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1、INTO THE TEXTA. Please read the text Care for your hair and finish the following form. The hairdressing salonName(1) _PlaceAt 191 Fanhua RoadTimeFrom 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. (2) _What your hairstyles depend on The shape of the face (3) _ faces: short hairstyles (They make the face look (4) _.) Square face

2、s: longer hairstyles (They hide the (5) _ of the face.) The (6) _How to keep the hair healthy Keep yourself healthy Have a good (7) _ and get plenty of exercise Look after your hair at home Things for proper hair care at home: (8) _ Towels and hairdryersB. Please read the text again and answer the f

3、ollowing questions.1. Who can give you free advice? _2. What kind of hairstyle is best for you if you are busy? _3. Why shouldnt you use your hairdryer too much? _C. The passage can be divided into three parts. Choose the main idea for each part.1. Part 1 _ 2. Part 2 _3. Part 3 _a. Some ways to keep

4、 the hair healthy b. How to choose the best hairstyle for you c. The service the hairdressing salon can provide GRAMMAR形容词【随堂操练】选择填空。1. Why doesnt your mother allow you to meet your Internet friends? Because she says _ is dangerous for me _ Internet friends alone. A. it; meet B. that; meet C. it; to

5、 meet D. that; to meet2. How should I care for my hair at home? Well, your hairbrushes should be _ not _ your hair. A. enough soft; to hurt B. soft enough; to hurt C. enough soft; hurt D. soft enough; hurt3. Why do you look so _? Because Ive got a piece of _ news. A. excited; exciting B. exciting; e

6、xcited C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting4. Its not wise _ you _ your hair too often. Thank you. Ill stop doing so. A. for; dye B. of; to dye C. of; dyeing D. for; dyeing【归纳总结】 形容词可用来说明人或事物的状态、特征及性质,在句中用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。形容词常用于以下三种句式: It is + 形容词 + for + 名词/代词 + to do sth. 表示 “ 对某人来说做某事是的”。句中的形容词用

7、来描述不定式的特征和客观情况。常见的这类形容词有:difficult, easy, important, necessary, convenient, dangerous, safe, possible, impossible等。 It is + 形容词 + of + 名词/代词 + to do sth. 表示“某人做某事,某人是的”。句中的形容词用来描述不定式行为者的特征或品质等。常用的这类形容词有:nice, kind, clever, foolish, polite, rude, generous 等。 sth. / sb. is + 形容词 + enough + to do sth.

8、表示“某物/某人足够而能做某事”。enough修饰形容词,放在形容词之后。 另外,以-ing结尾的由动词转化而来的形容词常用来说明事物,表示事物的性质或特征,意为“令人的”;以-ed结尾的由动词转化而来的形容词常用来说明句中主语的情绪变化,意为“感到的”。巩固练习I. 用of或for填空使下列句子意思完整。1. Its foolish _ you to treat him like that.2. Its more convenient _ me to look after short hair.3. Its rude _ you to laugh at the blind.4. Its im

9、possible _ him to finish the job in such a short time.5. Its difficult _ me to answer your question.6. Its unhealthy _ us to eat too much meat.7. Its clever _ you to practise your oral English with the foreign teacher.8. Its interesting _ us to skate on real ice.9. Its dangerous _ you to drive so fa

10、st.10. Its careless _ you to make the table dirty.II. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. The man is strong enough _ (lift) the big stone.2. Jane feels _ (bored) because her job is _ (bored).3. Its silly of him _ (do) such a bad thing.4. Seeing the _ (frighten) tiger, we ran away as quickly as possible.5. All of us w

11、ere _ (surprise) when we saw Mr Zhang at the party.6. She is patient enough _ (explain) every problem to you.7. Many people are _ (interest) in this film.8. Are you tall enough _ (touch) the apples on the tree?中考链接1. It was a _ day and she felt very _. (2012广东河源) A. tiring; tired B. tiring; tiring C

12、. tired; tiring D. tired; tired2. Its dangerous _ with the wild animals. (2012湖北随州) A. for us to play B. of us playing C. for us playing D. of us to play3. Have you ever read the book Harry Potter? Yes, and I think its very _. I want to read it again. (2012吉林) A. boring B. exciting C. bored D. excit

13、ed4. Peter has changed a lot, hasnt he? Yes. He used to _ the guitar, but now he is more _ in playing soccer. (2012四川达州) A. plays; interested B. play; interested C. play; interesting D. playing; interest5. Its very convenient _ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the stat

