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1、Unit 3Looking good, feeling good,Dying to be thin,Can you imagine how they lose weight,Whom do you like better, the fat or the thin? Why,go on a diet,do an operation,take weight-loss pills,exercise in the gym (work out,Ways of losing weight,A Story of Amys losing weight,Reading strategy: ( however ,

2、but ) 1.Ive lost 7 kg in the last two months. _ , sometimes I dont feel so energetic. 2.Im sorry to hear about your problems, _ Im glad youre feeling better and recovering. The feeling before them and the feeling after them are usually_ We can use a comma after “however,However,but,相反的,opposite,Prac

3、tice I used to go to the gym three times a week, _I dont work out any more. 2. I know that the pressure to stay slim is a problem, especially for an actress._, your mother knows best: nothing is more important than health. 3. It was a really painful experience, _ Im feeling better now. 4.So far I ha

4、vent had any success, _ , Ill keep trying,but,but,However,however,Please guess the two possible meanings,Amy badly wanted to _,Amy nearly _because she had taken weight-loss pills,be thin,died,Dying to be thin,Task 1 Skimming of the outline,2 July,Amy,Zhou Ling,Zhou Ling,Dying to be thin,Re: Recoveri

5、ng,ashamed of,in hospital,liver failure,Become slimmer,regretful,the most important,damage,act,go to the gym,now,Take weight-loss pills,Why,be ashamed of,Feel,Mum,health is dont damage,Used to,now)be in,hospital,Zhous feelings,Zhous advice,To Amy: We shouldnt _ _ our weight. _ is more important than

6、 health. To many Chinese people,Zhou Lings reply,They should _ Amys story,be embarrassed about,Nothing,learn from,sorry,glad,hopeful,Task 3 Detailed reading,Part1 : True or False Please listen to the tape and decide whether the following sentences are True or False. If it is False, please correct it

7、,True or False 1.In Amys first e-mail to Zhou Ling, she is going on a diet to lose weight. 2.In the last two months Amy has lost 10kg. 3.In Amys second e-mail, she regrets taking those weight-loss pills. 4.The weight-loss pills contain a harmful chemical that caused Amys heart to fail. 5. Zhou Ling

8、didnt answer Amys e-mail in time because she has no computer. 6. In China, there are not people who take medicine,F,F,T,her computer was broken,F,F,many,taking weight-loss pills to lose weight,F,liver,1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first email, Amy is an actress, _,A. who often exercises B. who

9、wants to lose weight C. who becomes ill D. who eats little,Reading comprehension,2.Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills,A She was overweight B She was having health problems C Her clothes did not fit D She wanted to become slimmer,3. The pills did great harm to Amys_,A heart B lungs C liver

10、D eyes,4. What does Amy do now in order to recover,A She goes to the gym every day. B She does exercise and eats healthy food. C She stays in bed all day. D She takes a lot of medicine,5. Zhou Ling , Amys friend_. A. did not want to read Amys e-mails B. was sorry to hear about Amys problems C. think

11、s Amy should lose weight D. thinks diets and weight lose pills are necessary,6. Amys experience is _,A. an interesting one B. caused by her family C. like that of some people in China D. a problem only for actresses,How can you lose weight without damaging your health after learning about Amys story

12、,exercise,eat healthy food (lots of fruit and vegetables,Amy at a news conference(记者招待会,If Amy has recovered from liver failure, what do you want to ask her,Please act in groups. One student acts as Amy, and the other students act as reporters(记者). Try to make conversations. (编对话,Health is the most important thing. Nothing is more important than health,What is more important,health,beauty,or,and,Homework,1. Finish D


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