一种真实的交际环境,调动学生积极参与的情绪,使学生在真实的交际活动中发展其语言能力和交际能力,师生之间或学生之间为了获取信息和交流思想而进行的交际称为真实的交际。在传统的教学观中,把掌握知识作为教学目的,把教学过程看作是知识的积累过程,这种旧的教学模式不适于培养具有综合能力的人才。培养能力的教学应提倡以学生为中心的教学方法。我在英语教学实践中,注重充分调动全班学生学习的积极性和主动性,更新教学内容、采用灵活多样的

6、教学技能和方式,来激发学生学习英语的兴趣和求知欲。二、注重教学创新,发掘学生的主动性学生能保持浓厚的学习英语的兴趣,取决于学生是否发自内心的接受这个学科。教师要抓住学生的认知心理,掌控好学生的思想动态,做好每篇英语课堂的布局。学生是主线和目标,教师是指挥棒,通过我校创建“互教互学”新模式,能让学生在实际课文的同时加深对内容的理解。我在教学过程中主要是由浅入深地引入教学大纲内容,这样我的教学效果会显而易见。例如,在学习人教版高二下学期Unit 11 Scientific achievement ZHONGGUANCUN阅读课文的时候,我是这样设计的,T:Well, class, please r

7、ead the text ZHONGGUANCUN carefully and then choose the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.1. According to the author, Zhongguancun is home to _ .A. some famous research institutes and universities.B. many IT companiesC. more and more returned overseas ChineseD. a number of s

8、cience parks2. What is NOT true about Zhongguangcun?A. It is located in Haidian District, in northwestern Beijing.B. It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s.C. Most of its companies are doing IT business.D. It is not a good place for new companies.3. According to the reading, Xiang Yuf

9、ang returned to China and opended a company in Xhongguangcun because _ .A. he wanted to see more of the worldB. he enjoyed working with the best scientists in his fieldC. he could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same timeD. he missed his friends and family4. According to the grap

10、h in the passage, how many of the people who work in Zhonguangcun have a masters degree or above?A. 25000B. 30000C. 35000D. 1800005. How is “failure” understood in Zhongguangcun?A. There are fewer failures in Zhonguangcun.B. Mnay of its researchers and scientists will try hard not to fail.C. Failure

11、 is a necessary part of being successfulD. The best thing about failure is that you learn every time you fail.英语课堂能使学生身临其境或如临其境,通过给学生自主展示鲜明具体的形象,使学生从形象的感知达到抽象的理性思维和顿悟,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,使学习活动成为学生的自觉活动。其目的不仅要激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动其学习积极性,而且还要使学生在轻松、兴奋、欢快的气氛中学习、理解知识,正确牢固地掌握知识并形成语言技能。三、注意个性差异,提升课堂的实效性学生的学习水平是参差不齐的,针对这

12、种情况教师应当因人而异地部署教学任务。相对于学习领悟能力快的学生就要增加提问的难度,学习稍有困难的同学就要提一些相对容易解答的问题,当教师掌握熟悉了学生的情况后,就可因人而异地点拨、指导学生对知识的掌握。适度的表扬能激发学生的学习热情,帮助学生树立自信心,让他们在学习英语的同时得到心智的锻炼。例如,在学习人教版高二下学期Unit 11 Scientific achievement ZHONGGUANCUN遇到知识点的时候,我首先让学生自主做题,独立完成;接下来,以4人为一组,核对答案,相互评议,让学生在个性发展方面得到充分展示,这样学生就都能自主地交流学习心得,在此过程中,老师要有目的性巡视,

13、关注学习较为困难的学生;最后,教师点评。T:Coose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence.1. The big cell-phone company has achieved its goal of setting up ten production bases in China.A. succeeded B. failed C. missed D. passed2. The development of nuclear weapons is a big threat to

14、 mankind.A. women B. kind menC. human beings D. man3. IT is likely they will win the game.A. impossible B. possible C. difficult D. sensitive4. Scientists often have to rely on government support in order to do research.A. depend on B. hold on C. keep on D. get on5. Shenzhen, which is one of the ear

15、liest special economic zones in China, has become a modern city.A. cities B. countries C. areas D. towns6. The opening of Chen Chunxians private research and development institute in the early 1980s marked the start of Zhongunagcun as a hi-tech centre.A. company B. research centre C. park D.center7. Successful people learn to grasp the opportunities that come along.A. miss B. catch C.win D. lose8.If you want to work in a big city and live by the seaside, Qingdao is the perfect place for you.A. easiest B. true C. best D. right提高中学生对于英语学习的积极性和主动性,就是培养学生良好的学习习惯和唤起学习兴趣。在英语教学中


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