高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4_第1页
高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4_第2页
高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4_第3页
高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4_第4页
高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4_第5页




1、Unit 4Body languageSection Warming up & ReadingLanguage Points.单句语法填空1At the meeting they discussed three different approaches (approach) to the study of maths.2At the meeting, she expressed her satisfaction, representing (represent) her university.3In general, the northerners are keen on dumplings

2、while the southerners are fond of rice.4Mr. White is the first person to_arrive (arrive) and he will arrive at three this afternoon.5The professor walked into the room,closely followed (follow) by his students.6There is a strong association (associate) between the disease and middleaged women.7Becau

3、se of the heavy smog,many flights (fly) have been cancelled.8The kids looked curiously (curious) at her and asked where she had come from.9The trees planted at the end of the 1990s have become a powerful defence (defend) against the strong wind. 10He may win the competition,in which case he is likel

4、y to get into the national team.阅读理解There is one thing people fear the most when they first meet somebody: eye contact (交流) As kids, we were taught this by our parents and our social structures. And, for one reason or another, we were taught that eye contact is something we need to avoid. Think abou

5、t it. Have you ever talked to a baby? They stare directly into your eyes. Yet, when you talk to an adult, their eyes wander all over the place. Its almost like they have a fear of being seen or exposed. Eye contact is something that we fear because weve been taught not to look into someones eyes. It

6、s a learned skill. You see, were pure (单纯的) when we were born, pure with an open heart, pure in being uneducated. As we get older, we get beaten up by society. Those life lessons have ruined the pureness of who we are. But if you want to connect with somebody, you want to connect to their soul. If y

7、ou want to see who they really are, then you need to look inside their eyes because the eyes are the windows to the soul. If somebody looks down or up or around you will see that he/she is nervous or afraid. Ask any good poker (扑克) player and they will tell you: They read eyes continuously. Do you w

8、ant to know if Donald Trump is telling the truth? Take a look at his eyes. Look at everything. Dont be afraid to look at somebodys eyes because thats how we were designed and built. We were designed to stare at one another, to admire each others beauty, admire each others souls, admire each others m

9、ind, and admire everything. So, I strongly suggest you start practicing better eye contact. Be more aware of how your eyes wander when you are having a conversation. If you realize it, try to stay focused on others and allow somebody to see you, because eye contact builds trust as well.【文章大意】本文主要说明眼

10、神交流的重要性,成年人在交流时不进行眼神交流的原因以及作者建议要练习眼神交流。1Why does the author compare the babies eye contact with the adults?ATo suggest that an adult speaks with some purposes during a conversation.BTo tell us that education plays an important role in communication.CTo explain eye contact is natural and important in

11、 talking.DTo present two different ways of communication.解析:C推理判断题。根据第二段至第五段内容可知,婴儿和你说话时是盯着你的眼睛的,但是经过教育和生活的洗礼,成年人说话时眼神会游离。由此可知,交流时进行眼神交流是自然的,也是重要的。2Why does the author use poker player and Donald Trump as examples?ATo set two good examples for you.BTo say the mistakes you will make.CTo show that eye

12、s are very important.DTo encourage you to notice and use eye contact.解析:D推理判断题。根据第六段的内容可知,在列举这两个例子后,作者提议不要害怕看别人的眼睛。而第七段作者提出自己的建议:要练习眼神交流。因此,这两个例子是为了鼓励读者去注意到并且练习使用眼神交流。3Whats the best title of this text?AThe Fear of Eye Contact.BThe Power of Eye Contact.CThe Advice on Eye Contact.DThe Function of Eye

13、 Contact.解析:B标题归纳题。根据本文内容可知,本文说明交流时,逃避眼神交流的原因,并说明如果想和某人联系,如果想要连接到他们的灵魂,如果想看看他们真的是谁,那么你需要看着他们的眼睛,因为眼睛是灵魂的窗户。随后在第六段和第七段,作者提议不要害怕看某人的眼睛,要练习眼神交流。全文主要围绕着眼神交流的力量进行说明。.完形填空 During a midautumn holiday with my family at a fishing spot, I witnessed a fish being _1_, hopping (跳跃) out of the waters surface, mak

14、ing every effort to _2_. I could see that the fisher was an expert _3_ he decided to _4_ it struggling (挣扎) in the water so as to work off its _5_. Right at that moment, I held my _6_. With every move it made, I became more and more _7_. Finally, the fish, the fighter, ran out of power _8_ it was ca

15、ught in the experts fishing net. When it was thrown out of the net, it _9_ started to struggle with all of its strength. Still, the expert fisherman was there to wait for it to become _10_. The fighter stopped hopping in only a couple of minutes. My feelings were _11_. I appreciated its strength and

