




1、New Trends and P roblems in Material P recessing MachineDesign TheoryWANG Ai-l un QUAN Ji-an ,HUANG Min g-hui ,ZHONG Jue(College of Mecha ni cal & Electro nic Engin eeri ng ,Central South Un iversity ,Cha ngsha 410083 ,Hunan Chi na)Abstract :Based on reviewing the historical background, prospecting
2、for the development trend ,analyzing the complicacy and mechanism and sum ming up some achieveme nts and exp erie nces in scie ntific research , several new p roblems and the p ossible directi on of devel opment in material p rocess ing tech no logy and machi ne are propo sed ,such as ,producing new
3、 concept materials possessing some specific and extraovdinary properties by means of integrating and coalescing con elative fron tier scie nee and tech no logy ;and thereafter a brief discussi on IS give n.Keywords: in terface; extraord inary p hysical field; p rocessi on machi ne ; fun cti on mater
4、ial-7 -1 The Time Background of Material P rocessing Machines knowIn the long span of history of huma n pr ogress ,ma ny tools ,mach ines and methods were created and a variety of materials with different prop erties were p rocessed. Materials and its pr ocess ing have become one of p illar and driv
5、 ing force of mankind p rogress. In p ace with multi - po lar competition in current world and people striving perseveringly for happ ier life ,material fun cti on goes bey ond un ceas in gly men and imag in ati on for exa mple ,cry ptic fun cti on material ,semic on ductor material ,en ergy materia
6、l ,vibratio n - abso rp tive material , super - stre ngth aluminum alloy accounting for 70 percent of application of aeronautics and space ,metal foil of 4 5卩 m,deep drawing plate with anisotropy below 1 p erce nt ,electro nic alumi num foil with micro - orie ntati on up to 95 percent ,heat resistin
7、g aluminum alloy with super strong specific strength used in aeronautics ,space and deep sea ,etc. Thus several important development trends with distinet time features in material pr ocess ing doma in are sha ped up as follows :(1) Creating material processing machine with extraordinary p hysical f
8、ield for p rocess ing material with sp ecial texture structures and functions. For example ,applications of thermal energy and mechanical en ergy are break ing through un ceas in gly tech no logy limit ,and some non -traditi on en ergy ,such as microwave ,chemical en ergy , bioe nergy , etc., are in
9、 troduced into material pr ocess ing p rocedure one after ano ther ,so that some material processing machines with extraordinary energy circumsta nee are p roduced.(2) Breaking through traditional physical limits and integrating melting ,solidifying ,plastic deformation and heat treatment to obtain
10、sp ecial fun cti on of material and cut dow n expensed . For exa mple ,n ear -net sha ping material p rocess ing tech no logy , such as fast rolli ng , spraying deposition ,over - plastic molding , injection molding , high en ergy beam ,etc ,is app lied.(3) Material p rocess ing p rocess is forged a
11、head in the directi on of high sp eed ,heavy - duty and high accuracy on li ne con trol ,for in sta nee , the rolli ng sp eed goes up to 130 ms - 1 ,the deformati on p ressure rises up to 300 MPa ,accuracy of dime nsion up to 0.1 gm ,accuracy of sha pe up to 0. 1 I ,strength accuracy comes up to 0.1
12、 MPa. For these reasons,it is n ecessary for material pr ocess ing mach ine desig n theory to in tegrate and coalesce ingenio usiy correlative fron tier scie nee and tech no logy to create and produce some new concept material processing machine with follow ing fun cti ons.2 Due Functions of New Con
13、cept Material ProcessingMachine(1) To have the ability to produce and bear extraordinary physical field and tran smit extraord inary en ergy flow with the aim of pro vid ing extraord inary p hysical circumsta nces n ecessary for new concept material pr ocess ing. For exa mple ,high gradie nt temp er
