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1、小学五年级英语试卷(50分钟) 听力部分(40分) 一、 听句子,选图片,把字母编号写在横线上。(10分) E. D. B.C A.4._ 2._ 3._ 1._ 5._ 5分)二、听句,选单词,把编号写在题前括号里。(( )6. A. grapes B.green C. grows ( )7. A. sheep B.cheap C. she ( )8. A. June B.July C. January ( )9. A.fish B fresh C. shorts ( )10. A. play B. please C. plant ?”。(10分) 三、听对话,判断图片正误,正确地画“?”

2、, 错误的画“ 11. 12. 13. 14 . 15. 四、听问句,选答句,把其编号写在题前的括号里。分)(516. A. I like Sundays. B. I will sing to him. C.Four ( )January in A. ( )17. Its September B. Itin in May C. Its s 18. A. I can swim B. I often watch TV C. I will go ( )shopping 19. A. Summer B. I like oranges C.Red ) (20. A. At 7:30a.m. B. I g

3、o to bed C.At7:30p.m. ( )否定 , 五、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“” 则 (5分)。” 打“( )21. My favourite season is summer . ( )22. I always wear shirt. t go to school in summer vacation ( )24. I don( )23 I often go swimming with my dad ( )25. I go to bed early in summer vacation 六、听句子,写单词,每空一词。(5分) 26._ is green

4、with flowers the songs 27.Christmas Day is in _. 28.We often go for a _on the weekend. 29.I often do morning _at 7:00a.m. 30.Winter vacation is in January and _ 读写部分 分)(10一、根据图片提示选择正确地词组完成句子,把其编号写在横线上,A.Mid autumn Day B. go swimming C. take a dancing class D.school trip E.roll the Easter eggs s go t

5、o school A. LetGood afternoon Bill B.When do you go back to school. C.s Day? D. When is Mother s hot I can_ 31. I have a _in May. 32.It Sundays. often_on Day. 34. I Easter 33.We can _on the 35.I can eat mooncakes on _. ” ,相同的打“ “二、判断每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,如相同的打 ”。(5分) ( )36.China teacher ( )37.shorts fish

6、( )38.brother library ( )39.glass green ( )40.teacher great 三、选择填空。 ( )41. Is Chinas national Day is in January? A. Yes , it is. B.No, it isnt. C. Yes ,there is. ( )42_do you like summer ?. Because I can swim. A. When B.Where C. Why ( )43.Which_ do you like best? - Yellow. A. season B.month C.colour

7、 ( )44.There are _months in a year. A. twelve B.six C.seven ( )45.I often go shopping _my family. A. in B.with C.for 四、选择正确地单词或词组完成句子,把答案写在横线上。(10分) 46. I will _ (makes make ) a snowman in _(winter summer) 47.There is _(a an) Easter party.I will play _(game games) 48.They often eat dinner _(at on) 6

8、:30p.m._ (in on ) the evening. 49.Robin _(live lives) on _(an a) small island . 50. Tree Planting Day is _( in on) March. I often plant _( tree trees) 五、根据图片及句子的意思写出所缺的单词完成短文每空一词。(5分) Hi! My name is Li Li. I like(51)_ ( 秋 天)best . Its usually in(52)_ )early. 早餐). I often eat _ ( ( 11月 ) Sometimes I

9、go on a 摘苹果And then I pick_ ( with my friends. 野餐) _ ( 分)六、根据要求完成下列各题。(5) 56.school have in usually trip a winter I .(连词成句 _ ) 57. fun in we a summer few things have. (连词成句 _ 58. Is the school trip in July ?(否定回答) _ 59.When is Tree Planting Day ?(按实际情况回答) _ 60.看图写话 _ 七、根据上下文意思补全对话,把编号写在横线上。(5分) A:(6

10、1) _ B: Good afternoon Mary. A:(62)_. B: At 2:00 p.m. A:(63) _ s Day. What will you do on MotherE.s in May. B: It s Day .(64)_. A:Yeah!Tomorrow is Motherll say thank you. B: I re late. A:Oh ,no WeB:(65)_ A:Ok. 否则 , ” 八、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“ 分)。(10打“ ”) is in July .I usually get up early on 生日m

