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1、六年级英语第一二单元检测试卷时间:50分钟 满分:100一、 翻译短语 (20分)1.风筝放得高 2.一些有趣的故事 3.很合身 4.带来一些面包和饮料 5.走过城市 6.一位美国牛仔 7.嘲笑他 8.努力工作 9.一个老人 10面包上的蚂蚁 11.抓住它 12.路过这所房子 13. 指着那些人 14. 每一位老师 15. 许多蜂蜜 16. 愚蠢的孩子 17. 一场有趣的鹦鹉表演 18. 在天空中 19. 为他做新衣服 20. 和狮子住在森林里 二、 选择 (20分)( ) 1. I _ a new bag yesterday. A. get B. getted C. got( ) 2. Ea

2、ch student one picture. A. draw B. draws C. drawing ( ) 3. The red skirt you. A. fiting B. fitting C. fits( ) 4.He help his mother housework.A. wants ,do B. wants to, with C. wanted , with ( ) 5. _your sweater. Its windy outside. A. Put on B. Wear C. Wearing ( ) 6. he have any hobbies? Yes, he liked

3、 the piano.A. Does, playing B. Did, playingC. Does, plays ( )8.People to go to the parks at weekends.A. is like B. like C. likes( ) 9. He look after well.A. could, she B. can ,her C. could, his( ) 10.It was in the morning. But it in the afternoon.A. sunny, rainyB. sunny, rained C. rainy, sunny ( )11

4、. Its turn sing the song now.A. Helen ,to B. Helens, for C.Helens, to ( )12.Who the bread? Tom did.A. takes B. take C. took ( )13.Ben a parrot photo them.A. show , to B. showed, for C. showed, to( )14. These clothes are new. Please .A. try on them B. try them on C. try it on( )15. The ice some water

5、.A. turn to B. turned into C. get into( )16. An old man walked the river.A. through B. by C. in( )17. The old man is nice us.A. to B. of C. for ( )18. My bike is broken, so I home.A. have to walk to B. have walk to C. have to walk( )19. Su Hai in the sky.A. fly a kite high B. flies kite high C. flew

6、 a kite high ( )20. it often in summer?A. Is, rain B. Does, rain C. Does, rainy三、用单词的适当形式填空 (20分)1. They (try) on the beautiful dresses this afternoon. They (fit) very well.2. Please try on _(this) new clothes.3. Nick like his parents (watch) TV on Sunday.5. It is too late. he _(have to) go home now

7、 .6. It (rain) all day on 20th September.7. Look! The bears (eat) honey.8. The king had a special hobby . He _ (like) _ (wear) new clothes.9. Gao Shan _ (be) at home yesterday. He _ (be) ill but he _ (be) fine now.10.Now (write) down your names on this piece of paper.11. Dont forget (wake) me up at

8、7a.m.12. The king (not wear) any clothes that day.13. The lion was angry and (shout)at the man.14. It is (rain). Take an umbrella with you.15. Its time for me (go) to bed.16. I (go) to the Bund and (visit) the Shanghai Museum last summer.四、根据中文完成句子 (20分)1. 多么漂亮的牛仔裤啊! !2. 我妈妈总是穿着那件上衣。My mother always

9、 the coat.3. 轮到我玩游戏了。Its my . 4. 去年,我们老师对我们很好。Our teachers to us last year.5. 女孩细心地照顾了他,然后狮子变成了一个王子。The girl him. Then the lion a prince.6. 今天下午,我收到了朋友麦克给我的礼物。This afternoon, I _ a present _ my friend, Mike.7. 北京去年冬天的天气如何?What the like in Beijing in winter last year?8. 在我小时候,我的妈妈总是给我很多故事。My mother s

10、tories when I was a child.五、句型转换(5分)1. He is copying the new words now. (用this morning改写)He the new words this morning.2.We could make new clothes for you.(改为否定句)We new clothes for you.3. The girl in black in the playground is my sister. (对画线部分提问) is your sister?4.They saw ants and bees on their lun

11、ch. (对划线部分提问) they ants and bees? 5. There was a sheep on the desk just now. (改为复数句)There on the desk just now. 6、 阅读文章(10分)ALindas eyes are not good, so she always wears glasses. But when she goes out with Jim, her boyfriend, she doesnt wear her glasses. When she comes back home, she puts on her gl

12、asses again.Lindas mother asks her, “But Linda, why dont you wear your glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to many beautiful places in his cars, but you cant see anything clearly.”“Oh, mother,” says Linda, “but I look nice to Jim when I am not wearing my glasses and he looks nice to me, too.