14、ature field with the sp eed of cool - dow n of work in terface which exceeds 104 106 K s , li ne wave and pu Ise complex exerted in solidify ing - deform ing area , super - stre ngth con tact stress field of material formi ng in terface ,turbule nt flow field of molte n metal with very big flak in e
15、ss ratio ,low freque ncy magn etic field with ran dom freque ncy ,microwave field for po wder metal heati ng ,ultras onic field for large volume solidify ing ,etc. 4 ,are app lied.(2) To have the ability to work in critical state so that high stability and ideal performanee of processing machine is
16、ensured under the circumsta nee of rein forced tech no logical con diti on and multi - field coup li ng op erati on. For exa mple ,chatter supp ress ing cap ability of fast ultra - thi n rolli ng un der the con diti on of boun dary lubricati ng state5 ,the cap ability of self - excited vibrati on su
17、pp ress ing un der the con diti on of special friction state ,synergism stability and disturbanee stability of flexible conn ect ing p arallel shaft with multi - driv ing system ,etc. 4 ,are en sured.(3) To have the ability to accurately con trol the material p rocess ing in order to obtai n low los
18、s ,high efficie ncy and high quality of materialprocessing. For example , super - high accuracy on - line monitor of products form ,on - line monitor and on - line adjustment of products texture and prop erties ,p recisi on coord in atio n con trol of multi - procedure , on - line monitor of micro -
19、 orientation of metal plastic deformati on ,etc. 4 ,are en sured. Some p roducts accuracy in dex may be enumerated as follows : dimensional accuracy coming to 0.1 卩 m , microstructure un iformity to crystal lattice ,stre ngth error to 0.1 MPa ,etc. 4 In short ,only by new concept material processing
20、 machine with extraord inary fun cti on being desig ned and made , can sp ecial fun cti on material be p rocessed.3 Science P roblems and Study Contents of Metal Material P rocessing MachineUn der the Circumsta nee of Extraord inary Physical FieldIn view of these facts and backgro und men ti oned ab
21、ove ,several new research top ics can be adva need as follows.3. 1 Cou pling Heat Transfer Mechanism of Multi - Phase Interface Tem perature - Stress FieldA brand - new microstructure can be obta ined through con ti nu ously large deformation and fast solidifying when melting metal is in critical st
22、ate of liquid solid. At this very moment ,high density heat flow and dyn amic heat resista nee are p rese nt in material p rocess ing circumsta nee . A basic theory problem of designing this kind of machine is to study mecha nism of heat tran smitta nee and en ergy conv ersi on ,and to establish mat
23、hematical model .3. 2 Friction Constraint Mechanism of Plastic Flow Interface of Material P rocessing MachineThe coup li ng betwee n op erati on mecha nism and work pi ece is very comp licated because p lastic flow is pr ese nt in p rocess ing in terface. The in terface state , determ ined by veloci
24、ty , load thermod yn amic p rocess , elasticity of op eratio n mecha nism ,p lasticity of work piece ,dyn amic behaviour of in terface stick ing - slid ing and p artial hydrod yn amic lubricati on ,etc ,affect and form fricti on con stra ints mecha nism p eculiar to material p rocess ing machi ne ,b
25、ecause these con stra ints p rese nt strong non - lin earity ;and un der certai n circumsta nces ,the con strai nts may be destroyed or mismatched in sta ntan eously and thus dyn amic in stability is resulted in. Thus followi ng p roblems can be p ut forward : Mecha nism of “ spectre chatter” arose
26、from sticking - sliding friction and partial hydrod yn amic lubricatio n in rolli ng in terface , in stability con diti on and mecha nism of con stra int betwee n smooth surface and rotat ing body under the circumsta nee of high sp eed ,heavy - duty and boun dary lubricati on , Lubricati on film abs
