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1、人类染色体畸变chromosome aberration,Related factors Numerical abnormality and mechanism Structural abnormality and mechanism Effects in molecular and cytobiology,Main contents,染色体畸变(chromosome aberration): 是指体细胞或生殖细胞内染色体发生的异常改变(结构畸变和数目畸变)。,第一节 染色体畸变发生的原因,Section I: Factors correlated to chromosome aberrati

2、on,自发畸变(spontaneous aberration) 诱发畸变(induced aberration),Chemical factors:药物、农药、工业毒物、食品添加剂 Physical factors: 射线 Biological factors:生物类毒素 、病毒等 Maternal factors: 年龄,Related Factors,第二节 染色体数目异常及其产生机制,Section II: Numerical abnormality and its mechanism,一、整倍体(euploid),1 copy - haploid 2 copies - dipoid 3

3、 copies - triploid 4 copies - tetraploid 2 copies - polyploid,三倍体(triploid):3n69,69,XXX,三极纺锤体,三倍体分裂行为,四倍体(tetraploid):4n92,92,XXYY,整倍体改变的机制 双雄受精 三倍体产生机理 双雌受精 核内复制 四倍体产生机理 核内有丝分裂,双雄受精和双雌受精,四倍体发生的机理 核内复制endoreduplication/核内有丝分裂,二、非整倍体(aneuloid),定义:细胞内个别染色体数的增加或减少,形成非整倍体(aneuloid) 。,亚二倍体(hypodiploid):体

4、细胞染色体数目少于二倍体(46条)。 超二倍体(hyperdiploid):体细胞染色体数目多于二倍体。,单体型(monosomy) :2n-1。 Eg: 45,XY,-21,三体型(trisomy): 2n+1 。 Eg: 47,XY,+21,多体型(ploysomy):2n Eg: 48,XXXX,假二倍体(pseudodiploid): 2n 。 Eg: 46,XY,-21.+22,缺体型(nullosomy) :2n-2。 Eg: 42,XY,-21,-21,三体型21三体,MOSAIC,染色体不分离(non-disjunction) 减数分裂时发生染色体不分离 染色体丢失(chrom

5、osome lose) 减数分裂时发生染色体不分离,非整倍体产生的机制,减数分裂(同源染色体分离),减数分裂(姐妹染色单体分离),精子(卵子),精(卵)原细胞,生殖细胞形成过程(示正常减数分裂),减数分裂中染色体不分离a 减数分裂I同源染色体不分离;b 减数分裂II姐妹染色单体不分离,Nondisjunction in Down syndrome,47, XXX,45, X,减同源染色体不分离,图示两条X染色体,个体,三体型个体的生殖细胞产生,图示两条X染色体,个体,减数分裂中染色体丢失,产生机理: 有丝分裂过程中染色体不分离 有丝分裂过程中染色体丢失,、嵌合体 (mosaic):,嵌合体:

6、由两种或多种不同核型的克隆或细胞系所组成的个体。,例: 46,XX / 47,XX,+21 45,X / 46,XX / 47,XXX,例:第二次卵裂中X染色体不分离,47, XXX,45, X,45, X / 46, XX / 47, XXX,第二次有丝 分裂后期染 色体不分离,例:第二次卵裂中X染色体丢失,46, XX,45, X,46, XX,45, X / 46, XX,X染色体 丢失,嵌合体个体中各细胞系的类型和数量的比例,取决于发生染色体不分离的卵裂时间的早晚。,46/47/45 嵌合体个体,47/45 嵌合体个体,染色体结构畸变:指染色体部分片段的缺失、重复或重排。,基础:染色体

7、断裂和/或断裂后的异常连接,染色体结构畸变,衍生染色体(derivative chromosome),“平衡的”与“不平衡的”,第三节 染色体结构畸变及其产生机制,染色体结构畸变的原因 染色体在物理、化学或生物学致断因子的作用下,或者自发地发生断裂(breakage),产生两个“粘性”的断裂端。 通常两个断裂端会原位重接,修复如初,不引起遗传效应,这种情况称为愈合或重合(reunion)。,但有时会出现异常的重接,染色体断裂后未在原位重接,亦即断片移动位置后与其它片段相接或丢失,结果导致染色体的结构畸变,又称为染色体重排chromosome rearrangement。,染色体结构畸变类型 缺

