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1、限制性定语从句考点与学习方法,学习方法:拆分法,连接词,从句的单复数与主被动,定语从句的连接词考点,关系副词、关系代词,基础考点,对人、物分别做主格、宾格的考点,That,问题,1,that,对主格、宾格互换,2,that,的三加三不加,连接词的省略问题(必须同时满足,对宾格提问、介词后置,宾格时的介词前置与后置,关系代词与关系副词的区别,where,为代表的重点句型,定语从句,啥叫定语,修饰方式也,啥叫从句,啥叫定语从句,我的书,红色的书,在桌子上,的书,我放在桌,子上的书,正在移动,的桌子,被移动的,桌子,My book,The red book,The book on the,table

2、,The book that I put,on the table,The moving table,The table moving,The moved table,The table moved,人称代词,n,Adj+ n,N,介词短语,N,定语从句,N+ ving,N+ ved,定语,可以由形容词、代词、数词、名词,分词,不定式,介词短语,等来担任,修饰名词,以分词、介词,短语为例,例,Mary is,a beautiful,girl,The girl,behind the tree,is Kate,The man,driving too fast,was a drunk,拆分法,拆、找

3、、合,一个戴眼镜的女孩在上课,拆,拆成有同一个字的两个句子,一个女孩在上课,这个女孩戴眼镜,找:找同一字,翻译句子,the girl is having class; the girl wears,glasses,根据特殊疑问句的知识,在第二句找出特殊疑问词,the girl wears glasses,who,合,把特殊疑问句紧挨着同一字放上去,The girl who wears glasses is having class,拆分法学定语从句,这个戴眼镜的学生在吃饭,拆:拆成有两个同一词的两个句子,这个学生在吃饭,这个学生戴眼镜,The student is having dinner,

4、 the student wears glasses,找,the student,wears glasses-who,合,The student who wears glasses is having dinner,我们用我,05,年买的电脑,拆,We use the computer, I bought the computer in,2005,找,I bought the computer,in 2005,which,合,We use the computer which/that,不填,I bought in 2005,我在街上遇到了这个我以前在上海交的朋友,1,我在街上遇到了这个朋友,

5、2,我以前在上海交朋友,I met the friend on the street. I made the,friend,in Shanghai,Who/Whom I made in Shanghai,I met the friend who I made in Shanghai on,the street,Join two sentences into one,The boy,is my brother,He,helped me,1,The boy,who helped me is my brother,The film,is interesting,They saw,it,last ni

6、ght,2,The film,they saw last night is interesting,The students,will not pass the exam,They,dont work hard,3,The students,who dont work hard will not pass,the exam,定语从句,用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的,名(代)词叫作先行词。定语从句一般紧跟在先,行词的后面,1,The students,who dont study hard,will not pass,先行词,定语从句,the exam,主句,The students

7、 will not pass the exam,2,The woman,whom you saw in the park,is our,先行词,定语从句,English teacher,主句,The woman is our English teacher,从句的主语,you,从句的宾语,whom,3. A shoe shop is,a shop,which,sells shoes,主句,A shoe shop is a shop,从句的主语,which,4,The book,that,you want,is on the desk,主句,从句的主语,从句的宾语,The book is on

8、the desk,you,that,引导定语从句的,关系代词,常见的有,that, which,who,whom,等,关系代词,放在,先行词和定语从句之间,起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的一个成份,The man,that/who,told us a funny story) is in the,next room,主语,I lost,the book,that/which,you gave me,宾语,归纳,that,即指人又指物,作主语或宾语,which,指物,作主语或宾语,who, whom,指人,who,作主语,whom,作宾语,that,which,whom,在定语从句中作,宾语,时,

9、可,省,去,1) A plane is a machine _ can fly,2) The car _ my uncle,bought last week was stolen,3) The students _ dont study hard,will not pass the exam,4) The woman _ you saw in,the park is our English teacher,5) He talked happily about the men and books_,_ interested him greatly in the school,which/that

