1、ABSTRACTIn this paper, a multi-cha nnel taximeter that is able to deal with more tha n one passe nger simulta neously is proposed.In order to dem on strate the theory of operati on of the proposed system, a complete desig n for an experime ntal three-cha nnel taximeter (whose prototype has bee n bui
2、lt un der grant from the Egyptia n Academy for Scien tific and Tech no logical Research) is prese nted.System locati on, outl ine, block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams for the experime ntal taximeter are also in cluded.1. INTRODUCTIONTran sport ing people in the morni ng from their ho
3、mes to their works and back in the after noon has become a big problem in big cities especially in un developed coun tries. As a partial soluti on of this problem, the authorities in some coun tries had, uno fficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry differe nt passe ngers to differe nt places at
4、the Same time. For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four differe nt passe ngers without any relati on betwee n them except that their way of travelli ng is the same.Accordi ngly, it has become very difficult to rely on the prese nt conven ti onal sin gle-cha nnel taximeter to determ ine
5、the fare required from each passe nger separately. Accord in gly, an un fair finan cial relati on was created betwee n the taxicab driver, owner, passe ngers and the state taxati on departme nt.Un der these circumsta nces, taxicab drivers force the passe ngers to pay more tha n what they should pay
6、.In some cases passe ngers had to pay double fare they should pay. With the prese nt conven ti onal sin gle-cha nnel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determ ine the daily in come of their taxicab.In some cases (a taxicab with four seats) they may only get one quarter of the in come of the t
7、axicab (collected by the taxicab driver). From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in additi on to the car depreciati on. As a matter of fact the positi on of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems. A gen eral agreeme nt h
8、as bee n reached betwee n the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guara ntee a fixed daily in come to the owners as well as the pay ing for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires. Eve n though the taxicab drivers still share the large porti on ofthe in come of the taxicab
9、. Also with the prese nee of the sin gle-cha nnel taximeter, it has become very difficult for the state taxati on departme nt to know the yearly in come of the taxicab and accord in gly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab own ers.In order to face this problem
10、, the state taxati on departme nt had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the in come of the taxicab. In this paper, we in troduced a multicha nnel taximeter that can deal with more tha n one passe nger simulta neously. I t should be poin ted out that by the term
11、passe nger we mean a one pers on or a group of related pers on s. I t should also be poin ted out that our proposed multi-cha nnel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts. As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically cha nges the fare per killometer of travelli ng dis
12、ta nee or per mi nu tes of wait ing time accord ing to the nu mber of passe ngers hiri ng the taxicab. In the follow ing part and as an example, we will prese nt a complete desig n for a three-cha nnel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experime ntal three-cha nnel
13、taximeter are also in cluded. A prototype has bee n built un der grant from the Egyptia n Academy for Scien tific and Tech no logical Research.2. AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETERTheory of operati on of our experime ntal device to work as an electr onic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact
14、thathe speedometer cable rotates one revoluti on for each meter of travelli ng dista nee.Accordi ngly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sen sor that gen erates a si ngle pulse for each meter of travelli ng dista nee, the n our taximeter could be three up coun ter modules associated w
15、ith a speed sen sor un it.However, our experime ntal taximeter is not simply a three display readouts. As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically cha nges the fare per kilometer of travelli ng dista nee or per mi nu tes of wait ing time accord ing to the nu mber of passe ngers
