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1、五年级上册英语语音专项练习一、听录音;判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同;相同的打“”;不相同的打“ ” .()1.a. wh yb. wh atc. wh ited. wh o()2.a. riv erb. farm erc. teacherd. doctor()3.a. skir tb. shir tc. gir ld. nur se()4.a. thinb. th ankc. th atd. math()5.a. washb. makec. l aked. away()6.a. howb. nowc. mouthd. town()7.a. beefb. teac. peachd. me

2、at()8.a. cookb. f ootc. lookd. book()9.a. boxb. dogc. clockd. over()10. a. potatob. tomatoc. tofud. yell ow二、听录音;选择与例子相同发音的单词;把编号填写在题前括号() 1. howa. br ownb. yell ow c. window() 2. wh oa. wh yb.wh osec. wh ite() 3. wh ata. wh ereb. wh olec.wh om() 4. thisa. mathb.th ankc.clo thes() 5. thata. m athb.

3、waterc. path() 6. lakea.w ashb. tablec.can() 7. likea. f ishb. activec.ki nd() 8. fr esha. b ehindb. chessc.closet() 9. overa.cl osetb. cl osec.computer()10.watera awayb.w atchc trash三、听录音;找出发音不同的一项 .()1.a. wh yb. wh atc. wh ited. wh o()2.a. riv erb. farmerc. doctord. short()3.a. skir tb.dinnerc. gi

4、r ld. nur se1 / 5()4.a. thinb. th ankc. th atd. math()5.a. washb. makec. l aked. day()6.a. howb. nowc.wind owd. town()7.a. beefb. teac. peachd. road()8.a. cookb. f ootc. lookd. book()9.a. boxb. dogc. clockd. over()10. a. potatob. tomatoc. tofu d. cl oset四、听录音;根据发音规则选择合适的字母填写单词1. sk_ _t (ir , or)2. p

5、_ _ple(ur , ow)3. _ _oor(fl,cl)4. _ _idge (br, fr)5. _ _etty (pr, br)6. farm_ _ (ee, er)7. r_ _d (oa, ou)8._ _ock (cr, cl)9.li_ _ary(bl,br)10._ _ om (wh, th)11.m_ _th (ou, oa)12.act_ _ (or, ea)13. t_ _n (ow, ur)14. _ _ow(fr, fl)15. _ _op( cl, cr)16.sn_ _(or;ow)17 th_ _ _(ere, ean)18.gr_ss (a, o)19._

6、 _ y ( sh , sk)20._ _air(sh, ch)五、听录音;选择正确的单词填空;把字母编号填在横线上.1、a sheep eatsand drink green tea. (a. bee b. beef )2、a black bird eatsbread. (a. blackb. brown )3、acow has a crown. (a. blackb. brown )4、our loud mouse has a big.(a. houseb. mouth )5、aflow makes flowers grow. (a. snowb. slow )6、a shortwore

7、orange shorts. (a. house b. horse )7、tall paul didon the ball.(a. ballb. fall )8、lets plan toon the plane.(a. prayb. play )9、my first skirt and thirdare dirty .(a. shortb. shirt )2 / 510、and mother eat dinner at the river .(a. farmer b. father )11、eat your meat and your. (a. beachb. peach )12、clean

8、crows cry, cleandry. (a. clothesb. closet )五年级上册语音专项练习(参考答案 )一、听录音;判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同;相同的打“”;不相同的打“” .()1.a. wh yb. wh atc. wh ited. who( )2.a. riv erb. farm erc. teacherd. doctor( )3.a. skir tb. shir tc. gir ld. nur se()4.a. th inb. th ankc. th atd. math()5.a. washb. makec. laked. away()6.a. howb.

9、nowc. mouth d. town()7.a. beefb. teac. peachd. meat()8.a. cookb. f ootc. lookd. book()9.a. boxb. dogc. clockd. over()10. a. potatob. tomatoc. tofu d. yell ow二、听录音;选择与例子相同发音的单词;把编号填写在题前括号(a) 1. howa. br ownb. yell owc. window(b) 2. wh oa. wh yb.wh osec. wh ite(a) 3. wh ata. wh ereb. wh olec.wh om(a)

10、4. thisa. mathb.th ankc.clo thes(a) 5. thata. m athb. waterc. path(b) 6. lakea.w ashb. tablec.can(c) 7. likea. f ishb. activec.ki nd3 / 5(b) 8. fr esha. b ehindb. chessc.closet(b) 9. overa.cl osetb. cl osec.computer(b)10.watera awayb.w atchc trash三、听录音;找出发音不同的一项 .(d)1. a. wh yb. wh atc. wh ited. wh

11、o(d)2. a. riv erb. farmerc. doctord. shor t(b)3.a. skir tb.dinnerc. gir ld. nur se(c)4.a. thinb. th ankc. thatd. math(a)5.a. washb. makec. l aked. day(c)6.a. howb. nowc.windowd. town(d)7. a. beefb. teac. peachd. road(b)8.a. cookb. f ootc. lookd. book(d)9. a. boxb. dogc. clockd. over(d)10. a. potatob

12、. tomatoc. tofud. closet四、听录音;根据发音规则选择合适的字母填写单词1. skirt(ir ,or)2. purple(ur,ow) 3. floor(fl,cl)4. fridge(br, fr)5. pretty(pr,br)6. farmer(ee,er)7. road(oa,ou)8.clock(cr,cl)9.library(bl,br)10.whom(wh,th)11.mouth(ou, oa)12.actor(or,ea)13. town(ow,ur)14.flow(fr,fl)15. crop(cl,cr)16.snow(orow) 17 there(

13、ere, ean)18.grass (a,o)19.sky( sh , sk)20.chair (sh, ch)五、听录音;选择正确的单词填空;把字母编号填在横线上.1、a sheep eatsand drink green tea. (a. bee b. beef )2、a black bird eatsbread. (a. blackb. brown )3、acow has a crown. (a. blackb. brown )4、our loud mouse has a big.(a. houseb. mouth )4 / 55、aflow makes flowers grow. (a. snowb. slow )6、a shortwore orange shorts. (a. house b. horse )7、tall paul didon the ball.(a. ballb. fall )8、lets plan toon the plane.(a. prayb. play )9、my fi


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