1、 课文一Text One 愚人的天堂Fools Paradise 伊萨克巴什维斯辛格by Isaac Bashevis Singer Would paradise like? Introduction-What is 天堂是什么样的?人们在天堂里生活得快导读:Atzel in paradise? people live happily 并且因此病,乐吗?阿采尔一直梦想去天堂生活dreams to live in paradise and becomes ill. 为这使他的父母感到悲痛。倒了。他愿意死去,to willing the To grief of his parents, he is
2、 什么阿采尔如此向往去天堂呢?他的病会被治die. Why does Atzel want to go to paradise 年诺贝尔文学奖得主以梦幻色彩叙1978好吗? 述了以下这则警示性故事,请读读看。so much? Will his illness be cured? Please read the following cautionary tale magically in winner Nobel told by the 1978 Prize literature. 很久以前,有这么一个地方,住着 1there Somewhere, sometime, 1 他有一个独生子叫阿采一
3、个名叫卡迪什的富人。Kadish. whose name was rich man lived a 叫阿是个孤儿,卡迪什家里住着一个远亲,尔。Atzel. called only had He an son who was 有一头乌黑的头发和一阿采尔个子很高,克萨。a household the of Kadish there lived On 阿克萨则有一对蓝眼睛和一头金对乌黑的眼珠。distant relative, an orphan girl, called Aksah. ,他们就一 发。他们年龄一样大。还是孩子时Atzel was a tall boy with black hair
4、 and black 人们理所当然地一同玩耍。同吃饭,一同学习,eyes. Aksah had blue eyes and golden hair. 认为,他们长大成人之后就会结婚。 Both were about the same age. As children, played together, they ate studied together, together. It was taken for granted that when they grew up they would marry. up, they But 2 when had grown 但是,当他们长大后,阿采尔突然
5、 2阿采尔以这是一种人们从未听说过的病:病了。Atzel suddenly became ill. It was a sickness 为自己死了。Atzel heard ever one no had of before: imagined that he was dead. 他怎么会有这种想法呢?似乎他曾 3How did such an idea come to 3 她经常给他讲一些关于经有过一个年老的保姆,him? It seems he had had an old nurse who ,在天堂里人们不需要天堂的故事。她告诉他 She about stories told const
6、antly paradise. 人们吃野牛和鲸鱼的肉,在天堂里,工作或学习。word 编辑版白天睡到很晚喝上帝专门为正直的人准备的酒,not in paradise it was had told him that 才起床,也没有什么义务要承担。paradise study. In necessary to work or to one ate the meat of wild oxen and the flesh of whales; one drank the wine that the Lord reserved for the just; one slept late into the
7、 day; and one had no duties. 阿采尔生性懒惰。他讨厌早起,不 4He by Atzel was lazy nature. 4 总有一天他要接管父亲的生他知道,喜欢学习。hated to get up early and to study. He knew 意,但是他不想那样。that one day he would have to take over his fathers business and he did not want to. 他便,既然升天的唯一方法是去死 5 to Since the to get only way 5 因打定主意要尽快死去。他整天
8、考虑这个问题,his up die, paradise was to he had made 此,不久以后他便开始幻想自己已经死了。mind to do just that as quickly as possible. he that soon much thought He about it so began to imagine that he was dead. 他的父母当然是非常地担心了。阿 6became his parents 6 Of course 全家人想尽所有的办法来使阿采克萨偷偷地哭。The cried in secret. Aksah terribly worried.
9、 他会说:但是他不愿相信他们。尔相信他没有死,to possible everything to try family did ,我 “你们为什么不把我埋了?你们都看到了he alive, but was convince Atzel that he 已经死了。就是因为你们,我不能上天堂。”say, would He refused to believe them. Why dont you bury me? You see that I am to of dead. Because you get I cannot paradise. 许多医生被请来给阿采尔检查身 7Many doctors
10、 were called in to 7 ,他们都试图使这个孩子相信他还活着。他体 examine Atzel, and all tried to convince the 但他不久就吃们对他说,他仍在说话和吃饭呀。boy that he was alive. They pointed out that 他的家人都害怕他也不怎么说话了。得少起来, 真的会死掉。before long was he talking eating. and But Atzel began to eat less, and he rarely spoke. His family feared that he woul
11、d die. 绝望之下,卡迪什去向一位有名的 8to 8 Kadish despair, In went 以他的知识和智慧而专家请教。他叫犹兹大夫,consult a great specialist, celebrated for his 他对卡听了对阿采尔病情的一番描述后,闻名。word 编辑版但有“我保证在八天内治好你的儿子,迪什说:wisdom. His name was Dr. knowledge and ,无论我 一个条件。你必须按照我要求的去做of After Yoetz. listening to a description 犹卡迪什答应了,的要求听起来有多么奇怪。”Atzel
