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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter,Unit 1 Whats the matter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot te

2、a w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶,12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14. take one s temperature 量体温 15. put some medicine on sth. 在上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着走 22. on the side of the road 在马路边,23.

3、 shout for help 大声呼救 24. without th inking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one s surprise 使. 京讶的 28. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于 29. in time 及时 30. save a life 挽救生命 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 33. because of 由于,34. get out of 离开;从出萍 35. hurt oneself 受伤 36.band

4、age on sth. 用绷带包扎 37. fa ll down 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰 42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难 43. mountain climbing 登山运动,44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 45. run out (of) 用完;用尽 46. so that 以便 47. so. . . that 如此 以至于 48. be in co

5、ntrol of 掌管;管理 49. in a d iffic u lt situation 在闲境屮 50. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事 51. make a decision 做出决定 52. take risks 冒险 53. give up 放弃,二、重点句型 1. What s the matter? 什么事?怎么啦? What s the matter with you?你怎么了? = Whats the trouble with you? = What s wrong with you? 2. W hat should she do? 她该怎么办呢?

6、Should I take my temperature? 我应该量一下体温吗? 主语+ should/shouldnt + 动词原形. . You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息一会儿。 You shouldn t go out at night. 你晚上不应该出去,3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? 你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢? 4. I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. 我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太

7、久了。 5. She said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospital,Section A 1a-2d,body,feet,tooth,teeth,face,nose,ear,toe,neck,leg,heel,elbow,face,sing a song,1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letteram for each part of the body. _arm _back _ear _eye _foot _hand_head _leg _mouth _

8、neck _nose _stomach _tooth,k,c,g,i,m,a,l,b,f,d,j,h,e,Whats the matter? (你)怎么了,have a (bad) cold,have a stomachache,感冒,胃痛,have a toothache,have a headache,have a (high) fever,发烧,牙痛,头痛,have a sore back,have a sore throat,背痛,喉咙痛,I have a (bad) cold,I have got a (bad) cold,Whats the matter with you ,Wha

9、ts the trouble with you,Whats wrong with you,你怎么啦,我患感冒了,Whats the matter with him ,He has/has got a stomachache,他胃痛,Whats the matter with him,He has/has got a sore back/backache,他背痛,Whats the matter with him ,He has a sore throat,他喉咙痛,She has/has got a (high) fever,Whats the matter with her ,她发烧,She

10、 has a (bad) toothache,Whats the matter with her,她牙痛,He has a (bad) headache.他头痛,Whats the matter with him,He has a lot of headaches.他头经常痛,He has a sore back,He has a sore neck,She has a sore throat,Whats the matter,Whats the matter,He has a headache,He has a toothache,He has a stomachache,Grammar F

11、ocus,1.Whats the matter with sb? = Whats the trouble with sb? = Whats wrong with sb? 注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格, 如her,him,them等。 eg:Whats the matter with your mother? Whats wrong with you? Whats the trouble with her,怎么了,Grammar Focus,在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构: (1)主语+have/has+病症 (2)主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位 sore 是

12、一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:sore back, sore throat,sore back,sore neck. (3)主语+have/has+a+部位-ache -ache作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表身体某部位疼痛,如:toothache , headache , stomachache . (4)(There is)something wrong with +ones+部位 某人某部位不舒服/出了毛病,have a cold,have a fever,have a headache,have a stomachache,have a toothach

13、e,have a sore throat,have a sore back,a. 喉咙痛,b. 背痛,c. 牙痛,d. 头痛,e. 胃痛,f. 感冒,g. 发烧,Look and say,Nancy_ Sarah_ David_ Ben_ Judy_,1b: Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names (1-5,4,2,1,3,5,have a cold=catch a cold,Nurse: You dont look well. Whats the matter, Sarah? Sarah: I was playing wit

14、h my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didnt put on my jacket. Now I have a cold,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Nurse:Whats the matter, David? Are you OK? David: I ate too much junk food at my friends birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldnt get mysel

15、f out of bed this morning,Conversation 3,Nurse:Whats the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben: Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back,Conversation 4,Nurse: You look really tired. Whats the matter, Nancy? Nancy: I didnt sle

16、ep well last night. I have a toothache. Its terrible! I cant really eat anything either. It hurts a lot,Conversation 5,Nurse: Whats the matter, Judy? Judy: Im sorry, but its very difficult for me to talk. Nurse: Oh, dear.Whats the matter? Judy: I talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough wate

17、r. I have a very sore throat now,2a-2b,4. toothache,3. cough and sore throat,2. stomachache,1. fever,a. lie down and rest,b. drink some hot tea with honey,c. see a dentist and get an X-ray,d. take your temperature,5. cut myself,e. put some medicine on it,Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the ord

18、er you hear them. Listen again and match the problems with the advice,A:You dont look well. Your face looks a bit red. B: Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do? A: Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature. B: Yes, youre right,should 应该 情态动词,后接动 词原形,Conversation 1,B: I di

