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1、1. _(判断)from what he said, he must be a teacher.2. Mike will never forget his happy_(童年) he spent in the countryside.3. Marx was forced to leave his motherland for the_(政治) reason.4. Elementary_(教育) is very important to every child.5. As we all know, the _(最喜欢)food of American is hamburger.6. He hur

2、t his leg badly, so the doctor had to have an_(手术) on him.7. Sports and games are very_(有价值) to peoples health.8. Try and try until you _(成功).9. I cant wait so you had better give me an_(立刻) reply.10. His spoken English is_(吃惊) wonderful.11. Your work has improved in_(数量) and quality in this term.12

3、. The age of the students ranged from 16 to19 with an_( 平均)age of18.13. Sarah was unhappy with Jim and_(拒绝) his offer to her help.14. He said he was late because of a traffic jam. But it didnt sound like a_(合理) enough excuse.15. Most people tend to have admixture of strengths and_( 弱).16. A crowd_(聚

4、集) around to watch the two foreign tourists fighting.17. Stress has an effect on both your_(身体) and mental health.18. Two thousand British _(海员)lost their lives when the ship went down.19. At the sight of the heavy smoke from the neighbors house, she called 119 _(立即).20. Some kinds of rubbish can be

5、_(分类)and recycled.21. The boy want to be a _(海员)22. Most people_(投票) for him at the first election.23. The doctor asked her to take it easy and told her that she would _(康复)soon.24. -Are you_(愿意) to go with me? - Yes, Id like to.25. The foreign guest were_(热烈) welcomed when they visited our school.2

6、6. A theme park provides much_ (娱乐).27. Some people still have the habit of writing silly things in_(公共的) places.28. If you have a strong will, you will_(克服)l any difficulty.29. He studies law books and maybe hell turn to be a_ in the future.30. The man is_(贪婪) and hes never satisfied with his wealt

7、h.31. He didnt pass the exam_(只是) because he hadnt worked hard.32. He, on behalf of all students, gave a speech at the graduation_(典礼) .33. You are lucky to have had in your youth the help and_(指导) of such a man.34. He is a_(天才) artist. His paintings are world-famous.35. A little_(鼓励) is all some pe

8、ople need to keep doing good jobs.36. I_-( 坚持)on his coming with me.37. We should try our best to_(克服) difficulties.38. Smoking is_(禁止)here and youd better smoke outside.39. Frank is one of the most famous_(政治) leaders.40. It was_( 令人吃惊的)that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.41. The

9、child_好奇心) has .He is interested in everything.42. Wit the city_(发展) rapidly, real estate in the center is becoming more expensive.43. The strategy of trading space for time sounds_(.有道理)44. At last they_(历经) the joy of success.45. The _(气候)in the south is hotter than that in the north.46. People in

10、 the New York now_(愿意) to live in the countryside rather than downtown in New York.47. Have you ever sworn to heaven that you will love her_(.永远)48. A lot of valuable things including some_(珍贵的) stones were unearthed in that grave.49. How early man constructed Stonehenge without use of mordent_(技术)

11、is a mystery.50. All the nuclear_(武器) should be get ride of .51. It was through_贸易 and cultural links that European culture and techniques were brought to Britain.52. He had learned_高等mathematics by himself by the time he was fourteen.53. As we know, the earth is_-划分 into twenty-four time zones, one

12、 hour separate.54. A civil _仆人is someone employed in the civil service to work for the government.55. With respect to the Presents view on the matter, nothing has yet been_发表 in the press.56. The_航海 from England to India used to take six months. It must have been very boring on a ship for that long.

13、57. If you need to buy_国外 currency , it is usually cheaper to do so in your home country .58. The beggar spent a lot of time with his dog, who became his closest_陪伴 59. _根据to the agreement , Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off nearest to Antonios heart.60. We are not treated_平等 , so we c

14、ant bear the injustice.61. Most_发明者 have high IQs; they invented many things.62. Hangzhou is_比做 to the paradise on the earth.63. The lawyer gave him the_公正 he wanted.64. A daily is a newspaper that is_出版 every except Sunday.65. Throughout history, great thinkers have used their creativity and_ 想像力to

15、 change the world.66. We_出席 his wedding ceremony last Sunday.67. The government has set up a special_经济 zone to attract more overseas companies.68. As a_-惩罚 , the boy was made to wash the car.69. Five people were killed in a head-on collision on highway 218; two cars were moving_直接 towards each othe

16、r.70. He applied for a patent for his_最新 invention- a new method of removing paint.71. Bassanion, Antonio, Portia and Shylock are the main_角色 in the play.72. No staples are allowed, as the boxes are_回收 ,so we glue the cardboard together.73. If the river level continues to rise, it will have very_严重

17、consequences for many villagers homes.74. The judge in the _法庭passes judgment on the criminal.75. He was_攻击 and robbed by two people wearing masks.76. At the beginning of the party they shook hands, _交换greetings and small presents.77. It is a _悲剧not a comedy, for the Good loses and the Bad wins.78.