8、失(deletion) 末端缺失、中间缺失 重复(duplication) 倒位(inversion) 臂内倒位、臂间倒位 易位(translocation) 相互易位、罗伯逊易位 、插入易位 环状染色体 (ring chromosome) 双着丝粒染色体(dicentric chromosome) 等臂染色体(isochromosome) 插入 (insertion),一、染色体结构畸变的描述方法 简式:对染色体结构改变,用其断裂点来表示。 对一个有结构畸变的核型,简式描述内容依次写明: 总数;性染色体组成;畸变类型符号;受累染色体的序号;断裂点的臂区带号。 后两项分别在括弧内标记。例如,4

9、6,XX,del(5)(p15)。,详式:染色体结构改变用此重排染色体来表示。 描述畸变核型时,前4项与简式相同,不同的是第5项要描述重排染色体的带的组成。 如上例核型用详式描写应为: 46,XX,del(5)(qterp15:),缺失(deletion,del),末端缺失(terminal deletion),4q13,中间缺失(interstitial deletion),缺失(deletion,del),二染色体的结构异常,缺失(del) : 染色体臂的丢失,q 21,号,末端缺失:,46, XX, del(1) ( q21 ),中间缺失:,1号,q 21 q 23,46, XX, de

10、l(1) (q21 q23),简式:46,XX,del(1)(q21) 详式:46,XX,del(1)(pterq21),简式:46,XX,del(3)(q21q25) 详式:46,XX,del(3)(pterq21:q25qter) 注意:先写短臂后写长臂,2 、易位 ( translocation, t): 一条染色体片段从原来的位置转移到另外一条染色体的新位置上的现象。, 相互易位 概念:两条染色体同时发生断裂,两断片互换位置重接,形成两条新生染色体,称为衍生染色体。 平衡易位:当相互易位仅涉及位置改变而不造成染色体物质增减时,称为平衡易位。,易位(translocation,t),相互

11、易位(reciprocal translocation),易位(translocation,t),相互易位(reciprocal translocation),易位(translocation,t),相互易位(reciprocal translocation),2号,q 21,5号,q 31,2号,5号,染色体相互易位图解,简式:46,XX,t(2;5)(q21;q31) 详式:46,XX,t(2;5)(2pter2q21: 5q315qter;5pter5q31:2q212qter),罗伯逊易位(Robersonian translacation,rob): 两条近端着丝粒染色体在着丝粒区断

12、裂后, 两长臂彼此连接成一条染色体,又称为着丝粒融合。,简式:45,XX,-14,-21,+t(14;21)(p11;q11) 详式:45,XX,-14,-21,+t(14;21)(14qter p11: 21q11 21pter),罗伯逊易位(robertsonian translocation),易位(translocation,t),罗伯逊易位(robertsonian translocation),易位(translocation,t),3 、 倒位(inversion,inv):一条染色体发生两处断裂, ,断裂片段旋转180后重新接上称为倒位.,倒位a:臂内倒位染色体图解;b:臂间倒

13、位染色体图解,倒位(inversion,inv),臂内倒位(paracentric inversion),4q13,臂间倒位(pericentric inversion),倒位(inversion,inv),4p14,倒位(inversion,inv),倒位(inversion,inv),简式:46,XX,inv(1)(p22p34) 详式:46,XX,inv(1)(pterp34 : : p22p34 : : p22qter),简式:46,XX,inv(4)(p15q21) 详式:46,XX,inv(4)(pterp15 : : q21 p15 : : q21qter),4 、环状染色体 (

14、ring chromosome,r):,简式:46,XX,r(2)(p21q31) 详式:46,XX,r(2)(p21q31) 注意省略了双冒号。,环状染色体(ring chromosome,r),环状染色体(ring chromosome,r),环状染色体(ring chromosome,r),环状染色体(ring chromosome,r),双着丝粒染色体(dicentric chromosome,dic),是指两条染色体同时各发生一次断裂后,两个含有着丝粒的染色体的断端相互连接,即形成一条含有两个着丝粒的染色体。,5 、 双着丝粒染色体 (dicentric chromosome, di

15、c),等臂染色体(isochromosome,i),等臂染色体(isochromosome,i),A:短臂等臂染色体;B:长臂等臂染色体,6 、 等臂染色体,46,X,i(Xp) 46,X,i (X)(pterpter),46,X,i(Xq) 46,X,i(X)(qterqter),7、重复(dup),同一染色体某一区段含两份或两份以上(发生在两条同源染色体或两条姐妹染色单体上),2号 2号,重复,重复(duplication,dup),正位重复,倒位重复,(2)举例 2号染色体的p14至p23段重复。 46,XX,dup(2)(p14 p23) 46,XX,dup(2)(pter p23:p

