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1、目 录电子工程学科 硕士研究生(留学生)培养方案1计算机应用技术学科 硕士研究生(留学生)培养方案5管理科学与电子商务学科 硕士研究生(留学生)培养方案8Masters Degree Program in Electronic Engineering10Masters Degree Program of Computer Application Technology16Masters Degree Program in Management Science and E-Business19电子工程学科 硕士研究生(留学生)培养方案电子工程学科是集电子科学与技术、通信与信息工程、控制科学与工程、

2、材料科学与工程和光学工程等学科为一体的学科群,是上述学科及相关技术的综合交叉学科,主要在电子科学与工程技术领域内进行基础和应用研究。电子工程学科是我校的支柱学科,学术队伍整体水平较高,现有实验条件包括:电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室、通信抗干扰技术国家级重点实验室等。一、培养目标: 本学科硕士学位获得者应对学科研究前沿和发展趋势有较深入的了解,具有电子工程学科的较深厚的基础理论和系统专门的知识,掌握相应的实验技能,熟练运用计算机,至少能熟练使用一个与本学科密切相关的仿真软件,能撰写学术论文并在会议上进行交流,有严谨的科学态度和工作作风与高尚的职业道德,能胜任科研、生产单位和高等院校的研究、开

3、发、教学或技术管理工作。留学研究生必修中国文化概论和汉语阅读与写作等,毕业时应具有一定的汉语交流能力。二研究方向: 1. 光纤通信2. 通信网络3通信体系电路与系统4. 电磁场与微波技术5. 电路与系统6. 信号与信息处理7. 微电子学与固体电子学8. 物理电子学9. 光电子器件与技术三培养方式和学习年限:全日制攻读硕士学位者,攻读课程硕士学位的学习年限为1-2年,攻读论文硕士学位的学习年限为2-3年。奖学金获得者按照国家和学校相关规定执行。四课程学习与学分基本要求:留学生培养实行导师负责制,培养环节一般与中国研究生相同。研究生导师负责指导研究生制定个人培养计划和选课,并指导攻读论文硕士者的学


5、汉语。 2开题报告、文献阅读报告及学位论文使用英语。 3在学术刊物上公开发表的研究论文,鼓励使用英语。 4学位论文需有约1500字的中文摘要。 六课程学习与课程设置:课程类别课程编号课程名称学时学分开课学期学位课公共基础课611301综合汉语6031611302汉语阅读与写作2012611601中国文化概论4022611001随机过程及应用6031611002矩阵理论6032611003数值分析6032专业基础课620101数字通信基础2012620102数字信号处理4021620201高等电磁场理论502.52620202集成电路与设计301.51620301电子封装技术4022620501

6、光电器件及其技术301.52非学位课专业选修课630101混合信号集成电路设计2012630102光电子技术50252630103光纤技术4022630104光纤通信4021630201计算电磁学4022630205射频集成电路4022630204射频微电子机械系统4021630207信号检测与估计4021630401纳米光学4022630402微波技术基础502.52630701复杂系统性能评价与优化2011跨学科选修课注:加“”为博士研究生课程,基础较好的硕士研究生也可以选修(不超过3门)。七、学位论文 论文硕士学位 (一)硕士学位论文的基本要求 学位论文应有必要的理论分析与实验结果,反映

7、出一定的理论意义与实用价值,表明作者在本学科掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识,具有从事科学研究工作或独立担负专门技术工作的能力。(二)硕士学位论文工作 硕士研究生在导师指导下确定选题(应有一定的学术价值)后,进入学位论文工作,学位论文工作的时间一般不得少于一年。论文工作期间应每周一次向导师汇报研究进展,按时完成相应的工作。1、开题报告 (1)开题报告的时间。硕士研究生在确定选题,大量阅读文献的基础上,应在入学的第三学期末之前,最迟应在第四学期末之前完成开题报告。(2)开题报告的方式。开题报告应以报告会的形式,在教(科)研室或以上范围公开举行;开题报告会须有本学科及相近学科3位副教授或相当专业

