1、全国外经贸从业人员考试国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷2010年12月题目序号总分核分人应得分数20151515151010100实际得分得分评卷人复核人Listening: 20%(听力,20分)Section ADirections: Listen to the tape and choose the correct sentence which is best according to what youve heard. This section totals 5 points.( )1A. The man was rewarded.B. Mary was rewarded.C. The
2、 men were rewarded.( )2A. I called Bob.B. I called John.C. Bob called John.( )3A. Yes, I remember Mary.B. Mr. Brown saw her.C. She saw Mr. Brown.( )4A. I bought the record. B. I remember you. C. I remember the title of the record.( )5A. I began three years ago. B. I finished three years ago. C. I am
3、 starting now.Section BDirections: Listen to the tape and translate the sentences into Chinese. This section totals 10 points.1. .2. .3. .4. .5. .Section C: Directions: Listen to the tape and complete the following statements by filling in the blanks. This section totals 5 points.1. We have all the
4、_ in stock and are now making up your order.2. We shall send you _and samples on receipt of your specific enquiry.3. Our _is RMB 500 per set of tape-recorders FOB Changzhou.4. If you can _the price by 8%, we shall order 200 metric tons.5. They said on the phone that the _was $19 per kg CIF Hong Kong
5、.得分评卷人复核人IIPut the following Chinese into English: 15%(汉译英,15分)1行名录 (1分) 2带插图的商品目录 (2分)3剪样 (1分)4收货人 (1分)5平安险 (1分)6账户 (1分)7预约保险 (1分)8指示提单 (1分)9请注意,按合同规定,货物应在5、6、7月分三批等量装运。(3分)10汇票应当是见票即付的,而不是见票后30天付款的。(3分)得分评卷人复核人III. Put the following English into Chinese: 15%(英译汉,15分)1sales contract (1分)2mode of pa
6、yment (1分)3clean collection (1分)4Certificate of Chinese Origin (2分)5direct sailings (1分)6export packing (1分)7premium (1分)8CIP (1分)9We are pleased to confirm acceptance of your Order No. X-1011 for our tablecloths.(3分)10If your price is competitive, we may consider placing a trial order with you for
7、2,000 dozens.(3分)得分评卷人复核人IV. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions: 15% (单选题,15分)( )1. We are pleased to receive your fax of Jan.20, _ your order for 500 pounds of Chinese green tea.A. confirmedB. confirmingC. confirmsD. confirm( )2. We are writing to _ you in the hope of enteri
8、ng into business relations with you.A. get in touchB. approach withC. contactD. contact with( )3. I am very glad that we have finalized the transaction. Which of the following can be used to replace the underlined word?A. dealB. business C. tradeD. selling( )4. We would be prepared to review terms o
9、f payment once we have established a firm _ with you.A. traded associationB. trades associationC. trading associationD. trade association( )5. Thank you for your enquiry and we are pleased to _ as follows.A. firm offerB. offer firmC. firmly offerD. offer firmly( )6. We are sure that you will find th
10、e _ of all our products seaworthy.A. packingB. packagingC. packD. package( )7. _ payment terms, we generally accept irrevocable sight L/C. All of the following can be used except:A. In regard ofB. As regardsC. RegardingD. With regards to( )8. The paper _ our cartons is strong and water-proof.A. line
11、sB. linedC. liningD. to line ( )9. The risks which we normally insure against _ China Insurance Clause are All Risks and War Risk.A. per B. as perC. asD. with ( )10. We wish to remind you of the stipulations of our S/C No.354 _ your L/C should be opened within four weeks of receipt of advice.A. that
12、B. whichC. for whichD. for that( )11. As your request for the change of destination came at such short _, we have to ask you to extend shipment till the end of the month.A. timeB. periodC. durationD. notice( )12. We are pleased to confirm _ your Order No. ST301 for sulphuric acid.A. to acceptB. acce
13、pting C. having acceptedD. acceptance( )13. The quality of the consignment is found not up to that of the sample you sent us.The underlined part means:A. assignmentB. collectionC. selectionD. shipment( )14. We wish to inform you that our sales volume has been _ for three successive years. All of the
14、 following can be used except:A. risenB. on the increase C. going up D. on the rise( )15. The number of _ of a consignment is usually entered on the packing list.A. packagesB. packagingC. packsD. packing得分评卷人复核人V. Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word: 15%(完型填空,15分)Dear Mr.