13、”根据短文,判断正误(对的写T,错的写F)( )1. Linda cant see everything clearly if she doesnt wear her glasses.( )2. Linda wears her glasses when she is with her friend Jim.( )3. Lindas mother wants to know why Linda doesnt wear her glasses when she is with her friend.( )4. Jim takes Linda to many beautiful places. (

14、)5. Jim looks nice to Linda when she is wearing her glasses.BThestoryisaboutayoungman.Heworkedhardathislessons.Hewastoobusytohavearest.Atlast,hecouldnotgotosleep.Everynight,whenhewenttobed,heclosedhiseyesandtriedtosleep.Butthemorehetried,themorehestayedawake.Afterawhile,hedecidedtovisitthedoctor.“Ij

15、ustcantgotosleepatnight.WhatshouldIdo?Ihaveasuggestion,”saidthedoctor.“Trycountingnumberswhenyouwerelyinginbed.Bythetimeyoureachonethousand,youwillbeasleep.Iamsureofit.”Thenextday,themanreachedthedoctorsoffice.“Well,saidthedoctor.”Howareyoutoday?Didyoutrymysuggestions?Themanstilllookedtired.“Yes, ”h

16、esaid.“Itriedcountingone,two,threeuptoonethousand.ButwhenIreachedfivehundredandsixty-nine,Ibegantofeelsleepy.IhadtogetupanddrinksometeasothatIcouldgooncountinguptoonethousand,butthenIstillcouldnotfallasleep. ”1.Thedoctoraskedtheyoungman_.A.tocountnumbersbeforehewenttobedB.toputallnumbersfrom1to1000t


18、from569to1000B.countedfrom1to569andfellasleepC.countedfrom1to569andgotuptodrinksometeaD.countedfrom1to1000andfellasleep4.Theyoungman_infact.A.didntunderstandthedoctorssuggestionB.wasnotabletocountnumbersC.didnttrythedoctorssuggestionD.wasntillatall七、写作 (5分)根据提示,以 My day 为题,写一篇日记(注意日记格式)。提示: 9月20号,wi

19、ndy, fly kites, have a picnic, go swimming, go to the cinema, go home, tired but happy 亲爱的读者:春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、三人行,必有我师。20.12.2312.23.202010:2610:26:1012月-2010:262、书是人类进步的阶梯。二二二二年十二月二十三日2020年12月23日星期三3、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。10:2612.23.202010:2612.23.202010:2610:26:

20、1012.23.202010:2612.23.20204、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。12.23.202012.23.202010:2610:2610:26:1010:26:105、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。星期三, 十二月 23, 2020十二月 20星期三, 十二月 23, 202012/23/20206、路遥知马力日久见人心。10时26分10时26分23-12月-2012.23.20207、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.12.2320.12.2320.12.23。2020年12月23日星期三二二二二年十二月二十三日8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。10:2610:26:1012.

21、23.2020星期三, 十二月 23, 2020亲爱的读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。20.12.2312.23.202010:2610:26:1012月-2010:262、千里之行,始于足下。2020年12月23日星期三3、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。10:2612.23.202010:2612.23.202010:2610:26:1012.23.202010:2612.23.20204、敏而好学,不耻下问。12.23.202012.23.2

22、02010:2610:2610:26:1010:26:105、海内存知已,天涯若比邻。星期三, 十二月 23, 2020十二月 20星期三, 十二月 23, 202012/23/20206莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。10时26分10时26分23-12月-2012.23.20207、人生贵相知,何用金与钱。20.12.2320.12.2320.12.23。2020年12月23日星期三二二二二年十二月二十三日8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。10:2610:26:1012.23.2020星期三, 十二月 23, 2020亲爱的读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,

23、愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、生活不相信眼泪,眼泪并不代表软弱。20.12.2312.23.202010:2610:26:1012月-2010:262、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。二二二二年十二月二十三日2020年12月23日星期三3、成功都永远不会言弃,放弃者永远不会成功。10:2612.23.202010:2612.23.202010:2610:26:1012.23.202010:2612.23.20204、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。12.23.202012.23.202010:2610:2610:26:1010:26:105、生命的成长,需要吃饭,还需要吃苦,吃亏。星期三, 十二月 23,


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