11、 Chen jie .My birthday(It I don). me and friends give many gifts(礼物. parents . my birthday My go to school on my birthday, because I am on summer vacation .Usually I have a birthday party . We have a big dinner and eat birthday cake . we sing ,dance and play games at the party .I have a good time on

12、 my birthday. s birthday is in July. ( )66.Chen jie( )67.Chen jie often gets up late on her birthday. ( )68.Chen jie has a big dinner and eat ice cream with her friend ( )69.They will sing ,dance and play games at the party. t happy on my birthday. ( )70.I don 九、 小作文 请以This is me 为题介绍自己的情况,如外貌、作息时间、

13、周末活动、喜欢的季节等。 要求:1. 如涉及到名字,请用常见英文名代替;2.条理清楚,意思连贯,语气通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;3.不少于20个单词。 This is me _ _ _ 2016-2017学年度第二学期五年级英语期中答案 听力部分答案 一、B D E C A 二、C B A B C 三、 A C B 四、 C B 五、 February exercises December walk Spring 六、 笔试部分答案A B 一、D C E 二、 三、B C C A B 四、 46.make winter 47. an games 48. at in 49.lives a 5

14、0. in trees 五、51.autumn 52.November 53.breakfast 54. apples 55. picnic 六、56.I usually have a school trip in winter. 57.We have a few fun things in summer. 58.No , it isnt . 59. Its in March. 60.I often go for a walk on the weekend .(We can go for a walk.)(只要出现go for a walk,句子表达没有错即可。) 七、B C D E A 八、

15、 九、作文 (略) 2016-2017学年度第二学期五年级英语期中检测听力材料 二、 听句子,选图片,把字母编号写在横线上。(10分) 1. I often go shopping on the weekend . 2. Autumn is golden and the farmers are busy. 3. Summer vacation is in August . 4. I often go on a picnic with my family . 5. I often play sports on Sundays. 二、听句子,选单词,把编号写在题前括号里。(5分) 6. My mo

16、ther grows yellow potatoes. 7. The shirt is cheap. 8. Children s Day in June. 9. The Chicken is fresh . 10.I often plant trees in spring 三、 听对话,判断图片正误,正确地画“?” , 错误的画“ ?”。(10分) 11. Do you like Thanksgiving Day ? Yes , I do. 12. I often wash my clothes on the weekend. 13. I often go for a walk with my

17、 parents. 14. The colours are pretty in autumn. 15. I like winter vacation best 四、听问句,选答句,把其编号写在题前的括号里。(5分) 16. What will you do on Fathers Day ? 17. When is New Years Day ? 18. What do you often do on Sundays ? 19. Which colour do you like best ? 20. When do you eat breakfast ? 五、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相

18、符,如相符的打“ ”, 否定则打“ ”。(5分) Hello ! My name is Lily . I like summer best. The weather is hot . I always wear shorts . I have a summer vacation in summer . I dont go to school in summer vacation .I often go swimming with my brother . I often get up late in summer vacation .So , I like summer very much.

19、六、听句子,写单词,每空一词。(5分) 26. Spring is green with flowers thesongs 27.Chirstmas Day is in December. 28.We often go for a walk_ on the weekend. 29.I often do morning exercises at 7:00a.m. 30Winter vacation is 小学五年级英语试卷(50分钟) 听力部分(40分) 三、 听句子,选图片,把字母编号写在横线上。(10分) E. C D. A.B.4._ 3._ 2._ 1._ 5._ 二、听句,选单词,把编

20、号写在题前括号里。(分)5( )6. A. grapes B.green C. grows ( )7. A. sheep B.cheap C. she ( )8. A. June B.July C. January ( )9. A.fish B fresh C. shorts ( )10. A. play B. please C. plant 三、 听对话,判断图片正误,正确地画“?” , 错误的画“ ?”。(10分) 11. 12. 13. 14 . 15. 5分)四、听问句,选答句,把其编号写在题前的括号里。( )16. A. I like Sundays. B. I will sing

21、to him. C.Four ( )17. A. Its in September B. Its in May C. Its in January ( )18. A. I can swim B. I often watch TV C. I will go shopping ( )19. A. Summer B. I like oranges C.Red ( )20. A. At 7:30a.m. B. I go to bed C.At7:30p.m. 五、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“ ”, 否定则 打“ ”。(5分) ( )21. My favourite season