12、s illness, he said to Kadish, I promise 卡迪什回家兹大夫说他当天就会去探望阿采尔。one days, on to cure your son in eight 一切都要无可置阿克萨和仆人们,后告诉妻子、you tell must do whatever I condition. You 疑地按照大夫的吩咐来做。 seem. it may to, no matter how strange Kadish agreed, and Dr. Yoetz said he would visit Atzel that same day. Kadish went ho
13、me servants the his wife, Aksah and and told orders doctors follow the that all were to without question. 犹兹大夫来了以后被领到阿采尔的 9由于禁食而脸色苍白,房间。这个孩子躺在床上, 身体消瘦。he Yoetz arrived, 9 When Dr. on was taken to boy lay Atzels room. The his bed, pale and thin from fasting. “你 大夫看了阿采尔一眼就叫道:10at one look The doctor t
14、ook 10们为什么把一具死尸放在家里呢?你们为什么a you Why do keep called Atzel and out, ”不举行一个葬礼呢?you dont Why body dead in the house? make a funeral? the On hearing these words 11 听到这些话,父母俩真是恐惧极 11“你阿采尔的脸上却闪动着一丝微笑,他说:了。but became terribly frightened, parents 们看,我说对了。”Atzels face lit up with a smile and he said, You see,
15、 I was right. Although Kadish and his wife 12 尽管卡迪什和妻子对大夫的话感 12他们立即就去准备但想到自己的承诺,到困惑,were bewildered by the doctors words, they 葬礼了。went remembered Kadishs promise, and the for arrangements to immediately make funeral. a 13that requested doctor The 大夫要求他们准备一间看上去象 13word 编辑版窗墙上要悬挂着白色的缎子。天堂一样的房间。room b
16、e prepared to look like paradise. The 蜡烛要整日整窗帘也要紧紧地拉上。子要紧闭,The white satin. walls were hung with 还要在背上仆人们要穿白色衣服,夜地燃烧着。draperies and were shuttered, windows 插上翅膀扮演天使。and tightly drawn. Candles burned day white dressed in The servants were night. with wings on their backs and were to play angels. 阿采尔被
17、放进了一个口敞着的棺 14Atzel was placed in an open 14 阿采尔快乐得精疲力然后就举行了葬礼。材里,held. ceremony was coffin, and a funeral 他发现醒来时,尽,整个葬礼过程中都沉睡着。Atzel was so exhausted with happiness that 自己在一个陌生的房间里。“我这是在哪儿?” 他问。 he slept right through it. When he awoke, he found himself in a room he didnt recognize. Where am I? he
18、asked. 背着翅膀的“在天堂,阁下,” 15 a paradise, In my lord, 15 仆人回答道。 winged servant replied. 阿采尔说:“我 “我非常饿,”16Atzel 16 terribly Im hungry, 想吃点儿鲸鱼肉,喝点儿圣酒。”said. Id like some whale flesh and sacred wine. The chief servant clapped his 17 男女仆 那个领头的仆人拍了拍手,17and servants came in and hands men 手端镀金他们的背上都带着翅膀,人应声而入。m
19、aids, all with wings on their backs, bearing 盘子,里面装满肉、鱼、石榴、柿子、菠萝和桃fish, with laden trays golden meat, 端着另有一个蓄着花白长胡子的高个仆人,子。pomegranates and persimmons, pineapples 一只盛满了酒的金杯。阿采尔狼吞虎咽地吃着。两个天使替他宽衣洗澡,吃完后,他说他要休息。and peaches. A tall servant with a long white 并扶他到一张铺着丝绸被单和紫色天鹅绒床罩wine. full golden a carried
20、beard goblet of 睡得又甜又阿采尔很快就进入了梦乡,的床上。Atzel ate ravenously. When he had finished, 香。he declared he wanted to rest. Two angels undressed and bathed him, and carried him purple to a and silken with bed a sheets a velvet canopy. Atzel immediately fell into word 编辑版 deep and happy sleep. was it When he a
21、woke, 18 morning but it could just as well have been 但已是第二天早晨了, 当他醒来,18仆蜡烛也燃着。和夜晚也没什么两样。窗关着,the shutters The were closed, and night. 人们一见阿采尔醒来就拿来了和前一天同样的the as As soon candles were burning. 饭菜。they was servants saw that Atzel awake, brought in exactly the same meal as the day before. “难道你们没有牛奶、阿采尔问道
22、: 19have you Dont Atzel asked, 19 咖啡、新鲜卷饼和黄油吗?”any milk, coffee, fresh rolls and butter? 人们总“没有,阁下。在天堂里, 20No, my lord. In paradise one 20 是吃同样的食物。”仆人回答说。servant food, always eats the same the replied. 阿采尔 “现在是白天还是晚上?”21still it Is already day, or is it 21 问道。night? Atzel asked. neither there is par
23、adise 22 In “天堂里不分白昼和黑夜。”22 day nor night. 阿采尔又吃了鱼、肉、水果,喝了 23Atzel again ate the fish, meat, 23吃完后他但他的胃口已不如先前那么好了。酒,appetite but the and fruit, drank wine, his 又问:“现在几点了?”he been. When not as good as it had was had finished, he asked, What time is it? not paradise 24 In time does 仆人回”“天堂里没有时间概念,24 答