18、If you glance at him, you will find he is an_诚实 man.79. _当今most people use paper handkerchiefs.80. She cannot make a decision by herself. I shows the_软弱 of her character.81. The slaves in the north are fighting for their_自由82. Miss Li speaks English with _-极好pronunciation83. I _相信in him and I have n

19、o doubt that what he said is the truth 84. Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with many human_弱点 85. Under the wise Leadership of the party , the Chinese people are marching_-向前 for the four modernizations 86. The children learned about the_关系 between the moon and the tides 87. The cushions _I购买

20、for my car the other day are of high quality 88. He suffered a lot under the_奴隶制 89. Bringing in different smells can give you_不同 senses 90. He is_学习 hard to receive a masters degree91. They made a_调查 about the protection of wild animals92. The temperatures_变化 between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade 93

21、. He was arrested by the police for _违反the law 94. Our school will be equipped with _现代化teaching facilities 95. You should have_自信 . As long as you study hard ,you will succeed in time 96. During the second World War from 1937 to 1945 ,there were many_组织 boycotts of Japanese goods all over china 97.

22、 The officer_命令 him to get down on knees 98. Aristotle was a great_思想家 in ancient Greece 99. On October 1 ,1949 ,chairman Mao declared the_成立 of the people Republic of china 100. Is there any _可能of our getting there in time 101. Good _节目on TV have good effects on children 102. The surgeon in the hos

23、pital is_做手术 on a patient 103. You can_猜测 the meaning of the word if you know its root 104. She keeps a _日记in German 105. The car accident has caused_严重 damage to Mary eyesight ;she will not be able to see things clearly for the rest of her lift 106. Conflicts are_继续 between the two countries and ma

24、ny people get killed every day 107. They hare the computer on trial for thirty days to find out whether it is_满意。 108. This minster is in charge of the foreign _事务of that small country 109. I asked everyone there if they had a necklace ,but_没有 luck 110. All of us wish you a pleasant_旅途 111. They had

25、 fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final_胜利 112. The chair was_本打算for you , but she took it away 113. I always feel sick at the thought of his_残忍 114. The car accident_发生 late last night ,there people were killed 115. Time flies like an_箭 ,it is ten years since I began t

26、o work as a teacher 116. China role in keeping the world peace is highly_评价 by many countries 117. _有趣enough ,the two brothers have much in common 118. Ever if we choose _营养food for our main meals .we probably still need to refuel now and then 119. He passed the entrance examination not only to his

27、own but also to his parents_满意 120. The warmth form the fire made her feel_ 瞌睡121. Do come please ,I will wait for you at the_入口 122. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as tongue twisters .whish often make the audience_鼓掌 123. Such was Albert Einstein. a simple man of great _成就124.

28、 She is _高兴today , because she got an A for her composition 125. The notice reads :Dont come in without_允许 126. We are trying to _鼓舞 him with confidence 127. She was late -shes _很可能stuck in traffic jam 128. Eric_折叠 the letter into tri angle before putting it into the envelope 129. She is very _吝啬wit

29、h money , she wouldnt give a cent to help the poor child 130. The police asked him for information on the _事故 131. Thank you for your_ 邀请which reached me just now.132. To _逗乐people, skilled artists make use of the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.133. He is a famous teac

30、her with forty years_经验134. The robber_威胁 to kill one employee in the bank if the police wouldnt let him leave.135. The old man runs four miles every day. Thats why he is so _健康.136. Which of the following_陈述 is not mentioned in the reading material?137. The girl felt _害怕after hearing some strange f

31、ootsteps.138. The price of the holiday_变化 from 500 dollars to 1200 dollars, depending on the time of the year.139. Without any_犹豫 , she took up the red flag and rushed out.140. The farmers are only allowed to cut down trees when they are big _足够.141. Her_了解 of Japanese remains weak for she hasnt spe

32、nt much time on it.142. If we dont send him to hospital, he will die from_流血143. I could not get a satisfactory _from him.144. The work wad _完美done and the teacher was pleased.145. They are going to have their son _教育in their own country.146. The students of Class 2 are making an _实验in physics.147.

