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1、词汇(5分)1_(Japan)come from Japan.2We teach _(they)English.3My cousin _(have)a new dictionary.4There are four _(tomato)on the table.5My mother often_(buy)some nice food on weekends. 选择填空(20分)1I dont like _ thrillers _ playing baseball.A. watching; or B. watching; and C. to watch; or2I like you, Tom. Le

2、ts _ good friends.A. do B. be C. have3Who are your parents talking _?I dont know.A. for B. to C. on4Can Lily _ French?A. say B. speak C. talk5_! Tom. Its 7: 00 oclock.A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up6Classes are over. The students are _ now.A. having breakfast B. leaving school C. sitting down7_?Its

3、 six oclock.A. What time is it B. What day is it C. How old are you8Where does the man _?In a room near here.A. come B. go C. stay9Football is _ game.A. boys B. a boys C. boys10The teacher and the students talk _ English _ class.A. in; in the B. in; in C. with; in the 情景对话(5分)A: Good morning. Can I

4、help you?B:1 I want to buy a shirt for my son.A: The shirts are over there. This way, please.2.B: Hmm, I like the style(样式), but I dont like the color.A: OK.3 How about this one?B: Thats my sons favourite color.4A. 35 yuan.B: OK.5. Heres the money.A: Thank you.A. Ill take it.B. Let me show you anoth

5、er one.C. Yes, please.D. How much is it?E. Do you like this shirt? 句型转换(10分)1His family are from Japan. (对划线部分提问)2He likes English and math. (改一般疑问句)3I have some books in my backpack. (改否定句)4Does your father like sport? (做肯定回答)5The little boy goes to school at 7: 30(对划线部分提问) 动词填空(10分)1It _ (be)seven

6、 oclock in the evening now. Mr. and Mrs Smith _ _(have)supper.2What _ Kevin_(do)on weekends?He sometimes _(clean)his room. Sometimes he _(wash)his clothes.3Jeff _(like)_(live)in China very much. He _ (say) China is great. 4Listen! The girl _ _(sing)now. She often _(sing)at this time of day. 翻译句子(20分

7、)1他是个安静的男孩,但有的时候他很有趣。He is a _ boy, but _ he is very _.2希望她会成功的。I _ _ successful.3你通常几点起床?_ do you usually _ _?4你爸爸最喜欢什么颜色?蓝色。_ is your fathers favourite _? Blue.5你周末看电视吗?_ you _ TV _ weekends?6李先生在日本教中文。Mr Li _ _ in Japan.7我最喜欢的学科是科学。My favourite _ _ science.8布朗先生是加拿大人。Mr Brown _ _ Canada. 完形填空(10分

8、)Dear Li Ming:How are you? I miss(想念)you very much.Let me 1 you something about us. My brother and I are in 2 school. We have classes 3 Monday to Friday.4weekends, we dont have 5 classes. We 6 many American friends now. We often play games together(一起)7school. They help us with our English. How many

9、 classes do you 8 9week? Do you like it?Please 10me soon.Jeany1A. say B. speak C. tell2A. different B. same C. the same3A. from B. on C. between4A. In B. On C. Between5A. some B. many C. any6A. are having B. have C. has7A. behind B. after C. from8A. teach B. play C. have9A. every B. the C. an10A. sp

10、eak to B. tell C. write to 阅读理解(20分)AMr and Mrs Smith come from Sydney. They teach English in a middle school in China. They like their work. They have a son and a daughter, Jim and Sue. They are all in China now. Mr Smith can speak Chinese. He likes swimming and reading. Mrs Smith likes swimming in

11、 the afternoon and cooking. Jim and Sue like playing chess. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.Jims uncle, Green, works on a farm(在农场里)near Sydney.He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in China. But he cant speak Chinese. So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week.

12、1Where are Jim and Sue from?A. America B. Canada C. Australia2What does Mr Smith like? He likes _.A. cooking B. reading C. playing games3What does Jims uncle like? He likes _.A. reading B. playing games C. swimming4Where does Sues uncle work?A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a club. 5Who works in

13、different countries(国家)now?A. Mr and Mrs Smith.B. Mr Smith and his uncle.C. Mr Smith and his brother.BBrain is a school boy. Hes twelve. He lives in Shanghai now. He is from England. He studies in a junior middle school. He gets up at half past five every day. He has breakfast at seven after that, h

14、e goes to school with his friends. They have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does his homework at home, but he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Brain likes drawing. He joins an art club. He likes reading story books. Now he is reading an English book in h

15、is room.1Brain is a _.A. student B. girl C. teacher2Brain gets up _every day.A. at seven B. early C. at six3Brain does his homework _.A. every evening B. at school C. at home4Brain likes _.A. English and Chinese B. playing football C. drawing and reading5Brain has _ classes at school every day.A. fo