10、,which/that/ /,who/that,whom/that/ /,that,判断下列引导词在句中的用法,Eg,1.He is such a man,who,never tells a lie,2. He is the model worker,whom/who,we,should learn from,3. A dictionary is a book,which,often helps us,to know the meanings of the words,4. This is the film,which,I like best,5. The boy,whose,father i

11、s a professor is one of,my best friends,指代,所作成分,是否可省略,1. That book that you want,it,is on the desk,2. Is this factory that we visited last week,the one,This factory is,the one,that we visited last week,3. He is the person for whom you are looking,for,4. The person to whom you talked is Lily,The pers

12、on whom you talked to is Lily,归纳,1,定语从句要避免成分重复,2,定语从句要避免漏用先行词,3,含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,指人,指物,主语,宾语,that,which,who,whom,关系代词的用法,关系代词在从句中可以,何时可以省略,做,宾语,时可以省略,关系代词,which,和,that,的区别,A,关系代词必须用,that,的情形,This is,the best,film that I have ever seen,The first,man arrived at the class was our headteacher,This is,the

13、only,ticket that I got yesterday,This is,the very,book that Im looking for,Is there,anything,that I can do for you,All,that you have to do is to press the button,There is,no,time that we can waste,The car and its driver,that knocked down the old lady,have been taken to the police station,有些情况下只用关系词,

14、that,而不宜用,which,定语从句中需注意事项(一,1,从句所修饰的词又被形容词最高级或,序数词修饰时,只能用,that,引导从句,This is the most interesting,story( that )I have ever,heard,The first meeting( that) we will take part in will be,held in the,afternoon,2,先行词是,all, something, nothing,anything,不定代词时,只能用,that,Here is something( that) I will tell you

15、,Not all,that glitters is gold,3,先行词既有人也有物时,只能用,that,引出,从句,I can remember well the persons and some,pictures,that) I see,4,先行词是,one of,the one,或用,much, little,few, no, any,作修饰,用,that,Is it the one,that you want ,We havent got much that you can offer,us,5,当主句已有疑问词,who,或,which,时,关系词用,that,Which is the

16、 bike that you lost,Who is the woman that was praised at the,meeting,Summarize,只能用,that,引导定语从句的几种情况,1,先行词被,序数词或形容词最高级,所修饰时,2,先行词被,the only,the very,the same,the last,修饰时,3,先行词是,不定代词,all,few,little,much,something,nothing,anything,等,4,先行词被,all,any,every,each,few,little,no,some,等,修饰,5,先行词既有,人,又有,物,时,B,

17、指物时,作介词的宾语,关系代词只能用,which,This is the question,about,which weve had so,much discussion,Fill in the gaps,1.The terrible typhoon killed the people and cattle,_ were in the fields,2.The wind blew down the tallest tree _ is in,front of our school gate,3.This is the very thing _ I was looking for,4.This i

18、s the second novel _ I have ever read,5.There is nothing in the world _ can frighten,me,6.Who is the man _ is reading under the tree,7.My hometown is not the same one _ it used,to be twenty years ago,that,that,that,that,that,that,that,Correct the following sentences,1.This is the best film,which,I h

19、ave seen,2.Thats all,which,want to say,This is the best film,that,I have seen,Thats all,that,I want to say,3.Is there anything,which,you want in this,shop,4.He talked about some writers and books,which,who,were unknown to us all,5.The room in,that,she lives is a large one,Is there anything,that,you

20、want in this shop,He talked about some writers and books,that,were unknown to us all,The room in,which,she lives is a large one,Corrections,1. The man just said hello to me is my chemistry,teacher,who,2. Who is the comrade you just shook hands with him,3. Egypt is a country where is famous for its p

21、yramids,where,which,4. This is the best dictionary which I have ever used,which,that,5. The house where we live in is not very large,where,which/that,6. The house that it was built in 1970 stayed up in,the earthquake,介词关系代词”即“介词,whom/which,引,导定语从句应注意,1,介词的选用至少要考虑以下的两个因素,A,与先行词的搭配关系,1,I will never fo