27、or ptio n mecha nism and p hysical chemistry behaviour of in terface of un ceas in gly rege nerative surface ,the relati onship betwee n rheological characteristic and mach ine op erati on p arameters.3. 3 Multi - Body Non - Linear Contact Mechanism Under the Condition of Extra - High P ressure Fiel
28、dTo build the super strength pressure field on large area is one of basic fun cti on of material p rocess ing mach ine , and it is also n ecessary to form by once large - size structure element (such as spacecraft , in terc on ti nen tal vehicles ,car and large - scale aer oplane etc) . The ability
29、to build super strong pressure field is one of important feature and the base of independent national defense. Under the circumstanee of super stre ngth p ressure field ,multi - body strong non hertz con tact and non - linear friction will be produced ,thus local permanent deformation and degrading
30、of element accuracy may be led. New theory foundation of design of machine with super strength pressure field will be furnished through study of multi - body strong non - hertz con tact mecha nism , multi - body non - lin ear frictio n mecha nism (such as pro vid ing force - dis placeme nt mixed sol
31、vi ng p rocess of three - dime nsion multi - body).3. 4 Load Distribution Law in Multi - Sliding P air With Structure Bias LoadWith regard to statically in determi nate structure ,load distributio n of constraint point is determined by deformation compatibility condition. However ,con cer ning some
32、plane large - size statically in determi nate structure with sliding degree of freedom in third dimension ,load distributi on can not be deter mined by deformati on comp atibility con diti on. Thus new theory basis will be pro vided by an alyz ing of con tact behaviour and mechanism of sliding pair
33、(such as creep force of fricti on ,in tegral deformati on comp atibility con diti on ,etc).3. 5 Coupling Mechanism and Stability of Multi - Physical Fields in Material P rocessing SystemsIn the wake of system fun cti on beco ming more and more diversified , conven ti onal tech no logy limits in mate
34、rial p rocess ing machi ne is being broke through un ceas in gly ,system structure also becomes in creas in gly complicated ,and system performanee becomes increasingly multi - causal . For exa mple ,any in sta ntan eous state of roller in fast rolli ng mills is affected by elastic deformation ,plas
35、tic flow ,heat transfer process , hydro - dynamic lubrication process ,interface physical chemistry molecular state and so on . In addition ,electromechanical coupling in pr ocess ing system have already gone bey ond conven ti onal concept ,for in sta nee ,some sin gular point phenomenon (such as mi
36、cro - variable can be tran sformed into macro - variable) ,are p rese nt ,thus roller op eratio n in stability may be led by p erturbati on8 . Therefore ,this subject will study the interaction mechanism of multi - physical field and the in flue nee on p rocess ing system stability and p rocess ing
37、material quality started with an alysis of micro - state of executive body.3. 6 Multi - Technology Integration and Coalescenceof Accurate ControlThe material p rocess ing mach ine ,which op erate un der the circumstanee of extraordinary physical field ,is a complicated large - scale system ,and some
38、 p arametersof the system vary on feasible field boun dary ;thereby ,to kee p un der accurate con trol and adjustme nt of multi field circumsta nee ,multi - dime nsion coord in ati on ,multi - en ergy conversion , multi - level information transfer ,interface multi - process coupling ,etc. is of muc
39、h significanee. Since a variety of multi - in teracti on exists in con trol model ,it is n ecessary to establish in tegrati on framework of coord in ati on work accord ing to deco up li ng of con trol model ,so as to accurate con trol based on the multi - tech no logy in tegrati on and coalesce nee