24、道。exist, the servant answered. “那我现在该干什么?”阿采尔问。 25Atzel What 25 shall now? do I questioned. 人们在天堂里无需做任何 “阁下,26one 26my paradise, In lord, 事情。”doesnt do anything. word 编辑版 阿采尔 “其他的人都在哪儿呢?”27Where are the other saints? 27 问道。Atzel inquired. “在天堂,每家人都有自己的住 28In paradise each family has a 28 所。” place o
25、f its own. “难道不能去拜访吗?”29 Cant one go visiting? 29 不便拜“天堂里住所都相隔很远,30 In paradise the dwellings are 30 访。从一家到另一家要花上好几千年的时间。”too far from each other for visiting. It would to one go years to from thousands take of the other. 阿采尔“我的家人什么时候来?” 31 问。come? my family When will 31 Atzel asked. 年,你母亲“你父亲还可以活20
26、32 Your father still has 20 years 32 年。只要他们活着,他们就不可能到这还有30 里来。”to live, your mother 30. And as long as they live they cant come here. “那么阿克萨呢?”33 What about Aksah? 33 年。” “她还可以活5034She has 50 years to live. 34 “在这一段时间里我都得一个人过 35 了?”Do I have to be alone all that 35 time? “是的,阁下。”36Yes, my lord. 36 然
27、沉思着。 阿采尔摇了一会儿头,37his 37 Atzel shook while For a 后他问:“阿克萨打算做什么?” is head, pondering. asked, he Then What Aksah going to do? 但她迟早她正在悼念你,38 “现在,Right now, shes mourning for 38 会把你忘记,遇上另一个青年,然后和他结婚。you. But sooner or later she will forget you, 活着的人就是那样的。”meet another young man, and marry. Thats how it i
28、s with the living. word 编辑版阿采尔站起来,在房间里来回走着。 39 但是在天堂里无事他平生第一次渴望做些什么,to and began Atzel got up 39 可做。他想念父亲,思念母亲,怀念阿克萨。他walk to and fro. For the first time in years he 想和朋他想骑马,希望学些什么,他梦想旅行,had a desire to do something, but there was 友聊天。nothing to do in his paradise. He missed his father, he longed fo
29、r his mother, he yearned for Aksah. He wished he had something to study; he dreamed of traveling; he wanted to ride his horse, to talk to friends. 他实在无法再隐又过了一段时间, 40 藏悲伤了。他对一个仆人说:“我现在明白了,The time came when he could 40 活着并不象我想的那么糟糕。”no longer hide his sadness. He remarked to one of the servants, I se
30、e now that it is not as bad to live as I had thought. 你要学习,“阁下,活着是辛苦的。41 工作,做生意。在这儿一切都很简单。”difficult. my To live, lord, is 41 One has to study, work, do business. Here everything is easy. 也不愿 “我宁可伐木和搬运石头,42 坐在这里。象这样的生活还要持续多久?” I would rather chop wood and 42 carry stones than sit here. And how long
31、will this last? “永远。”43 Forever. 43 阿采尔悲“在这儿永远呆下去?” 44 痛地扯着他的头发。“我宁愿杀了我自己。” Atzel 44 Stay forever? here began to tear his hair in grief. Id rather kill myself. “一个死人不能自杀。”45kill 45A dead cannot man himself. 阿采尔已陷入了极度 到了第八天,46when day, eighth the 46 On 一个仆人来到他面前依照安排,这时,的绝望。Atzel had reached the deepe
32、st despair, one “阁下,这是个误会。你并没有死。你必须说:arranged, of had as the servants, been 离开天堂。”has there lord, My said, and him to came You are You mistake. a been not dead. must leave paradise. word 编辑版 “我还活着?”47 Im alive? 47 我将把你带回你还活着。 “是的,48Yes, you are alive, and I will 48 人间。”bring you back to earth. 仆人蒙住他
33、阿采尔简直欣喜若狂。 49Atzel was beside himself with 49然后领着他在长长的走廊里绕来绕去,的眼睛,after and joy. The servant blindfolded him, 把他带到一个房间里,他的家人正在这里等着leading him back and forth through the long 他。仆人摘掉了他的眼罩。the brought him to corridors of the house, and waiting room where his family was uncovered his eyes. 阳光从敞开的 那是个明亮的
34、日子,50the bright day, and It was a 50窗户直射进来。户外的花园里,鸟儿正唱着歌,sun shone through the open windows. In the 阿采尔快乐地拥抱并亲吻了他蜜蜂正嗡嗡地叫。outside, the birds were singing and garden 的父母和阿克萨。embraced he buzzing. the bees Joyfully, and kissed his parents and Aksah. 他问阿克萨:“你还爱我吗?”51 And to Aksah he said, Do you 51 still love me? 我没办“是的,我爱你,阿采尔。52 法忘记你。”not
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