1、B Lets talk,Datong Primary School Kong Yanfei,Enjoy a song:,Boy and Girl,tall,short,long,thin,strong,quiet,friendly,big,cute,Golden eyes:,Memory Game:,t_,all,b_,ig,l_,ong,t_,hin,s_,trong,s_,hort,你还记得刚才的单词吗?能根据首字母猜出它们吗?,c_,uiet,ute,f_,riendly,q _,She is _ and _.,Lets say,I have a good friend.,She has
2、 _.,big eyes,He/,He/,This is my friend.,Her name is Lucy.,She is tall and thin.,She has blue glasses.,She has a yellow bag.,Lucy,He/She has,glasses,She has blue glasses.,She has a yellow bag.,This is my friend.,Her name is Lucy.,She is tall and thin.,are blue,Is he ?,Boy or girl?,He is and .,He has
3、big eyes .,He has a blue bag.,He has orange shoes.,Jack,shoes,He/She has,He is and .,He has big eyes .,He has a blue bag.,He has orange shoes.,Wu Yifan.,Hes tall and thin.,Task 1: Listen and answer (任务1:听录音,回答问题),Wu Yifan has _. Wu Yifan has _ shoes.,Task 2: Listen again and fill in the blanks . (任务
4、2:听录音,完成填空),glasses,blue,Task 2: Listen again and fill in the blanks . (任务2:听录音,完成填空),Task3: Listen again and pay attention to pronunciation and intonation. (任务3:听录音,注意语音语调。),Task4: Listen and follow.(任务4:听录音,跟读。),: Hi, John. I have a good friend. : A boy or girl ? : A boy. Hes tall and thin. : Who
5、is he? Zhang Peng? : No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. : Is he Wu Yifan? :Yes. Youre right.,Task5: Role Play.(任务5:角色扮演),Summary 总结,How to decribe a friend? (如何更好地描述朋友),He is . She is .,is,He has . She has .,has,His .is/are. Her . is/are .,his /her,I have a good friend.,good,My friends,I hav
6、e a good friend. She is a _. She is _ and _. She has _. Her shoes are _. Her bag is _. Whats her name?,girl,tall,thin,big eyes,pink,pink,My friend,I have a good friend. She/He is a _. (girl/ boy) She/He is _ and _. (tall/short/ strong/thin/. ) She/He has _.(glasses/big eyes/small eyes/big nose/small
7、 nose.) Her/His shoes are _. (red/yellow/pink/blue/.) Her/His bag is _.(red/yellow/pink/blue/.) Whats her/his name?,Can you describe?,We have classmates, we are friends.,We have classmates, we are friends.,We have teachers, we are friends.,We have animals, we are friends.,We have flowers and trees, we are friends.,Lets be friends and love each other!,Homework:,Read and repeat the dialogue on P27 after the tape (5 times). (跟着录音,朗读书本P27五遍,注意模
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