22、rget the day _ I,joined the army,2) I will never forget the days _ I,worked in the school,3) I will never forget the year _ my son,went to college,4) I got home at 7:00 p.m. yesterday, _,most people had had supper,on which,during which,in which,by which,B,与谓语动词的搭配习惯,1,Have you found the book _ I pai

23、d,29 US dollars,2) Have you found the book _ I spent,29 US dollars,3) Have you found the book _ we,learnt a lot,4) Have you found the book _ she,often talks,for which,on which,from which,about which,2,介词,whom/which,与,whom/which/that,介词”的转换,1,The chair,on which,she is sitting is made of,wood,The chai

24、r,which/that,she is sitting on is made,of wood,2) Is this the book which you are,looking for,介词,for,不能与,look,分开,3. way,作先行词,1) The way,in which/that,he looks at the problems,is wrong,Whose,的用法,例:我喜欢去有悠久历史的地方,拆,I like to visit a place. The places history is long,概念颠覆,His book,whose book,Toms book,who

25、se book,The places history,whose history,找,The places,history is long,whose,合,I like to visit a place whose history is long,例,Do you know the woman whose name,is Mary,例,Pass me the dictionary,of which,cover,is black,总结,whose,引导的定语从句,whose,在从句中作定语,修饰表示人或物的先行词,对物可用,whose, of which,两种,4,表所有关系及整体中的一部分或全

26、部时,用介,词,of,有时可用,whose,转换,1) There are 100 teachers in our school, _,60 are women teachers,2) He has three children, two _ work as,teachers,3) That table has four legs, all _ are,very short,4) Im painting a house, the roof _ is,round,Im painting a house,whose roof,is,5) They live in a house ,_ window

27、s face,south,They live in a house, the windows_,_ face south,of whom,of whom,of which,of which,whose,of which,用介词关系代词填空,1 The boy was staying in the room _,window he could climb down,2. Hes the man _ I learnt the news,3. Whos the comrade _ you just shook,hands,4. There are 52 students in our class,

28、_,nearly 40 are League members,5. I know a lady the husband _ is a,Nobel Prize winner,6. Do you know the driver who caused the traffic,accident _ a man was killed,7. This is the way _ she studies English,through whose,from whom,with whom,of whom,of whom,in which,in which,8. The 5 yuan_ he bought the

29、 book was,given by his friend,9. The story about Shakespeare, _ this is,one example , is well written,10. The old man always wears his glasses _,_ he cant see anything,11.The key_ she was opening the door broke,12. The library _ we often go on Sundays,is not far from our school,13. No one know the r

30、eason _ she is,leaving so early,14. At last they came to a river _ a new,bridge is being built,for which,of which,without,which,with which,to which,for which,over which,关系代词引导的定语从句,Complete the following sentences,1. Is this the school _ you visited,last year,Is this school _ _ you visited last year

31、,2. He is one of the students who _ good at maths,He is the only one of the students who _ good,at maths,3. The girl _ I think was honest lied to me,The girl _ I think to be honest lied to me,4. China is no longer _ she was 10 years ago,China is no longer the country _ she was 10,years ago,that/whic

32、h,the one,are,is,who,whom,what,that,5. The radio I bought yesterday is quite different from,_ _ you bought last month,The radio I bought yesterday is quite different from,_ you bought last month,6. Do you still remember the hotel _ _ we,lived last summer holiday,Do you still remember the park _we,vi

33、sited last summer holiday,7. This is the room _ my grandmother,used to lived in,This is the room _ _ my grandmother,used to lived,the one,what,in which,that/which,which/that,in which,8. He has two sons, and both of _ work as actors,He has two sons, both of _ work as actors,9.China has hundreds of is

34、lands, _ _ Taiwan,is the largest,China has hundreds of islands, the largest_,_ is Taiwan,10.This is the house _ _ the window was,broken yesterday,This is the house _ window was broken,yesterday,11.He is the teacher _ _ help we have,made great progress,them,whom,of which,of,which,of which,whose,with