33、She met the challenges of travel alone in Antarctic in an _极限climate.148. They have made great progress since the _开始of this term.149. Our plane was delayed for hours and the wait seemed_无止境.150. The moon is 380 thousand_千米 away from the earth.151. The matter is not of much to _重要us all.152. We had

34、a party last Friday,_ 庆祝Mothers silver wedding.153. Thats a fast foot store where you can buy_美味 snacks. 154. We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its_美丽.155. She sat with her head _弯下forward, thinking about what her husband had said.156. You have to put everythin

35、g back in the cupboard_适当 at the end of the experiment.157. The box is full of glasses objects. Please put it down with_ 小心.158. These two signatures are so_相似 that its very difficult to tell them apart.159. Your cell phone is used to frequently that it doesnt work now because it needs _充电.160. The

36、underground carries a lot of _乘客 from the south.161. In early Spring workers come to cut off useless _树枝of trees.162. The show had a very large audience,_ 涉及from children to grandparents.163. She _轻柔put her baby into the baby bed and then left quietly.164. Sara had _克服the disadvantages of her poor f

37、amily background to because a successful lawyer.165. He was stopped every dozen meters by his friends who wanted to offer _祝贺on his success.166. The plane crashed, killing all 200 people_飞机上 .167. Im hungry now. Lets go to the_餐馆.168. Turn the bottle_朝上 down in order to empty it.169. I dont know the

38、_发音 of this word. Could you tell me how to pronounce it?170. The population of this city has_下降 from 800,000 to 700,000 in the past decade.171. Well never forget the_教授 who taught us English at the university.172. What he has done is_值得of being praised.173. Such kind of help form her is always_欣赏.17

39、4. Water can be used to produce_电.175. The storm was _伴随by thunder.176. In the past few years, this young scientist has made great_成就 in his research.177. They were _热情welcomed when they arrived at the village.178. A _商业college teaches things that would be useful in business.179. Seeing the boy fall

40、 into the river, the young man jumped into it without_犹豫.180. The farmers are _收获crops in the fields.181. There is a _(留言)from Karen on the phone.182. They football game was_(播出)live on TV across Europe.183. They are going to _(庆祝)their victory with music and dancing.184. The _(大多数)of students find

41、it quite hard to learn German.185. Very few people_(成功)in losing weight these days.186. The book gives a short_(描述)of the city.187. The doctor_(表扬)our daughter for her courage this morning.188. There were piles of newspapers_(到处)in the house.189. What is your _(最喜欢的) color?190. The little girl is we

42、aring a _(粉红色的)dress.191. Spring has come, and the tress are thick with green_(叶子).192. Andorra is a small mountain _(共和国)between France and Spain.193. I consider it _(不可能) to believe a single word you say.194. He turned on the television set hanging from the _(天花板).195. We were talking on the phone

43、 when _(突然), the line went dead.196. One of my favorite sayings is Understand all and _(宽恕)all.197. A man I _(认出) as his father sat with a newspaper on his knees.198. Technical progress would put out firm in _(拥有) of the home market.199. _(赢得)the support of the majority requires time, energy and dev

44、otion.200. Xi An International _(展览) Center has attracted many business people.201. I am very hungry-I_(错过) lunch.202. Jack took a deep _(呼吸) and then dived into the water.203. Ive got an _(普通)sort of car, nothing special.204. I want to thank everyone who has _(鼓励)and supported me.205. Jenny spends

45、hours in front of the _(镜子)!206. It is _(稍微)colder today than it was yesterday.207. The story is written by an _(澳大利亚)engineer.208. Tom was _(羞愧)of having lied to his parents.209. _(一月)is the first month of the year.210. Can you _(想象)standing up there and giving a speech?211. We should make sure tha

46、t the _(故事)scene is no longer dangerous.212. We had great difficulty in _(呼吸),for the air was thin .213. Well, you have acted _(愚蠢地)and you will pay for it.214. He was wearing dark glasses to _(保护)his eyes from the sun.215. Honestly I thought the fried chicken was _(可口的).216. In_(地理)lessons we learn

47、 about countries and people in them.217. They got lost in the desert and _(挨饿)to death.218. The car was a _(廉价货)at that price.219. Their living conditions have been _(改善)in the past few years.220. Please give my _(祝贺)when you see her.221. The wounded soldier must be sent to the hospital as soon as _

48、(尽可能).222. The scientist was famous for his _(发现)of the new element.223. _(二月)comes after January.224. I could hardly _(认出)him yesterday because he had changed so much .225. Have you got the _(通知)of the meeting being put off?226. Can all the buildings be _(完成) by the end of this year?227. The doctor _(检查)me carefully and asked me to take some medicine.228. Now more and more people show much _(兴趣) in football.229. The b


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