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1、通用版2014届高考英语一轮单元复习限时强化训练精品二.单项填空1The problem is difficult for a little girl to _.Asolve it Bwork out itCwork it out Dwork out答案D因The problem充当句子的主语,在逻辑上是work out的宾语,故应选D。2I cant go home now.A lot of work _ to be done.Astays Bis stayingCremains Dis remaining答案Cremain在此处为动词,其后接不定式,意为“遗留;剩下”。一般不用进行时中。3

2、Comrade Lei Feng was such a heroic _ as set us a good example in serving the people heart and soul.Which of the following is WRONG?Afigure Bsoul Ccharacter Dpeople答案Dfigure,soul和character都可以表示“人物”。但people是集合名词,作“人们”讲,表示复数概念,不和不定冠词连用。4The team _ its lead in the second half.Arecovered BrestoredCrecupe

3、rated Dremained答案Arecover侧重重新获得时间、金钱、地位。句意为“该队在下半场重新领先”。restore侧重于用体力恢复原状;recuperate侧重于从疲劳、疾病、损失中恢复。5“If you go on stealing,you will _ you bright future,young man!”said the judge.Adestroy Bdamage Cruin Dbreak答案C表示使某人的前途“毁灭”用ruin。6It is rather _ that we still do not know how many species there are in

4、 the world today.Amisleading BembarrassingCboring Ddemanding答案B句意为“我们还不知道目前世界上的生物有多少种类,这真是一件令人尴尬的事”。embarrassing令人尴尬的;misleading令人误解;boring令人厌倦的;demanding(工作)苛求的;费力的。7Tom must have practiced swimming for almost a year,_?Adidnt he Bhasnt heCwasnt it Dmustnt he答案B此题陈述句部分的时间状语为时间段,所以附加疑问部分用完成时态hasnt he

5、。8Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.Ato invent BinventingCto have invented Dhaving invented答案C句中的considered不作“考虑”讲,所以排除B、D两项,invent的动作发生在过去,即在is generally considered之前,所以应用完成式。9We are interested in the weather because it _ us so directlywhat we wear,what we do,and even how

6、 we feel.Abenefits Baffects Cguides Deffects答案B句意为“我们对天气感兴趣,因为天气对我们穿衣、做事,甚至心情有直接的影响”。benefit对有利;affect影响;guide指导;effect常用have an effect on结构,其意思相当于affect。10Pig iron may _ 4% of carbon.Acontain BcompriseCembrace Dcover答案A句意为“生铁也许含有4%的碳”。contain一般指包含或容纳事物而构成某物体的组成部分,本句指碳包含在生铁中并构成它的一个组成部分,故选A项。11In bot

7、h work and study we ought to _ our time.Amake the most of Bmake most ofCmake best of Dmake an use of答案A句意为“无论工作或学习,我们都应该充分利用时间”。make the most of为固定用法。12You forgot your purse when you went out.Good heavens,_.Aso did I Bso I didCI did so DI so did答案B解答此题的关键在于判断选项中的“I”和上句中的you的关系。从语境意义可以看出,下句是对“把钱包忘了”这

8、一事实的强调,即I did forget my purse。13She was so _ in the job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.Aattracted BabsorbedCdrawn Dconcentrated答案B句意为“她埋头工作,没有听见有人敲门”。be attracted to被所吸引;be absorbed in意为“专心致志于”;be drawn to.(精力)集中在上面。14He has _ housework to do,so he seldom goes to the cinema with hi

9、s child.Aa large number of Ba great many Ca little Da great deal of 答案Dhousework为不可数名词,要用a great deal of来修饰。a little也可修饰不可数名词,但与语境(没时间陪孩子看电影)不符。15Which sport has the most expense _ training equipment,players personal equipment and uniforms?Ain the long term Bin terms of Cin relative terms Don condit

10、ion that答案B句意为“就训练器材、运动员个人装备和服装而言,哪项运动花费最大?”in the long term从长远看来;in terms of就而言;on condition that如果;条件是,后面接从句。.完形填空In some cities,workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so common that people dont consider it unusual.They accept the lifestyle as _1_.Government workers in Washington,D.C.,_2_,frequently work sixty to

11、seventy hours a week.They dont do this because they have to; they do it because they _3_ to.Workaholism can be a _4_ problem.Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else,they _5_ have no idea of how to relax,that is,they might not _6_ movies,sports,or other types of entertainment

12、.Most of all,they _7_ to sit and do nothing.The lives of workaholics are usually stressful,and this tension and worry can cause _8_ problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases._9_,typical workaholics dont pay much attention to their families.Their marriages may end in _10_ as they spend litt

13、le time with their families.Is workaholism _11_ dangerous? Perhaps not.There are,certainly,people who work _12_ under stress.Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work.They feel _13_ is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy.For most workaholics,work and

14、 entertainment are the same thing.Their jobs _14_ them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative._15_ do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several _16_ to work.Of course,it provides people with paychecks,and this is important.But it offers _17_ financial security.It provides

15、people with selfconfidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction _18_ they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I _19_ it”Psychologists claim that their work gives people an identity(自身价值)After they take part in work,they _20_ a sense of self and individualism.1A.strange Bbo

16、ring Cpleasant Dnormal答案:D废寝忘食工作这种现象是如此的普遍,以至于人们认为这种工作方式是正常的。2A.for example Bon the other handCwhats more Dafter all答案:A本句是对第一句话进行论证而举的例子。3A.agree Bpromise Cdare Dwant答案:D联系上下文意思可知,废寝忘食工作者并非必须如此,而是他们想这样。因此,本句句意为:他们忘我的工作,不是因为他们确实没有其他办法,而是因为他们愿意。4A.slight Bserious Cobvious Ddifficult答案:B 下文所举的例子表明废寝忘食