16、 braveness but at the same time felt sorry about its sad _12_. Suddenly, I heard a sound of something dropping into the _13_: the fighter itself had turned the tables! Yes, the fish _14_. After pretending that it had run out of all of its strength, it had rolled back into the river. I _15_ the fight

17、er from the bottom of my heart when it made it. Of course not every fish is as _16_ as this one. However, they all _17_ hard just to survive. Even though they can be more _18_ hurt compared to us human beings, Im struck by how such a little fish tried so hard to _19_ its own life. Why cant we human

18、beings cherish (珍惜) our life just as these little creatures do? Wouldnt people who dont realize the _20_ of life feel ashamed after seeing such creatures struggle to survive?【文章大意】本文是记叙文。作者在文中描述了自己目睹鱼儿被捕后死里逃生的整个过程,并对此发出感慨:生命很宝贵,大家应该珍惜。1A.eatenBkilledCfreed Dcaught解析:D根据下文中的struggling in the water可知,

19、作者目睹了一条鱼被“捉住(caught)”的场面。2A.move BsurviveChunt Drecover解析:B根据下文描述鱼儿挣扎着死里逃生可知,它竭尽全力想要“活下来(survive)”。3A.for BifCthough Dbefore解析:A该空后的内容解释了为什么钓鱼的人是行家,故填for。4A.bring BimagineCleave Dstop解析:C根据句意可知钓鱼的人将已经上钩的鱼“留在(leave)”水里以耗尽它的“体力(energy)”。5A.time BangerCweight Denergy解析:D根据下文中的the fish, the fighter, ran

20、 out of power可知,钓鱼的人将已经上钩的鱼“留在(leave)”水里做最后的挣扎,想让鱼儿耗尽“体力(energy)”。6A.opinion BbreathCplan Drecord解析:Bhold ones breath意为“屏住呼吸”。7A.careful BsurprisedCnervous Ddisappointed解析:C根据下文描述作者对鱼儿的复杂情感可知,作者此时屏住“呼吸(breath)”,也随着鱼儿的每一次挣扎,变得越来越“紧张(nervous)”。8A.and BbutCwhile Duntil解析:A“鱼儿耗尽体力”和“最终被渔网捞出”之间为并列关系,故填an

21、d。9A.just BalsoConce Dagain解析:D根据上文中的it struggling in the water和该空后的started to struggle with all of its strength可知,鱼儿被网子捞出时“又(again)”开始挣扎着想要活命。10A.dead BexhaustedCafraid Dhungry解析:B根据该句中的Still和wait for it可知,钓鱼的人还是想等鱼儿“筋疲力尽(exhausted)”。11A.mixed BterribleCunclear Dfamiliar解析:A根据下一句中的I appreciated its

22、 strength and braveness和felt sorry两种不同的情感可知,作者对鱼儿产生了“矛盾的(mixed)”感情。12A.news BchoiceCending Dfeeling解析:C现在鱼儿已经被捕捞,作者为它悲伤的“结局(ending)”感到难过。13A.net BwaterCsea Dcave解析:B根据文章开头的a fishing spot以及下文中的it had rolled back into the river可知,作者听到有东西掉入“水(water)”中的声音。14A.remembered BfailedCregretted Dsucceeded解析:D根

23、据下一句中的it had rolled back into the river可知,鱼儿“成功(succeeded)”逃脱。15A.thanked BlovedCclapped Dtrusted解析:C根据上文作者对鱼儿的情感描写以及该段接下来的议论可知,作者打心底里为鱼儿的逃脱“拍手喝彩(clapped)”。16A.lucky BspecialCfresh Dbeautiful解析:A当然,并不是每条鱼都像这条鱼一样“幸运(lucky)”,能够死里逃生。17A.learn BfightCpull Dhop解析:B根据上文描述鱼儿竭尽全力保全性命可知,鱼儿“力争(fight)”活命。18A.q

24、uickly BdirectlyCrepeatedly Deasily解析:D根据该空后的compared to us human beings可知,和人类比起来,鱼儿更“容易(easily)”受到伤害。19A.save BfinishCenjoy Dimprove解析:A根据上一句中的just to survive可知,小鱼竭尽所能“挽救(save)”自己的性命给作者留下了非常深刻的印象。20A.truth BpurposeCimportance Dhardship解析:C通篇文章描写了小鱼想方设法活命的故事,因此作者在此联想到生命的“重要性(importance)”。.短文改错Dear P

25、eter, Im really sorry to tell you that I lost the novel Robinson Crusoe which I borrowed it from you two weeks ago. I liked it so much that I take it with me wherever I went. Unfortunate, I lost it during my trip to Nanjing. I was in such hurry to get off the train as I forgot to put it back into my bag. Im so sorry because I know the book was a birthday present from your mother. Hard as I tried, I was not able to find some similar book in the bookstores here. I wonder if you feel like


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