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1、国家开放大学电大专科管理英语22022-2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:3938)-、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1 一5题:选择正硕的勇句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1. 一 Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning?A I am 5orrye Now whai were we talking about?A. Never mind.B. I donft rememberi either.C. You were saying that you used lo be a teacherHows your mother doing?A. S

2、he is very well.B. She is very kind.C. She is doing shopping now.5 Would you mind filling the quentionnuire for me?A. No probienu Just give it to meB. ;Sorry I canft go there.C. I really appreciate that.二,tun:与ta构(共计3o分,每小n 2分)620 1|:词读下面的句子.从A,H.C三个逸顼中选出一个魔填入更白处的正确逸顼,并梅芥 案序号将在答KKA. gcnerounH. rncrn

3、lionC however9. They since last night. They arc ubaut to fininh the watkA. are cleaning the AyjitcmH, have been clenninK thv syntrmC. had cleaned thr nytem10 He keepn on hist focuji onmoneyfA makeB muckC. mAking)L Look!A. Here nre the bun cornerH. Here eorncn the bu*.C. The bun here come.12 The succ

4、ess of our event is2 lhe 5|)onM)r.A. relatedbasedC. inunded13. When stating problems, we enn ninke awith ihoN from InM ymr.A. comparingcompareC. comporison14. When reading rhe annuul report we should look out the areas where thecompany did not comply with thr rexulations.A.B. forC. on15. The Jmhe Co

5、mmunity Service Crnirr is fl bout to service for reMident.A providedR. provideC. providing】6 thewe should have reached the annunl meeting site on time.A. IkcAuse ofB. In spite ofC But for17. Did lhr medicine mnkr you feel better?No. The more | (eel.A nnedicine I takei wnrseB. medicine 1 tnkei the wo

6、rseC! tnke mrdictnej worse18. Your long term success in event plunmng will be based the experienceyou had.A. toBe onC. ofHer article Uin brr巾皿At the bc%fBa betterC. well20. I would rathertwo werk cnrbcrA. you should cornr hereH. yuu unrnc hereC. you had conic hrrr理解(共“分网小H 4分)21-2SH:下列坷文,从A.B、(三个逸项中

7、逸出一个正确答案并将答猥序号与在答Jffl蛾上。Paftsagc ISire” nround inTervicwx ia often influrnccd by our Hsumptions we mnkc to oureiclve boiH the procrAS. Countering nnxicty provoking thoughts enn help to Itiwrr levcU of nnxicty. wl just rncmd up ihm tmjiweri And thcre,i no hope. One poor answer normnlly does not knock

8、 a candidaic out of conMdrrution An irncrvtcw in like a 心t gelling nn 85 or 90 miuht he good rnounb t g*t I hr job.VinualixinR tucce can improve prrformnncc ond help cae anxiety. Alwhy* try imARintnK punitive tntcractionji with your inicrvicwrrt pftfticulfirly in the hour just lrfare your interview.

9、To Nome extent, rclnxntion tcchniquc-it uch ab progreBHive muticlr rrlnxntion or hrenthmg exercicf enn mnnagr nnxicty W your nnxicty around interview In exccftHlvct you rniKht consider necnig d doctor to develop rffcctivc counterrncftA. Interview processH. /nxiety provokinu thousht*C Interviewer*nnM

10、impiionfi22. Doen one poor answer in nn interview influence a cwndidotc to ger n job?A. Ys.C. Not given.23. ImnKininK ukczi help a c/indidutr toIrveh of anxirty?A. lowerB. raiteC. equal21. How can we reduce our fitreB!* nround interviews?A. Breathe deeply.B. Meet friendttC. Have a big meal.25. When

11、should we go to see a doctor according lhe author?A. When we lose confidence in an interview.Bt When we find effective mcfisurr Against anxiety round interview.C When we have too much ntress around interview.26-30 :清根据短文内容判断绐出的IB句是否正孀正的写的写“F”.并将答案 场在答18侬上.PassuRC 2Good cotnmuninitfnn nkilh are the k

12、ey to kucccka in life, work And relntionhips. Without effective communication! n message rnn turn into error# minundcrstflnding, (rutrntiune oi even disnAtcr by being misintcrprcicd or poorly delivered.Ihc shps for good comnwniCMtlon skillst(DKnow whnt to my.UnderMtand clearly the purpose and intent

13、 of your megg(2) Knuw how to aytiiegin by niuktng rye contact which shown conlidcncte Then pay nttcntion to your body lAnguaRet(3) UstemAfter youfv- finished talking, you should slope limn, and look for (cedbnck and clucn ol comprchcnsiont(4) Reath undcrtAndinKTo communicate well is to underjitAnd i

14、ind be understood.More Tipsi for Developing Good CommunicAtion Skill%(C DThc britrr you are able to exprrss ynursrlft the better your ability to communient(2) lJrHctkr your limning 5kdls. Be conidcrnte of other speakers by waiting until they are done before stating your vifwu.(3) Learn to undernnd a

15、nd Appreciate different views by bring open minded. It will tn turn# gain you more cooperation and undcrManding.(4) Avoid trying to coinmunicntr when in an emotional Mtnte. Tukc time to ccinHidcr your position through before speuking.When you tnke thr time tft develop good communicMtion 山、.it means

16、you open yuurcl( up fu better rrbitionnhipjit more enreer opportunities, and tncrviiMecI Mclf-confidcnce. Moreover t you reach higher Irvcla of mutual undrrtHndinK and cooper At ton while successfully AltAining your gmils.26. Amuftt be i)ndent)ode interpreted or delivered correctly withcommunication

17、.27. When you talk with others you can pay littlv attention to yuur body InriHungCt2M Thr better you nrv iililr to undemtnnd uthcE. the better your fthihty to cummunlcAtCe29. lUrfurr tAtinR your opmiohRt youfi better lei ihc .pmkerhi、or her tnlkinfirnt.30. Rrguc or debfttc with other* if you feel on

18、gry or difiplcnscl四、man共计2。分z小n 分)31-3Sn:W从以下AJkC三个选项中逸出fll佳翻岸,井精答案序号写在H*fi上31. A tiuc (riend in urticonr who rcncht (or your hand nnd touchrw your hrnrt.A一个贞实的朋&ttA伸出他的手触辄你心灵的人b. 一个n实的朋友能伸出他的丁理w你心x的人C. n正的朋是个可以援手吊助并尴动你心扉的人.32. Yon enn m c mnny interesting things on your wwy.A. 你能宥见,多,的东西在你回率的路上.B.

19、一聘上你施*见许备有整的事情C. 你能H兑许多好玩的东在军上。33. Strurselves nbaut the process.A.来fl而试的压力会影响我们对面试过程的推I*H.捆州会影响曲Uffi力,我们只要关注过c. 我们n(2X410m过程的拙激性往金影响惘域压力.31. In control to other coiirnric?*. the US Iwis no nationnl college entrance cxnm.A. XjttJt他囚衣而占晨国没和国*考试.H.与11他国家相比美国没有大学入学考试.C.相比较JI他国率,美国大学没有号忒35, This involves identifyi


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