15、ChristThank you for your e-mail_1_March 9.Much to our disappointment, we heard that the price _2_ by us for Chinese Longjing green tea is _3_ high for you to accept.Admittedly, green tea of Indian or Sri Lankan origin is being offered at a price approximately 10% lower than _4_of ours, but every one
16、 in the trade knows that ours is much better in terms of flavour and colour. Although we would welcome the opportunity to do business _5_ you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer, or even meet you _6_.The best we can do in the present _7_ is to reduce our original offer of March 8 by
17、2%. We trust that this concession on our part will meet _8_ your approval.We look forward to_9_ from you soon.Truly _10_.Dannon LeeGeneral ManagerTea Sales Dept.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 得分评卷人复核人VI. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Identify the error: 10%(找出错误,10分)( )1From the latest i
18、ssue of Computer World we have known about your Business Guide A B Csoftware package. D ( )2We are interested in tweed lengths suitable for skirt-making, and would like to A B Chave detail of your prices and terms. D( )3As requested, we have sent separately samples of the advertised cassettes and ot
19、her A B Cbrands we store. D( )4We trust that this compromise will meet your approval, and look forward to A B Cyour further orders. D( )5We can ensure you that we shall arrange for shipment as soon as we receive your L/C. A B C D( )6As we will be making shipments regularly, we wonder if you could ar
20、range open cover A B Cfor US$150,000 against All Risks for shipments to European main ports. D ( )7Please dispatch the first part of this order by air, as these are urgently demanded by our A B Cmajor clients. D( )8Transparent packing will facilitate the sale of goods in supermarkets. A B C D ( )9We
21、 have now effected shipment to our customers in China and enclose A Bthe shipping document and our draft for US$200,000. C D( )10Our credit assessment form is attached and we look forward to seeing it complete so A B Cthat we can consider the payment terms. D得分评卷人复核人VII. Reading Comprehension: 10%(阅
22、读与理解,10分)The Art of Writing LettersLetters-writing is becoming a lost art - in fact the practice of writing personal letters is diminishing (减少,降低) to such an extent today that they threaten to become extinct (灭绝的,消失的). Since daily events are communicated by newspapers, radio, television and e-mails
23、 with great accuracy and dispatch, the circulation of general news - which formed the chief reason for letters in the stagecoach (驿站马车;定期公共马车) and sailing vessel days - has no part in the hurried correspondence of the twenty-first century. Yet people do write letters, and there are still some who po
24、ssess a gift (才能) for the fresh turn of phrase (措辞,表达方式) that we see in old letters. It may be, though, that in the past the average writing was no better than the average of today, for naturally, the unusually gifted letters are the ones that have been preserved for us over the years.Most people wh
25、o wonder how they will ever fill a blank sheet of paper find that the difficult part of a letter is the beginning. The instruction of a professor of English - “Begin at the beginning of what you have to say, go on until you have finished, and then stop”- is just about as much help as was the instruc
26、tion of the artist who proclaimed, “You simply take a little of the right color paint and put it on the right spot.” Perhaps the following suggestions will be more helpful.Even someone who loves the sight of your handwriting could hardly be expected to enjoy a letter beginning, “I know I ought to ha
27、ve written sooner, but I havent had anything to write about.” Or one saying, “I suppose you think I have been very neglectful, but you know how I hate to write letters.” Yet such sentences are written time and again by people who are utterly unaware that they are really expressing an unfriendly thou
28、ght.It is easy enough to begin a letter in answer to one that has just been received. You have fresh new to comment on and the impulse (冲动) to reply needs no prodding (激发,激励). Nothing can be simpler than to say, “We were all so pleased to get your letter on Tuesday,” or “Your letter was so very welc