16、hiri ng the taxicab. The device may be splitted in to two main parts: The first is the speed sen sor unit which may be located any where in the taxicab such that an easy coupli ng to the speedometer cable can be achieved. The sec ond un it contains the main electr onic circuit, the displaya nd con t
17、rol pan el. The un it should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passe ngers.A possible comp onents locatio ns is show n in Figure 1.A. Speed Sen sor UnitThe main fun cti on of this unit is to supply train of pulses whose freque ncy is proporti onal to the an gular rotati on of
18、the wheels. A possible form of a speed sen sor is show n in Figure 2.If may con sist of a tj.pica1 perma nent magnet sine wave gen erator with its output conn ected to a pulse shapp ing circuit (two gen eral purpose silic on diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger in verter).In order to find s
19、ome way to detect the moveme nt of the taxicab, the output of the si ne wave gen erator is rectified through a gen eral purpose silic on diode Dl the n smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor. The output voltage at termi nal Q is the n limited to the value of 4.7 volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as
20、a zener diode ZD. The level of the voltage at termi nal Q would be high whe never the taxicab is movi ng and will be zero otherwise. This voltage can be used for the automatic switch ing from dista nee fare to time fare.B. Mai n Electro nic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the mai n electro ni
21、c and display un it is show n in Figure 3. The con trol and display panel contains all con trols n ecessary for operati ng the taximeter as well as four readout displays. The first cha nnel will give the sum of money required from the first passe nger, while the sec ond and third readouts are for th
22、e sec ond and third passe ngers, respectively. The fourth readout will give the total in come of the taxicab.The contents of the last readout should be nonv olatile and be able to be retai ned eve n duri ng park ing the taxicab. The cha nnel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/a
23、 nticlockwise positi ons. In the fully an ticlockwise positi on, the coun ter of the corresp onding readout is bla ncked and disabled.In the fully clockwise positi on, the coun ter is un bla nked, cleared to zero and en abled to be ready for coun ti ng the sum of money required from the first, sec o
24、nd and third passe ngers, respectively.Push ing the total sum pushbutt on 4 un bla nks the fourth readout en abli ng any pers on to reta in the readout corresp onding to the total in come. After the release of the pushbutt on, the fourth readout will be bla nked aga in. This unit also contains the m
25、ain electro nic circuit which will be fully described in the followi ng secti on.3. DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUITThe gen eral block diagram of the mai n electro nic circuit is show n in Figure 4. It con sists of five subcircuits desig nated by the symboles CTI up to CT4support ing circu
26、its, these are: The nu mber of passe nger deticiti on circuit CTI, travelli ng dista nee scali ng circuit CT2, wait ing time scali ng circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which gen eratesclock pulses for the display circuit.A. Number of Passe ngers Detectio n Circuit CT1 As show n from the gen eral block diagra
27、m, the circuit CTI has three in puts I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L. The fun cti on of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at term in als J, K or L if and on ly if one, two or three passe ngers are hiri ng the taxicab, respectively. The term passe nger, here, means one pers
28、 on or a group of related pers ons. Whe n a passe nger is gett ing into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display by turni ng the corresp onding rotary selector switch to a fully clockwise directi on.This will automatically disc onnect the corresp onding term inal I, 2 or 3 from ground. The
29、logical relati on betwee n various in put term in als I, 2 and 3 and the output termi nals J, K and L is show n in Table 1.As a comb in ati onal circuit we start the desig n by deriv ing a set of boolea n fun cti ons. A possible simplified boolea n fun cti ons that gives mi nimum nu mber of in puts
30、to gates may be obta ined from Table I.A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressi ons is show n in Figure 5.It co nsists of two i nverters, four 2-i nput AND, to3-i nput AND two 3-i nput OR gates B. Tavelli ng Dista nee Scali ng Circuit CT2As show n from the block diagram