14、ion or on the Internet. (2012山东东营) A. to B. of C. by D. for KEY POINTSNo. 1 Connies 【热身体验】根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. Im going to spend my summer holiday at _ (我伯父家).2. Youre coughing! I think you need to go to the _ (诊所).3. We will have a party at _ (汤 姆家).【要点揭秘】 Connies在此相当于Connies hairdressing salon,英语里有时用人

15、名或职业的所有格来表示这个人的工作场所或居住地点,如:at Jims 在吉姆家,at the barbers在理发店。No. 2 so + be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语【热身体验】根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. I was surprised at the news, and _ (我姐姐也是).2. I like English, and _ (莉莉也 喜欢).3. Miss White will come to our school, and _ (布朗小姐也会来).【要点揭秘】 “so + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”是倒装结构,意为“也一样”,表示前面所说的情况同样也适用

16、于后面的人或物,其中be动词/助动词/情态动词应与前面句子的谓语以及本句的主语保持一致。如: My sister spent one hour in doing her homework, and so did I. 我姐姐花了一个小时做作业,我也是。 “so + 主语 + be动词/助动词/情态动词”也是倒装结构,意为“确实如此”,表示认可前面所说的情况,前后两个句子的主语指同一个人或物。如: My sister spent one hour in doing her homework. 我姐姐花了一个小时做作业。 So she did. 确实如此。No. 3 Would you mind

17、【热身体验】根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. Would you mind _ (帮我搬) the box? _ (当然不介意).2. Would you mind _ (如果我在这儿吸烟)? Sorry, _ (最好别).【要点揭秘】 Would / Do you mind 用来表示请求允许或征求对方意见,其后可接(ones) doing sth. 或if 从句。如: Would you mind my turning off the computer / if I turn off the computer? 你介意我关掉电脑吗? 对于该句型的回答,常用下列句子: 否定回答(不介意):No

18、, not at all. / Certainly not. / Of course not.等。 肯定回答(介意):Sorry, but please dont. / Sorry, youd better not.等。 VOCABULARY promise【小试身手】根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. He _ (答应 很快就回来).2. Once you _ (承诺) something, you must keep it.【在线点拨】 promise作动词,意为“ 允诺;保证”, 常用于以下结构: promise sb. sth. = promise sth. to sb. 意为“答应某人

19、某事”,如: Dad promised me a new bike. 爸爸答应给我一辆新自行车。 “promise (sb.) + that 引导的宾语从句”意为“答应(某人)”,如: She promised that she would help me. 她答应了要帮助我。 promise to do sth. 意为“承诺做某事”,如: I promise to study hard. 我保证努力学习。 此外,promise 还可作名词,意为“诺言”,与其构成的词组常见的有:break / keep ones promise (违背/遵守诺言)。 depend on 【小试身手】根据汉语提

20、示,完成下列句子。1. That _ (取决于) how you deal with the problem. 2. Shall we go to the park this weekend? _ (看情况吧).【在线点拨】 depend on有“取决于”的意思,相当于be decided by。depend on也有“依靠”的意思,此时相当于rely on。depend on后可接名词或从句。 That depends. / It (all) depends. 意为“那要看情况”,通常单独使用。如: Will you come here tomorrow? 你明天来吗? That depen

21、ds. 那要看情况。 基础巩固 (chapter 2) Words and phrasesI. 按照要求写出下列单词。1. day (形容词) _ 2. careful (名词) _3. interesting (名词) _4. missing (动词) _5. wonder (形容词) _6. suitable (动词) _7. gentle (副词) _8. clever (同义词) _9. loose (动词) _10. specialist (同义词) _II. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单 词,使下列句子完整。1. My brother has a r_ face, a big

22、nose and a small mouth. 2. The short curly hair doesnt s_ our Chinese teacher. 3. She needs a c_ in order that she can make her hair tidy. 4. Toms daily d_ is mainly made up of rice and vegetables. 5. We went for a walk, and a_ we had supper together. 6. You must _ ( 保证) to return the bicycle tomorr

23、ow. 7. He said he had no _ (遗憾) about leaving the university. 8. Do you know what the _ (主题) of todays meeting is? 9. If you arrive late, you will _ (错 过) the appointment with the doctor. 10. The child shows great _ (兴趣) in collecting stamps. III. 根据句意,选出与所给句中划线部分 意义相同或相近并能代替的选项。1. Are you available

