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1、主系表结构,7.15,主语,+,系动词,+,表语,subject,link verb,predicative,一.主语,主语可以是什么?,the chair is green.,名词,he is from england.,playing the computer is my hobby.,what she said is right.,代词,动名词,从句,名词主要由 、 、 或 充当。,名词,代词,动名词,从句,持续类动词,keep、remain、stay,继续是,仍然是,我们仍然可以做朋友。,we can remain friends.,我们要保持身体较康。,we should keep

2、healthy.,门仍然是关着的。,the door remains closed.,他保持沉默。,he keeps/stays slient.,slient,keep、stay都可以表示 ,但如果表示身体健康方面的, 只能用 。,保持,keep,表“像”系动词,appear、seem,appear、seem+,形容词,你似乎很累。,you seem tired.,她好像身体很好。,she appears well.,他好像很开心。,he appears happy.,to do,他似乎喜欢这个。,he seems to like it.,她看起来像是一个二十岁的女孩。,she seems t

3、o be a 20-year-old girl.,that+从句,it seems/appears that+从句,好像他犯了一个错误。,it seemed that he made a mistake.,=he seemed to make a mistake.,他好像在自言自语。,it seems that he is talking to himself.,=he seems to be talking to himself.,表示感官类的动词:起来(是),看起来,look,听起来,sound,闻起来,smell,尝起来,taste,摸起来;感觉起来,feel,这听起来是一个好主意。,i

4、t sounds a good idea.,这闻起来很不错。,it smells nice.,冰摸起来是冷的。,ice feels cold.,这个菜尝起来很美味。,this food tastes delicious.,那个看起来不一样。,that looks different.,每个人感觉很开心。,everyone feels happy.,look,smell,sound,feel,taste能接as if/as though+表语从句表示好像,看起来天好像要下雨了。,it looks as if it is going to rain.,这听起来有重要的事情发生。,it sounds

5、 as if something important will happen.,感觉现在是春天了。,it feels as if it is spring now.,become,go,turn,grow,get,come,1.wrong never right.,2.fish soon bad in hot water.,3.i was interested in music when i old.,4.my dream is to a doctor.,5.leaves always yellow in autumn.,6.it is darker and darker.,come,goes

6、,grew,become,turn,getting,终止类系动词,prove,被证实是,这句话被证实是假的。,this sentence proves false.,turn out,最后,终于,证实他是对的。,he proves right.,他最后终于成功了。,he turned out successful.,三.表语,you look friendly.,he is a boy.,five plus two is seven.,they are in the classroom.,my hobby is reading books.,形容词,名词,数词,地点介词,动名词,his job

7、 is to look after the children.,the question is what you want to do.,动词不定式,表语从句,当表语是happy、willing、sorry等表示主语的心情的形容词时,后面通常加to do,译为做是的,很去。,我很开心遇到到你。,i am happy to meet you.,听到这个消息,我很抱歉。,i am sorry to hear that.,我很愿意帮你。,i am willing to help you.,有这种父母,我感到很幸运。,i feel lucky to have this kind of parent.,

8、主系表结构,主语,名词,代词,动名词,主语从句,系动词,属性类,延续类,表“像”,感官类,变化类,终止类,be,keep,remain,stay,seem,appear,loook,sound,smell,taste,feel,become,go,turn,grow,come,get,prove,turn out,表语,名词,形容词,地点介词,数词,动名词,不定式,表语从句,1.what mr white said sounds_. a. friendly b. wonderfully c. pleasantly d. nicely,2.the poor boy _ blind at the age of three. a. turned b. goes c. became d. went,3.his voice_ as if he has a cold. a. sounds b. listens c. hears d. seems,4.it _that he was late for the train. a. looks b. turns c. gets d. seems,5.these apples t


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