31、 of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four in put J, K, L and E and one output M. The fun cti on of the circuit is to supply a sin gle pulse at the output M for a certa in nu mber of pulses gen erated at the output of the speed sen sor (certa in nu mber of meters travelled by the taxicab), accord ing to
32、 the nu mber of passe ngers hiri ng the car. A suggested fare per kilometer of travelli ng dista nee is show n in colo mn two of Table 2. the circuit, in this case, should supply a sin gle pulse at the output M for every 100, 125 or 143 pulses gen erated at the in put term inal E accord ing to the l
33、evel of voltage at in put term in ale 3, K or L, respectively.Our circuit could be, as show n in Figure 5, three decade coun ters, conn ected as a three digit freque ncy divider whose divid ing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically selected by the voltage level at termi nals J, K and L, respecti
34、vely.A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above fun ctio n is show n in Figure 6. It con sists of three decade coun ters type 7490, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-i nput AND, one 3-i nput AND one 2-i nput AND two 3-i nput OR gates.C. Time Scali ng Circuit CT3As show n in the
35、 block diagram, the time scali ngcircuit will have four in puts J, K, L and F and one output N. The fun ctio n of this circuit and accord in gto colo mn three of Table 2 (fare per 2 minuts of wait ing time) is to supply a sin gle pulse at the output N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the
36、 in put term inal F from the I Hz clock accord ing to level of voltage at i nputs J, K and L, respectively.Time scali ng circuit would be similar to the dista nee scali ng circuit but with differe nt divi ng ratios. A Possible circuit diagram is show n in figure 7.It con sists, in this case, of thre
37、e decade coun ter type 7490, two 3-i nput AND, one 5-i nput AND, one 2-i nput AND one 3-i nput OR gates.D. Circuit CT4 Which Gen erates Clock Pulses for Display CircuitThe function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses at the output term inal R for each pulse gen erated at any of the
38、 term in als N or M, accord ing to the voltage level at the in put termin als J, K or L, respectively. The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse gen erated at any of the in put term in als N or M. This function can be performed by the circuit show n in Figure 8, it con sists of one ripple cou
39、n ter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, three in verters, three 2-i nput AND, one 3-i nput AND, one 2-i nput OR and one 3-i nput OR gates. When a pulse is gen erated at either in put term in als N or M, a high level voltage will be gen erated at the output Q
40、of the flip-flop. This will g a t e t h e I Khz sig nal to be conn ected to the in put A of the ripple coun ter as well as to the output term inal R. When one, two or three pulses are coun ted by the ripple coun ter, accord ing to the level of voltage at the in put term in als J, K and L, respective
41、ly, a high is gen erated to reset the coun ter and cha nge the state of the flip-flopsuch that Q becomes low.He nee, the 1 KHz sig nal is disabled to reach the outputerm inal R or the in put A of the ripple coun ter. I n order to en sure the proper fun cti on of the circuit, the flip-flop should be
42、cleared whe never a new cha nnel is operated. This has bee n achieved by the in put 5 and will be expla ined later whe n describ ingthe fun ctio n of the cha nn els rotary selector switchs.E. Display CircuitAs show n in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give the s
43、um of money required from each passe nger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total in come of the taxicab. A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is show n in Figure 9. Rotati ng any of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise directio n will supply the co
44、rresp onding display by5 volts through term in als 1,2 and 3, respectively.The corresp onding display will be un bla nked by suppl ying a low level of voltage through termi nals A, C and G, respectively. Keep ing termi nals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero. The cor
45、resp onding display is the n en abled by removi ng the low voltage from termi nals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresp onding passe nger start ing from zero.The counting pulses for these three displays are supplied through term inal P. The t