24、 next Saturday? Well, I will go to visit my grand- parents. A. free B. busy C. happy D. sick2. Around 20 people were injured because of the car accident. A. More than B. Less than C. About D. Over3. The length of time spent doing the work depends on the number of the workers. A. is famous for B. is

25、decided by C. is different from D. is made up of4. Would you mind my closing the door? Of course not. A. Do you want to close B. Can you help me close C. What about closing D. Would you mind if I close5. He felt on top of the world when he knew the results. A. very happy B. very disappointed C. very

26、 relaxed D. very boredIV. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成下 列句子。depend on, note down, dry out, by the way, on average 1. Dont leave the bread on the table, or itll _. 2. Her health _ whether she can keep doing exercise every day. 3. My father smokes 3 cigarettes a day _. 4. He _ what he had to do on a piece of paper

27、. 5. _, there is a telephone message for you. SentencesI. 按照要求完成下列句子。1. Jenny has her hair cut once a month. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ have her hair cut?2. Tony was brave and he caught the thief himself. (改为同义句) It was _ _ _ _ _ the thief himself.3. A short hairstyle suits Anna best. (对划线 部分提问) _ _ _ _ suit

28、s Anna best? 4. The hairdryer is free. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is the hairdryer?5. Lily went to the zoo yesterday. Bob went there yesterday, too. (改为同义句) Lily went to the zoo yesterday and _ _ _. II. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 这种食物必须在低温下保存。 The food must be kept _ _ _ _. 2. 在夏天,我叔叔每天至少喝一瓶啤酒。 My uncle drinks _ _ _ _ of b

29、eer every day in summer. 3. 他许诺在两周后修屋顶。 He promised the roof would be repaired _ _ _. 4. 你马上返回公司,这很重要。 It is important _ _ _ _ to the company immediately. 5. 当西蒙看到令人兴奋的比赛时,他就会变 得兴奋。 When Simon watches _ _ _, he will _ _. 6. 我们正在一所学校里做一项关于饮食习惯 的调查。 Were _ _ _ _ eating habits in a school.7. 萨姆没有把这件事告诉

30、任何人是明智的。 It is wise _ _ _ _ _ anybody about it. 8. 如果我不觉得累,我不介意晚上熬夜工作。 If I dont feel tired, _ _ _ _ late at night. 9. 她这几天很忙。她将晚些时候答复你。 She is busy these days and she will reply to you _ _ _ _. 10. 如果你想卖房子,为什么不在报纸上登个 广告呢? If you want to sell your house, why not _ _ _ in the newspaper?III. 根据句子的意思,用

31、所给单词的适当形 式填空。1. His cheerful joke made us _ (forget) our troubles. 2. We are all _ (excite) by Nancys good test result. 3. Whether she can get the job _ (dependent) on the manager. 4. The classroom is large enough _ (hold) all the students.5. Would you mind _ (give) me a glass of water? 6. Jenny had

32、 her suitcase _ (carry) from the train to the taxi. 7. It was careless of you _ (leave) the door unlocked. 8. Linda hopes _ (spend) a year in England after she leaves school. 9. I dont know if it is convenient for you _ (come) tomorrow. 10. Youd better start early, or you may get _ (catch) in the he

33、avy rain. GrammarI. 选择填空。1. It is clever _ you to solve the problem so quickly. A. from B. of C. to D. with2. What do you usually do to make yourself get _? Listen to some _ music. A. relaxed; relaxing B. relaxed; relaxed C. relaxing; relaxed D. relaxing; relaxing 3. It is almost impossible for him

34、_ there before 8:00 p.m. A. getting B. get C. to getting D. to get4. Everyone is _ that he came here so early today. He is always late for school. A. bored B. excited C. surprised D. disappointed5. Jack usually works hard at his lessons. So _. A. does John B. John does C. is John D. John is6. I thin

35、k it is wrong of you _ your child in that way. A. punish B. punished C. punishing D. to punish7. Why is it _ for you to talk to her? Because she has bad hearing. A. easy B. difficult C. interesting D. boring8. The speakers voice is _ to reach the back of the hall. A. too loud B. loud too C. loud eno

36、ugh D. enough loudII. 连词成句。1. school, not, to, you, go, enough, are, to, old (.) _2. meal, was, you, with, it, generous, to, of, share, me, your (.) _ _3. shape, the, face, depends, of, your, on, hairstyle, the (.) _ _4. for, the, it, race, easy, is, him, to, not, win (.) _5. old, interested, sister, collecting, my, in, magazines, is (.) _ _III. 改错。1. It is silly with you to go out without a A B C


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