



1、名校名 推荐2014 年高一英语暑假作业基础练习:unit 5人教版必修 3一、 拼写根据括号内的 或首字母提示完成句子。1. we must reach the _ ( 港口 ) before sunset in case of the bad weather.2. they were already _ ( 在上 ) the ship.3. i have realized that strength and courage aren alwayst _ (衡量 ) in medals and victories, but in the efforts we have made.4. the

2、 evidence _ (证实 ) my view that they are lying.5. finally, they managed to arrive at their destination at _ (黎明 ).6. china is in asia, one of the seven c_ on the earth.7. in those days, mothers usually t_ the babies by telling stories of ghosts.8. the town lies on the b_ between the usa and canada.9.

3、 an order came that we should finish the work w_ three days.10. after they married, they s_ down in a small village, leading a quiet life.二、 填空 每个句子 符合句子 境的 并用其正确形式填空。wide, widely, broad, broadly1. he stared at the stranger with his mouth _ open.2. he was six feet tall with _ shoulders.3. english is

4、 _ used all over the world.4. _ speaking, i agree with you.5. the room is three meters long and two meters _. pleased, pleasant, pleasure6. i am quite _ that she has got such a good chance.7. may i have the _ of dancing with you?8. they spent a very _ afternoon in the hills.三、句子填空用所 的正确形式完成下列句子。1. h

5、e left as a poor, working class boy and returned as a _ (wealth) man.2. instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a _ (distance) nod.3. earthquakes are _ (extreme) difficult to predict.4. the color black is _ (tradition) associated with mourning.5. among my pen friends, two are _ (canada

6、).6. the job will take _ (approximate) three weeks.7.she often spends hours on the phone _ (chat) to her friends.8.when i first met him, i had the _ (impress) that he was a humorous man.1名校名 推荐9. beethoven was a _ musician. he had a _ for music. (gift)10. _ by the forest, the village has beautiful _

7、. (surround)四、翻译句子根据汉语及括号内的提示,翻译下列句子。1.这一工程带来的变化给我留下了很深的印象。(impress)_2.史密斯太太有一个在绘画方面有天赋的八岁大的儿子。(gift)_3.在周末我宁愿留在家里而不是和同学们去外面。(rather)_4.我们大家都赞成她的那项计划:下个周末我们将去野餐。(plan)_5.他突然想起敌人已经逃走了。(thought)_6.我想不出她为什么会这么说。(figure out)_基础练习(book 3)一、句子填空用适当的介词填空。1. according _ our records, the books you have borro

8、wed should now be returned to the library.2. to begin _, we ought to know what we are studying for.3. when the fire broke out in the movie theater, people lost their head and ran _ all directions.4. the car came to a stop just _ time to prevent an accident.5. the smell of rain was everywhere. it see

9、med to fill me _ energy.6. when you are young, you dream about all sorts _ things.7. a seed can grow _ a tree, and trees make up beautiful forests.8. can you tell me how china is different _ your country?9. in the t eacher s class, the students often answer his questions _ turn.10. how much oil can

10、be put _ this bottle?11. what can we do to prevent the disease _ spreading?12. as a result _ what had happened, we decided to change the rules.13. i have been old enough to earn my living, so i will no longer depend_ myfather.2名校名 推荐14. _ the past, he had to read by candle light.15. she gave birth _

11、 a fine baby last week.二、完成句子根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1. tom s friends begged him not to go alone, but _, he did anyway. (drive)汤姆的朋友们恳请他不要单独去,但是在好奇心的驱使下,他还是去了。2. a small plane crashed five miles east of the city, _ on board. (kill)一架小型飞机在城东5 英里处坠毁,机上4 人丧生。3. my uncle s house in the downtown area is m

12、uch smaller than ours, but it is _. (expensive)我叔叔在市中心的房子比我们的小很多,但是价格是我们的两倍。4. the serious strike _ if the local government had taken measures a little earlier instead of keeping silent. (prevent)如果当地政府早一点采取措施,而不是保持沉默,那场严重的罢工本来是可以避免的。5. the shocked boy stood there without any words, _ the news of an

13、 earthquake in his hometown. (stare)那个吃惊的男孩站在那里,一句话也不说,盯着那条他的家乡发生了一场地震的消息。6. _ of qian xuesen, the film presents to the audience the life of the father of chinese missiles. (base)以钱学森的真实生活为基础,这部电影向观众展现了中国导弹之父的生活。7. at the end of the race, so _ that he couldn t stop himself. (run)在比赛结束的那一刻,他跑得如此快以至于不

14、能停下来。8. _ was that they completed the construction of the building ahead of time. (excite)让他们兴奋的是他们提前完成了那栋楼房的建设。9. _, quite beyond their expectations, made them overexcited. (time)他们出乎意料地及时完成了那项工作使他们十分兴奋。10. it was not until i realized how stupid i was _ say sorry to her. (go)直到我意识到我是多么的愚蠢,我才去向她道歉。三

15、、翻译句子根据汉语及括号内的提示,翻译下列句子。1.他最终出现在晚会上,使在场的每个人都很高兴。(turn up)_2.他们高兴地唱歌跳舞,这使我想到了我的经历。(remind)_3.蜜蜂和蚂蚁比其他的任何动物都更勤奋。(any)_3名校名 推荐4.你想出国去学习的想法是不切实际的。(idea)_5.为了欣赏风景,琳达宁愿花几个小时的时间坐火车也不乘飞机旅行。(rather)_参考答案 :基础练习(unit 5, book 3)一、 1. harbour/harbor2. aboard3. measured4. confirms 5. dawn 6. continents7.terrified

16、8. border9. within10. settled二、 1. wide2. broad3. widely 4. broadly5. wide6. pleased7. pleasure8. pleasant三、 1. wealthy 2. distant3. extremely4. traditionally5. canadians6. approximately7.chatting8. impression 9. gifted; gift 10. surrounded; surroundings 四、 1. i was deeply impressed by the changes b

17、rought by the project.2. mrs. smith has an 8-year-old son who has a gift for painting.3. at weekends i prefer to stay at home rather than go out with my classmates.4. all of us agreed to her plan that we would have a picnic the next weekend.5. the thought suddenly came to him that the enemy had alre

18、ady escaped.6. i cannot figure out why she said so.基础练习(book 3)一、 1. to 2. with 3. in4. in5. with 6. of 7. into 8. from 9. in 10. into 11. from 12. of 13. on 14.in 15. to二、 1. driven by curiosity2. killing four people 3. twice as expensive as ours4. could havebeen prevented5. staring at6. based on the real life7. fast did he run8. what made them excited9. that they finished the job in time10. that i went to三、 1. finally he turned up at the party, which made everybo


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