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1、关于爱情的英语的文章带翻译 爱情是一个不可缺少的、但它只能是推动我们前进的加速器,而不是工作、学习的绊脚石。下面是 _带来的关于爱情的的文章带翻译,欢迎阅读! An Iowa mother who weighs 765lb is trying to get on a reality TV show because she believes it is the only way to save her life. 美国爱荷华州有一位妈妈体重达765磅(约694斤),如今她正努力登上一个电视真人秀节目,因为她认为这是拯救自己的唯一方法。 Charity Pierce, 38, finds movi

2、ng around so difficult that she is almost house bound, but doctors near her Cedar Rapids home say she must slim down to 500lb before they can give her a gastric band. 38岁的夏里蒂皮尔斯住在美国锡达拉皮兹市。她胖胖的身体行动非常不便、所以呆在家里几乎不出来;但家附近的医生都说,只有皮尔斯减到500磅以下才能给她做束胃带治疗。 Ms Pierce, who is the fattest woman in the world, ha

3、s developed a medical condition called lymphedema, which has caused a huge swelling on her left leg, she no longer fits easily into a regular car. 皮尔斯女士是世界上最胖的女人,她患了淋巴水肿症、导致腿部大面积浮肿。因而,普通的车子是装不下皮尔斯的身体的。 She hopes to be able to lose enough weight to be able to watch her daughter grow up, and also so s

4、he can have a dream wedding to her 22-year-old boyfriend, Tony Sauer. 她希望自己能够,看着女儿长大;同时她也能和自己22岁的男朋友托尼萨奥尔举办一场梦寐以求的婚礼了。 Im determined not to have to get married at home. I want to be able to walk up the aisle, Ms Pierce told Best magazine. “我下定决心不在自己家房子里结婚,我想亲自走上婚礼的红毯。”皮尔斯女士对Best杂志记者说道。 I plan to wea

5、r a wedding dress, cowboy boots and a cowgirl hat . I want to dance all night. “婚纱礼服、牛仔靴、牛仔帽我想把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,我要尽情跳舞彻夜狂欢。” Ms Pierce says she has always been on the larger size, but her weight problem became worse after developing lymphedema, which blocks the lymphatic system and causes swelling. 皮尔斯女士说

6、自己的体型一直是“大号”的,但患上淋巴性水肿之后肥胖问题愈发严重了,致使她的淋巴系统阻塞、身体浮肿。 Ms Pierce is trying to lose weight and is on a limited 1,200-calorie a day diet and does physical therapy twice a day. 皮尔斯女士正努力减肥,她每天吃的食物热量控制在1200卡路里以内,同时每日进行两次疗法治疗。 Its a very long road, but Im going to get there, Ms Pierce said. “漫漫减肥之路任重而道远,但我依然会

7、勇敢前行!” 皮尔斯女士说道。 The worlds only married lesbian threesome are expecting their first child. 3名女同性恋结婚了,她们现在正等待第一个孩子降临,这是世界上首例三人女同家庭。 Doll, Kitten and Brynn, from Massachusetts, were joined together in a marriage-style ceremony last August and are expecting a daughter in July. 多尔、基腾和布林马萨诸塞州,去年8月三人举行了婚式

8、,今年七月她们将迎来第一个女儿的诞生。 Kitten, 27, is pregnant after undergoing IVF treatment using an anonymous sperm donor, and the trio eventually plan to have three children - one for each of them. 27岁的基腾在接受匿名捐精者的试管受精后了,而这三人最终计划要三个孩子每人一个。 The plan at the moment is that Kitten will bear all the children - possibly

9、using her wives eggs and donated sperm - but they are open to other options, such as adoption. 目前的计划是让基腾承担生所有孩子的任务很可能会用两位妻子的卵和捐赠的精子结合受孕,但她们也可以接受其他方式比如领养。 Brynn, 34, says: The hope is to have three kids altogether. We always joke that the children should never outnumber the parents. 34岁的布林说,“我们希望总共要三

10、个孩子,大家总是开玩笑说孩子的数量不能超过家长的。” Doll, Kitten and Brynn Young married in a ceremony in August xx, when each of their fathers walked them down the aisle. All three women wore white wedding gowns. 多尔、基腾和布林xx年8月举行了婚礼仪式,三人的父亲挽着女儿的手走过红毯。三位爱人都穿着白色的新婚礼服,美丽动人。 The so-called throuple worked with a specialist famil

