



1、. 苏教版7B 期中检测卷一、选择题(15分)1. Father buys _ iPad for me. But I think _ iPad is too expensive. A. an; the B a; an C. the; the D. the; an2.-How is Helen in the new school? -She is doing very well. There is _ to worry about. A something B nothing C anything D no15. 3.The teacher speaks loudly _ the classro

2、om A in front of B in the front of C near D between4Where do you live? I live_ my family_ a small house Awith;with Bin;in Cwith;in Din;with5.-Are these books ? -No, they are not mine. They belong to .A. your; her B. yours; her C. you; hers D. yours; her6.Theboy_awalkaftersupper.A.liketakingB.likesta

3、kesC.likestotakesD.likestaking7.Thelibraryis_therestaurantandthesupermarket.A.nextB.nearC.betweenD.across8.-_canIgettothepostoffice?-Godownthisroadandturnleft.A.WhereB.WhatC.HowD.When9. We can make a fire_ the room warm.A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. keeps10. We would like you _ and we look forwar

4、d _ you. A. to come; to seeB come to seeingC. come; to see D. to come; to seeing11. There is an old bridge _ the river. Be careful (小心) when you _ it. A over; across B. over; cross C. on; cross D. on; across12. Excuse me, can you tell me _to get to the post office? A. the way B. how cant C. how to D

5、. where is to13.BridgeStreetisagoodplace_.A.havefunB.tohavefunC.havingfunD.tofun14.Whereismybag?Icant_it. A.watchB.lookC.findD.Want15. -Wow! Tomorrow is Saturday! -_A. Have a good time. B. Thanks.C. Thats right D.Yes. 二、完形填空(10分)Itis_inQingdao.Itsveryhothere.Now,therearemanypeople_vacation.Theygotot

6、hebeachandhave_goodtimethere.Todayis_.Itisnotveryhot.Onthebeach,alotofpeople_totheirfriends_lookingatthebeautifulsea(海).Someare_.Othersaretaking_.Canyoufind_?Imgoingtodive(潜水).Its_1. A.AugustB.DecemberC.MarchD.January2. A.inB.onC.atD.with3. A./B.anC.aD.the4. A.windsB.windC.windingD.windy5. A.istalki

7、ngB.aretalkingC.istellingD.aretelling6.A.toB.butC.andD.because7.A.swimB.swimsC.swimmingD.swimming8.A.photosB.photosC.phonesD.potatoes9.A.IB.meC.myD.mine10.A.badB.coolC.excitedD.Beautiful三阅读理解(20分) AThereisaparknearmyhome.Peopleliketogotothisparkafterwork.Someofthemgototheparkeveryday.Look!ThatisMr.K


9、icepark.Icomehereafterschooleveryday.1._liketogotothepark.A.ChildrenB.fathersandmothersC.LucyandLilyD.People2.Therearesome_intheparkA.birdsandcatsB.chairsandboatsC.ballsandkitesD.houseandbuses3.Lucyistalkingwith_A.Mr.KingB.theboysC.LilyD.thebirds4.The writer cant see_inthepark.A.childrenB.menC.women

10、D.birds5.Whatisthewriterisdoing?A. Heswatchingthepeopleinthepark. B Hesplayingagame.CHessittinginaboat. D Hessinging. BBobhasagoodfriend,Caesar.Heisabrowndog.Heisnotveryold. BobgetshimfromMr.Mason.Oneday,Bobsfather,motherandBobgototheMasonsfarm(农场)forlunch.Afterlunch,Mr.Masonsays,“Imgoingtoabigcity.



13、0.CaesarisBobs_A.friendB.brotherC.dollD.Name三、词汇运用(25分)1FootballandswimmingareSamsf_sports.2Ifyoureh_,youcanbuysomefoodinthesupermarket.3-Howstheweather?-Itsc_.4He lives in the n_ of China. Its very cold there.5Theboyisvery_(懒惰)becausehedoesntdohishomework6.The shopping center is 10 kilometers a_ fr

14、om here.7.He isnt a worker. M_he is a farmer.8.Its the _(three) time for London to hold the Olympics.9.沿着这条路走,你就能到达动物园。Walk _ the road and youll _ _ the zoo. 10. 河北位于中国的北部。 He Bei is _ _ _ _ China.11.You have to do all the exercises before you open the_(宝藏)box.12. There are three_(银行)in our town.13Beijing is the c of China14February is the s month of a year15You should keep s_in the library16There is a small g_in front of my house,and my mother grows some flowers in it17The mosquito is very t_


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