



1、.网上抽取专家评审招标文件Select Experts from the website to review the doc.编制招标文件prepare the bidding documents (hereinafter doc.)报送市机电办Submit the doc. To Mechanic& Electronic products import and export office 3日内审定reply within 3 days 相关部门网上批复Relevant department reply on the website 招标文件上传备案 upload the doc. and

2、put on record重 新 招 标re-tendering网上抽取评标专家;至开标不少于20天Select experts on the website;Not less than 20 days before the bid opening发布招标公告出售标书issue the bid information on the website and sell the doc (按管理权限)开 标Date of bid opening 招标文件购买记录开标记录上传备案Upload the Bids Registration Form and bid opening record 3日内Wi

3、thin3 days维持原评标结果Keep the original evaluation results评 标Date of bid evaluation7天无质疑评标结果成立Within 7 days no challenging the evaluation results is established网上评标结果公示Notify the evaluation results投标商网上质疑The bidder challenging on the website送审评标报告evaluation results be submitted for review 相关部门处理质疑Relevan

4、t department deal with the challenging公示结果公告Evaluation Results notification 发中标通知书Deliver NOTIFICATION OF AWARD 项目归档国债项目向中国机电设备招标中心备案Project archivingBond project should be put on record to the Chinese Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Tendering Center签订合同Sign the contract收到进口批文Receive import appr

5、oval documents注: 1.备案需提供产品进口清单及项目批文等材料。Note:1. list of imported products and project approval documents should be provided when the information submitted to put on record. 2.开标不足3家厂商的应停止开标,并在2日内向机电办汇报。2. It should stop bid opening when there are less than three bidders on the deadline of bid opening time, and this should be reported to the Electrical and Mechanical import and export Office within two days


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