29、ome.” Then you take up the various subjects in the letter, which should certainly launch you upon topics of your own.Remember to answer all of the writers specific questions. It is not only unflattering (不讨人喜欢的) to be given the impression that you read them hurriedly, but often very upsetting if lon
30、g-awaited information is not forthcoming (即将到来的).Just as the beginning of a letter should give the reader an impression of greeting, so should its ending express friendly or affectionate leave-taking. Nothing can be worse than to flounder (犹豫或出错误) for an idea that will effect your escape. “Well, I g
31、uess you have read enough of this,” and “Youre probably bored by now, so Id better close” are obvious phrases of desperation. “The mountains were beautiful at sunset” is also a bad closing sentence because it means nothing personal to either of you. But if you add, “They reminded me of when we were
32、all in Colorado together,” you have established a connection, and you can go on to finish, “How I wish we were together again now.”When you leave a good friends house you dont have to invent a special sentence in order to say good-bye. Leave-taking in a letter is the same. In personal letters to fri
33、ends or family it is not necessary to use the standard forms of closing. One of the following is fine:Will write again in a day or two.Only have twenty minutes to get to work! So good-bye for now.Counting the hours till next weekend.( )1According to the passage, letters-writing is becoming a lost ar
34、t because .A. writing letters is time-consumingB. few people write personal lettersC. its not easy to master the art of letters-writingD. Its not convenient to communicate by writing letters( )2According to the passage, in the past the main reason for people to write letters was to .A. circulate gen
35、eral newsB. make friendsC. do businessD. practice writing skills( )3From the passage, we can see that most people find it difficult to .A. write a letterB. finish a letterC. answer a letterD. start a letter( )4According to the passage, what would be the result when people write in their letters “I k
36、now I ought to have written sooner, but I havent had anything to write about”?A. The letter must be an enjoyable one.B. The letter must be a short and brief one.C. The reader may forgive the writer.D. The reader may not enjoy it.( )5What is the easy way to start in answer to a letter you have just r
37、eceived according to the passage?A. To ask questions about the daily news.B. To provide information of your own.C. To show your pleasure on receiving the letter.D. To apologize for your failure in writing back in time.( )6If you have answered all of the writers specific questions, he may feel that .
38、A. you have paid much attention to his letterB. you have not taken the letter seriouslyC. his questions have upset youD. he has not received the information he need.( )7According to the passage, why does not the circulation of general news form a part of the correspondence of the 21st century?A. Bec
39、ause people are not interested in general news.B. Because general news is usually circulated in mass media.C. Because people are too busy.D. Because letters are too slow.( )8According to the passage, letters to good friends or to family .A. do not need to contain a very formal or friendly endingB. s
40、hould contain a very formal or friendly endingC. should have a standard form of closingD. must have a special sentence to say good-bye( )9What impression should you give the reader when you end a letter according to the passage?A. ImpatienceB. Desperation.C. Friendly greeting.D. Friendly leave-takin
41、g.( )10The passage has mainly discussed the art of writing .A. business lettersB. personal lettersC. invitation lettersD. public letters国际商务英语等级考试(初级)参考答案(考试编号:)I Listening 听力:20%Section A (5分,每题1分)1.A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. ASection B (10分,每题2分)1. 现附上备件细目表一份,供贵方参考。2. 虽然打乱了工厂的生产计划,我们还是按贵方要求撤回了订单。3. 考虑到当前市场疲软,我们建议你们降价3%。4. 这些玻璃制品的新式包装很适合长途海运。5. 贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期订购。Section C (5分, 每题1分)1. items 2. quotations 3. offer 4. reduce 5. priceII Put the following Chinese
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