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1、七年级英语下册完形填空练习题(word)一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1完形填空john worked in an office in a small town. one day his boss1him, john, i want you togo to london, and to2mr. black. heres the address. his office is near the station. john went to london3train. he left the station and thought, the office isnt4the stat

2、ion. ill find it5. but after an hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old woman. she said,just go along this street, and turn left6the end, and its the7building on theright. john went and found it.8days later, john went to the same city,9again he couldnt find the office, sohe

3、asked someone the way. it was10old woman! she was very surprised and said, areyou still looking for that place?1.a. saidb. said to c. talked tod. spoke2.a. seeb. watchc. lookd. found3.a. onb. byc. withd. in4.a. next tob. nearc. far fromd. in front of5.a. easyb. easilyc. slowlyd. early6.a. byb. toc.

4、atd. on7.a. fiveb. twelve c. thirdd. twenty8.a. muchb. a fewc. a littled. a lot9.a. because b. whenc. butd. so10. a. different b. samec. the different d. the same【答案】( 1) b;( 2) a;( 3) b;( 4) c;( 5) b;( 6) c;( 7) c;( 8) b;( 9)c;( 10)d;【解析】 【分析】本文介 了 翰先生到城市找 公室的 。( 1)句意:一天,他的老板 他 。a.said , b.said to

5、对 , c.talked to ,d.spoke 。根据后面提到老板的 ,可知空缺的意 他 ,填入said to,故 b。( 2)句意:我想要你去 敦,去看看布莱克先生。a.see 看, b.watch 看, c.look 看,d.found 。根据后文提到他的地址,可知空缺的意 看,填入see,故 a。( 3)句意: 翰乘火 去了 敦。 a.on 在 上, b.by 乘坐, c.with 和, d.in 在 里面。根据乘坐交通工具,前面用 by,可知空缺 填入介 by,故 b。( 4)句意: 个 公室离火 站不 。a.next to 靠近, b.near 在 附近, c.far from离

6、, d.in frontof 在 前面。根据前文提到 公室在火 站附近,可知空缺的意 离不 ,填入far from ,故 c。( 5)句意:我很容易就可以找到它。a.easy容易的,b.easily容易地,c.slowly 慢的,d.early 早的。根据空缺 修 find ,可知 用副 形式,填入easily,故 b。( 6)句意:在最后想左 。 a.by 通 , b.to 到, c.at 在, d.on 在 上面。根据短 turn left at the end ,可知空缺 填入介 , at,故 c。( 7)句意:它在右 第三个建筑物。a.five 五, b.twelve 十二, c.th

7、ird 第三, d.twenty 二十。根据空缺 修 building ,可知 填入序数 , third ,第三,故 c。( 8)句意:一些天后, 翰去了相同的城市。a.much 很多, b.a few 一些, c.a little一些, d.a lot 很多。根据修 days 可数名 ,可知前面填入a few,一些,故 b。( 9)句意:但是他仍然找不到那个 公室。a.because 因 , b.when 当 候, c.but 但是, d.so 因此。根据句子前后的关系 折,填入but ,但是,故 c。( 10)句意:它仍然是相同的那个老 女。a.different 不同, b.same 相

8、同, c.the different不同, d.the same 相同。根据文章大意可知,前后两个 女 同一人,且same 前面需要定冠 the 修 ,可知空缺 填入the same ,相同的,故 d。【点 】考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先要跳 空格通 文章掌握其大意,然后 文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素。最后通 一遍 。2 下列短文,从文后各 所 四个 中 出一个最佳答案。you may know the english letters a, b and c. but do you know there are1called abc?you may like e

9、ating bananas. but do you know there is such a thing as a banana person? how2! are these people from another earth? no, they are just chinese people3youand me.abc means(意思是)american-born-chinese.4abc is a chinese, but was born inthe united states. sometimes, people5an abc a banana person. a banana i

10、s yellowoutside and white inside.6, when a person is a banana, he or she is white insidelivinglike a westerner and yellow outside 7like a chinese.do you know why? usually, abcs know8about china or the chinese language( 言) . some of them dont9chinese. but if abcs cant speak chinese, can we still call

11、them chinese people? yes, of course. they are chinese. they are overseas(海外的)chinese.these people may be citizens (公民)of another10like the usa, canada or singapore.but they have chinese blood (血 ) . their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from china. they all have black eyes and

