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1、2003年苏州市初一英语期末测试卷学校 班级 姓名 成绩 共八大题,满分80分(不含口试20分),考试时间100分钟。第一部分 听力试题(请先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题)一、听力选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A) 对话理解 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话和问题读两遍。1. A. Mine B. Daniels C. Yours2.A. Play tennis B. Play football C. Watch TV 3.A. On foot. B. By bike C. By bus4.A.Novembe

2、r 3rd B. September 13th C. October 3rd5.A. Fish and vegetables B. Coke and sweets C. HamburgersB) 短文理解 听下面的短文。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文和读两遍。6. People know _ about the moon now. A. much B. little C. a little7. _ can live on the moon? A. People B. Trees C. Nothing8. The sun _ the moon. A. gets its li

3、ght from B. gives light to C. gives water to9. There is _ water on the moon. A. much B. a little C. no10.Which is right?A. The moon is not very hot during the day.B. The moon is not very cold during the night.C. The moon is hot during the day and cold during the night.二、听力填空 听下面的短文。在短文空格内填入你听到的词,使意思

4、通顺。每个空格只填一个词。短文读三遍。(共10个空格;每个空格一分,满分10分) Kitty changed her diet _ she wants to be healthier. _ ,she ate a lot of _ snacks _ meals. She liked cakes, biscuits and Coke. Now she eats _ and vegetables. She wants to be a _ when she _ up. She knows its _ for her to be _. So she _ exercises every day.第二部分

5、笔头试题三、单项填空 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)1. 1. My cousin dresses up _ Mickey Mouse every year at Halloween.A. forB. inC. likeD. as2. Right now he _ because he wants to go to Australia(澳大利亚).A. is learning FrenchB. learns JapaneseC. is learning EnglishD. learns Chinese3. _ _ have a

6、 look at your school library, Mrs. Green?Of course, this way please.A. May I B. Would you pleaseC. Must I D. Would you like to4. People often eat chocolate eggs at _.A. the Mid-Autumn FestivalB. ChristmasC. EasterD. Halloween5. Well go boating together in the park tomorrow afternoon _ my father come

7、s back tomorrow morning.A. whenB. ifC. whereD. why6. I know _ isnt _ food, but I just like it very much.A. coke; healthyB. KFC; healthC. fruit; healthyD. milk; health7. What _ you _ at the moment? Fish and some vegetables.A. do; cookB. are; cookC. do; cookingD. are; cooking8. He usually spends about

8、 half an hour _ his homework.A. to do B. do C. doesD. doing9. He often begins his letter with “I hope you and your family are all _.”A. good B. wellC. badD. better10. Beijing is 8 hours ahead of(早于,先于)London. That means when its 4:00 _ in Beijing, its only 8:00 _ in London.A. a.m.; a.m.B. a.m.; p.m.

9、c. p.m.; a.m.D. p.m.; p.m.四、词形变换 用括号里所给词的适当形式填空(共5个空格,每空1分;满分5分)1. China, Canada and America are all large _.(country)2. Eating more vegetables can help us keep _(health).3. There _(be) a pen and two books in the bag.4. Where is Tom? He _(run) over there.5. He never _(do) any homework at home.五、情景配对

10、 从B栏中选择能回答A栏的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分) A栏 B栏( )1. .Id like a bottle of orange. A. Seldom( )2. How much are they? B. They cost me 25 yuan.( )3. Can I help you? C. Here you are.( )4.How often do you eat snacks? D. By giving presents to each other.( )5.How do you celebrate Halloween?E. Im looking for a dres

11、s . 六、完成句子,根据汉语意思在空格内填入适当的词,使句子完整。每个空格只填一个词。 (共15个空格,每空一分;满分15分)1. 我的朋友杰克很健壮,他很喜欢打排球。My friend Jack is very _. He enjoys _ _ very much.2. 你的老师多久组织你们班学生外出游玩一次?一年两次。_ _ does your teacher organize a class _? Twice a year.3. 你这件衬衣多少钱?大约300元。它有点贵,但它很配我这条裤子。How much does the blouse _? About 300 yuan. Its

12、a little _, but it _ the trousers well.4. 我讨厌做回家作业,有时候很难而且也太多了。是的,但它很重要。I _ doing my homework. Sometimes its very difficult and we have too _. I know, but its very _.在教师节我们总是给教师送一束花。We _ give our teachers bunches of flowers _ _ Day.七、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(A)“I w