19、dnt take good care of myself. I didnt wear enough warm clothes yesterday. Now I have a cough and a sore throat,A:Whats the matter,A: You should drink some hot tea with homey,B:That sounds like a good idea,Conversation 2,B: I think I ate too much at dinner last night. It was an all-you-can-eat meal a

20、t the restaurant. But now I have a stomachache,A: You look terrible! Whats the matter,A: Thats too bad. You shouldnt eat so much next time. Right now , you should lie down and rest,B: I guess I should,Conversation 3,B: Its not my face. Its my tooth. I have a toothache,A: Whats wrong with your face,A

21、: You should see a dentist and get an X-ray,B: But will it hurt,Conversation 4,A: No, and if you dont go to the dentist now, itll hurt even more later,B: I was making dinner just now and I cut myself by accident,A: Oh, no! What happened,A: Oh, that looks serious. You should put some medicine on it .

22、 Here, let me lhelp you,B: OK, thanks,Conversation 5,problem n. 问题,难题,习题(有待解决,question n. 问题(有待回答,This question is a problem,They are doing some math problems/exercises,May I ask you a question ,stomachache,fever,toothache,对症下药,sore throat,should,shouldnt,What shouldnt he do? -I think he shouldnt,He

23、 has a sore throat,shouldnt = should not,drink cold drink. eat ice cream. eat hot food. talk too much. talk loudly,He shouldnt,A:Whats the matter? Do you have_,a toothache,B:Yes, I do,A:You should_. You shouldnt _,see a dentist,eat sweet things,stay in bed . have a good rest. lie down and rest. wear

24、 warm clothes. drink lots of water. drink hot tea. take some medicine,You should,I have a cold. What should I do,take some medicine,traditional Chinese medicine,western medicine,Whats the matter? -My head feels very hot. -Maybe you have a fever, I think you should -Thats a good idea./ That sounds li

25、ke a good idea. / I guess I should./ Yes, youre right,Whats the matter,I have a_,sore back,You should _,see a doctor,You shouldnt_,exercise,Pairwork,Whats the matter? I have a _. You should_. You shouldnt_,fever,drink lots of water and go to bed,go out and exercise,A:Whats the matter? B:I have a _.

26、A:You should_. You shouldnt _,stomachache,lie down and have a rest,eat anything for two hours,2d.Read the conversation and answer my questions,1. Whats the matter with Lisa? 2. What did Lisa do on the weekend? 3. What should Lisa do ,Mandy: Lisa, are you OK? Lisa: I have a headache and I cant move m

27、y neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature? Mandy: No, it doesnt sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend? Lisa: I played computer games all weekend. Mandy: Thats probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer. Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way fo

28、r too long without moving. Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a docotor. Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy,1. I have a headache. 2. You should go to bed. 3. He has a stomachache. 4. She shouldnt eat anything. 5.She has a toothache. 6. She should s

29、ee a dentist,翻译下列句子: 我头痛。 你应当去睡觉。 他肚子痛。 他不应当吃任何东西。 她牙痛。 她应当看牙医,Grammar Focus,Section A 3a-4c,Read the passage in 3a. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? Then read the passage again and check ( )the things that happened in the story,3a-3c,1. _Wang Ping was the driver of

30、 bus No. 26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday. 2. Bus No. 26 hit an old man on Zhanghua Road. 3. _ The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away,3a-3c,4. _The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only Wang Ping went with the woman and old man. 5. Some passe

31、ngers helped to get the old man onto the bus. 6. _ The old man got to the hospital in time,3a-3c,Now answer my questions. 1. Why was Wang Ping surprised that the passengers agreed to go to the hospital with him? 2. Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the right thing? How do you know? 3. Do you ag

32、ree that people often do not help others because they do not want to get intyo trouble,3a-3c,Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhanghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for h

33、elp. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happned. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital,3a-3c,Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the

34、hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus,3a-3c,Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in tiome. Its sad that ma

35、ny people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble, says one passenger,But the driver didnt think about himself. He only thought about saving a life,Whats the matter? - I have a stomachache. - You shouldnt eat so much next time,怎么了? - 我肚子疼。 - 下一次你不要吃得太多,Grammar Focus,翻译下列句子,Whats

36、the matter with Ben? - He hurt himself. He has a sore back. - He should lie down and rest,Ben怎么了? - 他伤着了自己,他背疼。 - 他应该躺下来休息,Grammar Focus,翻译下列句子,Do you have a fever? -Yes, I do./ No, I dont. / I dont know,你发烧了吗? - 是的,我发烧了。 /不,我没发烧。 /我不知道,Grammar Focus,翻译下列句子,Does he have a toothache? -Yes, he soes. -