12、black hair. but they are not chinese citizens. for example, we all know the famous scientist ding zhaozhong. he got the nobel prize in physics in 1976. chinese people love him. but he is an american citizen.1.a. thingsb. animalsc. peopled. fruits2.a. strange(奇怪的) b. nicec. freshd. great3.a. forb. li

13、kec. asd. about4.a. ab. anc. thed. /5.a. askb. sayc. gived. call6.a. andb. butc. sod. or7.a. lookingb. sounding c. smellingd. feeling8.a. muchb. manyc. fewd. little9.a. knowb. tellc. speakd. learn10. a. cityb. countryc. villaged. town【答案】( 1) c;( 2) a;( 3) b;( 4) b;( 5) d;( 6) c;( 7) a;( 8) d;( 9)c;

14、( 10)b;【解析】 【分析】你听 有的人叫abc或者 香蕉人 ?其 他 指的是在美国出生的中国人,他 的外貌和我 一 ,但他 接受的是西方文化,是另外一个国家的公民。( 1)考 名 辨析。句意:但是你知道有人叫abc ? things 西; animals 物;people 人,人 ; fruits 水果。根据下文 are these people from another earth? no, they are just chinese people _3_ you and me. 可知, abc指的是一种人,故 c。( 2)考 形容 辨析。句意:多么奇怪啊!strange 奇怪的; n

15、ice 好看的,好的; fresh 新 的; great 大的,棒的。根据 are these people from another earth? 可知,有的人被叫做 香蕉人 , 我 感到很奇怪,故 a。( 3)考 介 辨析。句意:不,他 就是和我 一 的中国人。for 了,因 ; like 喜 ,像; as 作 ; about关于。根据下文abc means(意思是) american-born-chinese. 可知, abc也是中国人, 像我 一 ,故 b。( 4)考 冠 辨析。句意:abc 指的是在美国出生的中国人。a 一个,泛指一个 西,放在一 音音素开 的 前;an 不定冠 ,表

16、示泛指一个,用于元音音素的 前;the定冠 ,表示特指。 里表示泛指一个 abc,第一个音是 /ei/ ,元音,故 b。( 5)考 辨析。句意:有 候人 把abc 叫做 香蕉人 。 ask ; say ; give ;call 称呼,叫做。 里指把abc叫做 香蕉人 , call sb.+名 是固定短 ,故 d。( 6)考 辨析。句意:因此当一个人被叫做香蕉的 候,他的内部是白色的像西方人一 生活,而外部是黄色的像中国人一 。 and 和,而且; but 但是; so 因此,所以; or 或者,否 。上句 a banana is yellow outside and white inside

17、是原因, 里表示的是 果,故 c。( 7)考 辨析。句意:因此当一个人被叫做香蕉的 候,他的内部是白色的像西方人一 生活,而外部是黄色的像中国人一 。 looking看起来; sounding听起来;smelling 起来; feeling 感 。根据 yellow outside ,所以 里表示看起来,look like ,看起来像 ,故 a。( 8)考 不定代 。句意:通常abc 中国和中国的 言不是很了解。much 多,修 不可数名 ; many 多,修 可数名 ; few少,修 可数名 ;little 少,修 不可数名 。根据下文 but if abcs cant speak chin

18、ese, can we still call them chinese people? y可知,他 不了解中国和中国的 言,故 d。( 9)考 辨析。句意:他 中有一些不会 。know知道,了解; tell告 ;speak ; learn 学 。根据下句 but if abcs cant speak chinese 可知,有些 abc 不会 ,故 c。( 10)考 名 辨析。句意: 些人可能是其他国家的公民,如美国、加拿大或新加坡。city 城市; country 国家; village村庄; town城 。根据空后like theusa, canada orsingapore 的 些例子都是

19、其他的国家,故 b。【点 】此 考 完形填空。做完形填空 的基本步 是:先通 全文,掌握文章大意;然后再根据文章的 境特点从 搭配、 用法、上下文的 关系以及一般的生活常识等方面进行分析,从而选出既合语法又合语境的答案。3完形填空john sat next to me when we were in no.1 middle school. he had a serious1incommunicating(交流) with people. one always had to guess what he was saying. besides (此外) ,2of my classmates did

20、 not like to be with him because his hands and shirts werealways3. i tried to let him know the importance of being clean by4him manytimes a day to wash his hands. but he just could not understand.one day, our teacher miss lee walked up to john.5saying anything, she took john tothe washroom. slowly,

21、miss lee washed his6and told him that he should keep himselfclean. she did that every day for one month.7, john understood.miss lees love gives me a good example to follow when i8my job. i always rememberto teach my students by showing them the right9to do things. and the most importantof all, i alw