35、whose,附加部分,关系副词,关系副词,是用来引导定语从句的,它和关系,代词一样,具有,多重作用,o,在从句中代替先行词,o,在从句中,作状语,o,连接作用,关系副词,有,三种,where,在从句中作,地点状语,指代地点,when,在从句中作,时间状语,指代时间,why,在从句中作,原因状语,指代原因,关系副词的用法,1.where,的用法,先行词应是,地点名词,The hotel wasnt clean,We stayed,at the hotel,We stayed,where,先行词,关系词,从句,The,hotel,where,we stayed wasnt clean,时间状语,w

36、hen,例,我总是记得我们相遇的那一天,拆:我总是记得那一天。我们相遇在那一天,I always remember the day. We met on the day,找,on the day,when,合,I always remember the day when we met,原因状语,why,固定句型,the reason why,例:这就是你总是迟到的原因,This is the reason why you are late,例:这就是我邀请你参加晚会的原因,This is the reason why I invite you to take part in the,party

37、,关系副词,when, where, why,的用法,1.Do you still remember the day,when,we went to visit,the museum together,Do you still remember the day,on which,we went to,visit the museum together,2.This is the factory,where,my father once worked,This is the factory,in which,my father once worked,3.This is the reason,w

38、hy,he was late,This is the reason,for which,he was late,Summarize,在定语从句中关系副词都等于一个适当的介词加,上,which,在从句中作,状语,When,in/at/on,which,Where,in/at/on,which,Why,for,which,Fill in the blanks,1. I still remember the day _ we spent in,the forest,2. I still remember the day _ I first,came to Beijing,3. The factory

39、 _ we will visit is large,4. The factory _ his father works is large,5. Ill never forget the time _ we work,on the farm,6. This is the house _ we lived last year,that/which,when/on which,that/which,where,when/at which,where/in which,归纳,关系副词,when,指时间,关系副词,where,指地点,在定语从句中作,状语,即使先行词是时间地点,若,作从句中的宾语,只能用

40、关系代词,that, which,Practice,1.,I,drove,to,Zhuhai,for,the,air,show,last,week,Is,that,the,reason_,you,had,a,few,days,off,A.why B. when C. what D. where,2,Im,going,to,visit,the,school,_,my,mother,taught,physics,ten,years,ago,A.where B. that C. which D. what,3.Do you still remember the day _ I first came

41、to,Beijing,A. which B. that C. when D. where,A,A,C,1Friends are those,make you smile, always,open their hearts to you and encourage you to,succeed,A. which B. what C. whom D. who,2Its quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to,the drivers for people,get off the bus,A. who B. what C. which D. wher

42、e,3-Barbara, where do you work,I work for a company,sells cars,A. which B. where C. what D. who,4-Do you know Hong Zhanhui,Yes. Hes the college student,has moved,Chinese people,A. who B. which C. what D. whom,5Jamie is a young cook,wants to improve,school dinners,A. who B. whose C. whom D. which,6,D

43、o you know,the girl in red is,Im not sure. Maybe a teacher,A. when B. how C. where D. what,7Pauls uncle is the man,taught us math,last year,A. where B. which C. who D. when,8The whole world is fighting against the,H1N1, a disease,has caused many,deaths,A. who B. which C. whom D. what,9Is that the ma

44、n,helped us a lot after the,earthquake,A. whose B. which C. when D. who,10-The duty of Project Hope is to help poor,children, isnt it,Yes, it has built many schools,those,children can study happily,A. where B. when C. which D. what,11The panda is a kind of animal,can be found,only in China,A. who B.

45、 whose C. which D. where,12_have finished the work can leave,A. Those who B.Any one,C. The one who D. which,13I like the music,I can dance to,A. that B. whose C. when D. how,14-Is the girl,is interviewing the,manager of that company your friend,Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV,A. whom B. which C.

46、who D. whose,15 I like to visit a place,history is long,A. which B. that C. whose D. who,16The number of people,lost their lives in,Indonesian earthquake reached as many as,6200,A. which B. who,C. whom D. whose,17a robot is a machine,can do some,difficult work instead of man,A. who B. / C. that D. what,18-Excuse me, can I have a talk with your,manager,Yes? I am just the man,you are,looking for,A. whose B. what C. who D. which,19Rosa like


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