16、ur B. six C. five 英语单选易错题强化训练与解析时间:2008年04月14日作者:佚名来源:英语周报 1. Was_Bill, _played the piano very well, _helped the blind man out?A. he; who; that B. it; that; thatC. it; who; who D. he; that; who2. In area it is about the same size as the USA(without Alaska), which has _.A. three times more than as ma

17、ny peopleB. as more than three times many peopleC. more than as three times many peopleD. more than three times as many people3. New ideas sometimes have to wait a long time _.A. before fully acceptedB. before being fully acceptedC. till are fully acceptedD. until being fully accepted4. The work wil

18、l take me another week. Im really tired.I think you _ as well consult an experienced worker.Amay Bcan Cneed Dmust5. Your speech given at the meeting, _ everyone is taking into careful consideration, means much to us all.A. where B. what C. as D. which6. _ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus o

19、r a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.A. Examining B. ExaminedC. Being examined D. Having been examined7By the year she arrives in London, scientists probably _ a cure for bird flue.A. will be discovering B. are discoveringC. will have discovered D. have discovered8. - Mom,

20、 I cant see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.- Come on, dear. Years of hard work will surely _ in the future of your career.A. make sure B. pay off C. bring back D. pay back9. They notice that plants dont grow well _ is much shade.A. where B. which C. where there D. there10. _

21、 it is to jump into the river to swim in summer!A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. How funny11. - I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.- Where did you _?A. pick that up B. put that upC. make that up D. take that up12. I came home very late last night, _, early this morning.A. a

22、t the latest B. on the wholeC. in a word D. or rather13. Life is like sport, _I mean its a hard competitive business.A. in which B. by which C. for which D. of which14.I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.Im afraid that _me for the moment.A. reminds B. puzzles C.

23、disturbs D. escapes15.Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?No,_ only the two passengers who got hurt.A. it was B. there was C. there were D. there had16. The exercise is not _difficult but just needs care and patience.A. by itself B. of itself C. in itself D. for itself17.Is

24、there any particular soup you would like to have?_you select is all right with me.A. Whatever B. Anyone C. No matter what D. Whichever18. He narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not_, by the explosion.A. killed B. being killed C. be killed D. to be killed19. Few people paid full attention to the

25、ir health conditions _ they were seriously ill.A. when B. if C. until D. before20. The door and the windows were all closed and there was no _ of forced entry.A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight21. What did you think of _ president?I didnt care for him at first, but after _ time I got to like him.A. t

26、he, a B. /, the C. the, the D. /, a22. I cant find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A. that B. where C. which D. the one23. Mr and Mrs Scot prefer a restaurant in a small town to _ in so large a city as New York.A. that B. the one C. one D. it24. Written

27、in a hurry, _. How can it be satisfactory?A. They found many mistakes in the reportB. Sam made lots of mistakes in the reportC. There are many mistakes in the reportD. The report is full of mistakes25. Are you free after school?Sorry, Ive planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner _ for help.A. in

28、order B. in return C. in turn D. in honor26. The soldiers soon reached _was once an old temple _the villagers used as a school.A. what , where B. what , whichC. where , which D. what , where27.The boy the teachers considered _ was caught _ in the exam, which surprised us very much.A. to be the best,

29、 cheatingB. as the best student, to cheatC. being the best, cheatingD. as a good student, to cheat28. -Whats the matter with Jane? She has been sitting there for hours.-A letter from her mother_an attack of home sickness in her.A. set out B. set off C. sent off D. sent up29. - Tom, Im afraid I cant

30、go to the picnic with you.-But you _ me you would.A. had told B. have told C. told D. tell30. -Tom, you feed the rabbit today, _?-But I fed it yesterday.A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you31. She comes to school every day it rains heavily.A. besides B. except for C. except that D. except

31、when32._, the mountain climbers conquered Mount Qomolangma in the end.AAs the difficulty was great BGreat as the difficulty wasCGreat difficulty as it was DThe difficulty was great33. As we all know, apples are sold by _ weight, and socks are sold by _ dozen.A. the; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; the34

32、. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature.A. is heated B. will be heated C. be heated D. would be heated35. _ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.A. As B. Since C. Provided D. While36. _

33、for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving(兴旺的) as it is.A. Had it not been B. Were it notC. Be it not D. Should it not be37When you go by train, make sure you take an express, stops only at big stations.Aone Bone that Cthat Dwhat38. Much to the disappoin

34、tment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese government refuses to admit _ crime they did in _ World War II in the history.A. the; the B. /; the C. /; / D. the; /39. - Mr White is strongly against the plan.- _ ? It was he who suggested it.A. Why not B. Is that right C. What for D. Hows that40. -

35、Whats the problem, officer?-You _ at least 75 in a 55 zone.A. are driving B. drove C. were driving D. have been driving41.-How did you spend the holidays?-I went nowhere but stay at home. Id like to _ to the beach, but my mother was ill.A. go B. having gone C. be going D. have gone42.-I wonder why Mr Green hasnt showed up at the meeting yet.-Im not sure, but he _ in a traffic jam driving here.A. could be stuck B. might


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