22、ays remember to give them10to learn and to grow up.1.a. questionb. problemc. troubled. hobby2.a. mostb. fewestc. fewd. more3.a. dirtyb. cleanc. newd. old4.a. talkingb. sayingc. speakingd. telling5.a. withb. withoutc. afterd. above6.a. faceb. feetc. shirtsd. hands7.a. at lastb. at firstc. such asd. s

23、o far8.a. didb. am doingc. have done d. am going to do9.a. waysb. answersc. timed. food10. a. more advice b. less advicec. more timed. less time【答案】 ( 1) b;( 2) a;( 3)a;( 4) d;( 5) b;( 6) d;( 7) a;( 8 )b;( 9)a;( 10) c;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。讲述了ted有交流困难的问题,同学们都不喜欢与他玩因为他的手和衬衣总是很脏,老师尽力地叫他要洗手保持干净,但他并不明白。

24、后来老师以身示范,亲自带着ted 去洗手。并每天重复,日复一日,他明白了老师的用意。老师的爱的行为影响了作者,让作者知道了要教学生做事的正确方法。(1)考查名词辨析。a 意思是 问题 指需要回答的问题;b 表示 问题 指某方面存在的问题; c“麻烦 ”常用固定短语have troublein doingsth. ; d 爱好 ”。此处根据下文onealways had to guess(猜) what he was saying判断 ted 在与人交流方面有严重的问题,选b。( 2)考查形容词辨析。句意:此外,大部分同学不喜欢和他在一起因为他的手和衣服一直是脏的。 because his ha

25、nds and shirts were always dirty 。没有什么人喜欢和脏的人在一起,所以大部分人不喜欢他, most 大多数, fewest 最少的是 few 的最高级, few 几乎没有, more 更多的,故选 a。( 3)考查形容词辨析。句意:此外,大部分同学不喜欢和他在一起因为他的手和衣服一直是脏的。根据 i tried to let him know the importance of being clean 我尽力让他知道干净的重要性。可知 ted 是脏的,不懂得干净的重要性, dirty 脏的, clean 干净的, new 新的, old旧的,故选a。( 4 )

26、考查动词辨析。句意:通过每天告诉他很多次要洗手,我尽力让他知道干净的重要性。 by 介词,后面跟动名词短语作宾语,talk 谈话, say 说,后面跟说话的内容,speak说,后面跟语言,tell 告诉, tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事,故选d。( 5)考查介词辨析。句意:一天,我们的李老师走到约翰面前什么也没说就把约翰带到洗手间。根据 slowly, miss lee washed his hands and told him that he should keep himself clean.she did that every day for one month.

27、 慢慢地,李小姐为他洗手并且告诉他他应该自己保持干净。她每天那样做了一个月。可知他通过行动告诉他,而不是通过说。此处是没有说话直接去的。 with 和 .一起, without 没有, after 在 .之后, above 在 .之上,故选b。( 6)考查名词辨析。句意: .慢慢地,李小姐为他洗手并且告诉他他应该自己保持干净。根据 .because his hands and shirts were always dirty 。因为他的手是脏的,可知此处是老师带他去洗手,因为不可能在学校洗手间洗衣服。face 脸, feet 脚, shirts 衬衣, hands 手,故选 d。(7)考查短语

28、辨析。句意:直到最后,约翰明白了。根据she did thatevery day for onemonth. 她每天那样做做了一个月。可知直到最后约翰明白了为止。at last最后, at first 最初, such as 例如, so far 到目前为止,故选 a。(8)考查时态辨析。句意:当我工作时,李小姐的爱给我树立了一个要学习的榜样。指在当前的一段时间内一直进行的动作,句子时态用现在进行时,did 过去时, am doing 现在进行时, have done 现在完成时, am going to do 一般将来时,故选b。( 9)考查名词辨析。句意:我一直记得通过给他们看正确的做事方

29、式来教学生。ways 方式, answers 答案, time 时间, food 食物,故选a。( 10)考查名词辨析。句意:最重要的是,我一直记得给他们更多的时间去学习和成长。more advice 更多建议; less advice 少一点建议,more time 更多时间, less time 少一点时间,此处指给孩子更多的成长的时间,故选c。【点评】此题考查的是完形填空。我们要先跳过空格阅读短文,了解短文的大致内容,根据句意和上下文的关系,及英语语法知识,选择正确的选项填入空格,再将短文翻译成汉语,看是否通顺,最后确定正确答案。4完形填空last week, i went to qin