22、 is summer . ( )22. I always wear shirt. ( )24. I dont go to school in summer vacation ( )23 I often go swimming with my dad ( )25. I go to bed early in summer vacation 六、听句子,写单词,每空一词。(5分) 26._ is green with flowers the songs 27.Christmas Day is in _. 28.We often go for a _on the weekend. 29.I often

23、 do morning _at 7:00a.m. 30.Winter vacation is in January and _ 读写部分 分)10一、根据图片提示选择正确地词组完成句子,把其编号写在横线上,(A.Mid autumn Day B. go swimming C. take a dancing class D.school trip E.roll the Easter eggs _ s hot I can_ 31. I have a _in May. 32.It Sundays. Day. 34. I often_on 33.We can _on the Easter 35.I c

24、an eat mooncakes on _. 。” ,相同的打“ 二、判断每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,如相同的打“” (5分) )36.China teacher ( )37.shorts ( fish )38.brother library ( )39.glass ( green )40.teacher great ( 三、选择填空。s national Day is in January? 41. Is China( )t. C. Yes ,there is. A. Yes , it is. B.No, it isn42_do you like summer ?. Because I

25、can swim. )( A. When B.Where C. Why 43.Which_ do you like best? - Yellow. ( ) A. season B.month C.colour 44.There are _months in a year. () A. twelve B.six C.seven 45.I often go shopping _my family. )(A. in B.with C.for 分)四、选择正确地单词或词组完成句子,把答案写在横线上。(10summer) snowman ) (makes will 46. I _ make a in _

26、(winter 47.There is _(a an) Easter party.I will play _(game games) 48.They often eat dinner _(at on) 6:30p.m._ (in on ) the evening. 49.Robin _(live lives) on _(an a) small island . 50. Tree Planting Day is _( in on) March. I often plant _( tree trees) 五、根据图片及句子的意思写出所缺的单词完成短文每空一词。(5分) Hi! My name is

27、 Li Li. I like(51)_ ( 秋 天)best . Its usually in(52)_ )early. I often eat _ (早餐 ( 11月). ) Sometimes I go on a 摘苹果And then I pick_ ( with my friends. 野餐) _ ( 5分)六、根据要求完成下列各题。() 56.school have in usually trip a winter I .(连词成句 _ ) 连词成句57. fun in we a summer few things have. ( _ (否定回答)58. Is the school

28、trip in July ? _ ) 59.When is Tree Planting Day ?(按实际情况回答 _ 看图写话60. _ (七、根据上下文意思补全对话,把编号写在横线上。5分) A:(61) _ s go to school LetF. B: Good afternoon Mary. Good afternoon Bill G. A:(62)_. When do you go back to school. H. B: At 2:00 p.m. s Day? When is MotherI. A:(63) _ s Day. What will you do on Mother

29、J. s in May. B: It s Day .(64)_. A:Yeah!Tomorrow is Motherll say thank you. B: I re late. WeA:Oh ,no B:(65)_ A:Ok. 否则 ,八、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“ ” 分)(10打“ ”。) is in July .I usually get up early on m Chen jie .My birthday(生日It . I don礼物and friends give me many gifts(). My my birthday . parents go

30、 to school on my birthday, because I am on summer vacation .Usually I have a birthday party . We have a big dinner and eat birthday cake . we sing ,dance and play games at the party .I have a good time on my birthday. s birthday is in July. ( )66.Chen jie( )67.Chen jie often gets up late on her birt

31、hday. ( )68.Chen jie has a big dinner and eat ice cream with her friend ( )69.They will sing ,dance and play games at the party. t happy on my birthday. ( )70.I don 小作文九、为题介绍自己的情况,如外貌、作息时间、周末活动、喜This is me 请以 欢的季节等。条理清楚,意思连贯,语气如涉及到名字,请用常见英文名代替;1. 2.要求: 个单词。3.通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;不少于20This is me _ _ _ _ 2

32、016-2017学年度第二学期五年级英语期中答案 听力部分答案 一、B D E C A 二、C B A B C 三、 A C B C 四、B 五、 February walk exercises 六、Spring December 笔试部分答案A C 一、D B E 二、 B C A B 三、 C in 48. at 47. an 四、46.make winter games trees 50. in 49.lives a 52.November 53.breakfast 54. apples 51.autumn 五、 55. picnic winter. in 六、56.I usually