8、技术职称的专家组成考评组,并给出考评意见。(3)开题报告的内容。依据开题报告表的要求,作开题报告。并在开题报告会后,及时完成开题报告表交学院研究生教务秘书处保存,以备检查。若因正当原因改变选题,须按上述要求重作开题报告。2、发表学术论文申请硕士学位论文答辩前,至少应在公开出版的国内外学术刊物(含电子科技大学研究生学报)或国内外学术会议论文集上以第一作者身份,并以电子科技大学名义,发表(或已录用)1篇反映本人学位论文研究工作的学术论文全文。录用论文,须提交相关的版面费付款证明和录用通知。3、学位论文的撰写 硕士学位论文应在导师的指导下,由硕士研究生用英文或中文独立完成。学位论文的撰写应参照电子科

9、技大学研究生学位论文撰写格式规范执行。(三)学位论文的答辩申请、评阅、答辩与学位授予参照电子科技大学研究生学位授予实施细则的规定办理。其中可选英文或中文进行论文答辩。计算机应用技术学科 硕士研究生(留学生)培养方案电子科技大学“计算机科学与技术”一级学科包含3个二级学科,即计算机系统结构、计算机软件与理论、计算机应用技术。该一级学科于1999年建成一级学科博士后流动站,本一级学科已形成强有力的基础研究和应用研究能力,具有较强的学科综合优势。学科研究水平和研究能力大幅度提升,整体接近国内一流水平,部分研究方向达到国内先进水平。在学科方向、学术团队、学科平台、科学研究、人才培养、学术交流等方面取得



12、老师负责考核并给予考核结果。上述要求均通过者,方达到课程硕士毕业要求。五、教与学语言要求1除规定的汉语课程以外,其他课程均采用英语授课;学生应按课程设置学习使用汉语。 2开题报告、文献阅读报告及学位论文使用英语。 3在学术刊物上公开发表的研究论文,鼓励使用英语,也可以使用留学生母语。 4学位论文需有约1500字的中文摘要。 六课程学习与课程设置课程类别课程编号课程名称学时学分开课学期学位课公共基础课611301综合汉语6031611302汉语阅读与写作2012611601中国文化概论4022611001随机过程及应用6031专业基础课 620601软件开发技术4021620602操作系统结构与



15、开题报告的内容。依据开题报告表的要求,作开题报告。并在开题报告会后,及时完成开题报告表交学院研究生教务秘书处保存,以备检查。若因正当原因改变选题,须按上述要求重作开题报告。2、学位论文的撰写硕士学位论文应在导师的指导下,由硕士研究生独立完成,学位论文的撰写应按照电子科技大学研究生学位论文撰写格式规范执行。(三)学位论文的答辩申请、评阅、答辩与学位授予按电子科技大学研究生学位授予实施细则的规定办理。 管理科学与电子商务学科 硕士研究生(留学生)培养方案电子科技大学管理科学与电子商务硕士研究生项目强化管理知识和技能与现代信息技术相结合的培养模式,致力于将学校在信息科学技术领域的学科优势、科研优势和

16、资源优势转化为培养优势,并最终落实为研究生人才竞争优势,培养具有国际化视野、掌握现代管理思想和方法的复合型、创新型管理人才。历经十余年磨砺和持续努力,对管理科学与电子商务硕士研究生的培养已形成了清晰的培养目标、明确的培养理念和独特的培养模式。一、培养目标:培养具有国际化视野并了解中国商业环境,掌握现代管理思想和方法,能运用定性和定量工具进行现代商业分析,具备在全球化、知识化、信息化的现代商业环境中从事跨国经营管理能力的国际化工商管理人才。二研究方向:1供应链 (Supply Chain)2信息管理与数据挖掘(Information Management and Data Mining)3电子商

17、务(E-Business)4金融工程(Financial Engineering)三培养方式和学习年限:全日制攻读课程硕士学位的留学生,其学习年限为1-2年;攻读论文硕士学位的留学生,其学习年限为2-3年。奖学金获得者按照国家和学校相关规定执行。四课程学习与学分基本要求:留学生培养实行导师负责制,培养环节一般与中国研究生相同。研究生导师负责指导研究生制定个人培养计划和选课,并指导攻读论文硕士者的学位论文。攻读课程硕士学位者,课程学习总学分要求不低于24学分,其中学位课不低于15学分;攻读论文硕士学位者,课程学习总学分要求不低于12学分,其中学位课不低于8学分。允许学生在导师的指导下、在相近的学