30、gdao for holiday with my parents. we did a lot of1things overthere.2the first day, we went to a beautiful beach. the weather was sunny and hot. wehad great fun3in the water. in the afternoon, we went shopping. the shops were toocrowded (拥挤的) ,4i didnt really enjoyed it. on the next day, we went to a

31、5.there were some old things on show. it was kind of boring. i saw a little boy6in thecorner. he was lost and i helped him7his father. that made him feel very8. ihad9money for a taxi, so i walked back to the hotel. i was reallytiredaftertwo10walk, but happy. on the last day, the weather was cool, we

32、11to play tennis. weplayed all12. it was really fun. after that, we had lunch in a13. we14much nicefoodfrom differentregions (区域) . in the afternoon,wedid somesightseeing around the city. then we15a train back to jinhua at 4:30pm. we had a goodtime all those three days. im looking forward to visitin

33、g qingdao again.1.a. dangerous b. deliciousc. expensived. interesting2.a. onb. inc. atd. after3.a. runningb. dancingc. playingd. thinking4.a. orb. andc. sod. but5.a. museumb. gymc. libraryd. hospital6.a. cryingb. sleepingc. talkingd. eating7.a. meetb. findc. watchd. visit8.a. happyb. angryc. quietd.

34、 sad9.a. someb. anyc. nod. much10.a. minutesb. hoursc. daysd. weeks11.a. decidedb. helpedc. hadd. tried12.a. morningb. afternoonc. dayd. night13.a. hotelb. restaurant c. officed. store14.a. ateb. cookedc. drankd. sold15.a. rodeb. tookc. droved. flew【答案】( 1) d;( 2 )a;( 3) c;( 4) c;( 5) a;( 6 )a;( 7)

35、b;( 8)a;( 9)c;( 10)b;( 11) a;( 12)a;( 13) b;( 14)a;( 15) b;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章讲述了作者上周去青岛旅游的事,详细讲解了每日的行程及所做的事。以及在青岛三天的感受。( 1)句意:在那里我们做了很多有趣的事。a.危险的;b.美味的;c.昂贵的;d.有趣的。能够作定语修饰things的是ad,既然是旅游不可能做危险的事,故答案是d。( 2)句意:在第一天,我们去了美丽的海边。在具体某一天前使用介词on,故答案是a。the firstday 在作者心中是具体的某一天,( 3)句意:在水里我们开心地玩。a.跑; b.跳舞; c.玩耍

36、; d.思考。因为是在水里,不可能是跑也不可能是跳舞。而think 搭配 happily 有不合理,只能是在水里开心的玩耍,故答案是 c。( 4)句意:因此我真的不喜欢。 a.或者; b.和; c.因此; d.但是。 the shops were too crowded (拥挤的) , 表示原因, i didnt really enjoyed it. 表示结果,两者之间有因果关系,表示结果的句子前使用 so,故答案是 c。( 5)句意:第二天,我们去了博物馆。a.博物馆; b.体育馆; c.图书馆; d.医院。根据there were some old things on show. 可知去的

37、地方应该是博物馆,故答案是a。( 6)句意:我看到一个小男孩在角落里哭。a.哭; b.睡觉;c.谈话;d.吃。根据he waslost 可知推测小男孩在哭。故答案是a。( 7)句意:我帮助他找到了爸爸。 a.遇到; b.找到; c.观看; d.参观。根据 he was lost 可知我帮着他找家人。故答案是 b。( 8)句意:这时小男孩感到很开心。a.高兴的; b.生气的; c.安静的; d.难过的。因为小男孩找到爸爸了,因此它会高兴。故答案是a。( 9)句意:我没有钱坐出租车,因此我走着回到了旅馆。多。根据 i walked back to the hotel. 可知我没钱,故答案是a.一些

38、;c。b.任何;c.没有;d.很( 10)句意:走了两个小时的路之后,我真的累了。 a.分钟; b.小时;真的累了,可知走的时间长,两天不符合语境,应该是两个小时,故答案是c.天; d.周。根据我b。( 11)句意:最后一天,天气凉爽,我们决定去打网球。a.决定; b.帮助; c.有; d.累。因为天气凉爽所以我们决定打网球,决定做某事decide to do sth ,固定搭配,故答案是a。( 12)句意:我们玩了整个上午。a.上午;b.下午;c.白天; d.晚上。根据after that,wehad lunch,可知我们打网球打了一上午,故答案是a。( 13)句意:之后,我们在饭店吃了午饭