33、have a school trip in summer. fun things few a have 57.We t 58.No , i isnt . 59. Its in March. 60.I often go for a walk on the weekend .(We can go for a walk.)(只要出现go for a walk,句子表达没有错即可。) 七、B C D E A 八、 九、作文 (略) 2016-2017学年度第二学期五年级英语期中检测听力材料 四、 听句子,选图片,把字母编号写在横线上。(10分) 1. I often go shopping on th

34、e weekend . 2. Autumn is golden and the farmers are busy. 3. Summer vacation is in August . 4. I often go on a picnic with my family . 5. I often play sports on Sundays. 二、听句子,选单词,把编号写在题前括号里。(5分) 6. My mother grows yellow potatoes. 7. The shirt is cheap. 8. Children s Day in June. 9. The Chicken is

35、fresh . 10.I often plant trees in spring 三、 听对话,判断图片正误,正确地画“?” , 错误的画“ ?”。(10分) 11. Do you like Thanksgiving Day ? Yes , I do. 12. I often wash my clothes on the weekend. 13. I often go for a walk with my parents. 14. The colours are pretty in autumn. 15. I like winter vacation best 四、听问句,选答句,把其编号写在

36、题前的括号里。(5分) 16. What will you do on Fathers Day ? 17. When is New Years Day ? 18. What do you often do on Sundays ? 19. Which colour do you like best ? 20. When do you eat breakfast ? 五、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“ ”, 否定则打 “ ”。(5分) Hello ! My name is Lily . I like summer best. The weather is hot . I a

37、lways wear shorts . I have a summer vacation in summer . I dont go to school in summer vacation .I often go swimming with my brother . I often get up late in summer vacation .So , I like summer very much. 六、听句子,写单词,每空一词。(5分) 26. Spring is green with flowers thesongs 27.Chirstmas Day is in December.

38、28.We often go for a walk_ on the weekend. 29.I often do morning exercises at 7:00a.m. 30Winter vacation is 第二学期五年级英语期中调研卷 100分)(完卷时间:60分钟,满分Part 1 Listening 30% 10I. Listen and choose (选出听到的音标、单词、词组和句子) _C. / hu:s / B. / hu:z / ( ) 1. A. / wu:z / _ C. then B. them ( ) 2. A. they _ _C. yours B. your

39、e ( ) 3. A. your _码码号C. walking B. taking ) 4. A. talking ( 号 C. a brown coat B. a brown cocoon ) 5. A. a black cocoon ( _C. five tomatoes B. five potatoes ( ) 6. A. five carrots _ ) 7. A. Heres a school bag. Whose is it? ( _ B. Heres a bag. Whose is this?_ncil case. Whose is it? C. Heres a pe _名 )8

40、. A. The silkworms are eating leaves. ( 名姓姓B. The moths are eating leaves. _ C. The silkworms are on the leaves. _ buildings in Shanghai. )9 A. There werent many( _B. There was a building in Shanghai. _C. There were many buildings in Shanghai. _级级 ( )10. A. Healthy children eat a lot of fruit. 班班B.

41、Healthy children eat a lot of vegetables. C. Unhealthy children eat a lot of meat. II. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)5% ( )1. A. Im eleven. B. I feel cold. C. I had a cold. ( )2.A. I like dancing. B. I like running. C. I like English. ( )3. A. No, she cant . B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, she is doing ho

42、usework. ( )4. A. Yes, he did. B. He did well. C. He went fishing. ( )5.A. Sorry, I cant. B. Thank you. C. Thats all right. III. Listen and choose (根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)5% ( ) 1. A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. No, he isnt ( ) 2. A. Dannys B. Georges C. Peters ( ) 3. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is.

43、C. No, its smooth. ( ) 4. A. Fifty yuan. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Five yuan . ( ) 5. A He played the drum B. He did his homework C. He watched TV. IV. Listen and judge (听录音判断,用呜或?表示)5 ( ) 1.Peter lives in an old town. ( ) 2. Jenny sings beautifully. ( ) 3. Peter and Ken both like running. ( ) 4. Ken runs slowly. ( ) 5.Wang Qiang has fou


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