40、is realized.3. 7 Quasi - Reality Design and Concurrent Design Based on Knowledge Innovation SystemsDigitalizati on and visualizati on of material pr ocess ing tech no logy will promote immediately the quality of design, operation and control . Therefore op timizati on of material pr ocess ing tech n
41、o logy and material processing machine by means of realization of virtual simulation of pr ocess ing p rocedure through quasi - reality desig n and con curre nt desig n is one of our p ress ing study subjects.3. 8 Mechanical Behavior of Sp ecial Function Materials in the Extraordinary Physical Field
42、Many key elements and parts in material processing machine are often under the circumstanee of super strong force field ,temperature field ,electronic magnetic field and flow field ,and must have the fun cti ons of con struct ing sp ecial p hysical in terface. However ,it is difficult for com mon si
43、n gle - substa nee material such as metal ,ceramic polymer ,etc. to have both high index of single property and excellent overall quality. Therefore we need to use certain material with new functions for key position9 ,for instanee ,multi - dimension function gradient material with ultrahigh physica
44、l property ,multi - dimension function gradient material with intelligenee. For these reasons ,it is necessaryto study basic law and mechanism of these kind of function material mentioned above ,for instanee ,stress (strain) distribution function failure mechanism and design criteria of material und
45、er the circumstanee of extraordinary physical field ,static (dynamic) stiffness and damping ,digitalizati on desig n and visualizati on desig n of p rocess ing system made of gradient function material ,etc ,so that the general mechanics law of element which is under the circumstanee of extraordinar
46、y physical field and made of anisotropy multi - dimension gradient function material is obtained. Nowadays ,material processing scie nee and tech no logy is forg ing rapi dly ahead. A forward - looki ng study aiming at key tech no logy p roblem of material p rocess ing machi ne will pro vide theory
47、and tech no logy reserve for manu facturi ng scie nee and in dustry of 21st cen tury.已经远远超出了人类现有的并不断增长的知识及想象。例如:神秘原料功能,半在全面综述材料制备机械技术及设备发展动态的基础上,提出了研究领域的几个新问题和发展方向,如通过集成和融合现代相关前沿科学和技术,生产具有 超常和特殊性能的新概念材料等,并进行了简要分析和讨论.关键词:界面;超常物理场;制备机械;功能材料1. 机械材料加工的时代背景在人类进步的一段长时间范围内, 许多工具、机械和方法被提出来;不同的 原料用不同的工具来加工。原
48、料及其处理过程已经变成了推动人类进步不可缺的部份。在当前世界中日益激烈的竞争和人们追求幸福生活的今天,物质的功能导体材料,原料能量有吸力的材料,在航空领域中占有70%份额的强力铝合金 45u m的薄金属片,用各向异性深冲压金属板在 1%以下;电子铝箔与强耐热铝 合金已经被应用到航空、宇宙及深海领域中,等等;在原料加工加工领域中不同 的时间段里,材料重要发展趋势就这样形成了:(1)在特殊的物理领域里制造原料加工机械, 是为了能有特殊的质地结构和 辅助性的加工功能。例如:运用热能和机械能能够突破科学技术的极限, 将一些不常用的能量,例如:微波、化学能、生物能等等,一个接一个的被引入到材料 加工中来
49、,因此一些加工特殊能量原材料的加工设备就被制造出来了。(2)突破传统的物质限制,将溶化、凝固、造型一体化,然后加热得到具有特殊功能的原料,这样就可以降低加工费用。例如:材料加工整形技术,比如像 快速翻滚,喷雾处理、塑胶成型、喷射造型法、高能量射束等等被应用。(3)原料加工处理正在向高速、重载和高精度在线控制方向上迈进。例如:轧制速度达到130m/s,压力变形已达到300MPa,尺寸精度达到了 O.lum,成型精度已达到0.1i ;浓度精度已达到0.1MPa。由于这些原因,原料加工机械设备设计 理论将科学与技术相关联的领域有机的结合起来设计生产一中新概念材料加工 设备是可能的。2. 对于新概念材
50、料加工设备的期望功能(1) 要有能力生产具有特殊物质的领域; 能传送那些对于新概念材料加工在 特定的物质环境下是非常必要的特殊能流。例如:在高温环境下能使那些高温波 或者脉冲以超过104106K/s的速度冷却下来;将外表面的凝固、变形合成一体,-9 -然后在将超强接触面应力重新组合成新的分界面;融化的大金属薄片的湍流;随机的低频率磁场用于金属末加热的微波、用于大量凝固的超声波等等都已经被应 用了。(2) 有能力在临界状态下工作,因此高稳定性和理想性能的处理设备是在加 强技术条件和室外操作的保证。例如:禁止在润滑状态下边界上的摇晃;在特有 的摩擦状态下的抗震能力;有韧性的连接管的合力稳定性和干扰
51、稳定性与轴相比更易驱动系统。(3) 有能力精确的控制原料加工而获得低损耗、 高功率、高性能的原料加工。例如:精确的在线监测产品成型;在线监测和在线调整产品品质和器具还有在线 控制金属、塑胶成型的程序。产品的精确度指数可以列举如下:宏观上精确度可 达到0.1um,微观上的晶状体结构非常均匀,浓度误差在 0.1M Pa。简而言之, 拥有特别功能的新概念原料加工设备应该被设计和生产出来。这样的话,那些特别性能的原料就能被处理加工了。3. 在特殊的物理领域和环境下金属材料加工设备的问题和 需要学习的内容由于这些原因和以上提到的背景,如下的一些新的研究主题应该被改进:3.1连接传热装置和温度应力场的相界面当融化金属处于液体和固体的临界状态时通过连续的变形和快速凝固,一种全新的微观结构可以被获得。在这个非常时刻,高浓度的热流和动态的热阻力在 材料加工处理中成了主要事项。关于设计这个设备的基本理论问题是要学习核心 传动系统合能量转化和建立数学模型。3.2材料加工设备表面粘流摩擦力的抑制操作装置和工件的连接是相当复杂的因为粘流阻挡了加工表面界面态由周 转速度、热力学处理工作量、操作装置的弹性、工件的可塑性、滑性界面的动态 行为、局部水力的润滑油等等来决定。它们影响着材料加工设备抗摩擦装置的成 型。因为它们会会强制其产生很大的非线性,这种强制会在瞬间被损坏或者是失 谐,最后会导致动态不稳定性。因此
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