46、otal sumdisplay will be en abled whe never any of the three displays is en abled (this is done by a 3-i nput OR gate as show n in Figure 8). Reta ining the contents of the last display will be done by un bla nking it by suppl ying a low level of voltage to term inal I as show n in Figure 10 b.F. Cha
47、nging Over Betwee n Time and Dista nee FaresIn the followi ng part, two differe nt methods for cha nging over betwee n time an dista nee faresare suggested:The first is to switch to time fare whe never the dista nee fare is less tha n the time fare. Hen ce,a simple look to fares table (Table 2) can
48、show that time fare should be used whe never the taxicab moves with speed less tha n 50 m/mi n. A possible circuitthat can perform this switch ing action is show n in Figure IO c. It contains one rpm limit switchand a one in verter as well as two 2-i nput AND gates.The con tacts of the limit switch
49、are n ormally closed and will be ope ned whe never the an gular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp. The sec ond alter nati on is to connect the in put of the in verter in Figure 10 c. to the output term inal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.In this case, the switch ing into time fare
50、will be done whe never the taxicab is at sta nd still.G. Function of the Rotary Selector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied bythe term in als of the rotary selector switches in order to en sure proper operati on by the electro nic circuit are give n in Table 3. Connection of three r
51、otary selector switches each witb four decks of five poles each, that satisfy the logic fun cti on of Table 3, is show n in Figure 10 a. Rotat ing any of the three switches into fully clockwise direct ion will pass through five positi ons. The function of the rotary selector switches can be describe
52、d start ing from the first positi on pass ing through variousteps un til reach ing the final positi on as follows:In itial positi on: In this positi on a low voltage level is applied to term in als I, 2 and 3, this will disc onnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three in p
53、uts of the nu mber of passe nger detect ion circuit CTI to low level. A low voltage level is applied to termi nals 8, D and H, this is to en sure that the total in come display is disabled.Voltage levels at termi nals A, C, G and S are at no care con diti on.Step I: Rotat ing any of the rotary selec
54、tor switches one step toward clockwise direct ion will supply 5 volts to the corresp onding display, provides a high level voltage at term in als 1,2 or 3 in dicat ing that one passe nger have en tered the taxicab. A high level voltage should be applied to termin als A, C or G in order to en sure th
55、at the corresp onding display is still bla nked. Other termi nals B, D, H and S are kept un cha nged. Step 2: Rotati ng the rotary selector switch onestep further, will cha nge the state of voltages at termi nal A, C or G to be at low level andun bla nks the corresp onding display. States of voltage
56、s at term in als I, 2, 3 and S are rema inedunchanged.Termi nals B, D and H should be rema ined at low level to en sure that the corresp onding readout is cleared to zero while un bla nking the display.】、中文翻译摘要本文提出了一种出租车多通道计价的方案,能同时处理一个以上乘客的情 形。为了从理论上说明本方案,提出了一个实验上的三通道型的士的完整设计(其原型是根据埃及科学和技术研究学院的研究而建
57、成得)。1 .导言在不发达的国家,早上把人们从他们家送到工作的地方, 然后下午送回来已 成为一个大问题,尤其是在大城市。作为解决这个问题的一个部分,在某些国家出租车用来解决这个问题, 送人 们从一个地方到另外一个地方。例如,出租车的四个席位可携带四个不同的没有任何关系的乘客,除了他们的路线是相同的。因此,依靠目前的传统的单车道计价以确定所需的票价, 把每个乘客的计费 分开,这已成为一个非常困难的问题。因此,在出租车司机,车主,乘客和国家税务部门之间存在着不公平的财政关系。在这种情况下,出租车司机强迫乘客支付多于他们所应付的。 在某些情况下 乘客支付了他们应付车费的双倍。本常规单频道计程车,出租
58、车司机不能够确定出租车日常收入。在某些情况下(出租车的4个席位),他们可能只有出租车四分之一的收入(大部分的出租车司机)。从这些支付工资的出租车司机以及作为燃料费用外,还要维修 以及汽车折旧等费用。事实上,出租车业主并非似乎如此糟糕。一项在出租车 司机和车主之间的协议已经达成,司机应保证每天固定收入,以及向业主支付燃 料以及维修的费用。即使如此,还是有的出租车司机的很大一部分份额之收入的 出租车。现在还存在的单声道计价,已经变得非常,国家税务部门也知道这种困 难 每年估计出租车业主的收入支出,以及应支付的税务也很困难。为了应对这一问题,国家税务部已实行固定估计税,每个座位的出租车不论 收入。在
59、本文中,我们介绍了多通道的士计程表, 可处理超过一名乘客同时进行 的情况。我应该指出,我所说的长期旅客指一个人或一组相关的人。我同时也应指出,我们提出的多渠道的计价,不是简单地说,一个多显示读数。作为一个先 进的事项,事实上它包含逻辑电路,可以自动计算变化的车费以及每公里行走距 离或每分钟的候车时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车。在下面的部分,我举出一个例子,我们将介绍一个完整的三通道计价。框图以及详细的电路图,实验三通道计价功能也包括在内。原型下已建成 埃及赠款科学学院 和技术研究。2 .实验 THREECHANNEL出租车计价器理论的运作我们的实验装置从事电子数字计价依据。事实上速度电缆旋转1圈的每米距离行驶。因此,如果车速电缆耦合与速度传感器,产 生一个单脉冲每平方米的旅行距离, 那么,我们的的士可以三倍于反模块相与速 度传感器的单位。然而,我们的实验是计价而不仅仅是只显示三个读数。 事实
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