37、 He should see a dentist and get an X-ray,他牙疼吗? - 是的,他牙疼。 -他应该去看牙医并且拍一个X片子,Grammar Focus,翻译下列句子,What should she do? -She should take her temperature,她应该干什么? - 她应该量体温,Grammar Focus,翻译下列句子,我应该在上面敷一些药吗? -是的,你应该。/不,你不应该,Should I put some medicine on it? -Yes, you should./ No, you shouldnt,4a. Fill th th

38、e blanks and practice the conversations,1. A: I hurt _ when I played basdetball yesterday. What _ I do? B: You _see a doctor and get an X-ray. 2. A: _ the matter? B: My sister and I _ sore throats. _ we go to school? A: No, you _. 3. A:_ Mike _ a fever? B: No, he _. He _ a stomachache. A: He _ drink

39、 some hot tea,myself,should,should,Whats,have,Should,shouldnt,Does,have,doesnt,has,should,should,s the matter,shouldnt =should not,advice n. 建议,忠告,劝some/much/a lot of/lots of advice,a piece of advice 一条建议,4b.Circle the best advice for these health problems. Then add your own advice,1. Jenny cut hers

40、elf,She should ( get an X-ray/ put some medicine on the cut,My advice:_ _,2. Kate has a toothache,She should ( see a dentist/ get some sleep,My advice:_ _,3. Mary and Sue have colds,They shouldnt ( sleep/ exercise,My advice:_ _,4. Bob has a sore back,He should ( lie down and rest/ take his temperatu

41、re,My advice:_ _,4c. One students mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice,A: Whats the matter? Did you hurt yourself ( when you were ) playing soccer? B: No, I didnt. C: Did you fall down? B: Yes, I did. D: You should go home and get some rest,Section B 1a

42、-1d,1a. When these accidents happen, what should you do? Put the actions in order,_ Go to the hospital. _ Get an X-ray. _ Rest for a few days,_ Put a bandage on it. _ Run it under water. _ Put some medicine on it,_ Clean your face. _ Put your head back. _ Put on a clean T-shirt,1b. Listen to the sch

43、ool nurse. Check the problems you hear,b, c,d, a,f,e,1c. Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above,a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperature c. told hem to rest d. put some medicine on it e. took him to the hospital to get an X-ray f. t

44、old her to put her head back,Teacher: Hello, Jenny! You look tired,Nurse: Well, today was a busy day in my office. One boy hurt hemself in P.E. class,Teacher: What happened,Nurse: He was running under the hot sun and then he felt sick and fell down,Teacher: Yes, the weather is very hot today,Nurse:

45、He cut his knee, so I washed the cut and put some medicine on it. Then I put a bandage on it,Teacher: Was the cut serious,Nurse: Not really, but I also took his temperature. Luckily he didnt have a fever. I told hem he should rest,Teacher: What else happened,Nurse: One girl had a nosebleed. I told h

46、er to put her head back to stop the blood. Oh, and another boy got hit on the head with a baseball bat,Teacher: That sounds bad. I hope hes OK,Nurse: I hope so, too. He was taken to the hospital to get an X-ray,1d. Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the informatin in 1b

47、and 1c,A: Who came to your office today? B: First, a boy came in. He hurt hemself in P.E. class. A: What happened? B:,tired eat an apple hungry drink some water thirsty go to bed early ill listen to music angry go to see a doctor dangerous eat more food thin wear less clothes fat do more exercises h

48、ot ask for help,Problems,Advice,根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。 have a fever ; doctor told me to stay in bed for two days cant go to school today ; tomorrow ; hope get well; very soon; thank you Dear Miss Ding: Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today,I have a fever . The doctor told me to stay in bed

49、 for two days. So I cant go to school today and tomorrow. I hope I can get well very soon. Thank you! Yours Tony,Section B 2a-2e,2a. Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports. Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen,A= soccer B= mountain cli

50、mbing C=swimming,_ fall down _get sunburned _ have problems breathing cut ourselves _ get hit by a ball _ hurt out back or arm,2b-2c. Read the passage and underline the words you dont know, then circle True, False or Dont Know,1. Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents. (

51、 True False Dont know,2. Aron had a serious accident in April 2003. ( True False Dont know,3. Aron ran out of water after three days. ( True False Dont know,4. Aron wrote his book before his serious accident. ( True False Dont know,5. Aron still goes moutain climbing. ( True False Dont know,2d. Read

52、 the passage again and answer the questions,1. Where did the accident happen on April 26, 2003,2. Why couldnt Aron move,3. How did Aron free himself,4. What did Aron do after the accident,5. What does between a rock and a hard place mean,2e. Put the sentences in the correct order,_ On April 26, 2003

53、, he had a serious mountain climbing accident,_ Aron loves mountain clibing and doesnt mind taking risks,_ Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing moutains today,_ He wrote a book about his experience,_ Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident,1,2,3,4,5,He Lost His A

54、rm But Is Still Climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 2

55、6, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when (he was) climbing in Utah,On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.But when his wate


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