17、的工作,可能导致身体上严重的疾病或家庭的破裂。因此可知,这种工作方式有时候会导致很严重的问题。5A.still Bprobably Ccertainly Dmostly答案:B 根据下一句所进行的解释中might可知答案。6A.afford Benjoy Cwatch Dallow答案:B通过上下文的含义和动词后面的宾语,可知答案应为enjoy。7A.dream Bdecide Cintend Dhate答案:D根据上文的解释,废寝忘食的工作者宁愿工作也不愿无所事事可得知答案。hate doing/to do 不喜欢做某事。8A.physical Bcultural Csocial Dment

18、al答案:A下文列举的疾病都是指身体方面问题。9A.Therefore BHoweverCAnyway DBesides答案:D前文所列举的是因废寝忘食的工作导致身体方面的疾病,后文所列举的是因为废寝忘食的工作而导致的家庭方面的问题,这两者之间应是并列递进关系。10A.happiness BsilenceCfailure Dsurprise答案:C 根据空格后面as所引导的原因状语从句和上一句的解释可得知答案。11A.sometimes BalwaysCseldom Dhardly答案:B上文所列举的例子都是因为废寝忘食工作而引起的不良影响,而下文所举的例子都是一些积极的作用。根据这一点可知,

19、此句既是对上一句的反问,又起承上启下的作用。12A.sadly Bdifferently Cefficiently Dslowly答案:Csadly伤心地;differently不同地;slowly慢慢地;efficiently有效率地。根据下文意思 “工作狂”在工作的时候感到精力充沛,兴趣盎然可得知答案。13A.study Bfamily Clife Dwork答案:D根据前后句的解释可得知答案。14A.equip Bpack Cprovide Dfill答案:C根据上文的解释可知,只有工作才能使他们精力旺盛,因为这给他们提供了一个挑战的机会。再者,根据53空后面也可得知答案。15A.Whe

20、n BWhy CHow DWhere答案:B上文主要阐述的是很多人喜欢废寝忘食的工作,以及因其所产生的影响,而下文则是解释为什么废寝忘食工作者这么喜欢工作。16A.factors Badvantages Csteps Dways答案:B下文所列举的都是废寝忘食工作所带来的好的方面。17A.no more Bmore or lessCno more than Dmore than答案:D根据上下文意思可知,废寝忘食工作不仅能为这些工作者提供经济保障,而且还能给他们自信。no more不再;more or less或多或少;no more than仅仅;more than 不仅仅18A.when

21、Bbefore Cunless Duntil答案:A引导一个时间状语从句。全句意思是“当他们完成了一份挑战性的工作而可以说 “我成功了。”的时候,有一种满足感。19A.valued Bfailed Ccaught Dmade答案:D本题考查固定词组的搭配:make it成功。20A.give Blose Cget Dneed答案:C本句是对本段大意所进行的总结。根据上下文可知,在工作之后,他们能得到一种自我感。.任务型阅读Whether youre attending a new school or looking for a date,meeting people and making fr

22、iends can be awkward and challenging.However,it doesnt have to be so hard.Try a few of these simple tips,and youll be on your way in no time.Other people like to know theyre being heard and that their ideas are appreciated.By being a good listener,you let others know that you value what they have to

23、 say and,by extension,who they are.You can let others know youre paying attention by making eye contact while theyre speaking,then asking a question or two about what theyre saying.If the conversation goes well,ask the person for his or her phone number or email,and then make plans to hang out.Every

24、one loves an ego boost.Noticing something you like about someone and sharing it with him or her is a great way to forge a connection and start a conversation.When giving a compliment,be honest and genuine.Evey if youre complimenting something very smalllike the color of the persons shoesits likely t

25、o be appreciated.You might even receive a compliment in return!Youre less likely to notice whos interested in you if youre constantly checking your email,voicemail and text messages.Being online or on the phone also sends the message to others that youre unavailable.Put away your cell phone from tim

26、e to time and take a look around.Who seems funny or interesting?Which people in the room have you never talked to?Who pays attention to your ideas?Make a mental note and spend a little time getting to know these people facetoface.Having an interest in common with another person gives both of you som

27、ething to talk about.No matter whether that interest is reading,rugby or rocknroll,pursuing it with other people is fun and gives you a sense of meaning and belonging.Clubs,teams and other groups also work toward common goals,which teaches you how to solve problems and helps you bond with others.Inv

28、estigate the clubs and activities at your school or place of worship.Check out the course listings at your local community center,YMCA or parks and recreation department.Form a band or a book club,or start an interest group online.Youll have a circle of friends before you know it.A strong desire to

29、help others is attractive to most people,whether theyre looking for a friend or a date.Its also extremely appealing to colleges and scholarship programs.Channeling this desire into a volunteer project is a great way to meet others,build a community sense and work toward common goals.You can voluntee

30、r in your school,community or church.Many teens clean up parks,tutor younger students or help at food pantries,animal shelters or hospitals.Nonprofit organizations always need volunteers as well.Find out if Habitat for Humanity,the Sierra Club,the Red Cross and other nonprofit groups have chapters near where you live.Chances are,youll find other teens and nice people of all ages volunteering their time.Getting a parttime job at a place where other teens work is another way to meet people and work toward common goals.Even if those goals involve foldin


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