11、y lawyer who drew up the paperwork and drafted the ceremony so that all three of them were obligated and bound to each other. 三个爱人聘请了一位专业家庭律师,他起草了协议文书、见证了婚礼仪式,以确保三人命运相系、互相关爱、对彼此负有家庭义务。 While Brynn and Kitten are legally married, Doll is handfasted to both so the threesome are as equally married to e

12、ach other as legally possible. 布林和基腾合法结婚,多尔与二人都有婚约,所以三人在现有条件下、已经达到彼此之间在婚姻中尽可能地位平等。 The threesome insist their relationship is like that of any normal couple: having breakfast with one another, watching TV after work and sharing a bed together. 三人坚持说她们彼此之间的关系和其他普通情侣之间没什么两样:一起吃早饭、下班后看电视、同住一张床。 It was

13、only three months after their beautiful wedding day that Kitten fell pregnant, after undergoing IVF treatment using a sperm donor. They hope to conceive using the same method with all of their future pregnancies. 在她们浪漫美好的婚礼之后仅3个月,基腾在接受捐精者的精子人工受精后怀孕了。她们希望所有的孩子都能以这种方式出生。 Kitten says: The three of us h

14、ave always wanted kids. Doll, Brynn and I are mitted to each other and we wanted to grow our family. 基腾说,“我们三个都一直想要孩子。多尔、布林和我向彼此承诺相爱一生,我们想我们的家庭。” Brynn says: Doll, Kitten and I may not be the norm but we are perfectly normal. We are simply people trying to live the life that we feel is best for us a

15、nd we deserve the rights afforded to others. 布林说:“多尔、基腾和我组成的不是一个标准家庭,但我们每个人都再正常不过了。我们单纯相爱,我们努力过上对我们来说最幸福的生活,我们应得法律赋予的一切权利。” An Ohio couple who held hands at breakfast every morning even after 70 years of marriage have died 15 hours apart. 美国俄亥俄州的一对夫妻在结婚70年后依然手牵手用早餐,日前夫妻俩相继离世,中间只相隔15小时。 Helen Felumle

16、e of Nashport in central Ohio died April 12. She was 92. Her husband, 91-year-old Kenh Felumlee, died the next morning. Helen Felumlee俄亥俄州中部城市纳什波特,4月12日,92岁高龄的她离开了人世;Helen的丈夫Kenh Felumlee今年91岁,在妻子去世第二天早上也随她而去。 The couples children say the two met as teenagers and had been inseparable since then, onc

17、e sharing the bottom of a bunk bed on a ferry rather than sleeping one night apart. 儿女们说,父母是在青少年时期就认识,自那以后就从未分开。有回他们坐渡轮,两人宁可一起挤在双层床的下铺,也不愿分开睡。 Relatives told the Zanesville Times Recorder that after a few years of dating the young couple snuck off to a court house in Kentucky to elope with $5 in the

18、ir pocket, enough to pay the $2 marriage fee. 亲戚们告诉赞斯维尔时代录音机,在约会几年后,两个年轻人就私奔去了肯塔基州的一家法院,口袋里只带了5美元,刚够付2美元的结婚手续费。 The pair were married on Feb. 20, 1944, two days shy of Kenhs 21st birthday meaning he was too young to marry in Ohio. 1944年2月20日,这对情侣结婚了,此时离Kenh的21岁生日还差2天,也就是说Kenh还没到俄亥俄州的法定结婚年龄。 He just

19、couldnt wait, the couples son Jim Felumlee said. “父亲当时等不下去了。”儿子Jim Felumlee说。 Reportedly afraid to break the news to their parents, the couple spent the first weeks of their marriage living separately until Kenh spoke up. 据报道,夫妻两人起先不敢把结婚的事告诉父母,前几周只能分开住,直到Kenh将此事公开。 The two went on to have eight chil

20、dren with Kenh working for a railroad pany and as a mechanic before being a mail carrier. He was also an active member in their church, and willing to lend a hand whenever it was needed. 他们后来一共生下8个孩子。Kenh在铁路公司做技工,之后又成为了邮递员。他还是当地教堂的积极分子,有需要帮忙时总会伸出援手。 There would be hours he wasnt here, and she had al

21、l these kids, but she understood that it was a need in him to help other people, Linda Cody, one of the couples daughters told the Zanesville Times Recorder. “父亲有时几个小时不在家,母亲要一个人照料所有孩子,但是她非常理解帮助别人是父亲的内心需求。”女儿Linda Cody告诉赞斯维尔时代录音机。 Cody said the two were deeply in love to the end. When their children grew up and had families of their own, they began traveling the country, visiting nearly all 50 states by bus. Cody表示父亲和母亲非常恩爱,至死不渝。当孩子们都慢慢长大、组建


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