18、科门类之间跨学科选修12门学位课作为本学科的学位课。鼓励学生选修一些中文教授的专业课程,通过者获取相应学分。课程硕士在完成规定的课程学分要求之外,要求结合某门课程设计,再单独撰写一篇研究报告,任课老师负责考核并给予考核结果。上述要求均通过者,方达到课程硕士毕业要求。五、教与学语言要求:1除规定的汉语课程以外,其他课程均采用英语授课;学生应按课程设置学习使用汉语。 2开题报告、文献阅读报告及学位论文使用英语。 3在学术刊物上公开发表的研究论文,鼓励使用英语。 4学位论文需有约1500字的中文摘要。 六课程学习与课程设置:课程类别课程编号课程名称学时学分开课学期学位课公共基础课611301综合汉语




22、进行论文答辩。Masters Degree Program in Electronic Engineering(for International Students)Electronic Engineering Discipline, which includes Electronic Science and Technology, Telecommunication and Information Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Material Science and Engineering and Optical Enginee

23、ring, is the integration of the fields above and the related technologies. The research works of this discipline are mainly about the fundamental and application research in the area of Electronic Science and Engineering. Electronic Engineering Discipline is the pillar of our university, which has a

24、 high level group of academic staffs. The current experimental conditions include “Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices” National Key Laboratory, and “Communications and Anti-Interference” National-Level Key Laboratory, etc.1. ObjectivesThe graduates from EE program should have a better unde

25、rstanding on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and trends, have profound knowledge of theories and systems expertise in electronic engineering discipline, master the corresponding experimental skills, proficiently in the use of computer, familiar at least with one simulation software related t

26、o this discipline, able to write academic papers and exchange views at the meetings, have rigorous scientific approach and style of work and high professional ethics, competent in research, development, teaching or management works at research institutions and universities.Fundamentals of Chinese Cu

27、lture and the Chinese Reading & Writing are the compulsory courses for international degree students, who are required to be competent to communicate in Chinese when graduate. 2. Research Directions1. Optical Fiber Communications2. Communication Network3Integrated Circuits and Systems for Communicat

28、ions4. Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology5. Circuits and Systems6. Signal and Information Processing7. Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics8. Physical Electronics9. Optoelectronic Devices and Technology3 Program Options and Study TermsFull time students are expected to complete a

29、 Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering in 1-2 years for coursework only option and in 2-3 years for thesis option .Scholarships winners must also follow the national and the University regulations. 4 Course Study and Credit Requirements Training of the international students is responsibility of

30、the graduate supervisors with the same way that for the Chinese graduate students. Graduate supervisors are required to make individual training plans and course selection for students, and direct the candidates degree thesis.Student with the coursework only option must complete no less than 24 cred

31、its, out of which at least 15 credits must be degree courses. Student with the thesis option must complete no less than 12 credits, out of which at least 8 credits must be degree courses. The degree course credits can substitutethe non-degree course credits, but the non-degree course credits cannot

32、substitute the degree course credits. Students are allowed to selective 1 2 interdisciplinary degree courses as their own degree courses.Students are encouraged to choose elective professional courses taught in Chinese, those who pass the courses will obtain the corresponding credits.Students with c

33、oursework only option must complete the credits required and write a research report independently, which will be evaluated by the teacher who delivers the course. The degree will be awarded when all the above requirements are met. 5 Language Requirement 1Courses are taught in English except the Chi

34、nese language courses.2 Thesis proposal, literature review reports and degree thesis must be in English.3 Publications are encouraged to be in English. 4 Degree thesis must also have a Chinese abstract of about 1,500 words.6 Classes and CreditsClassificationNo.NamePeriodCreditSemesterRequired Course

35、sFoundation Courses611301General Chinese6031611302Chinese Literacy2012611601Introduction to Chinese Culture4022611001Stochastic Processes and Applications6031611002Matrix Theory6032611003Numerical Analysis6032Specialized Core Courses620101Digital communications2012620102Digital Signal Processing4021

36、620201Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory502.52620202IC Design301.51620301Electronic Packaging Technology4022620501Optoelectronic devices and technology3022Optional CoursesOptional Core Courses630101Mixed-signal IC design2012630102Optoelectronic Technology50252630103Optical fiber technology4022630