39、,根据we had lunch ,可知是在饭店里。a. 宾馆; b.饭店; c.办公室;d.商店。故答案是b。( 14)句意:我们吃了很多与其他地方不同的好吃的食物。a.吃; b.喝; c.烹制; d.卖。根据we had lunch, 可知是吃了很多好吃的,故答案是a。( 15)句意:然后我们坐火车回到了金华。a.骑; b.乘坐;c.驾驶;d.飞。坐火车,take atrain ,固定搭配,took是 take 的过去式,故答案是b。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。5 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的

40、a、 b、 c 三个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项。joey oleary, a ten-year-old boy, lived in a small town, in the usa. he had a pair of green pantsthat he1most, but the pants were already short for him. one day, his father thought of a(n )2. he said to joey, lets put your green pants into a big bottle (瓶子) , and thenfloa

41、t it3the river. we can put a note with your name and4. so whoever findsthe pants will know that they are your favourite pants. joey thought that it was a5idea,so they just did that.the bottle floatedfor weeks. finally, itgot to the gulfof mexico. it wascaught by a6mexican boy pablo and his father. t

42、hey were so poor that they sometimes had nothing toeat. when they caught the bottle and saw the pants and note in it, pablo was so7. thepants were just what he had wanted. he later tried them on and was surprised to find that theywere8for him.when pablo got home, he wrote a9to joey. after that, pabl

43、o and joey wrote lettersto each other every week. they became lifelong10. it was all because of a pair of greenpants.1.a. wantedb. hatedc. liked2.a. ideab. factc. book3.a. overb. downc. up4.a. address b. classc. age5.a. boringb. goodc. bad6.a. poorb. richc. strict7.a. worriedb. tiredc. excited8.a. o

44、rdinary b. perfectc. bad9.a. guideb. letterc. diary10. a. friends b. neighbours c. relatives【答案】( 1)c;( 2) a;( 3) b;( 4) a;( 5) b;( 6) a;( 7) c;( 8) b;( 9)b;( 10)a;【解析】 【分析】主要讲了美国一个小镇的joey oleary 一条绿色裤子太短了,爸爸让他把可知放在瓶子里写上姓名和地址,让瓶子随着河流漂,最后被墨西哥男孩pablo 捡到,并且 pablo 写信给 joey oleary,最后两人成为最好的朋友。( 1)句意:他有一件

45、他最喜欢的绿色裤子。a.想要; b.讨厌; c.喜欢。根据 they are yourfavourite pants. 裤子裤子是他最喜欢的,故选c。( 2)句意:他的爸爸想起一个主意。a.主意; b.事实; c.书。根据后文可知爸爸让joeyoleary 把裤子放进瓶子里,可知是一个主意,故选a。( 3)句意:然后让它在河流下面漂。a.在 .上方; b.在 .下面; c.在 .上面。根据句意可知是让瓶子在河流下面漂,故选b。( 4)句意:我们可以放上一个带有你的名字和地址的便条。a.地址; b.班级; c.年龄。根据后文可知pablo 写信给 joey oleary 是根据瓶子上的地址,故选

46、a。( 5)句意: joey 认为它是一个好主意。a.无聊的; b.好的; c.坏的。根据后句so they justdid that 他们仅仅做那个,可知他们认为主意是好的,故选b。( 6)句意:它被一个贫穷的墨西哥男孩 pablo 和父亲捡到。 a.贫穷的; b.富有的; c.严格的。根据 they were so poor that they sometimes had nothing to eat. 可知 pablo 是贫穷的,故选 a。( 7)句意: pablo 是如此兴奋。 a.担心的; b.疲劳的; c.令人兴奋的。根据句意可知pablo是贫穷的,所以捡到衣服时是兴奋的,故选c。

47、( 8)句意:之后他穿上它们,惊讶的发现对于他来说它们是完美的。a.普通的; b.完美的; c.坏的。根据句意可知( 9)句意:他写了一封信给pablo 穿上裤子,觉得裤子是完美的,故选joey。 a.导游; b.信; c.日记。根据b。pablo andjoey wroteletters to each other every week.可知每周他们相互写信,故选b。( 10)句意:他们成为一生的朋友。a.朋友; b.邻居;c.亲戚。根据句意可知joey 和 pablo成为一生的朋友,故选a。【点评】考查完形填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。6完形填空tom travelled to london. he1the railway station quite early. the train would not leaveuntil five to twelve. he saw2people waiting there. some were standing in line,3were walking around. there was a group of school


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