16、14 p23:p23 qter),8插入(ins):,一条染色体的某一中间片段 插入到另一条染色体中,习题: 46, XY, del (7) ( q21: pter ) 46, XY, del (7) (pterq21) 46, XY, inv (2) ( p13; q24) 46, XY, inv (2) ( p13q24) 46, XY, t(13;14) (p11q11 ) 46, XY, t(13;14) (p11;q11 ) 2号染色体在p35和q13处同时断裂,断片p15q21翻转后重接 简式:46,XX,inv(2)(p35q13) 详式:46,XX,inv(2)(pterp35

17、 : : q13 p35 : : q13qter),The End,有丝分裂,染色体型畸变 5 ),(q 21 ; q 31),两条染色体断裂后相互交换无着丝粒 断片后重接,2号,5号, 罗伯逊易位 ( 罗氏易位、着丝粒融合),14 号,21号,45, XX,t,( 14q 21q ), 14, 21,两条近端着丝粒染色体在着丝粒区断 裂后,两长臂彼此连接成一条染色体,配子,F1,21三体,21单体,14三体,14单体,6双着丝粒染色体(dic):,插入(ins):,具两个着丝粒的 染色体,一条染色体的某一中间片段 插入到另一条染色体中,8. 重复(dup),同一染色体某一区段含两份或两份 以

18、上(发生在两条同源染色体或两条 姐妹染色单体上),2号 2号,重复,三姐妹染色单体交换( sister chromatid exchange,SCE),是一种敏感的遗传学指标,可以检测环境诱变剂、化学药物、病毒、肿瘤因素等对遗传物质的影响。,D.Chromosomal Abnormalities,Euploidy vs. aneuploidy Nondisjunction Deletion Duplication Translocation,Nondisjunction occurs when either homologues fail to separate during anaphase

19、 I of meiosis, or sister chromatids fail to separate during anaphase II. The result is that one gamete has 2 copies of one chromosome and the other has no copy of that chromosome. If either of these gametes unites with another during fertilization, the result is aneuploidy (abnormal chromosome numbe

20、r),Deletion: a portion of one chromosome is lost during cell division. That chromosome is now missing certain genes. When this chromosome is passed on to offspring the result is usually lethal due to missing genes.,Example - A specific deletion of a small portion of chromosome 5; these children have

21、 severe mental retardation, a small head with unusual facial features, and a cry that sounds like a distressed cat.,Duplication: if the fragment joins the homologous chromosome, then that region is repeated.,Example - the most common form of mental retardation. The X chromosome of some people is unu

22、sually fragile at one tip - seen hanging by a thread under a microscope. Most people have 29 repeats at this end of their X-chromosome, those with Fragile X have over 700 repeats due to duplications.,Translocation: a fragment of a chromosome is moved (trans-located) from one chromosome to another -

23、joins a non-homologous chromosome. The balance of genes is still normal (nothing has been gained or lost) but can alter phenotype as it places genes in a new environment. Can also cause difficulties in egg or sperm development and normal development of a zygote.,Acute Myelogenous Leukemia is caused

24、by this translocation:,FISH - florescent in situ hybridization: a technique for uniquely identifying whole chromosomes or parts of chromosomes using florescent tagged DNA, a technique in which specific chromosomes can be made to fluoresce (glow) brightly under the microscope. This technique allows f

25、or the rapid determination of aneuploidy, the absence of a whole chromosome or the presence of an additional chromosome.,Multiplex Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (M-FISH):allows for the visualization of the 22 human autosomes and the two sex chromosomes in 24 (or more) different colors, so that

26、each chromosome will be identifiable by its own color,A:terminal deletion of short arm B:terminal deletion of long arm C:deletion of long arm D:Ring chromosome E: Insertion F:Duplication,A,B,C,D,E,F,A B C D E F,A: Reciprocal translocaton B: Robertsonian translocation C: Paracentric inversion of shor

27、t arm D: Paracentric inversion of long arm E: Pericentric inversion F: Isochromosomes,Crosssing over in meiosis,Normal meiotic division and fertilization,Nondisjunction in Down syndrome,Translocation,Normal, n=21,Robertionian translocation,Translocation and meiosis,Monosomy Down sydrome,Trisomy Monosomy,Normal Translocation,The power of M-FISH lie


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