13、ant to go to school,” says Kim. “I want to see Mike.” Mike is not Kims friend. Mike is a bird.One day, the children are at school. It is very hot and the windows are open. A bird comes into the school. The children give it some food. Soon the bird is the childrens pet(宠物). They call it “Mike”.Now th

14、ey open a window every morning. The bird comes into the school. It stays all day. Mike likes being in school with the children.1 The best title(标题)is _.A. A Bird Goes to School B. A Bird Eats a LotC. After-school activities D. A Day in the Zoo2. The children give the bird _. A. some money B. some fo

15、od C. some paint D. some books3. In the story the bird _.A. likes being in school B. does not like schoolC. can read D. eats rice4. When does the bird usually come into the school?A. Every morning. B. Every afternoon.C. Every evening. D. Every night.5. The story says that at night the bird _.A. watc

16、hes TV B. opens a windowC. plays with a cat D. goes out of the school(B)Andy always wants a horse. He works for Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown has many animals. Andy helps look after the horses. Sometimes he rides(骑)them in shows.One of the horses has a baby. Mr. Brown can see that Andy likes the baby horse.

17、He says to Andy, “You work here for a long time. You are a good worker. I want to give you this little horse. It can stay here. But it is your horse now.”Andy is very happy now. Every day he looks after the baby horse and gives it a lot of nice food. He always takes it for a walk in the morning and

18、in the afternoon.1. The best title is _.A. No More Work for AndyB. Food for the Little HorseC. Andy Gets a HorseD. Andy Rides in a Big Show2. Andy looks after Mr. Browns _.A. dogs B. cows C. sheep D. horses3. In the story Mr. Brown gives Andy _.A. a little horse B. a big horseC. a lot of food D. a l

19、ot of work4. How often does Andy take the horse for a walk?A. Once a day. B. Twice a day.C. Three times a day. D. He never takes it for a walk.5. We can say that Mr. Brown _.A. does not like the little horse B. has no moneyC. has no other workers D. likes Andy八、写作 5% 假如你要参加你们学校“健康形象大使”的竞选,请写一篇竞选稿。内容

20、包括:1。自身的基本情况介绍(姓名、年龄等) 2兴趣爱好和才艺(喜欢什么、不喜欢什么及擅长什么等) 3健康的饮食起居(日常的健康饮食和良好的作息习惯如:早睡早起、多做运动等)注意:1。短文必须包含上述三条内容,可适当增加相关的内容,使意思表达更加完整;2词数50字左右;_So you see I live a very healthy life. Please vote for me. Thank you!(录音稿)2003年苏州市初一英语期测试卷第一部分 听力试题(请先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题)一、听力选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A) 对话理解 听下面5段对话。

21、每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话和问题读两遍。 1. A. May I borrow your watch?B. Sorry. This watch is not mine. Its Daniels.Q: Whose watch is this?2. A. Mille, do you play football after schooB. No. I dont. I play tennis after school.Q: What does Mille do after school?3. A. Does Amy walk home after s

22、chool?B. No, she takes a bus.Q: How does Amy go home after school?4. A.Whens your birthday, Tom?B. Its on 3rd October. Its my favourite day in the year.Q: When is Toms birthday?5. Kitty had Coke and sweets before. Now she eats fish and vegetables.Q: What does Kitty have now?B) 短文理解 听下面的短文。从题中所给的A、B、

23、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文和读两遍。 Now people know quite a lot about the moon. It is smaller than the stars. There is no air or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals or people on the moon. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quite dark. The days on the moon ge

24、t very hot and the nights get very cold.二、听力填空 听下面的短文。在短文空格内填入你听到的词,使意思通顺。每个空格只填一个词。短文读三遍。 Kitty changed her diet because she wants to be healthier. Before, she ate a lot of sweet snacks between meals. She liked cakes, biscuits and Coke. Now she eats fruit and vegetables. She wants to be a dancer wh

25、en she grows up. She knows its important for her to be healthy. So she also exercises every day.(听力测试到此结束,请同学们接下去做笔头试题)2003年苏州市初一英语期末测试卷口语测试一 回答问题 (每句1分;满分5分)1. Which class are you in?2. How do you go to school every day?3. Whats your favourite subject?4. Whens your birthday?5. How often do you watc

26、h TV?二 朗读下列短文(满分5分)Hello! Im Daniel. Im twelve years old. I study in a middle school. I like school very much. I study Maths, Chinese, English and some other subjects at school. Im good at English and Im clever at Math. I often exercise after school. I also enjoy playing computer games at weekends.三 口头作文(每句2分;满分10分) 健康饮食1 健康饮食很重要。2 早餐牛奶,面包和鸡蛋。3 中午一碗米饭,


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