37、104Optical Fiber Communication4021630201Computational electromagnetics4022630205RF ICs4022630204RF MEMS4021630207Signal detection and estimation4021630401Nano-optics4022630402Microwave Technology502.52630701Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Complex Systems2011Optional cross-disciplinary cou

38、rsesCourses marked with are for PhD students. Master students with good foundation may choose no more than three courses.7 Masters Thesisa. Basic requirementsThesis topics should have some theoretical and practical significance. It should have the necessary theoretical analysis and experimental resu

39、lts, and new insights. The author should have solid foundation for the theory and systems expertise, and has the ability to engaged in scientific research or undertake the work of independent expertise.b. Thesis WorkMaster candidates should determine their topics (with academic value) under the guid

40、ance of graduate instructors, and then access to thesis work. Thesis work is normally no less than one year. Master candidates should weekly report of their progress to the instructors, and timely complete the work of the corresponding.i. Proposal Proposal schedule: Master should determine the topic

41、 before the end of the third semester (in particular circumstance this can be done before the end of the fourth semester) after a lot of reading on the background literatures. The proposal defense: Opening report should be held in the area of research group or wider. Three Associate Professors or ex

42、perts in the discipline or related field are required to attend this report and give the evaluation result. Proposal content: Opening Report should meet the requirement of the Opening Report Form. After the opening report, candidates are required to complete the Opening Report Form, and submit to th

43、e Academic Secretary of Graduate School for inspection. If there is any change of the topic for appropriate reasons, Opening Report should be done again with the requirements above.ii. PublicationsAt least one paper should be published in domestic and foreign academic publications (including Transac

44、tion of Graduate Students of the University of Electronic Science and Technology) or Conference Proceedings as the first author, and in the name of the University of Electronic Science and Technology. Official Accepting Letter or proof of payment of page charges has to be provided if the paper is ac

45、cepted but not published yet when submission of the Master Thesis.iii. Thesis WritingThe student should finish the thesis either in English or Chinese independently under the advisors direction. The writing format of the thesis should follow the Style and Policy Manual for Theses of University of El

46、ectronic Science and Technology of China.The application and grading of thesis defense and the degree conference should follow the Regulations for Postgraduate Degree Awarding of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. The defense language can be either English or Chinese.Masters D

47、egree Program of Computer Application Technology (For International Students)The first-level discipline computer science and technology in the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China includes three second-level disciplines, i.e., computer architecture, computer software & theory and

48、 computer application technology. The postdoctoral research station of this first-level discipline was set up in 1999. It has solid fundamental research and application research competence, and strong comprehensive advantages. The research capacity has been enhanced substantially and is close to dom

49、estic first-class level. Outstanding achievements have been made in discipline direction, academic team, discipline platform, scientific research, talent cultivation and academic exchange.1. ObjectivesThe master of computer application technology has to grasp solid basic theory and systematic profes

50、sional knowledge, know the trend of technology development. Moreover, the master has to understand the modern experimental methods and skills, and own the ability to do scientific research and engineering practice. The graduate can do scientific research in related fields, software development and a

51、nalysis of computer application system, and computer teaching work. The master has to have a basic knowledge in Chinese history and culture, can read simple Chinese scientific literatures and speak simple Chinese. 2. Research Areas1. network computing2. network security3. cloud computing4. embedded

52、system 5. mobile computing technology6. digital media3. Program Options and Study Terms Full time students are expected to complete a Masters Degree in Computer Application in 1-2 years for coursework only option and in 2-3 years for thesis option.Scholarships winners must also follow the national a

53、nd the University regulations. 4. Course Study and Credit RequirementsThe tutor is in charge of the cultivation of international students. The tutor guides the student to make personal cultivation program and curricula-variable, and supervises his thesis writing. Student with the coursework only opt

54、ion must complete no less than 24 credits, out of which at least 15 credits must be degree courses. Foundation courses are required and engineering students have to elect at least one mathematic course. Student with the thesis option must complete no less than 12 credits, out of which at least 8 credits must be degree courses.If the students undergraduate major is not computer-related or he has the same education level with bachelors, he is required to learn at least two undergraduate core courses in specia


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